Shimazu, Akihito



Faculty of Policy Management (Shonan Fujisawa)



Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • MA, Waseda University, Coursework, 1996.03

  • PhD, Waseda University, Coursework, 2000.06

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • Clinical Psychologist, 1999.03

  • Certified Public Psychologist, 2019.02


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Nutrition science and health science (Health science, Behavioral science, Occupational health psychology, Clinical psychology)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Work engagement, Health, Behavior, Happiness, Occupation, Performance

Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Work engagement, Achievement of healthy worker and workplace, 



Books 【 Display / hide

  • 産業保健スタッフのためのセルフケア支援マニュアル: ストレスチェックと連動した相談の進め方

    島津明人・種市康太郎(編著), 誠信書房, 2016.09,  Page: 155

    Scope: 問題解決,  Contact page: 124-128

  • Psychosocial factors at work in the Asia Pacific

    Shimazu A., Dollard M., Nordin R., Oakman J., Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific: From Theory to Practice, 2016.01

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. This book presents research and best practice examples from the Asia Pacific region to address the gap in global expertise on psychosocial factors at work. It explores practices in the region that promote healthy workplaces and workers by presenting research from around the globe on issues such as telework, small and medium-sized enterprises, disaster-struck areas, suicide prevention, and workplace client violence. It discusses practical, multidisciplinary efforts to address worker occupational health. Further, it explores psychosocial risk and prevention, as well as the significant role of cultural variations and practices in the diverse range of countries covered.

  • あらゆる学問は保育につながる:発達保育実践政策学の挑戦

    秋田喜代美(監修), 東京大学出版会, 2016

    Scope: ワーク・ライフ・バランスと健康,  Contact page: 161-162

  • Psychosocial factors at work in the Asia Pacific: From theory to practice

    A. Shimazu, J. Oakman, M. F. Dollard, & R. Bin Nordin. (Eds.), Springer, 2016

    Scope: Final chapter: Key contributions and future research directions, Effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) among healthy workers: Current research evidence, Development of the New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire, Guidelines for primary,  Contact page: 3-22, 61-75, 225-247, 257-265, 361-369

  • 地域と職場で支える被災地支援

    日本心理学会(監修)安藤清志・松井豊(編), 誠信書房, 2016,  Page: 印刷中

    Scope: 多職種協働によるこころの健康支援のシステム作成と支援:陸前高田市での実践活動,  Contact page: 68-80

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Resource Crafting: Is It Really 'Resource' Crafting-Or Just Crafting?

    Hu Qiao, Schaufeli Wilmer B., Taris Toon W., Shimazu Akihito, Dollard Maureen F.

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 10   614 2019.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  1664-1078

  • Association between working hours, work engagement, and work productivity in employees: A cross-sectional study of the Japanese Study of Health, Occupation, and Psychosocial Factors Relates Equity

    Okazaki E., Nishi D., Susukida R., Inoue A., Shimazu A., Tsutsumi A.

    Journal of Occupational Health (Journal of Occupational Health)  61 ( 2 ) 182 - 188 2019.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  13419145

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    © 2019 Japan Society for Occupational Health. Objectives: The aims of the study were to investigate the association between working hours, work engagement, and work productivity, and to examine if work engagement moderates the influence of working hours on work productivity. Methods: We used cross-sectional data from the Japanese occupational cohort survey, which involved 2093 employees in a manufacturing industry. Working hours were self-reported by the study participants. Work productivity was assessed with absolute presenteeism based on the scale of the validated Japanese version of World Health Organization Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (WHO-HPQ). Work engagement was assessed with the Nine-item Utrecht work Engagement Scale (UWES-9). Univariate and multivariable regression analyses were conducted to examine the association of working hours and work engagement with work productivity. We also carried out stratified multivariable regression analysis separately for those with high-work engagement and those with low-work engagement. Results: Working >40 to 50 hours per week and >50 hours per week were significantly positively associated with work productivity in univariate analysis. However, the significant association no longer held after adjusting for work engagement. Work engagement was positively associated with work productivity even after controlling for potential confounders. Working hours were not significantly associated with work productivity among those with high-work engagement or among those with low-work engagement. Conclusions: Working hours did not have any significant associations with work productivity when taking work engagement into account. Work engagement did not moderate the influence of working hours on work productivity, though it attenuated the relationship between working hours and work productivity.

