多田 宗弘 (タダ ムネヒロ)

Munehiro TADA



理工学部 システムデザイン工学科 (矢上)







神奈川県横浜市港北区日吉3丁目14-1 34棟308号室




プロフィール 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1999年慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科修了. 博士(工学). 1999年日本電気株式会社入社. 2007年~2008年スタンフォード大学客員研究員. 2019年ナノブリッジ・セミコンダクター株式会社を共同創業, 取締役. 2024年より慶應義塾大学, 教授. IEDMで16件, VLSIシンポジウムで16件 , IITCで10件の論文を発表. 100件以上の特許を取得. IEEEフェロー. 応用物理学会フェロー. JST-CREST情報担体領域アドバイザー (2020-). VLSIシンポジウム論文委員(2014-), IITC論文委員(2021-), ADMETA 委員長 (2023). 応用物理学会理事 (2024-). ナノブリッジ・セミコンダクター株式会社取締役 (2019-2025).

教員からのメッセージ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 私は、大学院修了後に民間企業に就職し、20年以上半導体の研究開発・製品開発に携わってきました。その間、社内も含め、米国へ留学したり、研究組合に出向したりなど、多くの異動を経験し、さまざまな立場・考え方の人と一緒に仕事をしてきました。2019年にはスタートアップを創業し、2024年から本学に従事しています。これまでの民間企業での社会経験を活かした、教育を目指しています。

総合紹介 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 半導体の微細化技術の限界に対して、新しいナノデバイスや異種の技術を組み合わせていくことで、低消費電力かつ高性能な情報処理・集積システムの実現を目指しています。システムとしての最適化を目指し、微細配線技術、原子スイッチを使って脳神経を模倣したブレインズインシリコン回路、三次元積層チップの効率的な冷却技術、極低温での量子ビット制御システムなどに取り組んでいます。

免許・資格 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 危険物取扱者 甲種(神奈川県知事), 1999年12月

  • 特定化学物質等作業主任者(厚生労働省), 2002年05月

  • 特定高圧ガス取扱主任者(経済産業省、高圧ガス保安協会), 2004年05月

  • Certificate of Stanford Environmental Health & Safety for X-ray Equipment(Stanford University) , 2008年10月

  • 日商簿記3級(日本商工会議所) , 2020年03月


研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 電子デバイス、電子機器 (半導体デバイス工学)

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 半導体デバイス工学

  • ヘテロジーニアス集積システム

  • 原子スイッチ・ナノブリッジ

研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 微細配線技術, 




  • ブレインズインシリコン技術, 




  • 三次元チップ実装における冷却技術の開発, 



    発熱量の大きいHPC(High Performance Computing)向けのチップの三次元実装を実現するチップ冷却技術を開発します。

  • 超伝導配線・クライオCMOS技術の開発, 





著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Book chapter, Applications of Reconfigurable Processors as Embedded Automatons in the Iot Sensor Networks in Space, VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability

    H. Hihara, A. Iwasaki, M. Hashimoto, H. Ochi, Y. Mitsuyama, H. Onodera, H. Kanbara, K. Wakabayashi, T. Sugibayashi, T. Takenaka, H. Hada, M. Tada, Springer, 2018年08月,  ページ数: xvii, 800 p.

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • A Cryo-CMOS 10-bit 60-MS/s SAR ADC with common-mode variation suppression switching scheme and gain boosting dynamic comparator

    Pai C.W., Uchida K., Tada M., Ishikuro H.

