FUJITA, Mamoru



Faculty of Environment and Information Studies Keio-SFC Department of Spanish and Spanish-Speaking Societies / SFC kotan Deapartment of Aynu Language and Aynu Oral Literature (Shonan Fujisawa)


Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor

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Shonan Fujisawa Campus λ403 (personal office), λ401 (Department of Spanish and Spanish-Speaking Societies)

Profile 【 Display / hide

  • In my research, I go back and forth between the Andean Societies of Abya Yala (Latin America) and Yaun mosir (Hokkaido) to follow the contemporary lived dynamics of the indigenous languages (Aymara, Quechua, and Aynu), and also to delve into the rich and complex world of their oral literature. My other research themes include how the indigenous peoples of Qullasuyu (Bolivia) and Peru resisted and adapted to the political and development processes, as well as how written literature has interacted with and responded to the oral literature in these societies. We organize with students study groups on Quechua and Euskera(Basque) language at SFC, and I collaborate in a citizen college with a course on reading the Huarochiri Manuscript, a Quechua registry of myths and practices dating from the Spanish colonial period.

Message from the Faculty Member 【 Display / hide

  • もっと広く深い多言語・多文化の世界へ
    Let us always maintain a sense of deep crisis and a stance of critical commitment.

Other Affiliation 【 Display / hide

  • External Collaborator, Taller de Historia Oral Andina (Andean Oral History Workshop, THOA), (Aymara indigenous organisation based in La Paz, Bolivia), External Collaborator

  • PARC Freedom School, Lecturer / Member of the Planning Committee / Organiser of Club Activity (Club Andino: Learning the Andean Culture through the Indigenous Languages)

  • Kanagawa University, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Spanish, Adjunct Professor

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2003.03

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese Embassy in Bolivia, Advisor on Political and Economic Affairs

  • 2008.04

    Japan Internacional Cooperation Agency, Visiting Researcher (International Cooperation towards Indigenous Peoples of the Andean Highlands)

  • 2008.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellow (DC2)

  • 2009.05

    Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Plurinational Diplomatic Academy, Visiting Rsearcher

  • 2010.04

    Univesrsity of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Research Associate

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2006.04

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Area Studies (Major: Latin American Studies)

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

  • 2000.10

    University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies, M.Phil. in Development Studies

    United Kingdom, Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1995.04

    The University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Area Studies (Major: Latin American Studies, Sub-Major: International Relations)

    University, Graduated, Other

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • (Ikebana) Koryu-Shorei-Kai, Professor, 2007

  • (Tea-Ceremony) Sadaoki-Ryu, Cha-jin, 2008


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies (Latin American Studies (especially Andean Societies))

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese literature (Contemporary and Modern Japanese Literary Studies (especially OE Kenzaburo and TSUSHIMA Yuko))

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics (Aynu Language and Aynu Oral Literature Studies)

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education (Spanish Language Education)

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations (Development Studies (especially Anthropology of Development))


Books 【 Display / hide

  • (forthcoming, in Japanese) Tokachi Aynu Language and Stories by Nagahama Seizo

    Shonan Research Group on Aynu Language;FUJITA, Mamoru;TAKIGUCHI, Yumi;NAKAGWA, Hiroshi, Toshoshuppan Migiwa, 2025.03,  Page: 192

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  • (in Japanese) Knowing the Folktales from Around the World

    ISHII, Masami (ed.), Miyai-Shoten, 2025.01

    Scope: (in Japanese) "The Narrative World of the Aymara of the Andean Highlands of South America"

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  • (in Japanese) Masahiro Oshima (eds.) 65 Chapters to Know Bolivia (third edition)

    Akashi Shoten, 2025.01

    Scope: Chapter 10 "Aymara and Uru", Chapter 14 "Poverty and Inequality", Chapter 49 "From Indigenismo to Indianismo", Chapter 50 "From Nationalism to Plurinational State", Chapter 51 "Bolivian Literature", Chapter 52 "Bolivian Cinema", Chapter 53 "Indigenous Oral Literature"

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  • Methodological Developments in Policy Managemet Studies (Series Exploring New Horizons in Policy Management)

    Kuwahara Takeo and Shimizu Yuichiro (eds.), Keio University Press, 2023.02

    Scope: Chapter 10 "Rethinking the concept of buen vivir: What Can We Learn from the Indigenous Language and Perspectives," Authors' Roudtable Discussion, Reading Guide

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  • Language, Culture, and Communication (Series Exploring New Horizons in Policy Management)

    Miyashiro Yasutake and Yamamoto Kaoru (eds.), Keio University Press, 2023.02

    Scope: Chapter 4 "Rereading the Human-Animal Relationships in Oral Narratives: Text Analysis of Aymara and Aynu Stories"

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • (forthcoming) Between Area Studies and Applied Linguistics: Boundary-Crossings of and from Spanish Language

