Umejima, Masaki



Graduate School of Media and Governance study of management information, and information society (Shonan Fujisawa)


Project Professor (Non-tenured)

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Contact Address

Endo5322, Fujisawa-City, Kanagawa, Japan

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Profile 【 Display / hide

  • Dr. Umejima has addressed research on energy and mobile communication systems and entrepreneurial education in Keio University, the oldest private university in Japan, and Malaysia University of Science Technology in allying with the Asian-wide university network, named SOI Asia.
    In addition to contributing academia, Dr. Umejima has addressed the Japan made international and open standard for IoT devices that all home appliances such as an air conditioner and a power meter have an internet access as Councilor of ECHONET Consortium.
    Dr. Umejima is Acting Chairman of Smart Meter Committee and Chairman of Cyber Security for Virtual Power Plant Promotion Committee in Resource and Energy Agency of Japanese Government. Some of Dr. Umejima ‘s recognitions include being awarded. His leadership has enabled that over 14 million air conditioners and over 28 million power meters were ready to speak ISO/IEC14543-4-3 over internet protocol by 2017. ISO/IEC14543-4-3, called ECHONET Lite in Japan, gets awareness as an open standard to new generation appliances: EV, PV, and a battery to storage a renewable energy resource. To his accomplishment, IPv6 Forum awarded him to the IPv6 world leader in 2015 and ECHONET Consortium prized him to the owner of ECHONET Prize 2017.

Message from the Faculty Member 【 Display / hide

  • Not technology and business define us, we design society by the combination of tech, business, and policy.

Profile Summary 【 Display / hide

  • We live in a very connected world. As the world gets even more connected with the proliferation of connected devices, i.e., Internet of Things (IoT), a paradigm shift will happen in an electric utility system that relies on the mandatory balance of demand and supply. Balancing capabilities must be on standby at the power grid network to fulfill this requirement, showing high dependency on large-scale power plants on the supply side. However, Demand-side Energy Management System (D-EMS) accumulate loads like an air conditioner with network access is becoming the catalyst in influencing the design of the demand and supply balancing formula. IEEE 1547 standards family describe that Demand Response (DR) Aggregator acquires balancing capacities by aggregating DR units, namely Virtual Power Plant (VPP). This research shows that aggregation of D-EMSs that refers to the accumulation of loads with network access like air conditioners showing a characteristic of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), realizes VPP with offering scalability.

    DER Management system to be Virtual Power Plant

Other Affiliation 【 Display / hide

  • Keio University Global Research Institute , Member

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1998.04

    Japan Office, Ketchum Inc

  • 2004.11

    Graduate School of Media and Governance ,Keio University, Research Associate

  • 2006.04

    Graduate School of Media and Governance ,Keio University, Project Assistant Professor

  • 2017

    Graduate School of Media and Governance ,Keio University, Project Associate Professor

  • 2019

    International Electrotechnical Commission, System Committee-Smart Energy,, Expert

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2012.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance

    University, Doctoral course

  • 2002.09

    Keio University, Graduate School, Media & Governance

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1994.04

    Nihon University, Faculty of Commerce(Presidential Award)

    University, Graduated

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Ph.D, Media and Governance, Keio University, Coursework, 2017.09

  • MS, Media&Governance, Keio University, Coursework, 2004.09

Matters concerning Career Achievements 【 Display / hide

  • 2015

    IPv6 World Leader

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    To the contribution to the IPv6 deployment on the smart metering and the internet, IPv6 Forum awarded him to the IPv6 world leader in 2015


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Informatics / Information network (Management Information System)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Design of Distributed Energy Resources Management System

  • Design for distance learning system

  • Design the tool to educate and measure Logical Communication ability

  • Management of Emerging Business

Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Distributed Energy Resource System, 


     View Summary

    Dr. Umejima is the member of Smart Meter Committee and the Chairman of Cyber Security for Virtual Power Plant Promotion Committee in Resource and Energy Agency of Japanese Government. Some of Dr. Umejima ‘s recognitions include being awarded. His leadership has enabled that over 14 million air conditioners and over 28 million power meters were ready to speak ISO/IEC14543-4-3 over internet protocol by 2017. ISO/IEC14543-4-3, called ECHONET Lite in Japan, gets awareness as an open standard to new generation appliances: EV, PV, and a battery to storage a renewable energy resource.

