嘉副 裕 (カゾエ ユタカ)

Kazoe, Yutaka



理工学部 システムデザイン工学科 (矢上)




著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展, 第4章 マイクロチャネル(1)流れの特性

    嘉副裕, エヌ・ティー・エス, 2021年05月

  • Extended-Nano Scale Fluidics and Applications to Bioanalysis, in "Intelligent Nanosystems for Energy, Information and Biological Technologies"

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Yuriy Pihosh, Takehiko Kitamori, Springer, 2016年

    担当範囲: pp. 65-84

  • Micro and extended-nano fluidics and optics for chemical and bioanalytical technology, in “Progress in Nanophotonics 2” Ed. Motoichi Ohtsu

    Kazuma Mawatari, Yuriy Pihosh, Hisashi Shimizu, Yutaka Kazoe, Takehiko Kitamori, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013年

  • Extended-nano fluidic systems for chemistry and biotechnology

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Yo Tanaka, Yutaka Kazoe, Philip Dextras, Takehiko Kitamori, Imperial College Press, 2011年

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Motion of submicrometer particles in micrometer-size channel measured by defocusing nano-particle image velocimetry

    Kuwano Y., Tanaka M., Kazoe Y.

    Journal of Applied Physics (Journal of Applied Physics)  131 ( 10 )  2022年03月

    査読有り,  ISSN  00218979


    Understanding the motion of colloidal particles flowing in small spaces is a general issue in various fields such as thermal engineering and micro/nanofluidics. In the present study, we investigated the motion of fluorescent submicrometer particles in a 3-μm microchannel by defocusing nanoparticle image velocimetry. An optical measurement system with controlled spherical aberration and an algorithm for processing defocused particle images with multiple diffraction rings were developed. By detecting the centroid position and the diameter of the outermost diffraction ring, which is proportional to the distance between the focal plane and the particle, the position of particles was determined with the spatial resolutions of 154-204 nm in the streamwise direction and 76-311 nm in the depthwise direction, which are comparable to or smaller than the optical diffraction limit. A reusable microfluidic device containing a size-regulated microchannel made of glass was developed, which is suitable for optical measurements and precise flow control. By controlling the strength of low-temperature glass bonding, detachment of the bonded glass substrates, washing, and reuse were achieved. Based on this method and technology, the velocity of particles with diameters of 199, 457, and 1114 nm was successfully measured in pressure-driven laminar flow. Results suggested that for larger particles comparable to the channel size, the particle velocity is slowed from the flow velocity by particle-wall hydrodynamic interactions. Therefore, the motion of colloidal particles in 100-μm spaces is considered to be affected by particle-wall hydrodynamic interactions, as well as 102-μm spaces reported previously.

  • Characterization of Pressure-Driven Water Flows in Nanofluidic Channels by Mass Flowmetry

    Yutaka KAZOE, Sho KUBORI, Kyojiro MORIKAWA, Kazuma MAWATARI, Takehiko KITAMORI

    Analytical Sciences (Springer Science and Business Media LLC)  38   281 - 287 2022年03月

    査読有り,  ISSN  0910-6340

  • Characterization of pressure-driven water flows in nanofluidic channels by mass flowmetry

    Kazoe Y., Kubori S., Morikawa K., Mawatari K., Kitamori T.

    Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry)  38 ( 2 ) 281 - 287 2022年02月


    With developments in analytical devices promoted by nanofluidics, estimation of the flow rate in a nanochannel has become important to calculate volumes of samples and reagents in chemical processing. However, measurement of the flow rate in nanospaces remains challenging. In the present study, a mass flowmetry system was developed, and the flow rate of water by pressure-driven flow in a fused-silica nanochannel was successfully measured in picoliters per second. We revealed that the water flow rate is dependent on the viscosity significantly increased in a square nanochannel with 102 nm width and depth (3.6 times higher than the bulk viscosity for a representative channel size of 190 nm) and slightly increased in a plate nanochannel with micrometer-scale width and 102 nm depth (1.3 times higher for that of 234 nm), because of dominant surface effects. The developed method and results obtained will greatly contribute to nanofluidics and other related fields.

  • Characterization of pressure-driven water flows in nanofluidic channels by mass flowmetry.

    Kazoe Y, Kubori S, Morikawa K, Mawatari K, Kitamori T

    Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 38 ( 2 ) 281 - 287 2022年02月

    ISSN  0910-6340

  • Picoliter liquid handling at gas/liquid interface by surface and geometry control in a micro-nanofluidic device

    Morikawa K., Murata S.I., Kazoe Y., Mawatari K., Kitamori T.

