Kanie, Norichika



Graduate School of Media and Governance (Shonan Fujisawa)



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Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1999.11

    国際連合大学高等研究所客員, シニアリサーチフェロー

  • 2000.04

    北九州大学法学部, 講師

  • 2001.10

    北九州市立大学法学部, 助教授

  • 2003.04

    東京工業大学大学院社会理工学研究科, 准教授

  • 2009.08

    パリ政治学院(SciencesPo.)/持続可能な開発と国際関係研究所(IDDRI)客員教授、欧州委員会Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1990.04

    Keio University, Keio University Policy Management

    University, Graduated

  • 1994.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1996.04

    慶應義塾大学大学院, Graduate School of Media and Governance

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

  • 1996.09

    University of Kent at Canterbury, Department of Politics and International Relations


  • 1997.08

    Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Political Science


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Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 総合政策 学士, 慶應義塾大学, 1994.03

  • 政策・メディア 修士, 慶應義塾大学, 1996.03

  • 博士(政策・メディア), 慶應義塾大学, 2001.04


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations


Books 【 Display / hide

  • SDGs白書2023-2024

    SDGs白書編集委員会 編集, インプレスR&D , 2024.06,  Page: 238


    Shirin Malekpour, Cameron Allen, Ambuj Sagar, Imme Scholz, Åsa Persson, J. Jaime Miranda, Therese Bennich, Opha Pauline Dube, Norichika Kanie, Nyovani Madise, Nancy Shackell, Jaime C. Montoya, Jiahua Pan, Ibrahima Hathie, Sergey N. Bobylev, John Agard & Kaltham Al-Ghanim, United Nations, 2023.09,  Page: 191

    , Accepted

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    The Global Sustainable Development Report 2023
    "Times of Crisis, Times of Change: Science for Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Development", the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), finds that at this critical juncture, midway to 2030, incremental and fragmented change is insufficient to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the remaining seven years. Implementation of the 2030 Agenda requires the active mobilization of political leadership and ambition for science-based transformations. This must be achieved globally - leaving no country, society or person behind. The report is an invitation to embrace transformations with the urgency needed to accelerate progress towards the SDGs.

    The GSDR 2023 highlights key transformations needed in different sectors and provides key findings from the literature, practical examples and tools for progress towards the SDGs. It provides a stylized model to help unpack and understand the transformation process over time and outline the roles of different levers in facilitating various stages of transformation through a systematic and structured approach. As history has shown, transformations are inevitable, and this report emphasizes that deliberate and desirable transformations are possible - and, indeed, necessary.

  • SDGsを問い直す―ポスト/ウィズ・コロナと人間の安全保障

    野田真里 編著, 法律文化社, 2023.05,  Page: 302

    Scope: 第12章「環境とSDGs−気候変動や生物多様性問題から見る社会変革の必要性」,  Contact page: pp.198-215

  • 社会イノベーションの方法と実践

    琴坂将広/宮垣元 編者, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2023.03,  Page: 296

    Scope: 第Ⅲ部 社会イノベーションの評価と展望、「第12章:SDGsにみる変革への革新的アプローチ」蟹江憲史

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • What scientists need to do to accelerate progress on the SDGs

    Shirin Malekpour, Cameron Allen, Ambuj Sagar, Imme Scholz, Åsa Persson, J. Jaime Miranda, Therese Bennich, Opha Pauline Dube, Norichika Kanie, Nyovani Madise, Nancy Shackell, Jaime C. Montoya, Jiahua Pan, Ibrahima Hathie, Sergey N. Bobylev, John Agard & Kaltham Al-Ghanim

    nature (Nature Research)   2023.09

    Research paper (scientific journal), Lead author, Accepted,  ISSN  1476-4687

  • Safe and just Earth system boundaries

    Johan Rockström, Joyeeta Gupta, Dahe Qin, Steven J. Lade, Jesse F. Abrams, Lauren S. Andersen, David I. Armstrong McKay, Xuemei Bai, Govindasamy Bala, Stuart E. Bunn, Daniel Ciobanu, Fabrice DeClerck, Kristie Ebi, Lauren Gifford, Christopher Gordon, Syezlin Hasan, Norichika Kanie, Timothy M. Lenton, Sina Loriani, Diana M. Liverman, Awaz Mohamed, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, David Obura, Daniel Ospina, Klaudia Prodani, Crelis Rammelt, Boris Sakschewski, Joeri Scholtens, Ben Stewart-Koster, Thejna Tharammal, Detlef van Vuuren, Peter H. Verburg, Ricarda Winkelmann, Caroline Zimm, Elena M. Bennett, Stefan Bringezu, Wendy Broadgate, Pamela A. Green, Lei Huang, Lisa Jacobson, Christopher Ndehedehe, Simona Pedde, Juan Rocha, Marten Scheffer, Lena Schulte-Uebbing, Wim de Vries, Cunde Xiao, Chi Xu, Xinwu Xu, Noelia Zafra-Calvo, Xin Zhang

