Yokoyama, Yoko



Graduate School of Media and Governance (Shonan Fujisawa)


Project Associate Professor (Non-tenured)


Books 【 Display / hide

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  • Sodium ferrous citrate and 5-aminolevulinic acid improve type 2 diabetes by maintaining muscle and mitochondrial health.

    Kitamura N, Zhang S, Morel JD, Nagano U, Taworntawat T, Hosoda S, Nakamura A, Ogawa Y, Benegiamo G, Auwerx J, Tsubota K, Yokoyama Y, Watanabe M

    Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)  2023.02

    ISSN  1930-7381

  • Web-based intervention to improve the evidence-practice gap in minimal intervention dentistry: Findings from a dental practice-based research network

    Kakudate N., Yokoyama Y., Sumida F., Matsumoto Y., Takata T., Gordan V.V., Gilbert G.H.

    Journal of Dentistry (Journal of Dentistry)  115   103854 2021.12

    ISSN  03005712

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    Objectives: To determine whether: the evidence-practice gap (EPG) in minimal intervention dentistry (MID) can be improved by a tailored web-based intervention, and specific clinical situations might impede implementing MID. Methods: We conducted a before-after intervention study and a qualitative study. Two web-based questionnaire surveys were conducted among 197 Japanese dentists. In the first questionnaire, a baseline EPG was measured using six questionnaire items. Subsequently, feedback material about the EPG was electronically prepared, including results of the first questionnaire, international comparisons with a previous study from the US, and a summary of recent evidence on MID. In the second questionnaire, the EPG was re-measured after participants read the material. The primary outcome was mean overall concordance between published evidence and the dentist's clinical practice for all six questions. During the second questionnaire, we performed qualitative content analysis using free-text responses to a question about difficult situations encountered when conducting MID. Results: Regarding before and after comparisons of concordance between the first and second questionnaires, mean overall concordance improved significantly, from 66% to 89% (p<0.001). Qualitative content analysis identified five difficult situations: “cases where decision making for treatment and prognosis is difficult”, “inadequate practice resources”, “limitations on patient visit and treatment period”, “discrepancy between MID and the patient's values”, and “limitations on health insurance and social understanding”. Conclusions: These results suggest that it is possible to reduce the EPG in MID using a web-based educational intervention among Japanese dentists. Qualitative content analysis revealed five difficult situations that might hinder implementation of MID. Clinical Significance: Although this intervention demonstrated educational effects, perfect concordance was not achieved by all participants. This is possibly associated with the five situations that participants reported facing when conducting MID. Creating an environment to improve these situations may facilitate a reduction in the EPG.

  • Iron supplementation regulates the progression of high fat diet induced obesity and hepatic steatosis via mitochondrial signaling pathways

    Kitamura N., Yokoyama Y., Taoka H., Nagano U., Hosoda S., Taworntawat T., Nakamura A., Ogawa Y., Tsubota K., Watanabe M.

    Scientific Reports (Scientific Reports)  11 ( 1 ) 10753 2021.12

    ISSN  2045-2322

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    Disruption of iron metabolism is closely related to metabolic diseases. Iron deficiency is frequently associated with obesity and hepatic steatosis. However, the effects of iron supplementation on obesity and energy metabolism remain unclear. Here we show that a high-fat diet supplemented with iron reduces body weight gain and hepatic lipid accumulation in mice. Iron supplementation was found to reduce mitochondrial morphological abnormalities and upregulate gene transcription involved in mitochondrial function and beta oxidation in the liver and skeletal muscle. In both these tissues, iron supplementation increased the expression of genes involved in heme or iron–sulfur (Fe–S) cluster synthesis. Heme and Fe–S cluster, which are iron prosthetic groups contained in electron transport chain complex subunits, are essential for mitochondrial respiration. The findings of this study demonstrated that iron regulates mitochondrial signaling pathways—gene transcription of mitochondrial component molecules synthesis and their energy metabolism. Overall, the study elucidates the molecular basis underlying the relationship between iron supplementation and obesity and hepatic steatosis progression, and the role of iron as a signaling molecule.

  • Metabolic effects of bee larva-derived protein in mice: Assessment of an alternative protein source

    Yokoyama Y., Shinohara K., Kitamura N., Nakamura A., Onoue A., Tanaka K., Hirayama A., Aw W., Nakamura S., Ogawa Y., Fukuda S., Tsubota K., Watanabe M.

