

Research Centers and Institutes, Keio Economic Observatory (Mita)



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Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1996.04

    Keio University,, Keio Economic Observatory,, Assistant Professor

  • 2003.04

    Harvard University,, Kennedy School of Government,, CBG fellow

  • 2003.04

    Keio University,, Keio Economic Observatory,, Associate Professor

  • 2005.07

    Cabinet Office, Government of Japan,, ESRI (Economic Social Research Institute),, Visiting Fellow

  • 2006.11

    OECD, STI (Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry),, Economist

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1989.03

    Hakodate Chubu High School, Hokkaido


  • 1993.03

    Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce

    University, Graduated

  • 1995.03

    Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1998.03

    Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • M.A., Keio University, Coursework, 1995.03

  • Ph.D, Keio University, Dissertation, 2005


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic statistics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Economic Growth, Capital and Productivity

  • Energy and Environment

  • Labor Input and Human Capital

  • Japanese and Asian Economies


Books 【 Display / hide

  • Hydropower-Led Economic Growth in Bhutan: Development of Industry-Level Productivity Account, 1990–2022

    Koji Nomura, Springer, 2025.06

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    This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Bhutan’s economic growth and productivity dynamics from 1990 to 2022, with a special focus on hydropower development. Through the construction of detailed industry-level productivity accounts, the study addresses significant data gaps in Bhutan’s national accounts, measuring outputs and inputs across various sectors and developing quality-adjusted labor and capital input series. The analysis reveals the complexities of Bhutan’s hydropower-led growth strategy: while the sector has driven substantial economic growth, its contribution to overall productivity improvement has been limited. The electricity sector shows gains in labor productivity but declining capital productivity, resulting in stagnant Total Factor Productivity (TFP). The study also examines productivity trends in non-electricity sectors and addresses potential “Dutch disease” effects on manufacturing and agricultural competitiveness. International comparisons place Bhutan’s productivity performance in a regional context, revealing significant gaps in productivity performance, particularly when compared to India, Bhutan’s largest trading partner and a regional economic benchmark. This comparative analysis informs policy recommendations for achieving more balanced and sustainable economic growth. The findings are particularly relevant for Bhutan’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2024–2029), which emphasizes productivity improvements across all economic sectors. The book serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, economists, and researchers interested in development economics, particularly those focused on the unique challenges faced by small, landlocked nations pursuing sustainable economic development.

  • Energy Productivity and Economic Growth: Experiences of the Japanese Industries, 1955–2019

    Koji Nomura, Springer, 2023.01,  Page: 268

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    Energy costs in the economy amount to only a few percent of gross domestic product, but their importance to economic growth is much greater than their apparent number. Energy is used in almost all production and consumption activities, and energy price changes induce significant spillover effects throughout the economic system. More importantly, stable and affordable access to energy is a critical factor in determining the rate of capital accumulation in a domestic economy and, hence, labor productivity growth. The expansion of production per hour worked is achieved by using more and higher quality capital, which requires more energy to operate. This book aims to provide robust observational facts on energy productivity improvement (EPI) and to analyze the mechanisms of EPI achieved in Japan’s economic growth from 1955 to 2019. Linking the productivity account with energy statistics enables us to attempt not only to develop a better indicator of energy productivity but also to evaluate the EPI with other significant changes in the production process, such as capital productivity, labor productivity, and even the overall efficiency measured in terms of total factor productivity. This book is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers seeking to understand the role of energy throughout the economy and for economic planners seeking to ensure the efficient use of energy now and into the future.