    nature (Nature Research)   2023.05

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  1476-4687

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    The stability and resilience of the Earth system and human well-being are inseparably linked1,2,3, yet their interdependencies are generally under-recognized; consequently, they are often treated independently4,5. Here, we use modelling and literature assessment to quantify safe and just Earth system boundaries (ESBs) for climate, the biosphere, water and nutrient cycles, and aerosols at global and subglobal scales. We propose ESBs for maintaining the resilience and stability of the Earth system (safe ESBs) and minimizing exposure to significant harm to humans from Earth system change (a necessary but not sufficient condition for justice)4. The stricter of the safe or just boundaries sets the integrated safe and just ESB. Our findings show that justice considerations constrain the integrated ESBs more than safety considerations for climate and atmospheric aerosol loading. Seven of eight globally quantified safe and just ESBs and at least two regional safe and just ESBs in over half of global land area are already exceeded. We propose that our assessment provides a quantitative foundation for safeguarding the global commons for all people now and into the future.

  • SDGsへの変革へ向けて

    蟹江 憲史

    KUMAMOTO地方経済情報 (地方経済総合研究所)  133 ( 2023年4月 )  2023.04

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • Earth system justice needed to identify and live within Earth system boundaries

    Joyeeta Gupta, Diana Liverman, Klaudia Prodani, Paulina Aldunce, Xuemei Bai, Wendy Broadgate, Daniel Ciobanu, Lauren Gifford, Chris Gordon, Margot Hurlbert, Cristina Y. A. Inoue, Lisa Jacobson, Norichika Kanie, Steven J.Lade, Timothy M. Lenton, David Obura, Chukwumerije Okereke, Ilona M. Otto, Laura Pereira, Johan Rockström, Joeri Scholtens, Juan Rocha, Ben Stewart-Koster, J. David Tàbara, Crelis Rammelt & Peter H. Verburg

    Nature Sustainability  2023.03

  • Introduction: Implementing Governance through Goals and the SDGs

    Norichika Kanie

    International Relations (Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.)  2023 ( 208 ) 1 - 12 2023.01

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  0454-2215

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    This special issue is the first collection of papers written in Japanese on the SDGs in the discipline of international relations. It is published in a timely manner at the half way of the SDGs. Agreed by consensus by all the UN member states in 2015, the SDGs are now recognized by around 80% of population in Japan. As compared to this remarkable number of recognition, only little number of population “understand” what SDGs are. The same seems to be applied to academic community. This special issue is hoping to serve for deeper understanding of the SDGs.

    We have covered a wide range of issues in this collection. Maeda focuses on non-human perspective and propose bringing such perspective into the study of the SDGs, which could help overcoming shortcomings of the traditional and human-centered international relations. Miyoshiro and Katada bring their attention to business sector. Ways that business practices could contribute to the SDGs, as well as business and human rights issues are addressed. Mashima deals with gender issue, where she focuses on norm that functions for reaching the goals. Hayashi identifies some of the issues that needs more attention in the implementation process of the SDGs by focusing on the SDGs’ impact on NGOs.

    As the governance through goals is a new methodology and concept for global governance, we need to explore various dimensions of this novel global governance strategy. With serious problems that hinder attainment of the SDGs, such as COVID 19 pandemic, climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, practical demand is also mounting. I hope this special issue paves the way for further study of the SDGs and governance through goal setting in Japan and beyond, and that more transdisciplinary and problem oriented research are employed in the community.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • サプライチェーンで実現するSDGs

    蟹江 憲史

    サプライチェーン改革 Week ~不確実な時代におけるレジリエンス強化戦略~, 


    Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, JBpress、Japan Innovation Review

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  • Exploring Synergies and Trade-Offs for Transformations to the SDGs and Beyond

    Norichika Kanie, Mustafa Moinuddin, Eeva Furman, Ivonne Lobos Alva

    Exploring Synergies and Trade-Offs for Transformations to the SDGs and Beyond (Trygve Lie Center for Peace, Security & Development, International Peace Institute) , 


    The International Peace Institute, xSDG Lab, National Institute for Environmental Studies and Institute for Global Environmental Studies

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    According to the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), bringing about the transformation required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires facilitating synergies and eliminating trade-offs between different SDGs. Understanding these synergies and trade-offs is critical to assessing progress toward the SDGs through voluntary national reviews and to considering global goals beyond 2030.

    This session introduces ongoing research on these synergies and trade-offs conducted by some of the institutions where members of the Independent Group of Scientists that drafted the 2023 GSDR are based. Implementation of the SDGs relies on localized actions and local contexts. Therefore, case studies and empirical data on context-specific synergies and trade-offs are critical for drawing lessons on how transformation takes place. This event, which is an initial stage of a project exploring synergies and trade-offs between SDG targets, will showcase examples from Japan, Finland, and Sweden. The event will encourage collaboration and partnerships on accelerating progress toward the SDGs by facilitating synergies and eliminating trade-offs.

