Urushihara, Hisashi



Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy 医薬品開発規制科学講座 (Shiba-Kyoritsu)



Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1995.04

    Eli Lilly Japan, K.K.

  • 2008.04

    Kyoto University, School of Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacoepidemiology, Assistant Professor

  • 2008.04

    Kyoto University, School of Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacoepidemiology, Assistant Professor

  • 2008.04

    Kyoto University, School of Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacoepidemiology, Assistant Professor

  • 2012.10

    Kyoto University, School of Medicine, Ethics Committee, Lecturer

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1992.03

    Hokkaido University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 2005.04

    Kyoto University, School of Medicine and Public Health, 社会健康医学系専攻

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 薬学修士, Hokkaido University, Coursework, 1992.03

  • 医学博士(社会健康医学), Kyoto University, Coursework, 2008.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Medical management and medical sociology (Epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology)

  • Life Science / Medical technology assessment (Regulatory Sciences)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Regulartory science

  • Regulartory science

  • Pharmacovigilance


Books 【 Display / hide

  • Post-Authorization Safetety Studies of Medicinal Products

    Koji Kawakami, Hisashi Urushihara, & Izumi Sato, taishukan, 2022.08,  Page: 411

    Original author: Ayad K. Ali, & Abraham G.Hartzema

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  • ストロムの薬剤疫学(原書名 Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology, Second Edition, Edited by Brian L. Strom, Stephen E. Kimmel, Sean Hennessy. 2013)

    監修, 川上浩司, 漆原尚巳, 田中司朗, 南山堂, 2019.10

  • スタンダード薬学シリーズII 薬学総論Ⅰ. 薬剤師としての基本事項.

    漆原 尚巳, 編日本薬学会, 東京化学同人. 東京., 2015

    Scope: 第Ⅱ部 薬剤師に求められる倫理観 第8章 研究倫理. SBO38, 39, 40.

  • 臨床現場で実践する薬学研究のススメ.

    漆原 尚巳,澤田康文, 南山堂. 東京., 2014.10

    Scope: Step 2-3.「統計ソフトの選び方と解析時のポイント」. pp122-135

  • 医薬品のレギュラトリーサイエンス

    豊島聰編, 黒川達夫編, 望月眞弓, 漆原尚巳, 他9名, 南山堂. 東京., 2014.02

    Scope: 第4章 患者・健常人で有効性や安全性を確かめるための手立て Ⅲ 臨床研究における統計学の基礎。pp77-87

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Validation of algorithms in studies based on routinely collected health data: General principles

    Ehrenstein V., Hellfritzsch M., Kahlert J., Langan S.M., Urushihara H., Marinac-Dabic D., Lund J.L., Sørensen H.T., Benchimol E.I.

    American Journal of Epidemiology 193 ( 11 ) 1612 - 1624 2024.11

    Last author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  00029262

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    Clinicians, researchers, regulators, and other decision-makers increasingly rely on evidence from real-world data (RWD), including data routinely accumulating in health and administrative databases. RWD studies often rely on algorithms to operationalize variable definitions. An algorithm is a combination of codes or concepts used to identify persons with a specific health condition or characteristic. Establishing the validity of algorithms is a prerequisite for generating valid study findings that can ultimately inform evidence-based health care. In this paper, we aim to systematize terminology, methods, and practical considerations relevant to the conduct of validation studies of RWD-based algorithms. We discuss measures of algorithm accuracy, gold/reference standards, study size, prioritization of accuracy measures, algorithm portability, and implications for interpretation. Information bias is common in epidemiologic studies, underscoring the importance of transparency in decisions regarding choice and prioritizing measures of algorithm validity. The validity of an algorithm should be judged in the context of a data source, and one size does not fit all. Prioritizing validity measures within a given data source depends on the role of a given variable in the analysis (eligibility criterion, exposure, outcome, or covariate). Validation work should be part of routine maintenance of RWD sources. This article is part of a Special Collection on Pharmacoepidemiology.

  • Prescribing Cascades of Loop Diuretics and Anti-vertigo Drugs Following Treatment with Gabapentinoids and Benzodiazepines: Prescription Sequence Symmetry Analysis of a Large-Scale Claims Database Including Japanese Older Adults

    Omata R., Asami A., Hara A., Urushihara H.

