Fujiya, Rika



Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care (Shonan Fujisawa)


Associate Professor

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1990.04


  • 1995.02


  • 2002.04


  • 2004.04


  • 2006.09


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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1989.03

    広島大学, 医学部付属看護学校

    Other, Graduated

  • 1990.03

    広島県立広島看護専門学校, 公衆衛生看護学科

    Other, Graduated

  • 1995.03

    Keio University, Faculty of Literature

    University, Graduated

  • 2004.03

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences, 国際保健学専攻

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 2010.03

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences, 国際保健学専攻

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 保健学博士, The University of Tokyo, Coursework, 2010.03

Matters concerning Career Achievements 【 Display / hide

  • 2005.11


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  • 2007.11


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  • 2009.10


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  • 2010.05


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  • 2011.01


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    女性自助グループのリーダーであるパレスチナ難民の女性を招聘しての講演会、トーク、報告会など (東京:2回、広島:1回、京都大学大学院岡真理教室共催の対談、宇都宮大学でのセミナー)


Books 【 Display / hide

  • イスラーム・ジェンダー・スタディーズ4 フィールド経験からの語り

    明石書店, 2021.06,  Page: 36-49

    Scope: 生と性の間で―保健師としてのパレスチナ人女性への聞き取りから Original author: 藤屋リカ

  • パレスチナを知るための60章

    FUJIYA Rika, 明石書店, 2016.04

    Scope: パレスチナの家庭料理―ひと手間が引き出すおいしさと家庭の誇り p37-38

  • パレスチナを知るための60章

    FUJIYA Rika, 明石書店, 2016.04

    Scope: 日本の医療支援―パレスチナに根づいた支援 p364-368

  • パレスチナを知るための60章

    FUJIYA Rika, 明石書店, 2016.04

    Scope: 変遷する障害者福祉―誰も置き去りにしない社会に向けてp330-334

  • 国際保健医療学 第3版

    FUJIYA Rika, 杏林書院, 2013.11

    Scope: プライマリヘルスケア p7-12

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Exposure to violence and other determinants of health literacy among Palestinian adolescents: a cross-sectional study

    Sarhan M.B.A., Fujiya R., Jimba M., Giacaman R., Kiriya J., Shibanuma A.

    BMC Public Health 24 ( 1 ) 3460 2024.12

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    Background: Understanding health literacy and its predictors is fundamental for adolescents to have healthy lives. This study investigated the association between exposure to violence and other factors with health literacy levels among Palestinian middle school students. Methods: This cross-sectional study included middle school students. We used the validated Arabic version of the Health Literacy Assessment Scale for Adolescents to measure health literacy levels, and asked adolescents 11 questions to assess whether they were exposed to various forms of violence. We used binary logistic regression to identify the factors associated with each health literacy subscale. Results: Among the 816 students, 20.4%, 30.5%, and 50.5% had low functional, confusion, and communication health literacy levels, respectively. Exposure to political violence was significantly associated with lower levels of functional health literacy (OR: 2.65, 95%CI: 1.71–4.08) and low confusion health literacy (OR: 1.96, 95%CI: 1.31–2.94). Domestic and school violence were associated with low levels of confusion health literacy (OR: 1.82, 95%CI: 1.30–2.55). Conclusion: Exposure to different forms of violence predicted low levels of health literacy among Palestinian middle school students. This study identified the need for middle school students to acquire the skills required to analyse and integrate the health information they receive. Therefore, there is a need for regular interventions that target an increase in their critical health literacy.

  • Palestinian university students' perspectives on COVID-19 risk and remote learning during the pandemic: A qualitative photovoice study.

    Sarhan MBA, Basha H, Giacaman R, Jimba M, Fujiya R

    PloS one 19 ( 10 ) e0311972 2024

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered major changes worldwide, with repercussions on mental health and education. The present study primarily aimed to retrospectively explore undergraduate students’ risk perceptions of COVID-19 and their experiences with remote learning during the pandemic, with an emphasis on their high school years. Methods This qualitative photovoice study was conducted between 30 March and 4 May 2023. The target population of this study was first- and second-year undergraduate students who had been in high school during the pandemic. Maximum variation, snowball, and convenience sampling methods were used to recruit students. They were asked to share photos and provide comments in written or voice messages explaining their experiences during the pandemic. Voice messages were manually transcribed verbatim. A manual content analysis of these comments was performed to derive the codes and themes relevant to the study objectives. Results Forty-seven students initially agreed to participate and signed an informed consent form. However, the final sample included 16 students (nine men and seven women). The content analysis revealed four themes that were identified as the main factors contributing to high school students’ risk perceptions of COVID-19. The first theme was psychosocial factors related to the pandemic, including emotions, isolation and stress. The second focused on the mechanisms used to cope with the pandemic. The third theme included beliefs and behaviours that either increased or decreased COVID-19 risk. The final theme addressed schools’ responses to COVID-19, including factors such as maintaining connections with schools, preventive measures and the transition to remote learning. Conclusion This study highlighted the extensive impact of the pandemic on Palestinian high school students, demanding instantaneous adaptation to ensure their safety and well-being while maintaining the quality of education. Remote learning has become an important strategy with opportunities and challenges for high school students.

