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Kawachi, Kazuhiro
Some of my papers are available at:
Keio Shiki Boys' Senior High School, Division of Foreign Languages, Full-time Teacher
National Defense Academy of Japan, Department of Foreign Languages, Assistant Professor
National Defense Academy of Japan, Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor
National Defense Academy of Japan, Department of Foreign Languages, Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Professor
Keio Boys' Senior High School
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
University, Graduated
Keio University, Faculty of Letters
University, Graduated
University of California, Berkeley, Teaching English as a Foreign Language Summer Institute
United States, Completed
State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Linguistics and Center for Cognitive Science Ph.D. program
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Ph.D. in Linguistics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007.06
Teaching certificate for English at senior high school, 1990.03
Teaching certificate for English at junior high school, 1992.03
Linguistic typology
Cognitive linguistics
Semantics and pragmatics
Syntax and morphology
Motion Event Descriptions across Languages
Yo Matsumoto (ed.), De Gruyter Mouton, 2025.02
Scope: Chapter 3: Kupsapiiny as a predominantly anti-verb-framed, non-head path-coding language., Contact page: 91-128 , Accepted
Motion Event Descriptions across Languages
Yo Matsumoto (ed.), De Gruyter Mouton, 2025.02
Scope: Chapter 4: Does the degree of integration of constructions iconically reflect motion event types? The case of Sidaama., Contact page: 129-166 , Accepted
The Oxford Handbook of Ethiopian Languages.
Ronny Meyer, Bedilu Wakjira, and Zelealem Leyew (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2023.04
Scope: Chapter 17: Sidaama., Contact page: 320-343 , Accepted
Antoine Guillaume and Harold Koch (eds.), De Gruyter Mouton, 2021.02
Scope: Chapter 19: The ‘along’–deictic-directional verb suffix complex in Kupsapiny., Contact page: 747-777 , Accepted
Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions
Yo Matsumoto and Kazuhiro Kawachi (eds.), John Benjamins., 2020.08, Page: 324
, Accepted
An investigation of Japanese causative constructions based on speakers’ acceptability ratings.
Kazuhiro Kawachi
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Kazuhiro Kawachi
Gengo Kenkyu: Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan (Linguistic Society of Japan) 163 79 - 110 2023.01
Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted, ISSN 0024-3914
Directness of causation and morphosyntactic complexity of constructions: Japanese and Korean cases.
Kawachi, Kazuhiro, Sang-Hee Park, and Erika Bellingham
Japanese/Korean Linguistics (Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications) 26 225 - 236 2020.07
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Different types of causality and clause linkage in English, Japanese, Sidaama, and Yucatec Maya.
Kawachi, Kazuhiro, Erika Bellingham, and Jürgen Bohnemeyer
Papers from the 18th National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (2017) (Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association) 18 47 - 59 2018.06
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, ISSN 1346-7964
Is Sidaama (Sidamo) a marked-nominative language?
Kawachi, Kazuhiro
LACUS Forum (2010) (Houston, TX: Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States.) 37 75 - 86 2017.03
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted, ISSN 0195-377X
Kawachi, Kazuhiro
福澤諭吉記念慶應義塾学事振興基金事業報告集 (福澤基金運営委員会) 2022
Kawachi, Kazuhiro
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2022
Kawachi, Kazuhiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
『図説 世界の言語:危機言語と言語の多様性』 (東京:朝倉書店) 2026
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Lead author
Eigo to hoka ho gengo no idoo-dooshi no bunpooteki tokuchoo (Grammatical properties of motion verbs in English and other languages).
Kazuhiro Kawachi
大谷直輝、中川裕、野元裕樹、長屋尚典(編)『言語研究に潜む英語のバイアス』 (Tokyo: Hituzi) 185 - 205 2025
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author
Typology of motion expressions
Kazuhiro Kawachi
『論点・言語学』 (京都:ミネルヴァ書房) 2025
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Review of Motomichi Wakasa (2020) A Descriptive Study of the Modern Wolaytta Language.
Kazuhiro Kawachi
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. 19 - 21 2022.10
アフリカ研究 (日本アフリカ学会) ( 100 ) 67 - 72 2021.12
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0065-4140
Gender marking on grammatical nominalizations in Sidaama.
Kazuhiro Kawachi
Second Meeting on Cushitic languages and linguistics at Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale,
Oral presentation (general)
Associated motion in the context of Talmy’s motion typology.
Kazuhiro Kawachi
(Le Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, CNRS and Université Lumière Lyon 2) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
Gender marking on definite and indefinite noun phrases in Swedish.
Tatjana Ilic and Kazuhiro Kawachi
「類別詞と文法的性を中心にした文法的体言化に関する類型的研究」&「体言化の実証的な言語類型論 – 理論・フィールドワーク・歴史・方言の観点から –」合同研究会 於国立国語研究所(オンライン),
Causatives cluster semantically by juncture level across languages.
Erika Bellingham, Juergen Bohnemeyer, Andrea Ariño-Bizarro, Jing Du, James Essegbey, Stephanie Evers, Saima Hafeez, Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Pia Järnefelt, Kazuhiro Kawachi, Yu Li, Thomas Fuyin Li, Tatiana Nikitina, Sang-Hee Park, Anastasia Stepanova, Guillermo Montero-Melis, and Emamuel Bylund
RRG 2023: International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, 14-16 August 2023 at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.,
Oral presentation (general)
Grammaticalization of deictic-directional verbs into prior associated motion proclitics in Kupsapiiny: An investigation from a typological perspective.
Kazuhiro Kawachi
60th Meeting of the Japan Association for African Studies (Makuhari International Training Center) ,
Japan Association for African Studies
Studies on space, person, and time deixis based on East Africa languages data
MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kazuhiro Kawachi, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Principal investigator
Crosslinguistic studies on grammatical nominalizations
MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kazuhiro Kawachi, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator
A cross-linguistic study of motion event and state-change event descriptions
MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Yo Matsumoto, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Coinvestigator(s)
Iconicity in language use: A cross-linguistic study of constructions used to describe causal events
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
National Science Foundation, Jürgen Bohnemeyer, Research grant, Other
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States Presidents' Prize for 2009
Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.
College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Fellowship, 2005-2006
Type of Award: Other
Japanese Linguistics
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Autumn Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio)
Topics in Linguistics
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Spring Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio)
Language and Communication/Introduction to Linguistics
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Spring Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio)
Introduction to linguistics
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Spring Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio)
Introduction to Morpho-syntactic and Semantic Typology (winter intensive course)
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Other, Undergraduate (specialized), Outside own faculty (within Keio)
Joint researcher at NINJAL
Joint researcher at Osaka University
Joint researcher at ILCAA
REVIEW -- Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Typology (De Gruyter), Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences (De Gruyter), Studies in Language (John Benjamins), 『言語研究』、『認知言語学研究』、Studies in African Linguistics, Studies in Language Sciences, Linguistic Discovery, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Asian and African Lexicon, Nilo-Ethiopian Studies, Proceedings of the World Congress of African Linguistics, Linguistique et Langues Africaines, books published by Language Science Press, De Gruyter Mouton, etc.
Association for Linguistic Typology,
科学研究費委員会専門委員(英語学), 日本学術振興会
評議員 , 日本言語学会
大会運営委員, World Congress of African Linguistics
大会運営委員, 日本言語学会
発表賞審査員2012年11月, 2014年06月, 2014年11月, 2018年06月, 2019年11月, 日本言語学会