  • Energy Productivity in Japan's Economic Growth: Exploring Possibilities for Balancing Economy and Environment (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura, Keio University Press, 2021.06,  Page: 288

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    第1章 経済成長とエネルギー
    第2章 エネルギー生産性改善の源泉
    第3章 エネルギー価格高騰に対する耐性
    第4章 エネルギー生産性と全体効率
    第5章 間接的な電力輸入
    第6章 日本のエネルギー転換に向けて

  • Measurement of Capital and Productivity in Japan (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura, Keio University Press, 2004.11,  Page: 660

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    第1章 資本の測定
    第2章 資本ストック
    第3章 資本サービス価格
    第4章 資本サービスと経済成長
    終章 結びとして

  • APO Productivity Databook 2024

    Koji Nomura and Mun S. Ho, Asian Productivity Organization, Keio University Press, 2024.09,  Page: 201

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    This seventeenth edition of the APO Productivity Databook describes the quality of economic growth and productivity by providing comparable accounts across countries with different accounting systems. This is intended to serve as a useful resource for policymakers and researchers. Productivity gains, which enable an economy to produce more with the same inputs or to achieve the same output with fewer inputs, are crucial for ensuring sustainable economic growth in the long run. Improving national productivity performance is a key public policy objective, which requires reliable monitoring of past performance. This edition covers more than half a century of Asian economic development, from 1970 to 2022. Additionally, this edition includes projections for economic growth and labor productivity improvements up to 2035. Baseline economic growth and productivity indicators are calculated for 31 Asian economies, representing the 21 Asian Productivity Organization member economies (APO21) and the ten non-member economies in Asia.1 The APO21 consists of Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Republic of China (ROC), Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran), Japan, the Republic of Korea (Korea), the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkiye, and Vietnam. The ten non-member economies in Asia are the Kingdom of Bhutan (Bhutan), Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), the People’s Republic of China (China), Myanmar, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), consisting of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In addition, Australia, the European Union (EU), France, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US) are included as reference economies.

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • "Energy Price Surge and Widening Real Price Differentials in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Comparative Analysis of Seven Major Countries" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura and Sho Inaba

    KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University)   ( 185 ) 1 - 44 2025.03

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Joint Work

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    This paper aims to measure and analyze the changes in international price differentials in comprehensive final energy consumption accompanying the recent energy price surges across seven major countries (Japan, China, South Korea, the U.S., the UK, Germany, and France). For measuring international price differentials, we employ not only the Price Level Index (PLI) for energy but also the Real Price Level Index (Real PLI), which accounts for the price differentials of outputs produced using energy inputs. Real PLI is an indicator independent of exchange rate fluctuations. Our preliminary estimates from January 2015 to December 2024 reveal the following observations. First, the US has maintained an overwhelming advantage in real energy price differentials even before the pandemic, with the other six countries bearing energy price burdens 1.8 to 2.2 times higher than the U.S. Second, while energy prices surged similarly across major countries during the global economic recovery from the pandemic beginning in early 2021, the real price differentials relative to the U.S. also expanded in five countries (excluding China) during the same period. These differentials widened to 2.3–2.7 times at their peak and continue to persist at 2.3–2.5 times the U.S. level. Third, China has significantly suppressed energy price increases during this period, particularly for coal and electricity, maintaining its price differential with the U.S. at nearly the pre-pandemic level. As the second Trump administration pursues energy dominance by expanding the use of inexpensive fossil fuels, further widening of energy price differentials and loss of international competitiveness are inevitable if Japan and European countries continue their current decarbonization policies. The Japanese economy should consider shifting toward policies aimed at reducing these international price differentials.

  • "How should companies face the GX (Green Transformation)?" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    SBI Research Review (SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute)  7   24 - 36 2025.02

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

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  • "Indirect Steel Trade in the Postwar Japanese Economy" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University)   ( 184 ) 1 - 28 2025.02