  • Health literacy among adolescents and young adults in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a scoping review.

    Sarhan MBA, Fujiya R, Kiriya J, Htay ZW, Nakajima K, Fuse R, Wakabayashi N, Jimba M

    BMJ open (BMJ)  13 ( 6 ) e072787 2023.06

    Accepted,  ISSN  20446055

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    Objectives For adolescents and young adults, most health literacy research has been conducted in Western countries, but few studies have been conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR). This review aimed to explore the existing health literacy research in the EMR in addition to the levels of health literacy and its associated factors among adolescents and young adults. Methods The search, conducted using the PubMed/MEDLINE, EBSCOhost/CINAHL plus, Web of Science and J-STAGE databases, was initially performed on 16 June 2022 and later updated on 1 October 2022. Studies that targeted 10-25 years old persons, conducted in any of the EMR countries and that used the health literacy concept and/or described its levels or predictors were included in the review. Content analysis was used for data extraction and analysis. Data related to the study methods, participants, outcome variables and health literacy were extracted. Results The review included 82 studies, most of which were conducted in Iran and Turkey and adopted a cross-sectional design. Half of the studies showed that more than half of adolescents and young adults had low or moderate health literacy. Nine studies applied university-based or school-based health education interventions to improve health literacy, which was also predicted by demographic and socioeconomic factors and internet usage. Little attention was paid to assessing the health literacy of vulnerable people, such as refugees and those with a disability and exposed to violence. Finally, various health literacy topics were investigated, including nutrition, non-communicable diseases, media and depression. Conclusion Health literacy levels were low-to-moderate in adolescents and young adults in the EMR. To promote health literacy, it is recommended to use school-based health education and attempt to reach adolescents and young adults through social media platforms. More attention should be paid to refugees, people with disabilities and those exposed to violence.

  • FORUM グローバルヘルスの現場力・Vol.17 戦禍のなかで誕生する新しい命

    藤屋 リカ

    医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版)  284 ( 7 ) 552 - 557 2023.02

    ISSN  00392359

  • Health literacy as a key to improving weight status among Palestinian adolescents living in chronic conflict conditions: a cross-sectional study

    Sarhan M.B.A., Fujiya R., Shibanuma A., Giacaman R., Kiriya J., Kitamura A., Jimba M.

    BMJ Open (BMJ Open)  12 ( 9 ) e061169 2022.09

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    Objective To examine the moderating role of health literacy in the association between direct exposure to violence and weight status among Palestinian adolescents. Design A household cross-sectional study conducted in 2017. Setting A Palestinian district of the West Bank. Participants Palestinian adolescents aged 11-16 years. Results After excluding underweight adolescents from the 1200 who were initially recruited, the data of 1173 adolescents were analysed. A high proportion (62%) of adolescents were directly exposed to violence. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was 6.5% and 17.1%, respectively. The odds of obesity and overweight were 2.8 and 1.8 times higher among adolescents who were not exposed to domestic and school violence when they had low health literacy in the communication subscale. The odds of obesity were 62% and 57% lower among adolescents with high functional health literacy when exposed to domestic and school violence and to any form of violence, respectively. Among adolescents who were not exposed to any form of violence, those who had high health literacy in the communication subscale were 72% less likely to be obese compared with those who had low health literacy. Conclusions Health literacy moderated the association between direct exposure to violence and weight status. When health literacy levels were higher, lower obesity rates were observed among adolescents who were directly exposed to any form of violence or exposed either to political violence only or domestic and school violence only. The results warrant further investigation of the role of health literacy in adolescent health. It is recommended that policy-makers integrate the health literacy concept into both education and health systems.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 院内トリアージで低緊急と判断された成人患者のアンダートリアージに関連する要因

    今野 みづえ, 山崎 法子, 渡邊 久覚, 浅川 翔子, 堤 史織, 釜戸 由紀, 藤屋 リカ, 前島 克哉, 佐々木 淳一

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 ((一社)日本集中治療医学会)  31 ( Suppl.1 ) S505 - S505 2024.09

    ISSN  1340-7988

  • Improving the health literacy of young refugees

    Sarhan M.B.A., Fujiya R., Giacaman R., Jimba M.