    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering)  32 ( 2 )  2022年02月

    査読有り,  ISSN  09601317


    In micro- and nanofluidic devices, highly precise fluidic control is essential. Conventional mechanical valves in microchannels and nanochannels have size limitations, whereas hydrophobic (Laplace) valves are generally difficult to use for low-surface-tension liquids. In the present study, we developed a method for handling picoliter volumes of low-surface-tension liquids in a micro-nanofluidic device. The proposed Laplace valve is based on the pinning effect. A fused silica micro-nanofluidic device that includes a picoliter chamber whose geometry was designed to induce capillary pinning was designed and fabricated. The measured Laplace pressure of a lysis buffer (surfactant) was consistent with the calculated pressure, indicating successful fabrication and hydrophobic surface modification. The working principle of the Laplace valve was verified. The Laplace valve maintained the lysis buffer at the gas/liquid interface for 60 min, which is sufficiently long for cell lysis operations. Finally, replacement of liquids in the picoliter chamber using the valve was demonstrated. The proposed method will contribute to basic technologies for fluidic control in micro- and nanofluidic devices, and the proposed Laplace valve can be used for low-surface-tension liquids. In addition, the developed valve and picoliter chamber can be utilized for the interface in single-cell lysis, which will facilitate the development of single-cell analysis devices.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

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研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Femtoliter-droplet shooter by gas/liquid nanofluidics for an interface of mass spectrometry

    Yutaka Kazoe

    The 17th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2022), 


  • ナノ流体工学による超高感度1分子分析技術の開発


    第5回Skin Disease Research Conference, 


  • 部分疎水修飾マイクロ流路での油水平行二相流を用いた脂質二重膜合成法の開発

    竹添直之, 嘉副裕



  • 1粒子輸送に向けたナノ流路における微小液滴生成法の開発

    大穂亮介, 嘉副裕



  • デフォーカスナノ粒子画像流速計によるマイクロ流路の粒子速度分布計測

    桑野湧輝, 田中美典, 嘉副裕



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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 光散乱を用いたナノ空間の非蛍光1粒子超解像度3次元追跡法の開発


    科学研究費助成事業, 嘉副 裕, 基盤研究(A), 未設定


    10-100 nmのナノ空間の流体科学・工学の進展に伴い、表面支配の極小空間における溶質分子輸送現象の解明が重要となっている。本研究では、独自の技術と方法論に基づき光散乱を用いたナノ空間非蛍光ナノ粒子の超解像度追跡法を創成することを目的とする。サイズと表面粗さを1 nm以下の精度で制御したガラス製ナノ流路を作製して、バックグラウンド光を極限まで低減して光学的に整えた条件下で、ナノ粒子の散乱光と流路壁面からの反射光との干渉により形成される粒子像を高速・高感度に検出し、位相差に伴う粒子像変化からナノ空間を流れる非蛍光ナノ粒子の位置をx, y, zの3方向で10 nm分解能で測定する。

  • ナノ空間極小液滴操作による1分子化学処理法の開発とサイトカイン1分子分析への応用


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 嘉副 裕, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 補助金,  研究代表者



  • ナノ空間平行二相流を活用した細胞膜組込ナノ流体デバイス作製法の開発


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 嘉副 裕, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 補助金,  研究代表者



  • 非焦点粒子像と光干渉を用いたナノ空間3次元3成分超解像度流速分布計測法の開発


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 嘉副 裕、花崎 逸雄, 基盤研究(B), 補助金,  研究代表者


    流体工学が光の波長より小さいナノ空間へと進展している。しかし、空間が幅・深さ数100 nm以下になると液体の物性変化など様々な特異的現象が発現するため、この空間の物質輸送を明らかにする超解像度(10 nm分解能)の流速分布計測が重要となる。流速分布計測法としては粒子画像流速計(PIV)が一般的であるが、(x, y, z)3方向に対して超解像度を実現することは極めて難しかった。そこで本研究では、レンズの結像で問題となる球面収差を積極活用・制御して、非焦点領域の粒子像からナノ粒子の位置を10 nm分解能で検出するデフォーカス・ナノPIVを開発する。

  • 拡張ナノ熱光学流体デバイスの創成と無標識一分子検出の実現


    東京大学, 科学研究費助成事業, 北森 武彦、嘉副 裕, 森川 響二朗, 馬渡 和真, 清水 久史, 基盤研究(A), 未設定


    本研究では、研究代表者ら独自の非蛍光分子検出法である光熱変換位相差(POPS)検出法により、100 nmの拡張ナノ空間で生体分子の無標識一分子検出を実現することを目的とする。具体的には、生体分子を対象とするUV励起型かつバックグラウンドフリー化のための光学系、及び熱拡散に伴う感度低下の抑制のため熱光学特性を制御した検出用拡張ナノ流路を開発して、これまで100分子レベルであった検出感度を更に2桁向上させる。以上により、単一・可算個分子を対象とする極限の分析化学を創成する。

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  • システムデザイン工学輪講


  • 学外実習


  • システム計測


  • 理工学基礎実験


  • システムデザイン工学概論


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