Ikaga, Toshiharu



Faculty of Science and Technology (Mita)


Professor Emeritus (Keio University)

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Profile 【 Display / hide

  • Dr. Toshiharu Ikaga was educated at the graduate school of Architecture, Waseda University. He was working for the world largest architectural design firm "Nikken Sekkei Ltd." as a mechanical engineer for 22 years, also working for the University of Tokyo as an associate professor for 2 years, and then working for Keio University as a professor for 18 years. His research focuses on sustainable engineering of building and cities, such as residents’ health, workplace productivity, low carbon and resiliency. He was a vice-president of the Architectural Institute of Japan from June 2020 to May 2022. He is now Professor Emeritus at Keio University and President of Institute for Built Environment and Carbon Neutral for SDGs from 2024.

Profile Summary 【 Display / hide

  • This Laboratory focuses on sustainable engineering of building and cities, such as residents’ health, workplace productivity, low carbon and resiliency in order to obtain scientific evidences interdisciplinary and internationally using field survey, subjective experiment and computer simulation.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1983.04

    Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Mechanical engineer

  • 1998.07

    The University of Tokyo, Institute of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

  • 2000.04

    Nikken Sekkei Ltd., General Manager of Environmental Engineering Group

  • 2000.04

    Waseda University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2000.05

    University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Adjunct Research Fellow

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1981.03

    Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Architecture

    University, Graduated

  • 1983.03

    Waseda University, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, School of Construction Engineering

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • PhD, Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Dissertation, 2000.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Architectural environment and building equipment (Architectural Environment/Equipment)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Life Cycle Assessment

  • Public Health

  • Built Environment Engineering

  • Building Service Engineering

  • Input / Output Analysis

Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • 住環境が脳・循環器・呼吸器・運動器に及ぼす影響実測と疾病・介護予防便益評価(文科省科研費基盤S、課題番号17H06151、研究代表者), 


  • 脳情報クラウド(科学技術振興機構JST、革新的研究開発推進プログラムImPACT、研究開発責任者:伊香賀俊治), 


  • 住環境が睡眠・血圧・活動量に与える影響に関する大規模実測調査(文科省科研費基盤A、課題番号26249083、研究代表者), 


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  • 健康維持便益を統合した低炭素型居住環境評価システムの開発(文科省科研費基盤A、課題番号23246102、研究代表者), 


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    近年、低炭素社会への移行が喫緊の課題とされるが、低炭素化対策は経済的負担が大きく普及に繋がっていない。この要因として、低炭素化対策によるCO2 削減効果以外の様々な便益が一般的に認識されていないことが挙げられる。そこで本研究では、高齢化社会への適応という社会的要請にも応えるため、居住環境の改善をもたらす低炭素化対策(Ex. 建築物の断熱・気密化)による健康維持便益(Ex. 医療費節約・欠勤予防)に着目した。その認識と対策の普及に向けて、①居住環境が健康へ及ぼす影響度の解明、②居住環境の改善による健康被害低減の経済性評価を行い、③健康被害低減効果の認識が低炭素化対策の普及に与える影響を解明する。これにより社会の低炭素化・高齢化に適応する新たな居住環境の創出に貢献することを目的とする。

  • Creation of Housing and Community for Healthy Aging, 


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Books 【 Display / hide

  • Windowology archive vol.3 (2014-2016)

    IKAGA Toshiharu, YKK AP株式会社 窓研究所, 2018.03

    Scope: 6-11

  • 窓と建築をめぐる50のはなし

    IKAGA Toshiharu, エクスナレッジ, 2017.09,  Page: 143p

    Scope: 1-143

  • すこやかに住まう、すこやかに生きる ゆすはら健康長寿の里づくりプロジェクト

    IKAGA Toshiharu, 慶應義塾大学出版会株式会社, 2017.06,  Page: 154, 21p, 図版 [4] p

    Scope: 1-154

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  • 地球とつながる暮らしのデザイン

    IKAGA Toshiharu, 株式会社木楽舎, 2016.05

    Scope: 33-38

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  • 先生が語る 病気にならないための家づくり

    IKAGA Toshiharu, 株式会社創樹社, 2015.10

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • THE IMPACT OF INDOOR THERMAL ENVIRONMENT IN WINTER ON DETERIORATION OF CARE LEVEL IN NURSING HOME RESIDENTS A field survey on indoor thermal environment of nursing home and resident’s care condition

    Yukie HAYASHI, Toshiharu IKAGA, Shintaro ANDO and Tanji HOSHI

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) (Architectural Institute of Japan)  83 ( 745 ) 225 - 233 2018.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1348-0685

