Ota, Yasutomo



Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics (Yagami)


Associate Professor

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Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Doctor (Engineering), The University of Tokyo, Coursework, 2011.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photon science


Books 【 Display / hide

  • 転写プリント法によるナノ光素子のシリコン上ハイブリッド集積

    太田 泰友, 岩本 敏, 荒川 泰彦, レーザー研究 48(10) 545 - 549, 2020.10

Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Enhanced Magneto-Optical Effects in Epsilon-Near-Zero Indium Tin Oxide at Telecommunication Wavelengths

    Ikeda K., Liu T., Ota Y., Kobayashi N., Iwamoto S.

    Advanced Optical Materials (Advanced Optical Materials)  12 ( 2 )  2024.01

    Joint Work

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    Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials exhibit near-zero permittivity and induce various intriguing linear and nonlinear optical phenomena. Magneto-optical (MO) effects, which are notoriously weak in the optical domain, have been predicted to be significantly enhanced in ENZ materials, which can facilitate the realization of compact nonreciprocal devices. However, to date, enhanced MO effects have been predominantly observed in effective ENZ media, which are commonly based on complex combinations of photonic nanostructures. It is difficult for these effective media to achieve isotropic ENZ responses, which severely limits their use in the development of ENZ-MO devices. Here, enhanced MO effects in pristine indium tin oxide (ITO) with ENZ properties at technologically important telecommunication wavelengths are demonstrated. MO transmission (reflection) spectroscopy of ITO films with different ENZ wavelengths reveal Faraday (Kerr) rotation peaks around the respective ENZ (EN-one) wavelengths, demonstrating that these observations are due to the intrinsic properties of the ITO materials. The demonstrated mechanism of the MO effect enhancement is universal and can be applied to various ENZ materials, including those incorporating ferromagnetic materials. Native ENZ materials with enhanced MO responses will greatly expand the opportunities for the development of novel nonreciprocal nanophotonic devices, such as on-chip optical isolators and one-way topological waveguides.

  • Efficient light couplers to topological slow light waveguides in valley photonic crystals

    H Yoshimi, T Yamaguchi, S Ishida, Y Ota, S Iwamoto

    Optics Express 32 (4), 6382-6390 (Optics Express)  32 ( 4 ) 6382 - 6390 2024

    Joint Work

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    We numerically and experimentally demonstrate efficient light couplers between topological slow light waveguides in valley photonic crystals (VPhCs) and wire waveguides. By numerical simulations, we obtained a high coupling efficiency of −0.84 dB/coupler on average in the slow light regime of a group index ng = 10 − 30. Experimentally, we fabricated the couplers in a Si slab and measured the transmitted power of the devices. We realized a high coupling efficiency of approximately −1.2 dB/coupler in the slow light region of ng = 10 − 30, which is close to the result from the numerical simulations. These demonstrations will lay the groundwork for low-loss photonic integrated circuits using topological slow light waveguides.

  • Telecom‐Band Quantum Dots Compatible with Silicon Photonics for Photonic Quantum Applications

    R Katsumi, Y Ota, M Benyoucef

    Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2300423 (Wiley)   2024

    Joint Work,  ISSN  2511-9044

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    Silicon photonics is promising for quantum photonics applications owing to its large‐scale and high‐performance circuitry enabled by complementary‐metal‐oxide‐semiconductor fabrication processes. However, there is a lack of bright single‐photon sources (SPSs) capable of deterministic operation on Si platforms, which largely limits their applications. To this end, on‐Si integration of high‐performance solid‐state quantum emitters, such as semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), is greatly desired. In particular, it is preferable to integrate SPSs emitting at telecom wavelengths for fully leveraging the power of silicon photonics, including efficient chip‐to‐fiber coupling. In this review, recent progress and challenges in the integration of telecom QD SPSs onto silicon photonic platforms are discussed.

  • Telecom-Band Quantum Dots Compatible with Silicon Photonics for Photonic Quantum Applications

    Katsumi R., Ota Y., Benyoucef M.

    Advanced Quantum Technologies (Advanced Quantum Technologies)   2024

    Joint Work

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    Silicon photonics is promising for quantum photonics applications owing to its large-scale and high-performance circuitry enabled by complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor fabrication processes. However, there is a lack of bright single-photon sources (SPSs) capable of deterministic operation on Si platforms, which largely limits their applications. To this end, on-Si integration of high-performance solid-state quantum emitters, such as semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), is greatly desired. In particular, it is preferable to integrate SPSs emitting at telecom wavelengths for fully leveraging the power of silicon photonics, including efficient chip-to-fiber coupling. In this review, recent progress and challenges in the integration of telecom QD SPSs onto silicon photonic platforms are discussed.

  • Reconfigurable synthetic dimension frequency lattices in an integrated lithium niobate ring cavity

    A Balcytis, H Dinh, T Ozawa, Y Ota, G Ren, T Baba, S Iwamoto, A Mitchell, ...