    Microelectronics Journal 153 2024年11月

    ISSN  09598324


    This paper presents a 10-bit 60-MS/s SAR ADC using an energy-efficient common-mode variation suppression (CMVS) switching scheme. The proposed CMVS switching scheme reduces energy consumption by about 92 % compared to the conventional scheme. Also, it narrows the common-mode variation to 16.6 % VDD. It improves the accuracy of the SAR ADC and makes the comparator and SAR ADC operate at the best-performance region. The proposed comparator adopts a gain boosting dynamic capacitive pre-amplifier to enhance the amplification and accelerate the comparison speed. The regeneration latch keeps the cross-coupled inverter structure to ensure high-speed regeneration. The input pair of the latch suppresses the through current while decreasing the regeneration speed. Therefore, an auxiliary input pair is added to enhance the regeneration speed. The SAR ADC is designed and simulated using 65-nm Cryo-CMOS technology with VDD = 1.2 V. At T = 300 K, it achieves a FoM of 15.39 fJ/conversion-step with 55-MS/s. At T = 4 K, it achieves a FoM of 14.15 fJ/conversion-step with 60-MS/s.

  • Imaginary impedance due to hopping phenomena and evaluation of dopant ionization time in cryogenic metal-oxide-semiconductor devices on highly doped substrate

    Miyao T., Yoshinaga K., Tanaka T., Ishikuro H., Tada M., Uchida K.

    Applied Physics Express (Applied Physics Express)  17 ( 5 ) 051001 - 051001 2024年05月

    ISSN  18820778


    MOS capacitors fabricated on substrates with doping concentrations as high as 1018 cm−3 were characterized at 4.2 K. The highly doped substrate exhibited an intrinsic imaginary component of impedance at 4.2 K. The imaginary component is attributed to the time delay induced by hopping phenomena, leading to a decrease in the gate capacitance. Furthermore, we investigated the time constant associated with dopant ionization under depletion conditions and determined it to be 0.35 μs. An equivalent circuit model of the highly doped substrate at 4.2 K is also shown.

  • Superconducting Nb interconnects for Cryo-CMOS and superconducting digital logic applications

    Numata H., Iguchi N., Tanaka M., Okamoto K., Miura S., Uchida K., Ishikuro H., Sakamoto T., Tada M.

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)  63 ( 4 ) 04SP73 - 04SP73 2024年04月

    ISSN  00214922


    A 100 nm wide superconducting niobium (Nb) interconnect was fabricated by a 300 mm wafer process for Cryo-CMOS and superconducting digital logic applications. A low pressure and long throw sputtering was adopted for the Nb deposition, resulting in good superconductivity of the 50 nm thick Nb film with a critical temperature (T c) of 8.3 K. The interconnects had a titanium nitride (TiN)/Nb stack structure, and a double-layer hard mask was used for the dry etching process. The exposed area of Nb film was minimized to decrease the effects of plasma damage during fabrication and atmosphere. The developed 100 nm wide and 50 nm thick Nb interconnect showed good superconductivity with a T c of 7.8 K and a critical current of 3.2 mA at 4.2 K. These results are promising for Cryo-CMOS and superconducting digital logic applications in the 4 K stage.

  • A 0.11pJ/bit read energy embedded NanoBridge non-volatile memory and its integration in a 28 nm 32 bit RISC-V microcontroller units

    Bai X., Nebashi R., Miyamura M., Funahashi K., Okamoto K., Numata H., Iguchi N., Sakamoto T., Tada M.

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)  63 ( 2 )  2024年02月

    ISSN  00214922


    A 28 nm 512 Kb NanoBridge (NB) non-volatile memory is developed for an energy-efficient microcontroller unit. 0.11 pJ/bit read energy is achieved by utilizing an inverter sense scheme thanks to large ON/OFF conductance ratio of a split-electrode NB. The read energy is 71% and 54% less than those of a ReRAM and a silicon oxide nitride oxide silicon commercial embedded NOR flash at the same technology node, respectively. Moreover, a 28 nm 32 bit RISC-V microcontroller unit embedded with a 2 Mb NB non-voltage memory is fabricated and achieves 80 MHz operation frequency.

  • Design and analysis of a high-speed low-power comparator with regeneration enhancement and through current suppression techniques from 4 K to 300 K in 65-nm Cryo-CMOS

    Pai C.W., Uchida K., Tada M., Ishikuro H.

    Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier BV)  144   106066 - 106066 2024年02月

    ISSN  0026-2692


    This paper presents a high-speed low-power cryogenic CMOS two-stage dynamic comparator for SAR ADC. The pre-amplifier uses the dynamic bias technique to save power. To increase the output voltage difference of the pre-amplifier, the StrongARM latch is inserted. The proposed latch keeps a cross-coupled inverter to ensure good positive feedback. The tail current source of the proposed latch is replaced by the input pair to suppress the through current. The auxiliary input pair enhances the gain and positive feedback to speed up the latch. The paper also presents a delay analysis of the dynamic bias technique, which gives a deep understanding and a good intuition for circuit design. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed comparator achieved a CLK-Q delay of 162.1 ps and 295.4 ps at Vid = 1 mV and VCM = 0.7 V with VDD = 1.2 V and fs = 1 GHz in 300 K and 4K. The energy per comparison is 34.04 fJ and 27.75 fJ.

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総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • NanoBridge-FPGAによるIoTデバイスの低電力・高性能化

    阪本 利司, 宮村 信, 白 旭, 杉林 直彦, 多田 宗弘

    NEC技報 = NEC technical journal (日本電気)  71 ( 1 ) 97 - 102 2018年09月

    ISSN  0285-4139

  • 「第4回応用物理学会シリコンテクノロジー分科会論文賞受賞記念講演」原子移動型スイッチの低電圧化と信頼性の改善

    多田 宗弘, 阪本 利司, 宮村 信, 伴野 直樹, 岡本 浩一郎, 井口 憲幸, 波田 博光

    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 (公益社団法人 応用物理学会)  2013.1   2744 - 2744 2013年03月

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • NanoBridge Technology for Novoaltile FPGA and Memory Applications : (Invited)

    Tada, M.

    IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 


    IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings


    A recent progress of NanoBridge (NB) technology is reviewed in terms of nonvolatile field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and memory (NVM) applications. The NB is a kind type of electrochemical resistive-change device using migration of Cu, in which a thickness of Cu bridge can be controlled by a programming current and an appropriate ON-conductance is programmed for depending on the applications. For a routing switch in the FPGA, two NBs are connected in series and each conductance is tuned to 0.8mS to transfer signals, in which the NBFPGA realizes 78% area and 80% power reductions compared with a conventional SRAM-FPGA. For the NVM application, that is tuned to 0.2mS, which has 150oC 20years retention with 30% degradation of the conductance, which is potentially applicable for automobile/AIoT applications.

  • NanoBridge Technology for Embedded Novolatile Memory Application

    Tada, M.

    2022 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2022 - Proceedings, 




    NanoBridge (NB) is a kind of electrochemical resistive-change device using Cu ion migration from Cu interconnects into electrolyte. NBs are integrated by only two additional masks in a standard Cu-BEOL without scarifying CMOS performance. The newly developed split Cu electrode enables the lower set voltage (2.2V) and superior retention, which have been demonstrated in a 28 nm-node. High density embedded nonvolatile NB memory macro in a 65nm technology is successfully developed with P E=30 ns 30 ns programming based on the highly reliable and low-cost manufacturable NB technology. High yield is achieved with satisfying 30ns read, and more than 10 years retention at 150°C. NB properties can be systematically adjusted by tailoring the NB stack, achieving to broaden NB applications.

  • In Situ Monitoring Technique of Self-Heating in Bulk MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperatures using Subthreshold Current

    Ichikawa, M. and Tanaka, T. and Uchida, K. and Miyao, T. and Tada, M. and Ishikuro, H.

    2022 IEEE Latin America Electron Devices Conference, LAEDC 2022, 



    This work proposes an evaluation technique of self-heating (SH) in a 65-nm bulk CMOS transistor at cryogenic temperature (4.2K). For the in-situ monitoring of self-heating in cryo-CMOS circuits, transient response of the subthreshold drain current is used, which makes it possible to estimate the temperature at on-state of MOSFETs. The relation between the temperature increase by self-heating and power consumption of MOSFET has been experimentally obtained, which will help a design of high performance cryo-CMOS circuits for quantum computer application.