    Drugs - Real World Outcomes 11 ( 3 ) 529 - 540 2024.09

    Last author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  21991154

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    Background: Gabapentinoids (GBP) and benzodiazepines (BZ) are commonly prescribed in older adults and their package inserts list edema and vertigo as adverse drug reactions. These adverse drug reactions may be treated with symptomatic drug therapies without discontinuing the culprit drugs or decreasing their dose, thereby initiating a prescribing cascade and often resulting in polypharmacy. Whether prescribing cascades occur in the treatment of edema and dizziness among Japanese patients treated with GBP and BZ has not been investigated, including treatment with mirogabalin, a class drug of GBP marketed in Japan. Objective: We aimed to investigate prescribing cascades with GBP-induced and BZ-induced edema and dizziness treated with loop diuretics (LD) and anti-vertigo drugs (AVD), respectively, among older adults. Methods: A prescription sequence symmetry analysis design was used to detect signals of prescribing cascades associated with edema and dizziness induced by GBP and BZ (exposure drugs). Loop diuretics and AVD were the outcome drugs used to identify prescribing cascades following the initiation of exposure drugs. The study population consisted of enrollees of a large-scale health claims database provided by DeSC Healthcare, Inc., between April 2014 and March 2021. Subjects eligible for a prescription sequence symmetry analysis were patients aged ≥ 65 years prescribed an outcome drug within 90 days before and after exposure drug initiation. A signal of a prescribing cascade was detected if secular trend-adjusted sequence ratios were statistically significant on comparison of the frequencies of outcome drug initiation before and after exposure drug initiation. Results: We identified 2671 patients with prescriptions of a GBP-LD combination, 4009 with a GBP-AVD combination, 8675 with a BZ-LD combination, and 9462 with a BZ-AVD combination. The adjusted sequence ratios for GBP-LD and BZ-LD cascades were significantly larger than one (adjusted sequence ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.69 [1.56–1.83]; 1.35 [1.29–1.41], respectively), indicating positive signals of prescribing cascades. No signal was detected for the GBP-AVD or BZ-AVD cascade (0.89 [0.83–0.94]; 0.90 [0.87–0.94], respectively). The adjusted sequence ratio for the mirogabalin cascade was higher than that for pregabalin (2.23 [1.84–2.71] vs 1.59 [1.46–1.73]). Conclusions: Our study provides good evidence that LD-prescribing cascades associated with edema would be a class effect of GBP and BZ. Edema emerging around 1 month after GBP initiation should be carefully differentiated from pathological edema, and undue LD prescription as a prescribing cascade should be avoided.

  • Comparison of Regulations for Arsenic and Heavy Metals in Herbal Medicines Using Pharmacopoeias of Nine Counties/Regions

    Inada I., Kiuchi F., Urushihara H.

    Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science (Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science)  57 ( 5 ) 963 - 974 2023.09

    Last author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  21684790

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    Introduction: Standardization is an import factor in ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of herbal medicines, and facilitates their international commerce. Heavy metal poisoning due to herbal medicines has been reported in many countries. Here, to better understand the current state of harmonization, we compared regulations for arsenic and heavy metals in herbal medicines across seven countries and two regions with two international standards. Methods: We studied the monographs of herbal medicines of seven countries and two regions, as well as the WHO guidelines and ISO standards. We then compared the limits and test methods adopted for elemental impurities in herbal medicines listed in the monographs and standards among countries. Results: The number of herbal medicines assessed amounted to over 2000. Limits and test methods adopted for elemental impurities in herbal medicines varied by country/region and organization. Although WHO recommends a uniform upper limit for lead and cadmium for all herbal medicines, some countries set unique upper limits for individual herbal medicines. ISO 18664:2015 lists only instrumental analysis methods, whereas Japan and India list only chemical methods. Conclusions: Many countries do not adhere to the WHO or ISO recommendations on elemental impurities in herbal medicines. These findings suggest the presence of differences in regulations for herbal medicines among countries/regions, likely rooted in cultural differences and policies aimed at maintaining the diversity of herbal medicines. Regulatory convergence by “loose harmonization” to internationally agreed standards appears a feasible option to maintain diversity and safety, and promote international trade in herbal medicines.

  • A quality management system aiming to ensure regulatory-grade data quality in a glaucoma registry

    Wada S., Tsuda S., Abe M., Nakazawa T., Urushihara H.