  • Education and measurement on Logical Communication, 


     View Summary


  • Fieldwork design for Evidence Based Approach , 


  • Distance Learning System, 


     View Summary


  • Education tool development on Management of Emerging Business , 



Books 【 Display / hide

  • University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic

    Masaki Umejima, Cherry H. Y. Wong, Jiro Kokuryo, Jun Murai, David Farber, Keiko Okawa, Kan Suzuki, Springer, 2021.10

    Scope: Case Study on Distance Learning for K-12 Education in Japan: The Nagasaki-Takaoka Model,  Contact page: pp123-pp136

     View Summary

    A pre-existing partnership between the Japanese Government and Keio University paved the way for K-12 education to embrace distance learning. The university has been engaging in the revision of educational ICT policies in Japan for many years. In Japan, universities have been accumulating knowledge in distance learning practices since the emergence of the Internet, though earlier educational ICT policy required the ICT system in K-12 education to depend on dedicated Internet lines. In December 2019, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) announced a new ICT policy to allow K-12 education to launch distance learning classes via public cloud on the Internet. The university’s experience with running distance learning, bundled with the stipulations of the new educational ICT policy, enabled K-12 education to carry out distance learning. New subjects can be taught daily, and continuity of education is ensured in disaster situations, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The research team at Keio University built the “Nagasaki-Takaoka Model” as a reference model with the added aim of ensuring data security and trust in the open network. In December 2020, Takaoka City successfully deployed the “Nagasaki-Takaoka Model” across all public schools.

  • CCRC Technical Report on Security Recommendations for Distributed Energy System Aggregators, Based on METI Cyber and Physical Security Framework

    Masaki Umejima, Selvakumar Manickam, Christian Primack Metcalfe, David Farber, Jun Murai, Jiro Kokuryo, Cherry Wong, Keio University, 2021.10

     View Summary

    Standardization of security protocols in hardware and software engineering is critical to implementing Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). The Cyber and Physical Security Framework presented by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry aims to align the implementation of DER devices with international standards for the configuration of products and services within the global supply chain. The requirement for trust in organizing, implementing, and securing DER systems informs the creation of a multi-tiered approach to gaining trustworthiness.

    In this report, CCRC provides the technology reference for DER system security in alignment with the above framework and suggests the best practices recommendations of security, authentication, and network with the application of various international standards.

  • 論理コミュニケーショントータルロジックス特別版(上巻)

    梅嶋真樹, et al, 慶應義塾大学SFC研究所, 2018

  • 論理コミュニケーション第2版

    UMEJIMA MASAKI, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2015.04

  • 創発経営のプラットフォームー協働の情報基盤づくり

    UMEJIMA MASAKI, 日本経済新聞出版社, 2011.10

    Scope: 282

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Aggregation of DERs like Air Conditioners for Virtual Power Plant, based on IEEE 1547 Standards Family

    Masaki Umejima, Selvakumar Manickam

    Conference Paper of 2021 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) (IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC))  2021-November 2021.11

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  21574839

     View Summary

    We live in a very connected world. As the world gets even more connected with the proliferation of connected devices, i.e., Internet of Things (IoT), a paradigm shift will happen in an electric utility system that relies on the mandatory balance of demand and supply. Balancing capabilities must be on standby at the power grid network to fulfill this requirement, showing high dependency on large-scale power plants on the supply side. However, Demand-side Energy Management System (D-EMS) accumulate loads like an air conditioner with network access is becoming the catalyst in influencing the design of the demand and supply balancing formula. IEEE 1547 standards family describe that Demand Response (DR) Aggregator acquires balancing capacities by aggregating DR units, namely Virtual Power Plant (VPP). This research presented and verified that aggregation of D-EMSs that refers to the accumulation of loads with network access like air conditioners showing a characteristic of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), realized VPP with offering scalability. Significantly, the measurement of D-EMS by a smart power meter with the certification of the centralized authority was able to ensure transparency in VPP as a whole system, removing the weakness of a distributed system.

  • Distance learning with trust over open network policy: Nagasaki-Takaoka Model as a case study on distance learning for K12 education in Japan

    Masaki UMEJIMA, Cherry H.Y. WONG, Jiro KOKURYO, Jun MURAI, David FARBER, Keiko OKAWA, Naoto MASHITA, Rena RYUJI, Kan SUZUKI

    KGRI Working Papers, (Keio University)  2 2020.12

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work

     View Summary

    COVID-19 crisis is ascending the needs of distance learning. Keio University has been engaging in the
    revision of educational ICT policies in Japan for many years, however Japanese school network guideline by Ministry
    of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japanese Government (hereinafter refer to MEXT) regulated
    every school to depend on a dedicated line for many years. In December 2019, the new educational network guideline
    announced by MEXT paved the way that every school launches distance learning class on public cloud service
    through the internet access via a public network. The new guideline mandated that the combination of cloud service,
    authentication, and encryption ensures to protect student data, unbundling the security and the network design.
    “Nagasaki-Takaoka Model” in which data trust is ensured on the open network has aimed to be the reference model
    of distance learning for K12 education in Japan. In December 2020. Takaoka City is ready to start distance learning
    in every elementary school and junior high school.

