Iba, Takashi



Faculty of Policy Management (Shonan Fujisawa)



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Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1999.04

    JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • 2002.04

    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Informatics, Chiba University of Commerce

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1997.03

    Keio University, Faculty of Environmental Information

    University, Graduated

  • 2003.09

    Keio University, Graduate Shool of Media and Governance

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Media and Governance, Keio University, Coursework, 2003.09


Books 【 Display / hide

  • 旅程的關鍵字 : 與認知障礙症共存的啟示 /

    IBA TAKASHI, 三聯書店(香港)有限公司,, 2017

  • プロジェクト・デザイン・パターン : 企画・プロデュース・新規事業に携わる人のための企画のコツ32

    IBA TAKASHI, [東京] : 翔泳社,, 2016.01

  • 旅のことば : 認知症とともによりよく生きるためのヒント

    IBA TAKASHI, 東京 : 丸善出版,, 2015.05

  • Change making patterns : a pattern language for fostering social entrepreneurship

    IBA TAKASHIEri Shimomukai,Sumire Nakamura, V. 1.00.Yokohama : CrativeShift,, 2015

  • パターン・ランゲージ : 創造的な未来をつくるための言語

    IBA TAKASHI, 東京 : 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2013.10

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Academic Writing Patterns: A Pattern Language for Writing Creative Research Papers

    Adachi S., Hayashi K., Shimamura E., Iba T.

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)   2023.07

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    In this paper, we present 27 patterns from Academic Writing Patterns, along with example applications within a community of student researchers and discuss its results. Academic Writing Patterns is a pattern language for writing creative academic research papers. It was created based on three sources: past archived dialogue about writing research papers, mining dialogue with Takashi Iba who is a researcher and professor that has written and guided various research papers, as well as books on writing papers and logical writing. We determined and grasped the essence of important practices and how to practice them, compiled similar practices, and created 27 patterns. The patterns are divided into three categories: BUILDING A RESEARCH, SHAPING LOGICAL CONSTRUCTS, and CREATING EXPRESSIONS FOR OTHERS. Each category is made up of three groups including: REINTERPRET THE RESEARCH, EXPLORE THE CORE OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS, OPEN UP AND CONNECT TO THE FUTURE, DEFINE THE WHOLE, DESIGN THE FLOW, BUILD THOROUGH PARAGRAPHS, DEVELOP CLEAR SENTENCES, BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGE FIGURES AND TABLES, and FINALIZATION AND COMPLETION. After the two workshops where the patterns were applied, the experience charts and survey responses give insight to the transformative impact of these patterns, facilitating enhanced comprehension and skills of composing creative academic papers among the students.

  • The Pattern Coin Trial in EuroPLoP 2023: Boosting Good Practice during the Conference by Practice-Gifting

    Shimamura E., Aoki H., Iba T.

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)   2023.07

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    This focus group report summarizes about The Pattern Coin Trial that was carried out throughout the four days of the EuroPLoP conference with an involvement of all the members, for their conference experience to be fruitful and fulfilling. Pattern Coins are small circular objects that were designed and created as an approach that boosts good practices within a community. Since members gifts Pattern Coins as an encouragement to practice a pattern so that a member who received the Pattern Coin could practice a pattern in their situation, they are a media of practice-gifting. The idea of practice-gifting was based on the theory The Gift by an anthropologist and sociologist, Marcel Mauss. The Pattern Coin Trial was ongoing throughout the conference, and on the last day, a session was held, in which participants discussed about their Pattern Coin experience. In this session, a survey was also taken, which suggested that Pattern Coins were able to promote practice within the EuroPLoP community. In the beginning of this trial, all participants got a set of seven Pattern Coins, and were suggested to carry around them every time during the conference until the last day. At the end of the trial, the participants discussed about the conference days with their Pattern Coins, and a survey was taken, asking the participants what they felt about the Pattern Coin when they used them. The use of Pattern Coins in the community was once conducted in Iba Takashi Lab, which was also published as the EuroPLoP 2023 paper. This focus group, The Pattern Coin Trial in EuroPLoP 2023 is a subsequent case study on the use of Pattern Coins.

  • Practice Coding with a Pattern Language: A Case Study of Coding with a Pattern Language for Value-Creation Marketing

    Norihiko K., Takashi I.