    The Lancet 404 ( 10448 ) 121 - 122 2024.07

    ISSN  01406736

  • 社会に受け容れられる方法を模索しながらの「性の健康」の教育 パレスチナの医療系NGOの取り組み

    藤屋 リカ

    性の健康 ((公財)性の健康医学財団)  22 ( 2 ) 28 - 30 2023.05

    ISSN  1883-1478

  • グローバルヘルスの現場力(Vol.17) 難民・移民の声に応えて 戦禍のなかで誕生する新しい命 パレスチナからのメッセージ


    医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版(株))  284 ( 7 ) 552 - 557 2023.02

    ISSN  0039-2359

  • COVID-19蔓延下における4か国の看護学生が参加する短期留学オンラインプログラムの実施

    藤屋 リカ, 深堀 浩樹, 浅川 翔子, 杉本 美希, 杉山 大典, バティ・アーロン , 宮脇 美保子

    日本国際看護学会誌 (日本国際看護学会)  5 ( 1 ) 73 - 73 2021.09

    ISSN  2434-1444

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • No Health without Peace-A Case of Palestine




    Symposium, workshop panel (public)

  • パレスチナ自治区での女性の就業と合計特殊出生率

    FUJIYA Rika

    日本国際政治学会 2017 年度研究大会, 


    Symposium, workshop panel (public), 日本国際政治学会

  • コンゴ民主共和国キンボンド地区における,上水道敷設に伴う地区住民の衛生習慣,生活習慣の変化についてのフィールド研究

    FUJIYA Rika



    Poster presentation

  • Effect of School and Community Health Program on Peace-building in the De-developing East Jerusalem.

    Taizo Imano,Rika Fujiya, Yuka Kaneko, Muhammad Iskafi.

    The 26th International Peace Research Association General Conference. (Freetown, Siera Leone.) , 


    Oral presentation (general), International Peace Research Association

  • Challenge of International Education in Nursing

    FUJIYA Rika

    Eulji International Nursing Conference 2016 (Seoul, Korea) , 


    Poster presentation, Eulji University

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Improving health literacy among adolescents living under chronic conflict: developing educational tools using mixed research methods


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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  • Effects of health literacy and school health participation on school enrollment for Palestinian students


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, FUJIYA Rika, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    This study explored the potential of increasing health literacy and living better in health to help continue schooling to address the problem of adolescents dropping out of schooling in Palestine, a socio-politically difficult situation due to the prolonged conflict. The methods used were analysis and discussion of quantitative data collected in previous studies in the planning of this research, a literature review and exploration using qualitative research methods. At the same time, a questionnaire was developed to assess the health literacy of adolescents and related factors. In the paper publishing the results of the study, policymakers recommended that the concept of health literacy be integrated into both education and the health care system for school-aged adolescents.

  • Double burden of malnutrition under the chronic conflicts in Palestine: health literacy as a key factor to overcome the challenges


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JIMBA Masamine, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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    We conducted quantitative and qualitative studies to identify the factors associated with and the potential of health literacy as a key factor for adolescents to survive chronic conflicts in Palestine. During the research, we validated the Arabic version of the health literacy assessment scale in Palestine. A challenge against the gender gap in health literacy among Palestinian university students arose during the study. We found, through this research, that by improving health literacy levels, adolescents might be able to live healthier and happier lives even under the circumstances of chronic violence.

  • 緊急食料援助における持続可能性と経済効果――地元生産物を用いたパレスチナでの活動の評価を中心として


    トヨタ財団研究助成 研究助成A(個人研究), Other, No Setting

Works 【 Display / hide

  • 戦場に行った女性たち「人間らしく生きるとは、選択に自由があること」

    FUJIYA Rika


    Other, Single

  • 国際協力と私たち―パレスチナでの活動を通して人々から学んだこと-

    FUJIYA Rika


    Other, Single

  • パレスチナから考える

    FUJIYA Rika


    Other, Single

  • 平和に生きるということ-パレスチナの人々から学んだこと-

    FUJIYA Rika


    Other, Single

  • 武力によらない平和づくりを~アフガニスタン、パレスチナ、イラクでの国際協力NGOの活動を通して~

    FUJIYA Rika


    Other, Single

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Eulji International Nursing Conference 2016 Best Poster Award

    2016.11, Challenge of International Education in Nursing

  • Eulji International Nursing Conference 2014 Best Poster Award

    2014.10, Public Health Nurses Increased in Last a Decade in Japan: A Trend Analysis

  • 2007年度日本国際保健医療学会奨励賞

    FUJIYA Rika, 2007.10, 日本国際保健医療学会, The influence of economic factors on the location of birth among Palestinian women Bethlehem during the second Palestinian uprising Tropical Doctor 2007 Jan ; 37(1) : 13-18

  • 第19回人間力大賞「会頭特別賞」

    FUJIYA Rika, 2005.07, 社団法人 日本青年会議所, パレスチナでの国際協力

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

  • ソロプチミスト日本財団「女性ボランティア賞」

    FUJIYA Rika, 1997.11, 財団法人 ソロプチミスト日本財団, パレスチナにおける栄養失調児のための支援

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE)

  • Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service(JOCS)

  • Japanese Scholarship Programme for Palestinians (JSPP)

  • Japan International Volunteer Center(JVC)


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本看護科学学会, 

  • 日本看護科学学会, 

  • 日本国際保健医療学会, 

  • 日本国際保健医療学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2011.12

    企画委員, 日本看護科学学会

  • 2011

    Member, 日本看護科学学会

  • 2011

    会員, 日本キリスト教海外医療協力会

  • 2011

    会員, シェア=国際保健協力市民の会

  • 2011

    Member, Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE)

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