  • Case Studies of Science in Action

    Norichika Kanie 他

    Science Day at HLPF 2024 (UN Headquarters in New York) , 


    y the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the International Science Council (ISC), and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)

  • Transdisciplinary Science to Address Joint Planetary

    Linwood Pendleton, Joyeeta Gupta, Norichika Kanie, Norichika Kanie, Anthony Capon, Henrik Larsen

    Future Earth Assembly 2024 Agenda, The SRI/SSD2024 (the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland) , 


    Future Earth

  • Transdisciplinarity in practice for accelerating actions towards the SDGs: A case for sustainable fashion and SME certification

    Norichika Kanie, Tetsuya Yamashita, Norihiko Ishihara, Mari Kosaka

    Sustainability Research + Innovation Congress 2024 in collaboration with Sustainability Science Days(The SRI/SSD2024) (the University of Helsinki, and Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland) , 


    Future Earth, the Belmont Forum

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Factors for changing global institutions for sustainable development in terms of configuration of actors


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator

Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Marie Curie Incoming Fellowship Award

    2009, The European Commission

  • Ph.D. Fellowship Award

    1999, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

  • Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship Award

    1998, The Rotary Foundation

  • Koizumi Shinzo Commemoration Scholar Award

    1996, Keio University

Other 【 Display / hide

  • 2023年07月

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  • 2023年06月

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    扉ページKanagawa Style『中小企業からSDGsの変革を!』、機関誌「Best Partner」、第35巻第6号、浜銀研究所発行、

  • 2023年03月

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  • 『折り返し点を迎えたSDGsとこれからの変革へ向けて』


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  • 『SDGs達成に向けた取り組み』


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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 文系基礎科目 国際関係論第一、第二

    東京工業大学 学部


  • 交渉で学ぶ政治学入門

    東京工業大学 学部


  • 文系ゼミ

    東京工業大学 学部


  • 総合科目 環境計画と社会システム

    東京工業大学 学部


  • 地球環境政治/Global Environmental Governance

    東京工業大学 修士


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Educational Activities and Special Notes 【 Display / hide

  • 慶應義塾中等部75周年記念講演会


    , Lecture at Education Method and Practice

  • 慶應義塾SDGs会議


    , Lecture at Education Method and Practice

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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • JAL サステナブル・チャレンジフライト


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  • オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会とスポーツxSDGsの課題

    横浜日仏学院, 横浜フランス月間2023 対談「オリンピックと都市計画:スタジアムから街へ」 (象の鼻テラス)


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  • SDGsの最前線

    三田会(武蔵野三田会), 武蔵野三田会(2023年5月27日) (吉祥寺東急REIホテル)

  • SDGsと教育について

    東京私立初等学校協会, 東京私立初等学校協会 令和5年度 教養講座 (アルカディア市ヶ谷)

  • SDGsの先の世界観

    宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA), 第1回有識者ネットワーク試行パネル型勉強会 ~みんなで考え始める2050年の社会、宇宙航空の世界観~ (オンライン講演)


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Media Coverage 【 Display / hide

  • 明日への調整 SDGsの実情と行方 よりよい世界の構築停滞

    高知新聞 (16面) , 2024.04

  • 明日への調整 SDGsの実情と行方 気候や飢餓、教育停滞

    茨城新聞 (8面) , 2024.04

  • 明日への調整 よりよい世界の構築停滞 SDGsの実情と行方

    中部経済新聞 (13面) , 2024.04

  • 国連大学との共催シンポジウム「GSDR2023とSDGs」

    Keio University, MITA-HYORON (KEIO Photo Report) , 2024.04

  • Newsweek SDGs Awards 2023

    CCC MEDIA HOUSE, Newsweek Japan (pp.32-35) , 2024.03

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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2024.04

    センター運営委員, 慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティテュート KEIO SPORTS SDGsセンター

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  • 2023.10

    Advisor, 2025 Japan World Expo Theme week 「Agenda 2025」 , Japan Association for the 2025 World Expo

  • 2023.10

    Associate Member of the Science Council of Japan, the Science Council of Japan

  • 2023.08

    JF-EWC インド太平洋ネットワーク・フェローシップ アドバイザー, The Japan Foundation

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    インド太平洋地域において、将来政策形成に参画することが期待される地域の若手専 門家を対象に研修・交流・ネットワーキングの機会を提供することにより、国際的な知的対話を促 進するとともに、地域の共通課題に協力して取り組むことのできる次世代リーダーを育成すること、 そして当該地域協力の推進に資する長期的な協力関係と関係者間のコミュニティを形成する。

  • 2023.08

    Advisor, Japan Foundation Indo-Pacific Partnership Program ( JFIPP Network Fellowship), The Japan Foundation

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