Minamizawa, Kouta



Graduate School of Media Design Embodied Media Project (Hiyoshi)



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Profile 【 Display / hide

  • Graduated from the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics at The University of Tokyo in 2005,
    received his PhD in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo in 2010.
    He directs the KMD Embodied Media Project, where conduct researches on technology, design and social deployment of haptics and embodied interaction
    to transfer, enhance and create the human bodily experiences, and organizes research projects on Haptic Design, Superhuman Sports, and Sports Co-creation.
    He also serve as JST ACCEL Associate Program Manager, IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics Vice Chair in Conference,
    Executive Director of the Superhuman Sports Society, and Technical Advisor at Telexistence Inc.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2007.04

    日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(DC1)

  • 2010.04

    慶應義塾大学, 大学院 メディアデザイン研究科, 特別研究助教

  • 2011.04

    慶應義塾大学, 大学院 メディアデザイン研究科, 特任講師

  • 2012.07

    一般社団法人リアリティメディア研究機構, 理事

  • 2013.09

    慶應義塾大学, 大学院 メディアデザイン研究科, 准教授

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2001.04

    The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics

    University, Graduated

  • 2005.04

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Department of Information Physics and Computing

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 学士(工学), The University of Tokyo, Coursework, 2005.03

  • 修士(情報理工学), The University of Tokyo, 2007.03

  • 博士(情報理工学), The University of Tokyo, 2010.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Informatics / Human interface and interaction

  • Informatics / Perceptual information processing

  • Informatics / Kansei informatics

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Haptics

  • Embodied Informatics

  • Interaction Design

  • Virtual Reality

  • Information Physics

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Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Embodeid Media, 


  • Haptic Design, 


  • Superhuman Sports / Sports Co-creation, 


  • Human Augmentation / Radical Bodies, 


  • Telexistence, 


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Books 【 Display / hide

  • 触楽入門:はじめて世界に触れるときのように

    仲谷 正史, 筧 康明, 三原 聡一郎, 南澤 孝太 , 朝日出版社 , 2016.01,  Page: 256

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • FEELTECH Wear: Enhancing Mixed Reality Experience with Wrist to Finger Haptic Attribution

    R Umehara, H Taguchi, A Horie, Y Kamiyama, S Sakamoto, H Ishikawa, ...

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies, 1-2  2024.07

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    FEEL TECH Wear is a system that facilitates haptic interactions while keeping most of the palm free, by presenting directional force through rotational skin-stretch distribution feedback to the wrist and providing texture sensation through vibration feedback to the fingertips. With advancements in hand tracking and passthrough technologies, hand interactions in Mixed Reality (MR) environments have become more accessible, necessitating palm-free haptic feedback methods that do not hinder interactions with real objects or impair vision-based hand tracking. The hardware of FEEL TECH Wear primarily consists of two components: a hand-mounted device for each hand and a control unit located at the back of the head. The hand-mounted device is equipped with four channels of rotational skin-stretch tactors at the wrist and vibration tactors at the thumb and index finger. Using FEEL TECH Wear, three applications have been realized: haptic feedback for virtual objects, haptic augmentation for real objects, and haptic guidance towards objects.

  • HaptoRoom: Using Vibrotactile Floor Interfaces To Enable Reconfigurable Haptic Interaction Onto Any Furniture Surfaces

    K Tsujita, T Yoshida, K Kobayashi, A Horie, N Hanamitsu, K Minamizawa

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies, 1-2  2024.07

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    Vibrotactile interaction is an essential source of HCI and should be on a large scale, such as room scale, whereas in the past many devices have been small. However, there is a practical difficulties for implementing vibrotactile actuators and sensors to every furnitures in the room. To address this problem, our approach, HaptoRoom, archives reconfigurable ubiquitous haptic interaction to existing furniture without additional equipment by installing actuators only in the floor. A user can design detailed spatial distribution of vibrotactile pattern, leveraging with multi-point individual control of actuators array inside floor interfaces.

  • The Malleable-Self Experience: Transforming Body Image by Integrating Visual and Whole-Body Haptic Stimuli

    T Person, N Hanamitsu, D Hynds, S Wakisaka, K Isobe, L Mochizuki, ...

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies, 1-2  2024.07

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    The Malleable-Self Experience comprises the integration of the visual element of virtual reality (VR) with the whole-body haptic sensations of the Synesthesia X1 haptic chair. The goal is to induce a provocative experience that expands one's understanding of the self by creating a malleable perception of the body image. We explore the effects of visual and whole-body haptic integration on augmenting body image during dynamic transformations of visual representations of the body in VR. We design the plausibility of these perceptual augmentations using a specific sequence of multisensory events: (1) establishing body ownership of a virtual body anchored in the same self-located space as the participant, (2) separating the virtual body to hover above the participant's physical body, enhanced by accompanying haptic stimuli to increase proprioceptive uncertainty, and (3) transforming the virtual body with integrated visuo-haptic stimuli to sustain perceptual congruency.

