Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Computer Science 26-208C (Yagami)
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Fujishiro, Issei
Issei Fujishiro was born in Tokyo in 1960. He received his ME from University of Tsukuba in 1985 and his Doctor of Science from the University of Tokyo in 1988. Before joining Keio University in 2009, he held a faculty position at the University of Tokyo, University of Tsukuba, Ochanomizu University, and Tohoku University. In 2015, he was elected as an honorary alumnus of Keio University. Prof. Fujishiro has more than 38 years’ carrier in the field of visual computing, with a particular focus on modeling paradigms and shape representations, applied visualization design and lifecycle management, and smart multi-modal ambient media. He authored 362 original papers and 95 survey papers and holds 3 patents. He also edited and/or authored 41 books, including standard Japanese textbooks on computer graphics, entitled Computer Graphics (new edition, CG-ARTS, 2015) and Visual Information Processing (new edition, CG-ARTS, 2017). He received 64 awards, including the Most Cited Paper Award for the Journal Graphical Models 2004-2006 from Elsevier Science, the 16th CG Japan Award from the Society for Art and Science (SAS), and the 6th Hagura Prize from the State of the Art Technologies Expression Association. He has served as an associate editor for several international journals, including IEEE TVCG (1999-2003, 2018-2022) and Elsevier journals such as Computers and Graphics (2003-2013), Visual Informatics (2016-), Computers & Education: X Reality (2022-), and Springer The Visual Computer (2023-). He guest-edited 13 special issues of international/domestic journals, including IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (Vol. 35, No. 6, 2015; Vol. 28, No. 5, 2008). He has served on the steering committee for IEEE SciVis and IEEE PacificVis. He chaired 38 international conferences, including IEEE PacificVis 2008/2014/2024 (Kyoto/Yokohama/Tokyo), Cyberworlds 2013/2019 (Yokohama/Kyoto), ACM VRACAI 2014/2015 (Shenzhen/Kobe), TopoInVis 2017 (Tokyo), CG International 2017 (Yokohama), PacificVAST 2018 (Kobe), and IEEE VIS 2018/2019 (SciVis) (Berlin/Vancouver). He has acted as 204 committees for international conferences. He was the President of the Visualization Society of Japan (2021-2022), the President of Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ, 2016-2017), and a Vice President for SAS (2005-2007). Prof. Fujishiro is presently appointed as a member of Science Council of Japan, a Board Director for International Information Science Foundation, and a Trustee for SAS and CG-ARTS, and takes on the position of Chief Examiner of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) SIG on Computer Graphics and Visual Informatics. He is a fellow of the Japan Federation of Engineering Societies and IPSJ, an honorary member and a fellow of IIEEJ, a senior member of IEEE (Computer Society/VGTC) and ACM (SIGGRAPH), and a member of Eurographics, CGS, IEICE, VRSJ, ITE, and JACM. He is an inductee into IEEE Visualization Academy.
For every subject in charge, I intend to make special emphasis on comprehensible introduction to paradigms and potentials inherent to computer science.
Interval volume visualization
A Visualization support system VIDELICET
Topologically-enhanced volume rendering
Volume modeling of color pencil drawings
Visual computing, especially: 1) shape representation and modeling paradigms; 2) applied visualization design and lifecycle management; and 3) Smart ambient media through multi-sensory information display based on perceptive/cognitive psychology.
Hangzhou Dianzi University, School of Computer Science and Technology, adjunct professor
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Research Associate
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, research associate
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, Assistant Professor
Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Science, Associate Professor
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Computer Science, Visiting Professor
University of Tsukuba, Third Cluster of College, College of Information
University, Graduated
University of Tsukuba, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Infomation Sciences and Electronics
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Doctor of Science, The University of Tokyo, Dissertation, 1988.10
Master of Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Coursework, 1985.03
Bachelor in Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Coursework, 1983.03
An Adaptive CAI System Based on Rule Acquision Descriptions
Informatics / High performance computing
Informatics / Database (Media Informatics/Data Base)
Informatics / Human interface and interaction
computer visualization
computer graphics
virtual reality
smart ambient media
perceptive/cognitive psychology
Computational forensics data visualization environments,
Visual analytics for sparse modeling,
Naked-eye stereoscopic displays,
Smart ambient visualization,
Particle-based fluid simulation,
Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization V: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Hamish Carr, Issei Fujishiro, Filip Sadlo, Shigeo Takahashi (eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2020.12, Page: 270
Computer Graphics, Revised Edition
FUJISHIRO Issei and the other 20 co-authors, Computer Graphic Arts Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2015.03
Scope: Editor in Chief, Visualization (chapter 7-3)
FUJISHIRO Issei, OKUTOMI Masatoshi, 東京・画像情報教育振興協会, 2017.03
Scope: CG系編集委員長,3-8(ボリュームレンダリング),9-1(CGと画像処理の融合)
コンピュータビジュアリゼーションーインターネット時代の数学 4
中嶋 正之,藤代 一成, 共立出版, 2000.11, Page: 207
Scope: 共編著
Soma Yokota, Issei Fujishiro
The Visual Computer Journal (Springer-Verlag) 40 ( 8 ) 5005 - 5016 2024.07
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted
VigNet: Semiautomatic generation of vignette illustrations from video
Mayu Namai, Issei Fujishiro
IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IIEEJ) 12 ( 1 ) 15 - 22 2024.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted
Yuki Nishidate, Issei Fujishiro
ACM Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM) 7 ( 1 ) 1 - 14 2024.05
Research paper (scientific journal), Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted
DiffMat: Latent Diffusion Models for Image-Guided Material Generation
Liang Yuan, Dingkun Yan, Suguru Saito,Issei Fujishiro
Visual Informatics (Elsevier) 8 ( 1 ) 6 - 14 2024.03
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted
HYDRO: Optimizing interactive hybrid images for digital signage content
Masanori Nakayama, Karin Uchino, Ken Nagao, Issei Fujishiro
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware (Elsevier Science) 5 ( 6 ) 565 - 577 2023.12
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted
Challenge to unsolved problems with stereopsis through redirection
Fujishiro, Issei
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Enhancement of integrated environment for computational forensics data analysis and visualization
Fujishiro, Issei
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2020
Consolidation of visualization platform toward facilitating sparse modeling
Fujishiro, Issei
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2017
Fujishiro, Issei
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2016
Development of an integrated environment for forensic visual analytics
Fujishiro, Issei
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2016
Visualizing, exploring and analyzing big data: A 6-year story
Nikos Bikakis, George Papastefanatos, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Olga Papemmanuil, David Auber, Steffen Frey, Issei Fujishiro, Hanna Hauptmann, Shixia Liu, Kwan-Liu Ma, Tobias Schreck, Michael Sedlmair, Mohamed A. Sharaf
ACM SIGMOD Record (ACM) 53 ( 2 ) 54 - 57 2024.06
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work
見解 (日本学術会議) 2023.09
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Joint Work
日本学術会議見解 (日本学術会議) 2023.09
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Joint Work
提言 (日本学術会議) 2023.09
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Joint Work
記録 (日本学術会議) 2023.08
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc., Joint Work
Computer Graphics Education in Japan: Current Status and Future Challenges
Takayuki Itoh, Issei Fujishiro, Kazunori Miyata, Barbara Mones, Akihiko Shirai, Masafumi Takahashi
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s Forum (Tokyo) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), ACM
進士 さくら, 藤代 一成
XRミートアッ プ東京 (東京文化財研究所(東京都・台東区)) ,
Poster presentation, 東京文化財研究所
進士 さくら, 藤代 一成
XRミートアッ プ奈良 (平城宮跡資料館(奈良県・奈良市)) ,
Poster presentation, 奈良文化財研究所
藤代 一成
メディア学フロンティアシンポジウム (東京都八王子市東京工科大学八王子キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), 東京工科大学
ANSWER: An anamorphosis-based stereoscopic viewer
Issei Fujishiro
Lecture at School of Computer Science (Hangzhou) ,
Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, School of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University
Consolidation of Visualization Platform toward Facilitating Sparse Modeling
MEXT, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, FUJISHIRO Issei, Research grant, Principal investigator
Supports and Public Relations for Initiative for High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Modeling
MEXT, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, OKADA Masato, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
ELITE: Development of an Expertise Acquisition Platform Based on Provenance Management and Deep Learning with Application to Visual Computing Problems
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) , Principal investigator
Enhancement of Integrated Visual Analytics Environment for Computational Forensics
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, FUJISHIRO Issei, Research grant, Principal investigator
Development of an Integrated Environment for Forensic data visual analytics
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, FUJISHIRO Issei, Research grant, Principal investigator
Asian Digital Modeling Content 2017, The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus,
Other, Joint
華の早慶戦!私学の雄がCG エンジニア検定エキスパートの舞台で激戦!~CG エンジニア教育最前線!両校40人の熱き戦い~
Other, Joint
5.3 主専攻指導教員から送る言葉
SUPER DOCTOR を目指した9 人の学生たち| リーディングプログラム5 年の軌跡 第3部(pp. 227-228),慶應義塾大学出版会,
Honorary Alumnus
FUJISHIRO Issei, 2015.01, Keio University
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
IEEE Visualization Academy Inductee
Issei Fujishiro, 2020.10, IEEE VGTC
Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas)
ACM Senior member
FUJISHIRO, Issei, 2020.10, ACM
Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.
IEEE Senior member
FUJISHIRO, Issei, 2020.10, IEEE
Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.
IPSJ Fellow
FUJISHIRO, Issei, 2021.06, Information Processing Society of Japan
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
Keio University
Spring Semester, Laboratory work/practical work/exercise, Outside own faculty (within Keio), 3h, 100people
Keio University
Spring Semester, Laboratory work/practical work/exercise, Outside own faculty (within Keio), 3h, 100people
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty, 1h, 45people
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty, 1h, 45people
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty, 1h, 100people
改訂新版 コンピュータグラフィックス
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Computer Graphics
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Visual Information Processing - Introduction to CG and Image Processing - New Edition
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Visual Information Processing - Introduction to CG and Image Processing -
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Fundamentals of Informatics
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Computer Graphics Society,
Information Processing Society of Japan,
IEEE Computer Society,
第33期会長, 可視化情報学会
副会長, 可視化情報学会
フェロー, 日本工学会(JFES)
フェロー, 画像電子学会
名誉会員, 画像電子学会