Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy 衛生化学講座 (Shiba-Kyoritsu)
Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor
Details of a Researcher
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Nakazawa, Yosuke
Faculity of pahrmacy, setsunan university, 助手
慶應義塾大学薬学部, 助手
慶應義塾大学薬学部, 助教
The University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Visiting Researcher
Fuculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, Senior Lecturer
薬剤師, 2003.04
健康食品管理士, 2019.01
水質管理責任者, 2025.02
Semiquantitative analysis of protein expression in heated rat lens using shotgun proteomics.
Otake H, Masuda S, Yamamoto T, Miyata Y, Nakazawa Y, Yamamoto N, Taga A, Sasaki H, Nagai N
Molecular medicine reports 31 ( 1 ) 2025.01
ISSN 1791-2997
Identification of Ascorbate Free Radical Reductase in the Lens
Mikako Oka, Masayasu Bando, Yosuke Nakazawa, Hiroko Ushikubo, Takashi Yoshikado, Kenji Okada, Koji Chiba, Makoto Takehana
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research (Japanese Society for Cataract Research) 36 113 - 122 2024.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
ニルバジピンナノサスペンション点眼による眼組織への 薬物送達:経口投与時における薬物挙動との比較
門脇玲太, 明和亮伍, 岩井誓治, 永田万由美, 松島博之, 中澤洋介, 山本直樹, 佐々木 洋, 長井紀章
日本白内障学会誌 (日本白内障学会) 36 95 - 99 2024.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work
亜セレン酸誘発白内障モデルの混濁過程における 水晶体弾性力の変化
門脇玲太, 浅井拓己, 出口粧央里, 大竹裕子, 岡本紀夫, 中澤洋介, 佐々木 洋, 長井紀章
日本白内障学会誌 (日本白内障学会) 36 104 - 109 2024.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Design of an Oral Tablet Containing Furosemide Nanoparticles with Elevated Bioavailability.
Nagai N, Ogata F, Kadowaki R, Deguchi S, Otake H, Nakazawa Y, Misra M, Kawasaki N
Journal of oleo science (Journal of oleo science) 73 ( 4 ) 563 - 571 2024
ISSN 1345-8957
Roles for the TRPVs channels in the lens in the initiation of presbyopia
Nakazawa, Yosuke
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Nakazawa, Yosuke
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2022
Roles for the mechanosensitive channels (TRPV1 and TRPV4) in the initiation of presbyopia
Nakazawa, Yōsuke
福澤諭吉記念慶應義塾学事振興基金事業報告集 (福澤基金運営委員会) 2020
Effect of hesperetin derivatives on the development of cataracts and presbyopia.
Nakazawa, Yosuke
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2019
Effect of hesperetin derivatives on the development of selenite‑induced cataracts in rats
Nakazawa, Yosuke
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2018
Role of Aquaporins and Connexins in the Lens and Contribution to Cataract Development
Kana Aihara, Yosuke Nakazawa
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research (Japanese Society for Cataract Research) 36 82 - 84 2024.06
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Last author, Corresponding author
Ambient Temperature affects TRPV1 activity in lens Epithelial Cells
Yumika Kuno, Yosuke Nakazawa
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research (Japanese Society for Cataract Research) 36 69 - 71 2024.06
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Last author, Corresponding author
Piezo1 チャネルの活性化はTGM2 の活性化を介して 水晶体硬化を発症する
土岐友理, 中澤洋介, 助川心優
日本白内障学会誌 (日本白内障学会) 36 124 - 125 2024.06
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author
食と医療 (講談社) 27 40 - 46 2023.10
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Lead author, Corresponding author
食と医療 (講談社) 23 59 - 65 2022.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Joint Work, Lead author, Last author
Assessing the Impact of Functional Excipients on Critical Characteristics of Posaconazole Nanocrystals during Lyophilization
Harsoliya Mohammadhassan, Nakazawa Yosuke, Nagai Noriaki, Misra Manju
7th NIrma institute of Pharmacy International conference,
Oral presentation (general)
The 63st Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research/ The 50th Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Crystallin lens Research,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
水晶体温度上昇による白内障進行要因の解明を目指して:ヒト由来細胞 iHLEC-NY2 の プロテオミクス解析
門脇 玲太, 大竹 裕子, 山本 哲志, 山本 直樹, 中澤 洋介, 宮田 佳樹, 多賀 淳, 佐々木 洋, 長井 紀章
The 63st Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research/ The 50th Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Crystallin lens Research,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
水晶体上皮細胞において、TRPV1 は Calpain-PTP を介して EMT を抑制する
西澤 楓子, 杉山 裕紀, 河田 沙礼, 長井 紀章, 山本 直樹, 多胡 めぐみ, 中澤 洋介
The 63st Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research/ The 50th Annual Meetings of the Japanese Society for Crystallin lens Research,
Oral presentation (general)
The physical changes by aging in the lens and treatment its related diseases.
Yosuke Nakazawa
Symposium, workshop panel (public)
Analysis of the mechanism of presbyopia and development of animal models
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
Mechanobiological analysis of cell-basement membrane interaction during eye lens morphogenesis
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting
Roles for the TRPVs channels in the lens in the initiation of presbyopia
文部科学省, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Yosuke Nakazawa, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Research grant, Principal investigator
Roles for the mechanosensitive channels (TRPV1 and TRPV4) in the initiation of presb yopia and development of cataract
JSPS-NZRS, Bilateral joint research project between Japan and New Zealand, Yosuke Nakazawa, Research grant, Principal investigator
Japan Health Foundation, Yosuke Nakazawa, Research grant, Principal investigator
日本薬学会2019年度関東支部 奨励賞
中澤洋介, 2019.09, 公益社団法人日本薬学会関東支部, 抗白内障薬/抗老眼薬の創製を見据えて:水晶体透明性維持機構の解明と疾患予防の基盤研究
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
日本白内障学会 学術賞
中澤洋介, 2014.09, Japanese Society for Cataract Research, 水晶体のアクアポリン0の役割および機能に関する新しい知見
Imaging competion Winner 2019
2019.07, Vector Laboratories社, lens E10 section
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
Highly Commended Award- Confocal microscopy
2016.12, The University of Auckland, Mouse Lens axial sectioning image
Country: New Zealand
Best Author Award - Molecular Medicine Morphology
Nakazawa Y, Aihara K, Takeda S, Hatsusaka N, Onouchi T, Hiramatsu N, Nagata M, Nagai N, Tago-F M, Yamamoto N, Sasaki H., 2024.07, The japanese Society for clinical Molecular Morphology, Aquaporins contribute to vacuoles formation in Nile grass type II diabetic rats
Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal
第一回 Ocular Scientific Meeting 大会長
日本薬学会 第141年会 一般シンポジウム オーガナイザー
日本薬学会 第140年会 一般シンポジウム オーガナイザー
Conference President, The 44th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Crystalline Lens Research.
大会長, 第44回 水晶体研究会
理事, 白内障学会
大会長, 第一回 眼科創薬研究会 大会長
理事, 日本老視学会
監事, Ocular Scientific Meeting