    FUJITA, Mamoru

    Keio SFC Journal (Keio SFC Academic Society)  24 ( 2 ) 28 - 35 2025.03

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Lead author

  • (forthcoming) The Ainu Chant in TSUSHIMA Yuko's ‘I’: The Fluctuation and Expansion of the ‘I’ That is Inspired by and Becomes Oral Literature

    FUJITA, Mamoru

    Gengotai (言語態) (University of Tokyo Research Association on Gengotai (言語態))   ( 19 )  2025.03

    Single Work, Lead author, Accepted

  • Record of the Round Table Held during the Symposium "The Actual Situation and Future of Spanish Education: Continuity between High School and University"


    Gakuen: Journal of the Showa Women's University (Showa Women's University)   ( 977 ) 28 - 57 2024.12

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1348-0103

  • (forthcoming, in Japanese) Aynu Oral Text in the Written Notebooks by KANNARI Matsu Prose Tale (uepeker) "White Weasel / Earmine (upas cironnup)" Written for KINDAICHI Kyosuke

    FUJITA, Mamoru

    Journal of Chiba University Eurasian Society (Chiba University Eurasian Society)  26 2024.12

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Lead author

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    This article forms part of a series of effort by the author to make accessible the oral texts written down in Aynu language by Kannari Matsu, in the notebooks that were passed on to Kindaichi Kyosuke and Chiri Mashiho. Here we publish the prose tale “upas cironnup (white weasel or earmine)” where the main protagonist is this small animal known in Japanese as “okojo” or “ezo itachi,” who becomes aware of the famine in the human world around him where both kamuy (deities) and aynu (humans) live, and sets out to solve the problem. In the introductory section, we lay out the philological details of the text and possible interpretations of the story, followed by an outline of the story in Japanese. After some remarks on the Aynu orthography employed here, we present the main part of this article, which is a page-by-page transcription of the original written Aynu text, followed by a modified text with contemporary Aynu orthography and its translation to Japanese.

  • Aynu Oral Text in the Written Notebooks by KANNARI Matsu Prose Tale (uepeker) "A Poor Man Who Comes to Have a Deer as His Wife (yuk mat ne kor wen aynu)" Written for KINDAICHI Kyosuke

    FUJITA, Mamoru

    Journal of Chiba University Eurasian Society (Chiba University Eurasian Society )  25   251 - 297 2023.12

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Lead author,  ISSN  21857148

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    This article forms part of a series of effort by the author to make accessible the oral texts written down in Aynu language by Kannari Matsu, in the notebooks that were passed on to Kindaichi Kyosuke and Chiri Mashiho. Here we publish the prose tale “yuk mat ne kor wen aynu (a poor man who comes to have a deer as his wife)” where the main protagonist who is a poor man in the Iskar region (Iskar un wenkur) has a wife and a child, becomes rich, but finds out that his wife was a deer. He kills the wife and the child, eats them, and then is punished by the former wife (deer kamuy), resulting in a miserable death himself. In the introductory section, we lay out the philological details of the text and possible interpretations of the story, followed by an outline of the story in Japanese. After some remarks on the Aynu orthography employed here, we present the main part of this article, which is a page-by-page transcription of the original written Aynu text, followed by a modified text with contemporary Aynu orthography and its translation to Japanese.

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Creating a Translanguaging Space in a Graduate Seminar with Diverse Participants in a Japanese University

    Mamoru Fujita, Wakana Baba, and Yumi Sugihara

    American Association of Applied Linguistics AAAL2024 (Houston, Texas) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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    This paper draws on the experience of conducting a multilingual graduate research seminar at the
    Keio University at Shonan-Fujisawa (Japan), and attempts to answer positively to the question
    raised by Kubota (2022) whether critical engagement in applied linguistics is leading to social
    progress. In the graduate seminar (Academic Project “Multilingual and Multicultural Societies”)
    student participants have a variety of backgrounds (Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Greece,
    Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Australia, etc.). The imperative to offer education in both
    Japanese and English led the presenters to establish a bilingual seminar management policy, while
    also encouraging the use of other languages. In an academic environment where performance
    requirements loom large, can translanguaging lead to meaningful change in communicational
    practice (cf. Kubota 2022)? How do the participants experience and perceive the experience?

    In an attempt to achieve more than a mere coexistence of different languages in the seminar, we
    have been exploring the idea of translanguaging and creating a translanguaging space to promote
    fluid and effective communication among the participants (García and Li 2014, Li 2011). This study
    draws on an action-research project started in fall 2021 that inquires the perspectives and
    experiences of the participants, through individual interviews and participatory reflective workshops
    at the end of each semester.

    Through qualitative analysis of transcribed interviews and researchers’ field notes, we have been
    able to confirm that both students and faculty have felt encouraged to attempt a more flexible and
    dynamic practices of languaging, where the dividing line between English and Japanese becomes
    less clear and neither becomes dominant. Moreover, other languages such as Russian, Chinese, and
    Spanish have been actively employed to make communication more fluid and also to experiment
    Spanish have been actively employed to make communication more fluid and also to experiment
    with other modes of communication. These findings would contribute to the emergent studies on
    translanguaging in higher education (Mazack and Carroll 2016).

