Papers - OSAWA Hirotaka
山田 胡瓜, 中村 裕美, 福地 健太郎, 寺島 裕貴, 大澤 博隆, 加藤 淳, 宮本 道人, 米澤 朋子, 江渡 浩一郎, 塩見 昌裕, 倉本 到, 新山 龍馬, 渡邊 淳司, 宮本 隆史, 前田 太郎, 水野 雄太, 櫻井 翔
情報処理 : 情報処理学会誌 : IPSJ magazine (東京 : 情報処理学会 ; 1960-) 61 ( 1 ) 71 - 77 2020.01
ISSN 04478053
Editors' Introduction to "Diversity and AI Research Communities"
伊藤,貴之, 大澤,博隆, 清田,陽司, 坊農,真弓
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 5 ) 598 - 601 2020
Joint Work, ISSN 2188-2266
Eisuke Sato, Hirotaka Osawa
Advances in Computer Games - 16th International Conference(ACG) (Springer) 12516 LNCS 11 - 23 2020
Joint Work, Last author, Accepted, ISSN 03029743
Challenges and Main Results of the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) 2019.
Reyhan Aydogan, Tim Baarslag, Katsuhide Fujita, Johnathan Mell, Jonathan Gratch, Dave de Jonge, Yasser Mohammad, Shinji Nakadai, Satoshi Morinaga, Hirotaka Osawa, Claus Aranha, Catholijn M. Jonker
7 th International Conference on Agreement Technologies (Springer) 12520 LNAI 366 - 381 2020
Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 03029743
An evaluation of a wearable assistive device for augmenting social interactions
Shi Qiu, Jun Hu, Ting Han, Hirotaka Osawa, Matthias Rauterberg
IEEE Access (IEEE Access) 8 164661 - 164677 2020
Joint Work, Accepted
Research of correlation between personality of humans and evaluation of the game agent in cooperative game Hanabi
KAWAGOE,Atsushi, OSAWA,Hirotaka
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 2020 ( 0 ) 2F4OS20a03 - 2F4OS20a03 2020
Joint Work, Last author
AI Wolf Contest : After the International Contest and the Natural Language Contest
鳥海,不二夫, 狩野,芳伸, 大槻,恭士, 大澤,博隆, アランニャ,クラウス, 稲葉,通将, 片上,大輔
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 3 ) 344 - 350 2020
Joint Work, ISSN 2188-2266
How to Represent and Organize AI Researcher's Community
大澤, 博隆
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 5 ) 613 - 617 2020
Single Work, Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author, ISSN 2188-2266
Discussion Issues on Social Implementation of Intelligent Agents From the Case of "AI Sakura-san"
藤堂,健世, 佐久間,洋司, 大澤,博隆, 清田,陽司
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 5 ) 638 - 642 2020
Joint Work, ISSN 2188-2266
Consider the Implications of Integrating Gender into AI
藤堂,健世, 佐久間,洋司, 大澤,博隆
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 5 ) 627 - 637 2020
Joint Work, Last author, ISSN 2188-2266
Research Trends on Hanabi Competition : Mutual Cooperation under Imperfect Information
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 35 ( 3 ) 385 - 389 2020
Single Work, Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author, ISSN 2188-2266
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence in Science Fiction
OSAWA Hirotaka, MIYAMOTO Dohjin, HASE Satoshi, SAIJO Reina, FUKUCHI Kentaro, MIYAKE Youichiro
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) JSAI2020 ( 0 ) 2Q5OS13b02 - 2Q5OS13b02 2020
Osawa Hirotaka
日本認知科学会第37回大会 2020 1010 - 1013 2020
Envisioning the Future : Lessons from "AI no Idenshi":0. Foreword
福地, 健太郎, 大澤, 博隆, 宮本, 道人
情報処理 61 ( 1 ) 12 - 13 2019.12
Joint Work
Envisioning the Future : Lessons from "AI no Idenshi":3. Review Meeting with Kyuri Yamada
山田, 胡瓜, 福地, 健太郎, 大澤, 博隆, 宮本, 道人, 江渡, 浩一郎, 倉本, 到, 渡邊, 淳司, 前田, 太郎, 中村, 裕美, 寺島, 裕貴, 加藤, 淳, 米澤, 朋子, 塩見, 昌裕, 新山, 龍馬, 宮本, 隆史, 水野, 雄太, 櫻井, 翔
情報処理 61 ( 1 ) 71 - 77 2019.12
Joint Work
書評 テレンス・J・セイノフスキー 著,銅谷賢治 監訳:ディープラーニング革命,400 pp.,ニュートンプレス(2019)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 34 ( 34 ) 948 - 949 2019.11
Single Work, Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author, ISSN 2188-2266
Cover Comment : A Future Design of AI and AI Society from a View of the World the Creators Made
大澤, 博隆, 三宅, 陽一郎, 大内, 孝子
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 34 ( 34 ) 950 - 957 2019.11
Joint Work, Lead author, Corresponding author, ISSN 2188-2266
企画セッション 虚構と技術は人をどう変えるか : 「未来社会の知能・虚構・リアリティ」レポート
大澤 博隆
人工知能 : 人工知能学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (東京 : 人工知能学会 ; 2014-) 34 ( 6 ) 835 - 838 2019.11
ISSN 21882266
Power of looking together: an analysis of social facilitation by Agent's mutual gaze.
Takuya Toyono, Hirotaka Osawa
IET Cyper-Phys. Syst.: Theory & Appl. (IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications) 4 ( 3 ) 204 - 208 2019.09
Joint Work, Last author, Accepted