Faculty of Policy Management (Shonan Fujisawa)
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Shimizu Yuichiro
2017-present Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
2017-present Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
2010-2017 Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
2007-2010 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
2003-2007 Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
2002-2003 Research Assistant, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
<Short Bio>
Yuichiro Shimizu is Professor of Japanese Politics and History in the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan.
His research and teaching focus on Japanese political history. His recent book, The Origins of Modern Japanese Bureaucracy (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019, in English), describes the process of nation building in Meiji and Taisho Japan from the view point of making and enhancing national elite. He point out the open door policy of bureaucracy as the route of making Japanese democracy.
He has been interested in the Relationship between Politicians and Bureaucrats. His first book, Party and the Bureaucracy in Modern Japan: the Clash of the Constitutional Government (Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2007) (in Japanese), he discussed about this issue, and pointed out they found the way of collaboration and separation after the long conflict.
His research is not only historical one, but also comparing Modern and Contemporary Japan. Because Japan has been faced on historical change in Politic, but there is not any experience about Government change more than a half century. Thus he experience in Modern Japan is the latest case to be referred. So he compiles a lot of Oral Histories to Politicians and Bureaucrats in Japan.
Keio University, Faculty of Policy Management, Professor
Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Associate Professor
The University of Tokyo, Research center for advanced science and technology, Visiting researcher
Keio University, Global Security Research Institute, Fellow
Keio University, Faculty of Policy Management, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Laws, Political Science
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School of Law, Political Science
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, Graduate School of Law, Political Science
Graduate School, Withdrawal before completion, Doctoral course
Doctor of the Science of Law [S.J.D.], Keio University, Dissertation, 2005.12
Master of Laws [LL.M.], Keio University, Coursework, 2001.03
Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics (Political Science)
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history (Japanese History)
Japanese Politics
Japanese Political History
Oral History
Japanese Political History
Modern Japanese History
Japanese Governance, Politico-Bureaucrats Relationship, Bureaucracy,
Japanese Electoral Districts System and Local Politics,
Developing the method of Oral history,
International Comparative of the Chamber and Procedure,
Hara Takashi: Imaginary and Real Images of the "Commoner Prime Minister"
Yuichiro Shimizu, Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2021.09, Page: 324
Contact page: 1-356
The Origins of Modern Japanese Bureaucracy
Yuichiro Shimizu, translated by Amin Ghadimi, Blomsbury Publishing, 2019.10, Page: 288
Contact page: 1-288 , Accepted
The Bureaucracy in Modern Japan: from Restoration Bureaucrats to Educated Elites
Yuichiro Shimizu, Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2013.04, Page: 356
Contact page: 1-356
Party and the Bureaucracy in Modern Japan: the Clash of the Constitutional Government
Yuichiro Shimizu, Fujiwara Shoten, 2007.01, Page: 334
Contact page: 1-334
The Political Research Association and Japanese party politics - 130 years of its history
Kentaro Oku, Yuichiro Shimizu, Shinsuke Hamamoto ed., Yoshida Publishing, 2024.04, Page: 484
Scope: 明治・大正期立憲政友会と政務調査会
Listening to Open Up: Modern and Contemporary History of Shinshu
Shinano (The Shinano History Society) 76 ( 11 ) 1 - 28 2024.11
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, ISSN 0288-6987
oral History in Japanese Political Science
Historical Journal (Association of Historical Science) ( 892 ) 64 - 74 2024.07
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, ISSN 0386-8907
Where Did Japan's First 39 Female Legislators Go? A Structural Analysis of Mass Election and Mass Defeat
Yuichiro Shimizu
Hogaku kenkyu : journal of law, politics, and sociology (Hogaku-kenkyu-kai, Keio University) 97 ( 1 ) 137 - 176 2024.01
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Lead author, ISSN 03890538
Codebook: The Descriptive Results of the 2022 Japanese Bureaucrats’ Survey on Work-Life Balance
Eiichi AOKI, Haoamiao WANG, Toshiyuki KAMBAYASHI, Masatsugu ITO, Koichi KAWAI, Wartaru KITAMURA, Yuichiro SHIMIZU, Kengo SOGA, Yosuke TEZUKA, Yuichi MURAKAMI
Annual Bulletin, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University (Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University) 71 ( 2 ) 107 - 126 2023.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 13465740
Codebook: The Descriptive Results of the 2021 Japanese Bureaucrats’ Survey on Work-Life Balance
Eiichi AOKI, Haoamiao WANG, Toshiyuki KAMBAYASHI, Masatsugu ITO, Koichi KAWAI, Wartaru KITAMURA, Yuichiro SHIMIZU, Kengo SOGA, Yosuke TEZUKA, Yuichi MURAKAMI
Annual Bulletin, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University (Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University) 71 ( 1 ) 171 - 190 2022.12
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 13465740
Shimizu, Yuichiro
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 97 ( 1 ) 137 - 176 2024.01
ISSN 03890538
Electoral district as political space : what the zoning provides?