  • Para heredar la historia oral del THOA hacia el futuro

    Mamoru Fujita

    40 Aniversario de Taller de Historia Oral Andina (La Paz) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), Taller de Historia Oral Andina

  • コロナ禍を経てアンデス先住民言語の調査を続ける


    東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 オンライン座談会「Fieldnetでつながろう:フィールドワーカー、フィールドにもどる」 (オンライン) , 


    Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所

  • La historia oral aymara como filosofía de vivir

    FUJITA, Mamoru

    Congreso Internacional Transdisciplinario "Desafíos en la Diversidad (IV)" ----- Lenguas y variedades en desplazamiento: Documentación-revitalización con justicia social (Quito, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador ) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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    En esta ponencia reflexionaré sobre las narraciones que he venido registrando desde el año 2009 de una anciana aymara en Bolivia, de una comunidad en la Provincia Murillo, Departamento de La Paz. Examinando lo narrado uno encuentra la relación con los diversos aspectos de vivir. Así, la historia oral o la historia de vida es más bien una historia de vivir. Aquí hago referencia a los debates acerca del concepto de suma qamaña (buen vivir) en aymara, y cómo el concepto de “vivir” se expresa a través de una interrelación de diferentes verbos del idioma aymara, conformando una filosofía aymara de vivir. Así combinando el análisis léxico con el análisis narrativo, intento repensar la noción de historia oral desde las narraciones en el idioma aymara y el castellano andino.

  • アイヌ語口承文芸のデジタル・アーカイブ構築と語り手研究


    日本口承文芸学会第48回大会 (学習院大学) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Linking Oral Narratives and Language Revitalization between Andes (South America) and the Aynu (Hokkaido)


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant (C), Research grant, Principal investigator

  • 長濱清蔵のアイヌ語――十勝地方の物語


    研究成果公開促進費(学術図書), Principal investigator

  • Linguistic Diversity in the Southern Andean Highlands and Oral Narratives in Indigenous Languages


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Type (C), FUJITA, Mamoru, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • Linking the Secondary and Higher Education in Spanish Teaching towards the Building of Multilingual and Multicultural Society


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Type (C), Mayuko Ogura, Rie Takabatake, Carmen García, Verónica Prieto, Hanako Saito, Kyo Endo, Akiko Nishimura, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)

  • Recovery, Publication, and Analysis of Japanese Aynu and South-Andean Aymara Oral Texts


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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Works 【 Display / hide

  • (Text Data) Aynu Oral Literature Text Written by Kannari Matsu (1): Prose Narrative (uepeker) in Notebook Destined to Chiri Mashiho "iwan yamanko (Six Woodcutters)"

    FUJITA, Mamoru


    Other, Single

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    これは、以前公刊した表題の散文説話(藤田護(2018)「金成マツ筆録ノートの口承文学テクストの原文対訳及び解釈――散文説話『六人の山子(iwan yamanko)』」中川裕編『アイヌ語の文献学的研究(3)』千葉大学大学院人文公共学府研究プロジェクト報告書、第325号)について、データ化しやすいように行ごとの対訳形式へと形式を改め、これに行番号を振ったものである。元の稿にあった考察や、原ノートの翻刻は割愛する。また、タイトルを若干改め、後々の整理のためにタイトルに番号を振った。元の稿の原文対訳に対する修正も、今後は本稿において施すこととする。誤りではないかと思われる点を見つけた方は、藤田に一報を頂けると感謝します。

  • 〈書評〉清水透『ラテンアメリカ: 歴史のトルソー』立教大学ラテンアメリカ研究所、2015年、220p.

    イベロアメリカ研究 37(2), 61-64,, 




Courses Taught 【 Display / hide

  • Regions and Societies (The Americas)

    2020, Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • Aynu Language and Culture

    2020, Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • ACADEMIC PROJECT "Multilingual and Multicultural Societies"

    2020, Full academic year, Seminar, Lecturer outside of Keio

  • Research Seminar B(1) "Theories from 'the South': Spanish-Speaking Societies and Multilingualism

    2020, Full academic year, Other, Seminar, Within own faculty

  • Research Seminar B(2) "SFC Kotan: Contemporary Aynu Language Revitalisation and Aynu Oral Narratives"

    2020, Full academic year, Seminar, Within own faculty

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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • Club Andino: Learning the Andean Cultures through the Indigenous Languages

    PARC Freedom School


    Full academic year, Seminar, Within own faculty

    Huarochiri Manuscript, Quechua, Aymara, Colonial Latin America

  • Introduction to Latin American Studies

    Kanagawa University, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Spanish


    Full academic year, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • 現代文化論/アイマラ語とアンデス文化(学部大学院合併科目)



    Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • 現代のラテンアメリカ(2017年度まで担当)



    Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • 南米研究入門(2017年度まで担当)



    Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2022.04

    企画運営委員, 国立アイヌ民族博物館