    Foods (Foods)  10 ( 11 )  2021.11

    ISSN  2304-8158

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    Food crises caused by growing global population or environmental changes are predicted in the near future; therefore, sustainable solutions are needed. Edible insects, which are rich in protein and can save feed and environmental resources, have the potential to be a sustainable alternative protein source. However, there is limited evidence on the impact on health. In this study, we investigated the biological effects of ingesting bee larva by examining their effects on amino acid, lipid, and glucose metabolism in animal models. In our animal experiments, the replacement of casein as a protein source, with edible insects, did not seem to cause any deficiency in murine amino acid levels in the plasma and liver. Metabolomic analysis of plasma metabolites showed decreased 3-methylhistidine and increased nicotinamide in the bee larva-derived protein-fed mice. Decreased levels of plasma 3-metylhistidine, an indicator of muscle degradation, implies that replacement to bee-larva protein from casein did not cause muscle degradation in vivo. We further investigated effects of increased plasma nicotinamide on peripheral tissue and found an increase in expression levels of genes involved in glucose uptake in muscle and thermogenesis in adipose tissue. These data imply that bee larva is a potential sustainable, safe and healthy alternative protein source.

  • Evidence-practice gap in minimal intervention dentistry: Findings from a dental practice-based research network

    Kakudate N., Yokoyama Y., Sumida F., Matsumoto Y., Yamazaki H., Touge T., Fujikawa Y., Gordan V.V., Gilbert G.H.

    Journal of Dentistry (Journal of Dentistry)  102   103469 2020.11

    ISSN  03005712

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    Objectives: This study aimed to 1) quantify the evidence-practice gap (EPG) between dental clinical practice and published evidence on Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID) among dentists in Japan; and 2) examine the hypothesis that dentist characteristics have a significant association with the EPG. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study via use of a web-based questionnaire survey of dentists who were affiliated with the Dental Practice-based Research Network Japan (n = 297). To quantify the EPG on MID, we used a questionnaire that included 10 clinical questions or scenarios to assess concordance between dental practice and published evidence on MID. We evaluated concordance by coding responses to each question as consistent or inconsistent with the evidence. An overall concordance was then determined as percent of responses that were consistent with published evidence for 10 questions. Subsequently, multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the associations between dentist characteristics and higher overall concordance (≥median) with published evidence. Results: Mean and median overall dentist-level concordance were both 60 % (SD: 18, interquartile range: 50–75 %). Logistic regression analysis showed that “gender of dentist”, “city population”, and “frequency of obtaining evidence from the scientific journal articles in English” were significantly associated with high concordance, with odds ratios (95 % CIs) of 2.33 (1.01–5.39), 2.01 (1.02–3.96), and 2.45 (1.08–5.59), respectively. Conclusions: Japanese dentists demonstrated medium concordance with published evidence, indicating that an EPG on MID exists in Japanese dental clinical practices. Dentist-specific characteristics had significant associations with high concordance with published evidence. Clinical Significance: Despite the establishment and dissemination of the concept of MID, the EPG on MID exists in Japanese dental clinical practices. A high concordance was significantly associated with the following dentist characteristics: “female dentist”, “dental clinic location in a government-ordinance-designated city”, and “frequently obtaining evidence from the English-language scientific journal articles”

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 胆汁酸シグナルは、腸内細菌叢組成を変えてしまう宿主側遺伝的背景に影響を受ける(Bile Acid Signaling is Influenced by Host-Genetic background Altering Gut Microbiota Composition)

    Taworntawat Tanon, 川島 えり, 星 榛香, 西坂 観月, 田岡 広樹, 本多 彰, 宮崎 照雄, 福田 真嗣, 滝川 一, 横山 葉子, 松崎 靖司, 坪田 一男, 渡辺 光博

    肥満研究 ((一社)日本肥満学会)  27 ( Suppl. ) 322 - 322 2022.03

    ISSN  1343-229X

  • 杜仲葉配糖体アスペルロシドによる抗肥満作用および代謝制御機構の解明

    中村 杏菜, 横山 葉子, 田中 一己, 朱 き, 北村 奈穂, 本多 彰, 福田 真嗣, 渡辺 光博

    日本衛生学雑誌 ((一社)日本衛生学会)  77 ( Suppl. ) S180 - S180 2022.03

    ISSN  0021-5082

  • 杜仲葉配糖体アスペルロシドによるメタボリックシンドローム予防効果と代謝変動解析

    中村 杏菜, 横山 葉子, 田中 一己, Benegiamo Giorgia, 平山 明由, 朱 き, 北村 奈穂, 杉崎 太一, 森本 耕吉, 伊藤 裕, 福田 真嗣, Auwerx Johan, 坪田 一男, 渡辺 光博