    PLoS ONE (PLoS ONE)  18 ( 6 June )  2023.06

    Last author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  1932-6203

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    Background Disease/patient registries are underutilized despite their multiple advantages over clinical trials in the clinical evaluation of drugs, such as the capacity for long-term curation, provision of patient outcome data in routine clinical practice, and provision of benchmark data for comparison. Ensuring the fit-for-purpose quality of data generated from such registries is important to informing regulatory decision making. Here, we report the construction of a quality management system aiming to ensure regulatory-grade data quality for a registry of Japanese patients with glaucoma to evaluate long-term patient outcomes. Methods The quality management system was established by reference to the risk-based approach in the ICH-E6 (R2) recommendations. The following three-component approach was taken: establishment of governance, computerized system validation (CSV), and implementation of risk assessment and control. Compliance of the system with the recommendations of regulatory guidelines relevant to use of the registry was assessed. Results Governance by academic collaboration was established. This was followed by the development of a total of 15 standard operating procedures, including CSV, data management, monitoring, audit, and management of imaging data. The data management system was constructed based on a data management plan, which specified data/paper flow and data management procedures. The electronic data capture (EDC) system was audited by an external vendor, and configured and validated using the V-model framework as recommended in the GAMP5 guideline. Informed consent, eligibility assessment and major ophthalmology measurements were determined as Critical to Quality (CTQ) factors. A total of 22 risk items were identified and classified into three categories, and operationalized in the form of a risk control plan, which included training sessions and risk-based monitoring. The glaucoma registry addressed most quality recommendations in official guidelines issued by multiple health authorities, although two recommendations were not met. Conclusions We established and configured a quality management system for a glaucoma registry to ensure fit-for-purpose data quality for regulatory use, and to curate long-term follow-up data of glaucoma patients in a prospective manner.

  • Risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Associated With Antibiotic Use: A Case-Crossover Study

    Fukasawa T., Urushihara H., Takahashi H., Okura T., Kawakami K.

    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice)   2023

    Last author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  22132198

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    Background: Evidence is lacking on the association between antibiotic use and risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) in Asians. Objective: We assessed the risk of SJS/TEN associated with different antibiotic classes in Japanese. Methods: We conducted a case-crossover study using a claims database. Firth conditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of SJS/TEN associated with antibiotic use in a 56-day hazard period versus 3 control periods. We created 18 cohorts for each antibiotic class and calculated 56-day cumulative incidence per 100,000 new users. The association between antibiotic class and SJS/TEN was also evaluated in each case using the ALgorithm of Drug causality for Epidermal Necrolysis (ALDEN). Results: Our case-crossover study included 170 SJS/TEN cases. Increased ORs were observed for lincomycins (OR, 33.00 [95% CI, 3.74-4332.05]), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (21.20 [6.73-105.98]), penicillins (14.39 [6.95-34.21]), glycopeptides (14.37 [3.17-136.10]), cephalosporins (7.06 [4.25-12.21]), aminoglycosides (6.55 [1.97-26.84]), quinolones (5.98 [3.34-11.20]), fosfomycin (5.40 [1.20-30.97]), carbapenems (5.09 [1.85-15.64]), tetracyclines (4.95 [1.78-15.27]), and macrolides (3.78 [2.13-6.83]). Cumulative incidence of SJS/TEN was 67.4 for trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 86.2 for glycopeptides, and below 10.0 for the others. Despite the high incidence, only 2 cases had a probable causal relationship with glycopeptides. Conclusion: Some antibiotic classes, including lincomycins, glycopeptides, aminoglycosides, fosfomycin, and carbapenems, were newly suggested to be associated with risk of SJS/TEN; considered together with the high incidence for trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and glycopeptides, these findings warrant caution in clinical practice.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • ケースコントロールデザインとデータベース研究


    薬剤疫学  28   57 - 72 2023

    Lead author

  • 治療効果に関する仮説を評価するリアルワールドエビデンス研究の再現性向上に向けた調和プロトコルテンプレート(HARPER日本語版):ISPE/ISPOR 合同タスクフォースの実施基準に関する報告(邦訳)

    深澤俊貴, 岩上将夫, 原梓, 野中孝浩, 漆原尚巳

    薬剤疫学  28   17 - 35 2023

    Corresponding author

  • 序文 HARPER の翻訳および関連する本企画について

    3. 深澤俊貴, 岩上将夫, 原梓, 野中孝浩, 漆原尚巳

    薬剤疫学  28   13 - 16 2023

    Corresponding author

  • デザインダイアグラム:リアルワールドデータを活用した研究デザインを可視化し,再現性を高めるフレームワーク

    深澤 俊, 岩上 将, 原 梓, 漆原 尚巳

    薬剤疫学  28   39 - 55 2023

    Corresponding author

  • 【薬剤疫学の医療への貢献】日本薬剤疫学会専門家認定制度「認定薬剤疫学家」について

    漆原 尚巳、大場 延浩

    Precision Medicine(2434-3625) 5 ( 14 ) 1264 - 1266 2022.12

    Lead author

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • 【リアルワールドエビデンス研究の再現性向上に向けた調和プロトコルテンプレート(HARPER)】ケースコントロールデザインとデータベース研究