  • Cymatics Cup: Shape-Changing Drinks by Leveraging Cymatics

    W Chen, Y Yang, KH Liu, YS Pai, J Yamaoka, K Minamizawa

    Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-19  2024.05

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    To enhance the dining experience, prior studies in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and gastrophysics have demonstrated that modifying the static shape of solid foods can amplify taste perception. However, the exploration of dynamic shape-changing mechanisms in liquid foods remains largely untapped. In the present study, we employ cymatics, a scientific discipline focused on utilizing sound frequencies to generate patterns in liquids and particles-to augment the drinking experience. Utilizing speakers, we dynamically reshaped liquids exhibiting five distinct taste profiles and evaluated resultant changes in taste perception and drinking experience. Our research objectives extend beyond merely augmenting taste from visual to tactile sensations; we also prioritize the experiential aspects of drinking. Through a series of experiments and workshops, we revealed a significant impact on taste perception and overall drinking experience when mediated by cymatics efects. Building upon these findings, we designed and developed tableware to integrate cymatics principles into gastronomic experiences.

  • People with Disabilities Redefining Identity through Robotic and Virtual Avatars: A Case Study in Avatar Robot Cafe

    Y Hatada, G Barbareschi, K Takeuchi, H Kato, K Yoshifuji, K Minamizawa, ...

    Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-13  2024.05

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    Robotic avatars and telepresence technology enable people with disabilities to engage in physical work. Despite the recent popularity of the metaverse, few studies have explored the use of virtual avatars and environments by people with disabilities. In this study, seven disabled participants working in a cafe where remote customer service is provided via robotic avatars, were engaged in the development and use of personalized virtual avatars displayed on a large screen in-situ in combination with existing physical robots, creating a hybrid cyber-physical space. We conducted longitudinal semi-structured interviews to investigate the psychological changes experienced by the participants. The results revealed that mass-produced robotic avatars allowed participants to not disclose their disability if they did not want to, but also backgrounded their identities; by contrast, customized virtual avatars shaped without physical constraints, highlighted their personalities. The combined use of robotic and virtual avatars complemented each other and can support pilots in redefining their identity.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Special Issue on Augmenting the Human Body and Being

    Inami Masahiko, Iwata Hiroyasu, Kukita Minao, Kurita Yuichi, Minamizawa Kouta, Mochimaru Masaaki, Narumi Takuji, Rekimoto Junichi, Suzuki Kenji

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (Fuji Technology Press Ltd.)  33 ( 5 ) 985 - 986 2021.10

    ISSN  09153942

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    <p>Information technologies, such as IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality (VR), have seen so much development that there is now a wide variety of digital equipment incorporated into the infrastructure of daily life. From the agrarian society (Society 1.0) through the information society (Society 4.0), humankind has created farmlands and cities by structuring natural environments physically and has built information environments by structuring them informationally. However, despite the rapid development of information environments, it may be fair to say that the perspectives of the human body have not changed at all since the industrial revolution.</p><p>In the context of these recent technological developments, greater attention is being paid to human augmentation studies. These studies aim for a new embodiment of “human-computer integration,” one which can physically and informationally compensate or augment our innate sensory functions, motor functions, and intellectual processing functions by using digital equipment and information systems at will, as if they were our hands and feet. It has also been proposed that the technical systems that enable us to freely do what we want by utilizing human augmentations be called “JIZAI” (freedomization) as opposed to “automation.”</p><p>The term “JIZAI body” used in these studies represents the new body image of humans who will utilize engineering and informatics technologies to act at will in the upcoming “super smart society” or “Society 5.0.” In these studies, human augmentation technologies are an important component of JIZAI, but JIZAI is not the same as human augmentation. JIZAI is different in scope from human augmentation, as it aims to enable humans to move freely among the five new human body images: “strengthened sense” (augmented perception), “strengthened physical body” (body augmentation), “separately-designed mind and body” (out of body transform), “shadow cloning,” and “assembling.” In the society of the future where JIZAI bodies widely prevail, we will use technologies that enable us to do what we have failed at or given up due to limitations of our physical bodies. We believe that a future society, one in which aging does not reduce our capabilities but instead increased options give us hope, can be realized. This special issue, consisting of two review papers and twelve research papers, deals with diverse and wide-ranging areas, including human augmentation, robotics, virtual reality, and others. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the authors and reviewers of the papers contributed to this special issue and to the editorial committee of the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics for their gracious cooperation.</p>

Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Design foundations of digital embodied network for broadening sense of self


