Research Centers and Institutes, Keio Economic Observatory (Mita)
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Keio University,, Keio Economic Observatory,, Assistant Professor
Harvard University,, Kennedy School of Government,, CBG fellow
Keio University,, Keio Economic Observatory,, Associate Professor
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan,, ESRI (Economic Social Research Institute),, Visiting Fellow
OECD, STI (Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry),, Economist
Hakodate Chubu High School, Hokkaido
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
M.A., Keio University, Coursework, 1995.03
Ph.D, Keio University, Dissertation, 2005
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic statistics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy
Economic Growth, Capital and Productivity
Energy and Environment
Labor Input and Human Capital
Japanese and Asian Economies
Koji Nomura, Springer, 2025.06
Energy Productivity and Economic Growth: Experiences of the Japanese Industries, 1955–2019
Koji Nomura, Springer, 2023.01, Page: 268
Koji Nomura, Keio University Press, 2021.06, Page: 288
Measurement of Capital and Productivity in Japan (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura, Keio University Press, 2004.11, Page: 660
APO Productivity Databook 2024
Koji Nomura and Mun S. Ho, Asian Productivity Organization, Keio University Press, 2024.09, Page: 201
Koji Nomura and Sho Inaba
KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) ( 185 ) 1 - 44 2025.03
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Joint Work
"How should companies face the GX (Green Transformation)?" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
SBI Research Review (SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute) 7 24 - 36 2025.02
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
"Indirect Steel Trade in the Postwar Japanese Economy" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) ( 184 ) 1 - 28 2025.02
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
"Recent Steel Production Decline in Japan: The Interactive Effects of Carbon Neutrality Policy and Production Relocation" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Economic Statistics Research (Keizai Sangyo Toukei Kyokai) 52 ( Ⅲ ) 1 - 22 2024.12
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
"Development of Industry-Level Productivity Account in Bhutan, 1990–2022"
Koji Nomura
(United Nations Development Programme) 2024.09
Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Single Work
Measuring public civil engineering output prices based on bidding data in Japan, 1989–2021
Nomura, Koji
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 173 ) 2022.10
Measurement of labor shares and quality-adjusted labor inputs in Vietnam, 1970–2018
Nomura, Kōji
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 156 ) 2020.12
Benchmark 2011 integrated estimates of the Japan-U.S. price level index for industry outputs
Nomura, Koji
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 144 ) 2018.10
Measuring quality-adjusted labor inputs in South Asia, 1970–2015
Nomura, Koji
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 143 ) 2017.12
Redefining the picture of Myanmar's economic growth : trade, production, and jade
Nomura, Koji
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 141 ) 2016.12
"The Realities of Sluggish Domestic Demand" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Wave (Denki Shimbun) (The Denki Shimbun) 2025.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
"Roundtable Discussion: The Economy and Society in 2040" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
SBI Research Review (SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute) 7 91 - 98 2025.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
”Energy Price Level Index - Crisis Level due to Excessive Carbon Neutral Policy” (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Energy Policy Report (Energy Forum Inc.) 2025.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
"Fruits Without Roots" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Wave (Denki Shimbun) (The Denki Shimbun) 2025.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
"Provisional Framework of Bhutan Sectoral Integration and Transformation Economic Model"
Koji Nomura
(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) 2024.12
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Single Work
"Soaring Energy Prices and Increasing Real Price Level Index" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
RITE ALPS IV Economic Analysis Working Group,
Oral presentation (general), RITE
"SBI High-Resolution Sectoral General Equilibrium Model for Assessing Business, Innovation, and Policy (SBI-BIP)" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
"Reseach on Japanese Economy in 2040",
Oral presentation (general), SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute
"Indirect Steel Trade in the Postwar Japanese Economy" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
日本鉄鋼連盟との会合 (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) ,
Oral presentation (general)
"Energy and Economy - Economic and Social Insights Engineers Should Have" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, AICE
"The Impact of GX Promotion on Domestic Industry: Similarities and Differences between the Japanese and German Economies" (in Japanese)
Koji Nomura
Energy System Research Group,
Oral presentation (general), APIR
Development of APO Productivity Database 2025
Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Shiori Nakayama
Asian Productivity Organization and Keio Economic Observatory,
Database science, Joint
Development of Asia QALI Database 2025
Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Shiori Nakayama
Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University,
Database science, Joint
Energy Cost Monitoring for Japan (ECM_JPN_202502)
Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Mansaku Yoshida
Nomura Lab at Keio Economic Observatory,
Database science, Joint
Multilateral Energy Cost Monitoring (ECM_202502)
Koji Nomura, Sho Inaba, and Mansaku Yoshida
Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University,
Database science, Joint
Monthly GDP Growth (JMGDP_202502)
Koji Nomura and Sho Inaba
Nomura Lab at Keio Economic Observatory,
Database science, Joint
The 48th Nikkei Award (Nikkei Keizai-Tosho-Bunka-Sho)
Koji Nomura, 2005.11, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Measurement of Capital and Productivity
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
Keio Award
Koji Nomura, 2005.11, Keio Univeristy
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
Practical Training Workshop on Productivity Account for Bhutan
Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan, and UNESCAP, (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University, Tokyo)
,66th Basic Policy Subcommittee
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, General Resources and Energy Investigation Committee,
,84th Subcommittee on Electricity and Gas Basic Policy, Subcommittee on Electricity and Gas Industry
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, General Resources and Energy Investigation Committee,
,Workshop on Productivity Account for Bhutan
Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan, (Thimphu)
,Department of Macro-Fiscal and Development Finance, Ministry of Finance, Bhutan and Keio University
,"The Realities of Sluggish Domestic Demand" (in Japanese)
Denki Shimbun, 2025.03
"Energy Supply and Demand Outlook - Absence of Connoisseurs"
Denki Shimbun, 2025.03
”Energy Price Level Index - Crisis Level due to Excessive Carbon Neutral Policy” (in Japanese)
Energy Forum, EP Report, 2025.02
"Fruits Without Roots" (in Japanese)
Denki Shimbun, 2025.02
「新生 第7次エネ基の是非-亡国から興国への脱皮なるか」
Energy Forum, Monthly Energy Forum, 2025.02
Development of comprehensive aggregate productivity accounts for Asian countries, 1970-2023
Asian Productivity Organization and Keio Economic Observatory,
UNESCAP Project- Development of Growth Accounting Framework for Bhutan
Ministry of Finance and Keio Economic Observatory, (Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan, and KEO, Keio University) ,
Barbara M. Fraumeni and Khuong M. Vu, (Telecommunications Policy) ,
Development of comprehensive aggregate productivity accounts for Asian countries, 1970-2022
Asian Productivity Organization and Keio Economic Observatory,
UNDP Project- Development of Growth Accounting Framework for Bhutan
Ministry of Finance and Keio Economic Observatory, (Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan, and KEO, Keio University) ,
Editorial Board Member, "Economic Analysis" Editorial Board, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Advisor, SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute
Chief Expert, APO Productivity Databook 2025, Asian Productivity Organization
Consultant, UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
Committee member, Committee on Energy System Research, APIR (Asia Pacific Institute of Reseach)