  • Demand-side VPP system: A scalable system where measurement accuracy creates trust

    Masaki Umejima

    Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)  139 ( 3 ) 148 - 150 2019

    Research paper (scientific journal)

  • The Design of EBA Business Fieldwork Integrate IoT Resource in Japanese Industries and Talent in Asian Top Universities

    Masaki Umejima, Supanuch Supanimittrakul, Natawut Nupairoj, Chaodit Aswakul, Manoj Lohatepanont, and Kultida Rokviboonchai

    Keio SFC Journal (Keio SFC Academic Society)  17 ( 2 ) 46 - 67 2017

  • Analysis of the impact on open authentication: enabler of a scalable mobile operator

    Masaki Umejima

    Graduate School Media and Governance, Keio University   2017

    Doctoral thesis, Accepted

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Distributed Energy Resource Aggregation Business System: Architecture and Service scenario

    Masaki Umejima,

    New Work Item Proposal197, System Committee for Smart Energy (International Electrotechnical Commission)   2021.12

    Joint Work, Corresponding author

Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Aggregation of DERs like Air Conditioners for Virtual Power Plant, based on IEEE 1547 Standards Family

    Masaki Umejima, Selvakumar Manickam

    2021 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) (Online) , 


    Oral presentation (general), IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)

  • Distance Learning for K12 Education in Japan: The Nagasaki-Takaoka Model

    Masaki Umejima

    Internet Governance Forum 2021 WS #118 Learning resilience in the face of the pandemic (Online) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), The Internet Governance Forum

  • Security Recommendations for Distributed Energy System Aggregators, Based on METI Cyber and Physical Security Framework

    Masaki Umejima

    Japan-US-EU ICS Cybersecurity Week, 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), METI in Japanese government, DHS/CISA, DOS and DOE in U.S. government, and DG CONNECT in EU Commission

  • Cybersecurity Guidelines for Energy Resource Aggregation Business in align with CSF and CPSF

    Masaki Umejima

    Japan - US Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Week for FY2020 (Online) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), Japanese Government and U.S. Government,

  • ECHONET Lite enables Demand Side Energy Management-IP based and IEC’s open standardized interface for home appliances-

    ○ Masaki Umejima, Morio Hirahara, Masao Isshiki, Sureswaran Ramadass

    W3C Workshop on the Web of Things Enablers and services for an open Web of Devices (W3C) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Security Design on Energy Resource Aggregation Business system towards International standard


    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japanese Government , Project to develop international standards in energy sector, Masaki Umejima, Selvakumar Manickam,Christian Primack Metcalfe, David Farber, Jun Murai, Jiro Kokuryo, Cherry Wong, information system , Other, No Setting

  • Controller design on Energy Resource Aggregation Business system


    Companies in charge of aggregator business , Joint research, No Setting

  • Promotion of industry-academia collaboration in the Advanced University Network (SOI Asia) in ASEAN


    Jun Murai, No Setting, No Setting

  • Regional ICT Platform Laboratory


    Jiro Kokuryo, Commissioned research, Coinvestigator(s)

  • Research on simultaneous education in distance learning system


    No Setting

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • IPv6 World Leader 2015

    2015, IPv6 Forum

    Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas)

  • Presidential Award


    Type of Award: Other


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Fellow business (overseas strategy) for "ECHONET Lite" to be International standard for Distributed Energy Resources

    ECHONET Consortium

  • 地域生活インフラを支える流通のあり方研究会

  • 経済産業省社会人基礎力に関する研究会

  • ECOM電子タグ/トレーサビリティ推進WG

  • ECOMICタグ利活用SWG食品タスクフォース


Academic Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Research on education and measurement technologies in logical communication

    SFC Forum Foundation, 


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 経営情報学会

  • 情報社会学会

  • 政策情報学会, 

  • 日本教育工学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2020.09

    Member, The next generation Smart Meter System Planning Conference

  • 2020

    Advisor in charge of ICT education , Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

  • 2019

    Expert in System Committee-Smart Energy,, International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)

  • 2018


  • 2015

    Chairman of Cyber Security WG, Committee of Energy Resource Aggregation Business

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