Shimizu, Yuichiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
清水 唯一朗
『VOICE』 (PHP研究所) ( 567 ) 90 - 98 2025.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work, Lead author, ISSN 0387-3552
清水 唯一朗
『自由時報』(台湾) 2025.01
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
「書評 南陀楼綾繁『書庫をあるく』」
『読売新聞』 (読売新聞社) 2025.01
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, Lead author
「書評 金菱清『フィールドワークってなんだろう』、石岡丈昇『エスノグラフィ入門』」
『読売新聞』 (読売新聞社) 2025.01
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, Lead author
Japanese Politics at a Turning Point: From One-Party Dominance to the Era of Deliberative Debate
Yuichiro Shimizu
Discuss Japan (Japan Journal) ( 80 ) 2025.01
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work, Lead author
SHIMIZU Yuichirou
Japanese Studies Symposium (Tamkang University) ,
Oral presentation (general), Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
SHIMIZU Yuichirou
The 8th Annual Conference of the East Asian Consortium of Japanese Stuides (Tamkang University) ,
Oral presentation (general), East Asian Consortium of Japanese Stuides
"Who Becomes a Politician: A Historical and Structural Analysis of Modern Japanese Politics"
SHIMIZU Yuichiro
International Academic Symposium: "Aspects of Modern East Asian International Political Operations" (National Taipei University) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), National Taipei University, Kazankai
Accumulating International Exchange Experiences :The Past and Future of Keio and MIT
Yuichiro Shimizu
From Samurai into Engineers: Panel Discussion celebrating the 150th anniversary of MIT's First Japanese Students (NEXUS (HAYDEN LIBRARY), BUILDING 14, MIT) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), MIT GLOBAL EXPERIENCE
Opening Up Through 'Listening': The Modern and Contemporary History of Shinshu
Yuichiro Shimizu
Annual Conference 2024, The Shinano History Society (The Agata no Mori Cultural Hall in Matsumoto City) ,
Oral presentation (keynote), The Shinano History Society
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 基盤研究B, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
(株)味の素, Joint research, Principal investigator
Electoral District Revision and Political Participation: A Historical Structural Analysis of Institutional Revision
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Principal investigator
Other, Single
Other, Single
Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Award
2016.05, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, 優秀ポスター発表
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
Public Policy Studies Association Japan Award
2014.06, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, 奨励賞
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
27th the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Award
2011.06, The Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Foundation, 特別賞
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
100th Anniversary Award Paper of the Faculty of Law, Keio University
1999.11, Keio University, The top prize
2019, Within own faculty
2019, Spring Semester, Within own faculty
Joint class with the Department of History, MIT.
Keio University
Spring Semester, Within own faculty, 1h
Seminar: Oral History
Keio University
Full academic year, Within own faculty, 2h
Seminar: Japanese Political Development
Keio University
Full academic year, Within own faculty, 2h
Keio University
Spring Semester, Within own faculty, 1h
Keio University SFC
Autumn Semester, Within own faculty
The Joint class with World History class in the Department of History, MIT
, Device of Educational Contents
Research exchange for graduate students with the Institute of Japanese Studies at Tianjin Nankai University.
, Device of Educational Contents
Attendance by seminar students from the Manhattan College Japan Study Tour
, Device of Educational Contents
, Coaching of Students' Association
Academic exchange with the Center for Japanese Studies at National Chengchi University, the Center for Japanese Studies at Taiwan University and the Policy Management Studies course at National Taipei University
, Device of Educational Contents
人事院公務員研修所, 課長補佐級(リーダーシップ)研修 (人事院公務員研修所)
沖縄県教育委員会, 沖縄県教育委員会進学力グレードアップ推進事業 (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス)
,Lecture, "Policy Formation Process and Records"
National Archives of Japan, Archivist Training III, National Archives of Japan (National Archives of Japan)
,日本テレビ, 「はじめまして!一番遠い親戚さん」 , 2024.10
TBSラジオ, 「荻上チキ・Session」 , 2024.10
信濃毎日新聞社, 信濃毎日新聞 (https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/CNTS2024061400090) , 2024.06
BS-TBS, 「にっぽん!歴史鑑定」, 2022.10
番組「米騒動と大正デモクラシー 民衆の怒りと不安どう向き合う?」
NHKEテレ, 「知恵泉」, 2022.09
山形大学人文社会学部, (山形大学人文社会学部) ,
Listening to Open Up: Summer Workshop
Keio University SFC Oral History Research Seminar, (Online) ,
Plenary session2 "A Historical Approach to Public Policy – How to Understand Policy through History"
Public Policy Studies Association Japan, (Ryukoku University Fukakusa Campus) ,
Japanese Studies Research Workshop in Jakarta 2024
Japan Foundation Jakarta, (Pustat Studi Jepang, Universitas Indonesia(Online)) ,
Chairperson of the editorial board, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies
board member, The Japanese Society for Public Administration
Chair of the Conference Program Committee, Public Policy Studies Association JAPAN
Commitee member, Book Review Commitee, Yomiuri Shinbun
長野県WWLコンソーシアム構築支援事業事業検証委員, 長野県教育委員会