    Joint Work

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Lasing from a valley photonic crystal cavity with a bearded interface

    宮崎亮輔, 宮崎亮輔, 車一宏, 車一宏, 吉見拓展, 吉見拓展, 勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 山口拓人, 山口拓人, 太田泰友, 荒川泰彦, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 岩本敏

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 68th 2021

  • Fabrication of a quantum-dot single-photon source on a fiber pigtailed Si photonic chip using transfer printing

    勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 太田泰友, 太田泰友, 田尻武義, 田尻武義, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 秋山英文, REITHMAIER J. P., BENYOUCEF M., 荒川泰彦

    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 82nd 2021

  • Transfer printing-based integration of a quantum dot-nanocavity coupled system on a fiber pigtailed Si waveguide

    勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 太田泰友, 田尻武義, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 秋山英文, REITHMAIER J. P., BENYOUCEF M., 荒川泰彦

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 68th 2021

  • 転写プリント法によるナノ光素子のシリコン上ハイブリッド集積

    太田 泰友, 岩本 敏, 荒川 泰彦

    レーザー研究 48 ( 10 ) 545 - 549 2020.10

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work

  • Observation of light propagation via slow light edge states in valley photonic crystals

    吉見拓展, 吉見拓展, 山口拓人, 山口拓人, 勝見亮太, 勝見亮太, 太田泰友, 荒川泰彦, 岩本敏, 岩本敏, 岩本敏

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 67th 2020

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Design of a defect-based photonic crystal nanobeam cavity robustly coupled to an underlying SiN waveguide

    Natthajuks Pholsen, Yasutomo Ota, Ryota Katsumi, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Satoshi Iwamoto

    Design of a defect-based photonic crystal nanobeam cavity robustly coupled to an underlying SiN waveguide, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • ファイバーピグテール付きSi導波路上への量子ドット-ナノ共振器結合系の転写プリント集積

    勝見 亮太, 太田 泰友, 田尻 武義, 岩本 敏, 秋山 英文, Reithmaier J. P, Benyoucef M, 荒川 泰彦



    Oral presentation (general)

  • Fabrication of a Sub-micron-thick Monocrystalline Magneto-optical Garnet Thin Film on Insulator Substrate

    Siyuan Gao, Yasutomo Ota, Feng Tian, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Satoshi Iwamoto

    Fabrication of a Sub-micron-thick Monocrystalline Magneto-optical Garnet Thin Film on Insulator Substrate, 


    Poster presentation

  • 光ハイブリッド集積技術を活用した量子光源




    Oral presentation (invited, special)

  • 転写プリント法による最小光源の光ハイブリッド集積

    太田泰友, 岩本敏, 荒川泰彦



    Oral presentation (invited, special)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • イプシロンニアゼロ材料における非線形磁気光学


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Principal investigator

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    本研究では、誘電率εがゼロ近傍に制御可能なEpsilon Near Zero材料を舞台に、磁気光学効果そのもの非線形応答の探求を行う。さらに、この新しい非線形磁気光学効果についてトポロジカルフォトニクスへの応用を検討し、新奇磁気光学デバイス創出に挑戦する。本研究は、 ともすればマイナーと見られていた非線形磁気光学効果を、デバイス技術へも応用可能なメジャーな効果へと変革し、非線形磁気光学の分野に新しい方向性をもたらすものである。

  • Nonlinear topological nanophotonics based on semiconductor photonic crystals


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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  • 半導体光ツイストロニクスの開拓


    日本学術振興会, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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  • 磁気光学結晶-on-insulator基板の実現とナノフォトニクスへの応用


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 太田 泰友, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    In this project, we realized magneto-optical (MO) crystal on insulator (MOOI) substrates by bonding monocrystalline MO-material wafers to glass and then grinding, polishing and etching them. We also worked on the development of nanopatterning techniques for the MO material (here we used yttrium iron garnets) by plasma dry etching based on different etching gases. In addition, we investigated magneto nanophotonic structures based on the MOOI substrate, such as MO metasurfaces, photonic crystals, and hybrid structures with Si nanostructures, and found a design for ultrathin MO Faraday rotators.

  • Investigation of single photon quantum optical circuits implemented on semiconductor chips


    The University of Tokyo, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ota Yasutomo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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    We investigated integration technologies of quantum-dot single photon sources on semiconductor-based photonic integrated circuits, and performed quantum optical experiments on the photonic chips. We studied transfer printing for performing the photonic integration and succeeded in integrating nanocavity-based single photon sources on photonic waveguides with positioning accuracy better than ±50nm. We clarified that such photonic structures can achieve coupling efficiencies exceeding 99% based on electromagnetic simulations. Experimentally, we fabricated various integrated devices using semiconductor nanofabrication processes together with transfer printing, and demonstrated single photon generation on chip, integration of multiple sources on a single chip and in-situ independent wavelength tuning of the integrated single photon sources.

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