  • 産業保健国際関連ニュース 国際学際交流シンポジウム フィンランドに学ぶ働き方改革 : 持続可能な働き方と健康・幸福

    榊原 圭子, 島津 明人

    産業医学ジャーナル (産業医学振興財団)  42 ( 1 ) 54 - 57 2019.01

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  0388-337X

  • Factors associated with preschool workers' willingness to continue working

    Tayama Jun, Yoshida Yuri, Iwanaga Ryoichiro, Tokunaga Akiko, Tanaka Goro, Imamura Akira, Shimazu Akihito, Shirabe Susumu

    Medicine (Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.)  97 ( 49 ) e13530 2018.12

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  00257974

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    In industrialized countries, the turnover rate of preschool workers is extremely high and now represents a social problem. Consequently, it has become important to promote stable early care and educational environments for this population. Several factors related to working environments are known to affect turnover intention; however, the specific factors related to turnover intention among preschool workers have not yet been identified. Considering this, the objective of the present study was to determine factors associated with preschool workers' willingness to continue working.The participants of this study were 1137 preschool workers based in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the participants' data,with willingness to continue working for 5 years or more set as the dependent variable.Analysis of the results for all subjects clearly showed that male sex, older age, good mental health, high number of social supports, and good work engagement have a positive effect on willingness to continue working. Further, stratifying the participants in terms of age revealed that for preschool workers under 39 years, male sex,good mental health, high number of social supports, and good work engagement act positively in regard to willingness to continue working. Meanwhile, for those over 40 years, it was found that permanent employment and good work engagement act positively in this regard. Thus, work engagement was the only common factor between preschool workers under 39 and over 40.The findings of this cross-sectional study demonstrate that the factors associated with willingness to continue working among preschool workers differ between younger and older professionals. These findings underline the importance of considering age categories when attempting to maximize such professionals' willingness to continue working.

  • Is too much work engagement detrimental? Linear or curvilinear effects on mental health and job performance

    Shimazu A., Schaufeli W., Kubota K., Watanabe K., Kawakami N.

    PLoS ONE (PLoS ONE)  13 ( 12 ) e0208684 2018.12

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  1932-6203

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    © 2018 Shimazu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Most studies report a positive relationship of work engagement with health and job performance, but, occasionally, a “dark side of engagement” has also been uncovered. The current study examined two hypotheses: whether work engagement has (1) a U-shaped curvilinear relation with psychological distress and (2) an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relation with job performance (i.e., in-role performance and creative behavior). A two-wave longitudinal Internet survey with a time lag of seven months was conducted among 1,967 Japanese employees. To test our hypotheses, we used a two-wave panel design and examined the lagged and concurrent relations between work engagement and both outcomes. The results confirmed that work engagement had a curvilinear relation with psychological distress concurrently; a favorable effect was found initially, but this disappeared at intermediate levels of work engagement, and, at higher levels, an adverse effect became prominent. In addition, work engagement had a curvilinear relation with in-role performance both concurrently and longitudinally; the higher the levels of work engagement, the stronger the favorable effects on in-role performance. However, contrary to our expectations, work engagement had a linear relation with psychological distress longitudinally and with creative behavior both concurrently and longitudinally. Hence, our results suggest that work engagement plays a different role in health enhancement compared to performance enhancement. Leveling-off and adverse effects of high work engagement were observed for psychological distress in the short and not in a long run. In contrast, no leveling-off effect of high work engagement was observed for job performance. Thus, except for the short-term effect on psychological distress, no dark side of work engagement was observed for psychological distress and job performance.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 職場におけるストレスマネージメント ポジティブメンタルヘルスとワーク・エンゲイジメント

    島津 明人

    日本成人病(生活習慣病)学会会誌 (日本成人病(生活習慣病)学会)  45   59 - 59 2019.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)