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)   2023.07

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    This paper introduces a method to analyze qualitative data on practices using pattern language, termed practice coding with a pattern language. This approach is proposed as an exploration of the potential of employing pattern language as a research tool. The idea of coding with patterns is inspired by the well-known coding method in social science qualitative research, and this paper positions it as an approach of deductive coding. Two distinct analytical approaches to coding practices with patterns are identified: the tree-viewing approach, which involves analyzing each piece of data about practices individually during coding, and the forest-viewing approach, which offers a comprehensive analysis of the entire dataset based on the results of coding. Particularly, the significance of this proposal lies in the potential of the latter approach to transform qualitative data on practices into a format conducive to quantitative analysis through coding with patterns. The latter part of the paper details the specific steps of practice coding with a pattern language and presents a case study involving coding and analysis using a pattern language for value-creation marketing. Lastly, this paper concludes that proposed method offers unique insights and expresses expectations for its wider applications in qualitative research, particularly looking forward to using pattern language as a potent research tool.

  • Pattern Language Remix for Empowerment: A Case Study of the Practice at a Vocational Training School in the Philippines

    Kanai T., Ota M., Iba T.

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)   2023.07

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    In this paper, we introduce a method of Pattern Language Remix to apply and support beyond social and cultural backgrounds. We present a case study wherein it has been used to support Filipino youth attending vocational training schools in the Philippines. Pattern Language Remix is one approach that utilizes existing pattern language previously created and recombines it for a different objective. In this study, the Pattern Language Remix was created mainly by the local teachers with the objective of helping Filipino youth facing a hard situation in their life, to identify and take action on their work and life goals. Using the remix, several workshops were held for students attending the vocational school in Mindanao to think about their own future and what kind of practices they should actually implement, despite their difficulties. The results from the workshop suggest that utilizing pattern language has potential as a support method to encourage Filipino youth to take action and motivate themselves toward their future goals and dreams. In addition, we demonstrated the importance of the process in which individuals select patterns that one considers important in their own situation, in relation to the “Capability Approach” advocated by Amartya Sen, a development economist and philosopher. It was suggested that the Pattern Language Remix method used here could be applied not only in the Philippines but also in other contexts as an internal empowerment, incorporating the practitioners’ own perspectives.

  • Pattern Coins: Practice-Gifting Media to Encourage Practices of Pattern Languages within Communities

    Iba T., Shimamura E., Aoki H.

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)   2023.07

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    In this paper, we introduce”Pattern Coins,” a medium for practice-gifting, and examine the effects on members and the community through a demonstration experiment. Pattern Coins are coin-like objects displaying a pattern name, illustration, and solution. These coins aim to encourage members to incorporate specific patterns into their practices. Members can only give Pattern Coins to others after practicing the depicted pattern. Additionally, they must share their experience when handing it over. Since Pattern Coins are passed from member to member and induce practices, it appears as though the practice itself is gifted. Therefore, Pattern Coins can be considered a medium for practice gifting. To examine if this idea works in reality, the first demonstration experiment took place in Iba Laboratory at Keio University from December 2022 to January 2023. The result of this experiment showed that Pattern Coins induce chains of practices, and it also showed that Pattern Coins strengthen ties within the community. This paper delves into the introduction of Pattern Coins to the community and presents both qualitative and quantitative findings from the experiment. Based on Marcel Mauss’s book, The Gift, we posit that Pattern Coins serve as a medium for “practice gifting.” These coins inherently carry what he called “soul” imparted by the giver; thereby instilling a sense of obligation to perpetuate further act of gifting.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Simulation Development Tools with MDA

    N. Aoyama, R. Takeda, IBA TAKASHI, H. Ohiwa

    International Workshop on Massively Multiagent Systems (Kyoto) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • 新しい思考の道具をつくる:複雑系による社会のモデル化とシミュレーション


    MPSシンポジウム「複雑系の科学とその応用」 (名古屋) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special), 情報処理学会 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会

  • 成長するネットワークのシミュレーションとその拡張:世代交代モデルの提案

    Akamatsu Masanori, Furukawazono Tomoki, Kasai Yoshinori, Aoyama Nozomu, IBA TAKASHI

    MPSシンポジウム「複雑系の科学とその応用」 (名古屋) , 


    Poster presentation, 情報処理学会 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会

  • Analysis on the factor of price volatility in deregulated electric power market

    R. Tsuya, N. Sato, IBA TAKASHI, Y. Takefuji

    2nd International Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (Spain) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • A Framework and Tools for Modeling and Simulating Societies as Evolutionary Complex Systems


    2nd International Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (Spain) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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Works 【 Display / hide

  • 教育と学びにおける創造性と多様性 (CIEC20周年記念シンポジウム 教育と学びにおける創造性と多様性)

    山内 祐平 , 熊坂 賢次 , 妹尾 堅一郎

    コンピュータ&エデュケーション  41, 63-78,, 



  • 教育と学びにおける創造性と多様性 (CIEC20周年記念シンポジウム 教育と学びにおける創造性と多様性)

    山内 祐平 , 熊坂 賢次 , 妹尾 堅一郎

    コンピュータ&エデュケーション  41, 63-78,, 




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