    漆原 尚巳




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  • 【リアルワールドエビデンス研究の再現性向上に向けた調和プロトコルテンプレート(HARPER)】デザインダイアグラム リアルワールドデータを活用した研究デザインを可視化し,再現性を高めるフレームワーク

    深澤 俊貴, 岩上 将夫, 原 梓, 漆原 尚巳




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  • 新規治療開発への利活用を見据えた緑内障レジストリ

    阿部 真以子(東北大学), 津田 聡, 和田 信介, 横山 悠, 檜森 紀子, 矢花 武史, 面高 宗子, 前川 重人, 高田 菜生子, 山崎 舞, 漆原 尚巳, 中澤 徹



  • 【薬剤疫学の医療への貢献】日本薬剤疫学会専門家認定制度「認定薬剤疫学家」について

    漆原 尚巳, 大場 延浩

    Precision Medicine, 



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  • 世界各国薬局方における生薬中のヒ素及び重金属に関する規定の比較

    Inada Isa, Kiuchi Fumiyuki, Urushihara Hisashi

    Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 


    The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

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    <p>【目的】</p><p>生薬が含有する元素不純物量に関する、国際基準や世界各国の薬局方における規定を比較し、各国の規制状況及び国際調和の現状を明らかにする。</p><p>【方法】</p><p>国際機関であるWHOやISOの規格の他、WHOが発行するIndex of World Pharmacopoeias and Pharmacopoeial authoritiesに掲載されている国・地域の薬局方英語版及び、生薬・薬用植物に関する国際調和のための西太平洋地区討論会(FHH)の参加国・地域の資料を対象に、元素不純物の上限値や試験法を比較した。生薬は、日本薬局方の生薬総則により定義し、製剤等は対象から除外した。元素不純物は、ICH-Q3Dにおいてクラス1に分類される、ヒ素、鉛、カドミウム、水銀を対象とした。資料ごとに、規定の有無別の生薬数を算出し、上限値はバブルプロット、試験法は対比表にて図示した。解析アプリケーションはJMP Pro 16を使用した。</p><p>【結果・考察】</p><p>9カ国・地域の資料とWHOのガイドラインを比較した結果、WHOのガイドライン(N=117)では、鉛及びカドミウムに関して、全ての生薬に一律の上限値を推奨し、ヨーロッパ薬局方(N=254)や香港の基準(N=330)では、ほとんどの生薬に対し、4種類の元素不純物ごとに一律の上限値を規定していた。その一方で、日本薬局方(N=173)や中国薬典(N=611)、ベトナム薬局方(N=330)では、生薬ごとに異なる上限値を設け、それぞれ54%、94%及び91%の生薬に、上限値などの規定がされていなかった。伝統医学が生活文化に根付いている国においては、生薬の多様性を重んじる傾向から、各生薬の特徴に合わせた上限値を設けるために、サンプルを検査し、実測値を上限値の参考としていると考えられる。試験法に関しては、ISO規格では、機器分析法のみが記載されていたものの、日本薬局方やインド薬局方(N=90)は、化学的な試験法のみを採用していた。日本やインドは、経済的に分析機器を導入できない、小さな供給元に対して配慮をしていると考えられる。</p><p>【結論】</p><p>世界各国・地域の基準及び、国際機関の規格には、それぞれの文化的背景や生薬の多様性による違いが見られ、生薬の元素不純物に関する規格が国際調和には至っていないことが明らかになった。生薬の多様性を維持しつつ、安全性と品質を確保し、伝統医学の将来的な国際利用を促進するためには、規制の収斂のための新たな国際規格の策定が必要である。</p>

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Hypothesis-free approarch of safety signal detection by clustering embeddings of drug adverse events


    基盤研究(C), Principal investigator

  • Outcome definition repository for epidemiological research utilizing electronic medical record databases