  • ワーク・エンゲイジメント 健康増進と生産性向上の両立に向けて

    島津 明人

    産業精神保健 ((一社)日本産業精神保健学会)  26 ( 4 ) 321 - 325 2018.11

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal),  ISSN  1340-2862

  • SNS時代の若者に対する新たな自殺対策の構築〜座間事件の再発防止を視野に入れて〜 医学生を対象とした自殺予防教育プログラムの開発と実践

    堤 明純, 井上 彰臣, 守屋 利佳, 千葉 宏毅, 小田原 幸, 島津 明人

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 (日本公衆衛生学会)  77回   82 - 82 2018.10

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal),  ISSN  1347-8060

  • 【塩漬け人事よ、さようなら!ワーク・エンゲイジメントで活き活きした職場をつくる!】 総論 活き活き職場をつくる ワーク・エンゲイジメントの視点で職場を再点検しよう

    島津 明人

    Nursing BUSINESS ((株)メディカ出版)  12 ( 10 ) 872 - 877 2018.10

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal),  ISSN  1881-5766

  • ポジティブ心理行動介入による心身の健康づくり 職場のポジティブメンタルヘルス 組織と個人の活性化に向けた介入手法の開発

    島津 明人

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 (日本公衆衛生学会)  77回   91 - 91 2018.10

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal),  ISSN  1347-8060

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Work-life balance in the with/post COVID-19 era: Mental health among dual-earner couples with pre-school child(ren)


    基盤研究(B), Principal investigator

  • Development of real-time support systems based on continuous and objective evaluation of work engagement


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), Principal investigator

  • Research on work-life balance and health support program for dual-earner couples with small children


    The University of Tokyo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Principal investigator

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    1. パイロット研究で使用する健康支援プログラムが作成された。プログラムは最大7回の集合研修を想定し,1回あたり最大60分の時間枠を想定して構成された。プログラムの内容は,参加者の多様なニーズに対応させるため,毎回異なるテーマを設定した。知識だけでなく動機づけの向上,参加者相互の交流促進による行動変容を促すため,講師による講義のほか,参加者自身が主体的に関わるワークも準備した。
    2. 2つの事業所(製造業,医療機関)の従業員を対象としたパイロット研究(集合研修)を行った。製造業では合計7回,医療機関では合計5回のプログラムを実施した。研修の前後には質問紙調査も行い,各種指標を研修前後で比較した。しかしながら,職場では集合研修が可能な時間が限定され(40-60分),研究協力者の参加協力を得るのに困難を要した。
    3. これらの困難に対処するために,研究費の一部を平成29年度に繰越し,時間的制約の少ない個別研修(映像とeラーニングの組合せによる7種類の教材)プログラムを追加開発し,パイロット研究(個別研修)を実施した。個別研修の前後にはWEB上で質問紙調査を行い,集合研修と同様の指標を研修前後で比較した。

  • A large scale working panel study for comprehensive understanding on health effect of occupational stress


    Kitasato University, TSUTSUMI Akizumi, SHIMAZU Akihito, SUZUKI Tomoko, KASAI Kiyoto, OTOWA Kenji, OSHIO Takashi, KAWASHIMA Masatoshi, KURIOKA Sumiko, TSUBOYA Toru, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Principal investigator

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    Our multidisciplinary team established a large scale panel data of working populations. Within the framework of an annually repeated survey of important indices, we investigated the health effects of occupational stress. By making full advantage of panel data, we were able to control several confounders including time-invariant confounders. We found that occupational stress predicted mental health disorders but that workplace social capital/support prevented the onset of mental health disorders and deterioration of inflammatory markers. Work-family conflict and health behaviors such as leisure-time physical activity and smoking mediated the association between occupational stress and workers’ health indices. A single nucleotide polymorphism interacted with occupational work stress to produce psychological distress. Finally we developed a database consisted of 14,000 workers for further analyses on occupational stress and workers’ health.

  • The World Mental Health Japan Follow-up: a 10-year cohort study of mental disorders in a community population


    The University of Tokyo, Kawakami Norito, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Principal investigator

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    There was only a few prospective cohort studies of mental disorders in a community population in the world. The present study conduct a prospective mental health epidemiology re-interviewing 1,859 respondents to the World Mental Health Survey Japan that was conducted about 10 years ago. Trained interviewers visited a total of 1,465 respondents in Nagasaki, Okayama, and Tamano cities, and interviewed 581, and obtained saliva samples for genomic analysis from 475.

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