  • ON-state retention of Atom Switch eNVM for IoT/AI Inference Solution

    Okamoto, K. and Nebashi, R. and Banno, N. and Bai, X. and Numata, H. and Iguchi, N. and Miyamura, M. and Hada, H. and Funahashi, K. and Sugibayashi, T. and Sakamoto, T. and Tada, M.

    IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 




    An ON-state retention of a 40nm-node atom switch embedded nonvolatile memory (eNVM) has been carefully investigated for IoT/AI inference solution. Based on ON-conductance (Gon) tuning model of atom switch, one order of magnitude lower programming power is achieved while keeping the same Gon. Smaller ON-state retention dependences on temperature (Ea = 0.2eV) and time (n = 0.11) are experimentally clarified and the lifetime is predicted to be more than 10 years at 150°C under +20% shift criteria of Gon.

  • 1.5x Energy-Efficient and 1.4x Operation-Speed Via-Switch FPGA with Rapid and Low-Cost ASIC Migration by Via-Switch Copy

    Bai, X. and Banno, N. and Miyamura, M. and Nebashi, R. and Okamoto, K. and Numata, H. and Iguchi, N. and Hashimoto, M. and Sugibayashi, T. and Sakamoto, T. and Tada, M.

    Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 


    Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology


    1.5x energy-efficient and 1.4x operation-speed, nonvolatile via-switch (VS) FPGA with atom switch and a-Si/SiN/a-Si varistor is demonstrated in a 65nm-node for various basic applications. For rapid and low-cost migration from VS-FPGA to ASIC, 'hard-via' to replace VS with 'ON', named VS-copy (VSC), is newly proposed. The VSC-ASIC is fabricated by sharing all the photo masks with VS-FPGA excepting one via mask revise and three VS masks skip, realizing an exact design copy with minimum NRE cost and TAT. The VS-FPGA equipped with the VSC gives energy-efficient edge device, e.g., for up-to-date AI inference algorithms, covering a wide range of chip volume with extremely low cost.

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知的財産権等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 記憶装置およびプログラミング方法

    出願日: JP2020002069  2020年01月 

    公表日: WO2020-158531  2020年08月 


  • スイッチング素子およびその製造方法

    出願日: JP2020000129  2020年01月 

    公表日: WO2020-145253  2020年07月 


  • 半導体装置

    出願日: JP2019016072  2019年04月 

    公表日: WO2019-203169  2019年10月 


  • 非線形抵抗素子、スイッチング素子、および非線形抵抗素子の製造方法

    出願日: 特願2019-061663  2019年03月 

    公開日: 特開2020-161723  2020年10月 


  • 抵抗変化素子の書換え方法、および抵抗変化素子を用いた不揮発性記憶装置

    出願日: JP2018039252  2018年10月 

    公表日: WO2019-082860  2019年05月 


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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • フェロー

    2021年06月, 応用物理学会

  • RADECS 2018 Best Conference Paper Award

    2019年10月, IEEE

  • Fellow

    2019年01月, IEEE

  • 第66回電気科学技術奨励会会長賞、及び電気科学技術奨励賞


  • 第4回 論文賞

    2013年03月, 応用物理学会シリコンテクノロジー分科会

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担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 情報処理システム


  • システムデザイン工学輪講


  • 実時間信号処理


  • 情報学基礎


  • 総合デザイン工学課題研究


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所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), 

  • Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), 

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 


委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年

    応用物理学会 理事

  • 2024年

    Advanced Metallization Conference (ADMETA), Adviser

  • 2023年

    IEEE VLSI Technology, System and Applications (VLSI-TSA), Joint Focus Session Organizer

  • 2023年

    Advanced Metallization Conference (ADMETA), General chair

  • 2021年

    システムデバイスロードマップ委員会(SDRJ)Beyond CMOS(BC) 委員

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