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    日本薬剤疫学会OutcomeDefinition RepositoryのTask Force(TF)は、日本疫学会、日本臨床疫学会からの協力を得つつ、大学、製薬協、医療データベース協会などからの構成員と共に、本レポジトリ構築・運用に向けて2019年2月28日に設立された。これまで13回の会議を開催し、本Repositoryの構築及び運用に向けた議論を行い、利用する研究者の観点から、レポジトリデザイン、運用体制・制度について決定してきた。
    薬剤疫学研究に利用可能なデータベースを使用した既報の論文を基に、Repository design(登録する情報・項目、及び対象)の決定、及び運用体制・制度、及び利用者のアクセス権限の検討、これら検討結果に基づいたRepository のpilot版構築を行ってきた。
    第8回会議(2021年5月7日開催)では、関係学会との運営体制、pilot構築及び運用担当者と役割分担、本運用に関する議論を行った。第9回(2021年7月1日開催)では、Pilot版構築担当運営体制、Pilot版構築進捗、運用マニュアル整備、第10回(2021年8月24日開催)では、pilot 版構築の進捗、仕様の説明、入力マニュアル、規制当局の活動に関する情報収集、第11回(2021年9月30日開催)では、pilot 版テスト入力のフィードバックと確認事項、修正変更の検討、第12回(2022年1月20日開催)では、Pilot版の変更点共有、現状と課題、第13回(2022年3月4日開催)では、pilot版ODRテスト入力、操作マニュアルへのフィードバック、翌年度実行計画の方針、本運用レポジトリ構築の外部委託業者候補について議論を行った。

  • A longitudinal observational study of healthy older adults based on biological and insurance clam dataset


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, ARAI Yasumichi, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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    In this study, we recruited a total of 1026 healthy elderly people aged between 85 and 89 with no ADL limitation, and collected a wide range of health indicators such as cognitive function, physical function, eating habits and physical activity, community participation, blood biomarkers, and genetic analysis, which were merged to medical and long-term care insurance claim data to create an integrated database for development of effective health promotion program. Baseline analysis revealed that older adults with six or more illnesses had lower subjective health rating, and that the higher the depressive tendency, the higher the medical cost burden. Due to a pandemic of COVID-19 pandemic during the study period, an emergency telephone questionnaire was administered and revealed significant impacts on their lifestyle such as a decrease in physical activity, especially among the elderly with visual impairment.

  • Continuous monitoring by wearable device for objective assessment of effectiveness of narcotics in cancer pain management


    文部科学省, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, URUSHIHARA HISASHI, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    This study explored whether the continuous monitoring by a wearable device can objectively detect the effect of medical narcotics. The research question is; can the changes in amount of activity measured with the device be translated to improvements in quality of life or activities in daily living in cancer patients under pain control?
    This study was performed between 2018 and 2019 and 16 patients were enrolled. The major finding from the study is; appropriate index to assess amount of continuous activity measured by the wearable device was selected for the use of future studies.

  • スイッチOTC薬導入による医療用医薬品処方への影響と社会経済学的効用の評価


    薬学研究奨励財団, 研究助成金グループB, No Setting, Principal investigator

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • 第二回藤田賞 薬剤疫学分野受賞


    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 第2回 藤田利治賞

    Urushihara H., 2014.03, 統計数理研究所, 第2回 藤田利治賞 薬剤疫学分野.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • C17(1)医薬品開発と生産のながれ

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture

  • C17(4)(5)治験・バイオスタティスティクス

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Lecture

  • 薬学英語

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • 臨床薬物評価学

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture

Educational Activities and Special Notes 【 Display / hide

  • 慶應義塾大学薬学部医薬品開発規制科学講座学生指導


    , Device of Educational Contents


Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Pharmaceticals and Medical Devices Agency


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    医薬品・医療機器トレーニングセンタープログラム検討委員会委員 H29.8~現在

  • Society for Clinical Epidemiology


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    学会連携委員会 副委員長 H29・1~現在

  • 薬学教育協議会教科担当委員


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    レギュラトリーサイエンス(医薬品評価学)分野 H28・4月~ 現在

  • Japan Epidemiological Association


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    医療情報・統計利用促進委員会 委員 H28・3~H30・3、疫学リソース利用促進委員会 委員 H30・3~

  • 薬剤師国家試験問題検討委員会委員(法規・制度・倫理)


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    H27・4月~、委員長 R2・4~R4・3

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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本臨床疫学会, 

  • 日本薬剤疫学会

  • 日本臨床腫瘍薬学会

  • 日本臨床試験研究会

  • 日本医薬品情報学会


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2019.11

    理事長, 日本薬剤疫学会 

  • 2015.04

    COI委員会委員長, 日本薬剤疫学会

  • 2013.09

    理事, 日本薬剤疫学会 

  • 2013.04

    適正なリスク管理計画実施のためのガイドライン作成タスクフォース 委員, 日本薬剤疫学会 

  • 2010.03

    医の倫理委員会 委員, 京都大学大学院医学研究科・医学部及び医学部附属病院 未承認医薬品等臨床研究・医師主導治験小委員会 

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