    肥満研究 ((一社)日本肥満学会)  27 ( Suppl. ) 348 - 348 2022.03

    ISSN  1343-229X

  • ごぼう由来機能性物質の肥満・2型糖尿病予防効果の検討

    渡辺 光博, 朱 き, 北川 雛菜, 中村 杏菜, 北村 奈穂, 永野 詩奈, 宮崎 照雄, 本多 彰, 横山 葉子

    肥満研究 ((一社)日本肥満学会)  27 ( Suppl. ) 322 - 322 2022.03

    ISSN  1343-229X

  • イヌリンおよびセルロースが腸内細菌由来代謝産物を変化させ肥満に及ぼす影響

    渡辺 光博, 北川 雛菜, 朱 き, 中村 杏菜, 北村 奈穂, 永野 詩奈, 宮崎 照雄, 本多 彰, 横山 葉子

    肥満研究 ((一社)日本肥満学会)  27 ( Suppl. ) 322 - 322 2022.03

    ISSN  1343-229X

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 腸内細菌・胆汁酸・ミトコンドリアに着目した最適な栄養バランス解明


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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  • エビデンス-診療ギャップの発生機序解明および改善方策立案のための国際比較研究


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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    エビデンスと実際の診療との間に乖離があることをエビデンス-診療ギャップ(Evidence-Practice Gap:EPG)といい、日本における本格的な取り組みは少ない。EPGの発生原因としては医療制度や歯学教育をはじめとする国ごとに特有な原因があることから、本研究では歯科医師を対象として国際比較研究を実施する。グローバルな視点から我が国に特有のEPG発生機序および改善方策を明らかにする。
    エビデンスと実際の診療との間に乖離があることをエビデンス-診療ギャップ(Evidence-Practice Gap:EPG)という。海外においてはEPGに関する研究が行われているが、日本における本格的な取り組みは少ない。EPGの発生要因としては歯科医師の個人的な要因のみならず医療制度をはじめとする国ごとに特有な要因もあることから、本研究では国内外の歯科医師を対象とした国際共同研究を実施する。本国際比較研究により各国に特徴的なEPG発生機序を明らかにし、さらにグローバルな視点からEPG改善方策を立案することを目的とする。本国際比較研究では、米国およびブラジルの研究者の協力のもと、インターネットを用いたオンラインウェブ質問票調査を2回実施する。第1回目のウェブ調査では、EPGの発生機序を検討し、第2回目のウェブ調査では、第1回目の調査結果を対象者へフィードバックすることで国際的な視点からEPGの改善方策を検討する。令和3年度(2年目)の研究実績の概要は以下の通りである。

  • 栄養素バランスと質による胆汁酸-腸内細菌相互作用を中心とした次世代継承研究


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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  • Different Amino Acids Quality and Quantity and Metabolic Syndrome: Interaction between Bile Acids and Microbiota


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, YOKOYAMA Yoko, WATANABE Mitsuhiro, FUKUDA Shinji, TOMITA Masaru, HONDA Akira, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Principal investigator

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    The optimal balance of nutrient sources of energy has not been clarified. The meta-analysis did not confirm the metabolic disease improvement effect by higher protein diet. As a result of research on experimental animals, metabolic diseases were improved by lower protein diet. Bile acid composition, intestinal microbiota, metabolites, and microarray were performed to clarify the mechanism. In the lower protein group, brown adipose tissue function were improved. In the lower protein group, as a result of microbiota and metabolite analysis, anti-aging substance in cecal contents were increased. Differences and complex associations between 30 kinds of bile acids composition and microbiota by nutrient balance were clarified.

  • International comparison of the Evidence-Practice Gap (EPG) and an educational intervention aimed at improving the gap


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kakudate Naoki, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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    In this study, we achieved the following results. First, we developed a scale to enable the international comparison of the Evidence-Practice Gap (EPG), and clarified the status of EPG in Japanese dental practice using an online web questionnaire survey via cross-sectional study. Second, by comparing the results with those of previous studies in the United States, we extracted a characteristic EPG in Japanese dental practice. Third, by feeding back the research results to the participants in the above cross-sectional research, we conducted an online educational intervention program aimed at updating the latest evidence, and verified the educational effect of this program. In the final year, the research results were published through a presentation at an international conference and a scientific paper.

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