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

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    Since the late 2010s, when the signs of a full-scale acceleration of global decarbonization policies began to emerge, steel production in Japan and Germany has declined almost linearly. While this decline is generally attributed to weak domestic demand, understanding changes in domestic demand within the steel industry, which primarily produces intermediate goods, requires identifying the sources of final demand. This study examines recent trends in steel production decline while measuring structural changes in Japan's direct steel trade and indirect trade through downstream products in the postwar economy.
    In contemporary Japan, trends in domestic steel demand are heavily influenced by changes in indirect exports and imports, which are not readily observable in conventional statistics. Since the late 1980s, Japan’s indirect exports of steel have exceeded its direct exports. Additionally, the effective import dependence of steel (the sum of direct and indirect imports) has consistently increased since the late 1970s. Until around 1990, this rise was driven by an expansion in direct imports, whereas since the late 1990s, indirect imports have played a more significant role. If the acceleration of decarbonization policies further facilitates the offshore production of downstream products such as automobiles and machinery, the contraction of indirect steel exports and the expansion of indirect imports may lead to a self-reinforcing cycle of deindustrialization, exacerbating the decline in domestic production. Without considering indirect trade, such production decline risks being misinterpreted as merely a consequence of weak domestic demand.

  • "Recent Steel Production Decline in Japan: The Interactive Effects of Carbon Neutrality Policy and Production Relocation" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    Economic Statistics Research (Keizai Sangyo Toukei Kyokai)  52 ( Ⅲ ) 1 - 22 2024.12

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

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    本稿は、2018年末以降から現在まで続く日本の鉄鋼生産の急激な減退について、直接輸出入と下流製品に組み込まれる間接輸出入の両面から分析している。そうした生産減退は、欧州や日本を中心に脱炭素政策(カーボンニュートラル政策)が強化され、排出削減が困難であるという技術制約のある鉄鋼業においても従来以上の取り組みが求められるようになったdeep decarbonizationの模索・推進期とおおむね一致している。直近における鉄鋼の構造変化を把握する資料の利用には制約があるものの、近年の生産減退は、海外への生産移転が消極的に同意する環境規制と環境規制の強化が促す生産移転という、意図せざる相互作用とその循環構造によると評価される。現実を直視しない脱炭素政策の加速は、エネルギー多消費的な素材産業にこそ強みを持つ日本経済の産業基盤に対し深刻な影響を及ぼしている。

  • "Development of Industry-Level Productivity Account in Bhutan, 1990–2022"

    Koji Nomura

    (United Nations Development Programme)   2024.09

    Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Single Work

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    This study constructs an industry-level productivity account for Bhutan's economy from 1990 to 2022, focusing on the impacts of hydropower development on economic growth and resource allocation efficiency. The analysis reveals that while hydropower has been the primary driver of Bhutan's economic growth, its contribution declined significantly post-democratization. Despite maintaining the region's highest capital investment, the economy shows a striking dichotomy between high labor productivity and low capital productivity, indicating fundamental limitations in Bhutan's hydropower-led development strategy.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • "The Realities of Sluggish Domestic Demand" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    Wave (Denki Shimbun) (The Denki Shimbun)   2025.03

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work

  • "Roundtable Discussion: The Economy and Society in 2040" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    SBI Research Review (SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute)  7   91 - 98 2025.02

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

  • ”Energy Price Level Index - Crisis Level due to Excessive Carbon Neutral Policy” (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    Energy Policy Report (Energy Forum Inc.)   2025.02

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work

  • "Fruits Without Roots" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    Wave (Denki Shimbun) (The Denki Shimbun)   2025.02

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work

  • "Provisional Framework of Bhutan Sectoral Integration and Transformation Economic Model"

    Koji Nomura

    (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)   2024.12

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Single Work

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • "Soaring Energy Prices and Increasing Real Price Level Index" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    RITE ALPS IV Economic Analysis Working Group, 


    Oral presentation (general), RITE

  • "SBI High-Resolution Sectoral General Equilibrium Model for Assessing Business, Innovation, and Policy (SBI-BIP)" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    "Reseach on Japanese Economy in 2040", 


    Oral presentation (general), SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute

  • "Indirect Steel Trade in the Postwar Japanese Economy" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    日本鉄鋼連盟との会合 (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • "Energy and Economy - Economic and Social Insights Engineers Should Have" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura



    Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, AICE

  • "The Impact of GX Promotion on Domestic Industry: Similarities and Differences between the Japanese and German Economies" (in Japanese)

    Koji Nomura

    Energy System Research Group, 


    Oral presentation (general), APIR

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Works 【 Display / hide

  • Development of APO Productivity Database 2025

    Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Shiori Nakayama

    Asian Productivity Organization and Keio Economic Observatory, 


    Database science, Joint

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    APO Productivity Databook 2025(2025年9月出版)において利用。測定期間は1970–2023年。


  • Development of Asia QALI Database 2025

    Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Shiori Nakayama

    Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University, 


    Database science, Joint

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    APO Productivity Databook 2025(2025年9月出版)において利用。測定期間は1970–2023年。


  • Energy Cost Monitoring for Japan (ECM_JPN_202502)

    Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Mansaku Yoshida

    Nomura Lab at Keio Economic Observatory, 


    Database science, Joint

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    ECM_JPN_202502は、ECM_JPN_202502は、①2025年1月(EITE指標は2014年12月)までの更新、②ECM最終エネルギー消費額と内閣府経済社会総合研究所「国民経済計算年次推計」(2024年12月公表)の2023年エネルギー消費額との整合性を保持する年次ベンチマーキング、③EITE指数では上記資料の2023年生産・輸入指数との整合性を保持する年次ベンチマーキング、多国間ECMではReal PLI指標の再検討に伴い、④主要国の基礎レベルでのエネルギー消費価格水準と消費量の大幅改訂(詳細は3月中にDiscussion Paperを公表予定)、⑤1か月の早期化(前回ECM(除くEITE指標)は2024年10月までの公表だが本推計は一部簡易推計を含み2024年12月まで)を実施している。

  • Multilateral Energy Cost Monitoring (ECM_202502)

    Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Mansaku Yoshida

    Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University, 


    Database science, Joint

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    The PLI (price level index) is estimated through December 2024, RUEC (real unit energy cost) through Q4 2024 (forecast is through Q2 2025), and the EITE (energy-intensive trade-exposed) output index through December 2024.

    PLI/RUEC covers seven countries (Japan, China, South Korea, the U.S., the UK, Germany, and France) and EITE covers four countries (Japan, China, the U.S., and Germany).

  • Monthly GDP Growth (JMGDP_202502)

    Koji Nomura and Sho Inaba

    Nomura Lab at Keio Economic Observatory, 


    Database science, Joint

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    Update the estimates until January 2025.

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • The 48th Nikkei Award (Nikkei Keizai-Tosho-Bunka-Sho)

    Koji Nomura, 2005.11, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Measurement of Capital and Productivity

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

  • Keio Award

    Koji Nomura, 2005.11, Keio Univeristy

    Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

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Media Coverage 【 Display / hide

  • "The Realities of Sluggish Domestic Demand" (in Japanese)

    Denki Shimbun, 2025.03

  • "Energy Supply and Demand Outlook - Absence of Connoisseurs"

    Denki Shimbun, 2025.03

  • ”Energy Price Level Index - Crisis Level due to Excessive Carbon Neutral Policy” (in Japanese)

    Energy Forum, EP Report, 2025.02

  • "Fruits Without Roots" (in Japanese)

    Denki Shimbun, 2025.02

  • 「新生 第7次エネ基の是非-亡国から興国への脱皮なるか」

    Energy Forum, Monthly Energy Forum, 2025.02

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Academic Activities 【 Display / hide

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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2025.04

    Editorial Board Member, "Economic Analysis" Editorial Board, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

  • 2025.02

    Advisor, SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute

  • 2024.10

    Chief Expert, APO Productivity Databook 2025, Asian Productivity Organization

  • 2024.09

    Consultant, UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

  • 2024.07

    Committee member, Committee on Energy System Research, APIR (Asia Pacific Institute of Reseach)

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