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Lee, Jinah
Jinah Lee is professor at the Institute for Journalism, Media & Communication Studies, and Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University, Japan. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Keio University. She was visiting professor at the Institute of Asian Research, the University of British Columbia, Canada. Her areas of interest are advertising, political communication, gender, diaspora and media. She is the author of the book The Content and Reception of Political Advertising (Shinyosha, 2011) and co-author of the book Social Psychology of Media Audience (Shinyosha, 1st ed., 2017, 2nd ed., 2021). She has edited the book Critical Audience: A Social Psychology of Media Criticism (Shinyosha, 2023). She has also contributed chapters to the edited books, including Routledge Handbook of Political Advertising (2017), International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication (Wiley Blackwell, 2020), and The COVID-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia: Media, Social Reactions, and Theories (Routledge, 2022).
Keio University, Graduate School of Human Relations, Professor
Keio University, Institute for Journalism, Media and Communication Studies, Professor
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Department of Communication, Division of Psychology and Communication, School of Arts and Sciences, Professor
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Department of Communication, Division of Human Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Professor
The University of British Columbia (UBC) , Institute of Asian Research, College for Interdisciplinary Studies, Visiting Professor
Keio University, Graduate School of Human Relations
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Yonsei University, Graduate School, Department of Mass Communication
Korea, Republic of, Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Yonsei University, College of Social Sciences, Department of Mass Communication
Korea, Republic of, University, Graduated
Ph.D., Keio University, Dissertation, 2001.04
A study on perceived humor and its impact on advertising effects
M.A., Yonsei University, 1992.02
B.A., Yonsei University, 1990.02
Media Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Communication
A Social Psychology of Visual Media (Mediacom Project),
Critical Audience: A Social Psychology of Media Criticism (Mediacom Project),
Transnational Media Audience,
Introduction to Positive Media Psychology
李光鎬監訳、川端美樹・大坪寛子・志岐裕子・鈴木万希枝・李津娥・山本明・正木誠子, 新曜社, 2023.04
Original author: Arthur A. Raney, Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles, Mary Beth Oliver, Katherine R. Dale
Critical Audience: A Social Psychology of Media Criticism
李津娥編著、李光鎬・大坪寛子・川端美樹・鈴木万希枝・山本明・渋谷明子・ 志岐裕子・正木誠子 著, 2023.04
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia: Media, Social Reactions and Theories
Nobuto Yamamoto(ed), Routledge, 2022.11
Scope: Psychological Responses, Health Literacy, and Information Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan and Korea
Media Politics in the Age of Antagonisims
山腰修三編著, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2022.04
Scope: 韓国における政治情報への選択的接触と共有, Contact page: 145-171
Social Psychology of Media Audience
李光鎬, 渋谷明子編著, 鈴木万希枝, 李津娥, 志岐裕子共著, 新曜社, 2021.04
Hallyu in the Eyes of Japanese Youth: Exploring Critical Attitudes Toward Korean Entertainment
Jinah Lee & Kwangho Lee
Mita Journal of Sociology 29 17 - 30 2024.07
Lead author
Perceptions of Host Society Media and Their (Non) Use (2): A Survey of Korean Living in Japan
メディア・コミュニケーション 73 2023.03
How Japanese Consumers Respond to Corporate Twitter Accounts: The Role of Perceived Personality and Parasocial Relationship
Jinah Lee & Kwangho Lee
Keio Communication Review 45 2023.03
Empowering Women or Selling Empowerment to Women?:Young Consumers Response to Femvertising in the Japanese Context
Jinah Lee
Keio Communication Review 44 61 - 82 2022.03
Perceptions of Host Society Media and Their (Non) Use: A Survey of Chinese Living in Japan
メディア・コミュニケーション 73 2022.03
Hallyu in the eyes of Japanese youth : exploring critical attitudes toward Korean entertainment
Lee, Jinah
Mita journal of sociology (三田社会学会) ( 29 ) 17 - 30 2024.07
ISSN 13491458
Lee, Jinah
Keio communication review (Institute for Journalism, Media & Communication Studies, Keio University) ( 46 ) 61 - 71 2024.03
ISSN 03887596
Lee, Jinah
Keio communication review (Institute for Journalism, Media & Communication Studies, Keio University) ( 45 ) 35 - 52 2023.03
ISSN 03887596
Perceptions of host society media and their (non) use (2) : a survey of Korean living in Japan
Lee, Jinah
Keio media and communications research : annals of the Institute for Journalism, Media & Communication Studies (慶應義塾大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究所) ( 73 ) 1 - 22 2023.03
ISSN 13441094
特集1 : クリティカル・オーディエンス : メディア批判の社会心理学 (3)
Lee, Jinah
Keio media and communications research : annals of the Institute for Journalism, Media & Communication Studies (慶應義塾大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究所) ( 73 ) 2023.03
ISSN 13441094
Author's Book Introduction: Critical Audience: A Social Psychology of Media Criticism Lee Jinah(Ed.), Shinyosha, 2023, 240 Pages
Lee Jinah
Keio Communication Review 46 61 - 71 2024.03
三田評論 (慶應義塾) ( 1257 ) 9 - 9 2021.07
Book Review:Introduction to Media Communication, YAMAKOSHI Shuzo (ed.), Keio University Press, Tokyo, 2017, 393 Pages
Jinah Lee
Keio Communication Review ( 39 ) 75 - 77 2018.03
Single Work
比較文化 (東京女子大学比較文化研究所) ( 60 ) 1 - 2 2017.03
「研究室へようこそ」東京女子大学 李津娥研究室(インタビュー記事)
宣伝会議 2010.01
"Realities" of Dating: Visual representation of romantic love in Korean dating reality shows. Representations of Bodies and Spaces Session
Kwangho Lee & Jinah Lee
The 10th European Communication Conference (ECC), European Communication Research and Education Association (Ljubljana, Slovenia) ,
Exploring Negative Attitudes toward Hallyu: Reception of Korean Entertainment among the Young Generation in Japan
Kwangho Lee & Jinah Lee
The 29th Conference of Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), Bandung, Indonesia,
Exploring the Role of Homeland Media in Diasporic Life: The Case of Korean Diaspora Living in Helsinki
Kwangho Lee & Jinah Lee
NordMedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway,
Hostile Media Perception, Media Cynicism, and the Vulnerability to Fake News in the Korean Context
Kwangho Lee & Jinah Lee
International Society of Political Psychology 46th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,
慶應義塾大学, 学事振興資金(研究科枠), No Setting
慶應義塾大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究所 研究・教育基金によるプロジェクト, Principal investigator
慶應義塾大学, 学事振興資金(共同研究), No Setting
慶應義塾大学学, 学事振興資金(共同研究), No Setting
慶應義塾大学, 学事振興資金(研究科枠), No Setting
Media Psychology
Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Spring Semester
Advertising and Consumer Psychology
Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Autumn Semester
Discussant for the 50th Anniversary Academic Seminar, Department of Media and Communication at Yonsei University, Nov. 5, 2022
Discussant for 4th Yonsei-Keio Media and Communication Seminar, March 4, 2023
Zainichi, Korean diaspora in Japan: Historical context and current situation
Guest lecture at Comparative culture between Korea and Latin America (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
学会賞委員, 日本広告学会
客員, 日経広告研究所
運営委員, 慶應義塾大学東アジア研究所
学習指導, 慶應義塾大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究所