Graduate School of Science and Technology (Yagami)
Project Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)/Project Research Associate (Non-tenured)/Project Instructor (Non-tenured)
Details of a Researcher
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Kikuchi, Shuta
Lion Corporation, 研究開発本部 安全性科学研究所, Researcher
Lion Corporation, Research and Development Headquarters Advanced Analytical Science Research Laboratories Microbiological Control Group, Researcher
Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Project Assistant Professor
Waseda University, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience
Waseda University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience
Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, School of Fundamental Science and Technology Center for Applied Physics and Phusico-Informatioin
Natural Science / Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics
Life Science / Applied microbiology
Informatics / Life, health and medical informatics
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment
Ising machine
Network science
Infection control science
Hybrid Optimization Method Using Simulated-Annealing-Based Ising Machine and Quantum Annealer
Shuta Kikuchi, Nozomu Togawa, Shu Tanaka
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan) 92 ( 12 ) 124002 2023.12
Joint Work, Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted, ISSN 00319015
Dynamical Process of a Bit-Width Reduced Ising Model With Simulated Annealing
Shuta Kikuchi, Nozomu Togawa, Shu Tanaka
IEEE Access (IEEE Access) 11 95493 - 95506 2023.08
Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted
Shuta Kikuchi, Hirotsugu Fujitani, Kento Ishii, Rino Isshiki, Yuji Sekiguchi, Satoshi Tsuneda
Environmental Microbiology Reports (Wiley) 15 ( 5 ) 404 - 416 2023.04
Lead author, Accepted, ISSN 1758-2229
Genomic and Physiological Characteristics of a Novel Nitrite-Oxidizing Nitrospira Strain Isolated From a Drinking Water Treatment Plant
Hirotsugu Fujitani, Kengo Momiuchi, Kento Ishii, Manami Nomachi, Shuta Kikuchi, Norisuke Ushiki, Yuji Sekiguchi, Satoshi Tsuneda
Frontiers in Microbiology (Frontiers Media {SA}) 11 545190 2020.09
Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 1664-302X
Algorithms for mitigating hardware restrictions in Ising machines
Kikuchi, Shuta
(慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科) 2023
Algorithms for mitigating hardware restrictions in Ising machines
Kikuchi, Shuta
(慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科) 2023
Algorithms for mitigating hardware restrictions in Ising machines
Kikuchi, Shuta
(慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科) 2023
田中宗, 菊池脩太, 関優也
ペトロテック 47 ( 5 ) 289 - 293 2024.05
田中宗, 服部智大, 菊池脩太
分子シミュレーション学会誌 アンサンブル 25 ( 3 ) 211 - 217 2023.07
ISSN 1884-6750
網野あかね, 服部智大, 菊池脩太, 田中宗
Oral presentation (general)
菊池脩太, 中島敬祐, 加藤泰輝, 杉山淳一, 瀧沢岳, 柿澤恭史, 向井大誠, 倉橋節也
Poster presentation
瀧沢岳, 菊池脩太, 中島敬介, 加藤泰輝, 杉山淳一, 柿澤恭史, 向井大誠, 倉橋節也
Oral presentation (general)
高橋虎太郎, 菊池脩太, 田中宗
Oral presentation (general)
Analysis of hybrid method with quantum annealing machines and simulated-annealing-based Ising machines
Shuta Kikuchi, Nozomu Togawa, Shu Tanaka
28th International Conference on Statistical Physics (Statphys28),
Poster presentation