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B), No Setting

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    1年目の2021年度は、振動や圧力を1対1の状況において双方向で伝達したり、振動を多対多の状況で共有することで、向社会行動がどのように誘発されるのかを検証するために、その計測・伝送・提示技術に関する検討を行った。2年目の2022年度(本年度)では、実際に、遠隔で圧力を伝送し合う状況における心理的・生理的変化を計測する実験を行った。また、お互いに触覚を感じながら経済ゲームを行う事で、向社会的な行動が変化するかを検証した。触覚と経済ゲームの組み合わせはこれまでほとんど行われておらず、その新規性は高い。また、触覚による影響は、その触質感の違いや、コミュニケーションの在り方や経済ゲームの種類によって、異なる可能性もあり、来年度はその整理を行っていきたい。これらの成果は、国内学会・国際学会にて発表された。また、デジタル技術を介してどのように、社会的な行動が引き起こされるのか、映像と触覚フィードバック技術を組み合わせた影響や、分散型データベース技術におけるNFT(Non-fungible Token)の保有による影響を、身体論からも考察した。
    研究の方向性や進捗については当初の予定通りであり、順調に進捗している。また、領域内のメンバー間で密にコミュニケーションをとることで、協力しながら 研究を進められている。
    研究の方向性はこれまで通り、「デジタル身体性経済学」を創成するための、情報ネットワーク基盤に関する学術を構築することである。一年目・二年目と進めてきた、 身体性情報をデジタル化し、伝送・提示に関する整理を行うとともに、向社会行動を生み出す触覚提示手法の検討を継続する。

  • Elucidation and Modeling of Body Image Expansion Based on Body Conjugate Systems


    The University of Tokyo, INAMI Masahiko, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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    In this study, with the aim of constructing a "body conjugate system" that projects our body image to control targets in various shapes, we studied on design guidelines and design limits of the body conjugate system by using VR avatars and wearable robots. We examined our cognition on the body conjugate system in the case of constructing it with not only the whole body but also with the local elements of the body. As a result of this study, we acquired the concept of "body schema editing" according to physical tasks.

  • Design Principles for Embodied Interaction based on Measurement and Reproduction of Haptic Sense


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Principal investigator

Intellectual Property Rights, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 制御装置、ロボット制御方法及びロボット制御システム

    Date applied: 特願2019-017756  2019.02 

    Date announced: 特開2019-063995  2019.04 



    Date applied: 16/153,008  2018.10 

    Date announced: 20190043322  2019.02 



    Date applied: 16/152,982  2018.10 

    Date announced: 20190064927  2019.02 


  • 制御装置、ロボット制御方法及びロボット制御システム

    Date applied: 特願2018-562142  2018.05 

    Date announced: WO2018/212226  2019.02 

    Date issued: 特許6476358 


  • Information processing apparatus, storage medium having stored therein information processing program, information processing system, and information processing method

    Date applied:   2017.10 

    Date announced: 20180050271  2018.02 

    Date issued: US Patent Number 9968846  2018.03


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Awards 【 Display / hide


    Superhuman Suport Society, 2017.10, 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会, 「人機一体」の新スポーツ創造プロジェクト [超人スポーツプロジェクト]

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

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    ポップカルチャーや人間拡張工学により、身体・年齢・障碍などのさまざまな壁を超えた「超人 (Superhuman) 」同士が競い合う、「人機一体」の新たなスポーツを創造するプロジェクト。技術開発やスポーツのルールデザインのみならず、プレイヤーやコミュニティを育成し、スポーツ分野そのものを新しい時代に即した形へと拡張することが目標である。 本プロジェクトは、「超人スポーツハッカソン」等を通じて、趣旨に共感した一般の人が作り上げた様々な超人スポーツ競技の集合から成り、超人スポーツ協会は上記競技開発や、体験会を通じた普及、競技会の実施など様々なイベントの支援、デザインを行う。

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第18回論文賞

    徳久悟,吉野弘一,小幡光一,遠藤志津子,岩崎花梨,武田港,柴崎美奈,神山洋一,南澤孝太, 2016.09, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 東京国立博物館・特集展示「伊能忠敬の日本図」とミュージアムシアターを活用したサービスデザインプラクティス

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • VR Creative award 2016

    Enhance Games + Rhizomatiks Architecture + Keio Media Design, 2016.06, 一般社団法人VRコンソーシアム, Rez Infinite - Synesthesia Suit

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第17回論文賞

    仲谷正史,筧康明,南澤孝太,三原聡一郎,舘 暲, 2015.09, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 触感表現の一般普及に向けた方法論とテクタイルワークショップを通したその実践

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • 計測自動制御学会(SICE)システム・インテグレーション(SI)部門技術業績賞

    筧康明,仲谷正史,南澤孝太, 2014.12, 触感表現技術の普及展開活動「TECHTILE(テクタイル)」

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本機械学会, 

  • IEEE, 


  • 情報処理学会, 

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2019

    IEEE World Haptics 2019 Associate editor, IEEE

  • 2018.01

    IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics, Vice chair in conference

  • 2018.01

    IEEE World Haptics 2019 Steering committee, IEEE

  • 2018

    IEEE World Haptics 2019 Local-arrangement chair, IEEE

  • 2018

    ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Emerging technologies committee, ACM

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