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    The Japanese population is ageing, and currently has the world's highest proportion of elderly people. As one consequence, the number of residents in nursing homes is increasing. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has identified preventing a need for care as an important aim. The ministry defines “care prevention” in two parts: preventing a care-requiring condition from arising and, when a care-requiring condition already exists, aiming to improve while preventing deterioration. However, mean care level in nursing homes is still increasing, and existing care-prevention strategies are not enough to prevent future increase.
    A field survey was conducted to clarify the effect of indoor thermal environment on the care-requiring condition of residents in nursing homes. Twenty private residential-nursing homes, located in the Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Hyogo prefectures of Japan, were included in this study. Room temperature and relative humidity were measured over approximately 4 weeks in private rooms, the dining room and other rooms of each facility at 20-min intervals in winter 2015. Additionally, questionnaire surveys were conducted twice, in winter 2015 and winter 2016. In the questionnaire, care level and date of certification of care needs was investigated for all care certifications in effect after occupancy until the time of the survey.
    Most facilities had a relatively warm but dry indoor environment. Fifteen facilities were classified into two groups (warm and cold) based on measured room temperature and two groups (moist and dry) based on measured relative humidity. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyse the speed of deterioration (i.e., intensification) of required care level. Residents in the dry facility deteriorated with respect to care level more quickly than residents in the moist facility. In contrast, there was no significant difference according to room temperature. Many factors influence care requirements, including not only the indoor thermal environment but also individual attributes, injury and diseases. To assess these influences, multivariate analysis was carried out.
    Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used for multivariate analysis to assess the effect of indoor thermal environment on the care-requiring condition of residents in nursing homes. Two questions were evaluated: “Did the care level deteriorate?” and “If so, how long did it take for care level to deteriorate?” The analysis result showed the cold group and the dry group having a higher risk of deterioration of care level. Furthermore, residents in facilities that were both warm and moist had the lowest risk. This result suggests that both temperature and humidity are important for care prevention.
    The study results are expected to contribute to improvement in indoor thermal environments and to care-prevention among residents of nursing homes.

  • 高断熱住宅への住み替えによる冬季の睡眠の質への影響

    Wataru UMISHIO, Toshiharu IKAGA and Chika OHASHI

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) (Architectural Institute of Japan)  82 ( 736 ) 513 - 523 2017.06

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1348-0685

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    This study aimed to clarify the impact of indoor thermal environment on sleep quality. Follow-up investigations on sleep quality (sleep efficiency, amount of deep sleep, sleep latency, and number of nighttime awakenings) and indoor temperature were conducted in winter (2014–2016) before and after moving to houses with high thermal insulation performance. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that
    sleep efficiency increased by 0.73% per 1 °C increase in indoor temperature during sleep. Increased indoor temperature also improved the number of nighttime awakenings.

  • Lower Physical Performance in Colder Seasons and Colder Houses: Evidence from a Field Study on Older People Living in the Community

    Yukie Hayashi, Steven M. Schmidt, Agneta Malmgren Fänge, Tanji Hoshi and Toshiharu Ikaga

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI)  14 ( 651 ) 1 - 9 2017.06

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1660-4601

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    The aim of this paper was to explore the effect of seasonal temperature differences and cold indoor environment in winter on the physical performance of older people living in the community based on a field study. We recruited 162 home-dwelling older people from a rehabilitation facility in the Osaka prefecture, Japan; physical performance data were available from 98/162 (60.5%). At the same time, for some participants, a questionnaire survey and a measurement of the indoor temperature of individual houses were conducted. The analysis showed that there were seasonal trends in the physical performance of older people and that physical performance was worse in the winter compared with the autumn. Furthermore, people living in colder houses had worse physical performance. The findings indicate that keeping the house warm in the winter can help to maintain physical performance.

  • Proposal of an evaluation method for resilience improvements considering lifeline supply stoppages: Evaluation of monetary value for resilience improvements by introducing a community energy system

    Kaichi Otsuka, Toshiharu Ikaga, Shuzo Murakami, Ryota Kuzuki, Takahiro Kawayoke

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) (Architectural Institute of Japan)  82 ( 735 ) 471 - 479 2017.05

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1348-0685

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    In urban areas where population and city functions are aggregated, there are calls for the construction of business continuity districts, in which energy supply is secured in times of disaster. A decentralized and self-reliant community-level energy network is expected to contribute to improving resilience and regional vitalization, as well as to reducing carbon emissions. However, the initial investment is high and the stakeholders involved are diverse, creating potential obstacles to the introduction of such an energy network because the necessary measures are of larger scale than a simple construction project. Prior studies have shown the need for accurate recognition of non-energy benefits (NEBs) in addition to energy benefits such as energy cost savings. Moreover, evaluation methods for various co-benefits have been proposed. Yet, NEBs accrued through risk reduction have not been evaluated with respect to temporal changes in business and daily life activities associated with lifeline utilities such as electricity, water, and gas.
    In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of city residents and non-manufacturing workers. Using the data from the questionnaire, we developed an evaluation method for improvements in resilience. In addition, we verified the effect of improving resilience through a case study of a real urban district and a housing complex district.
    The results of this research are summarized below.
    (1) Proposal of an evaluation method for resilience in the business sector
    In the questionnaire survey, we asked non-manufacturing workers about the effect on business activities of lifeline stoppages (electricity, water, and gas) and derived a “Resiliency Factor” according to the type of business. Then, we proposed a method for resilience improvements based on Resiliency Factor and a recovery curve for business activity according to the lifeline stoppage time, and we plotted a recovery curve for business activity according to the lifeline stoppage time. In addition, we expressed the resilience improvement in the business sector in monetary terms.
    (2) Proposal of an evaluation method for resilience in the housing sector
    In the questionnaire survey, we asked residents about the losses incurred as a result of electric power failure. Then, we derived a basic unit of loss due to electric power failure according to stoppage time. This basic unit was then used in an estimation model considering housing type and location to assess resilience improvements in the housing sector in monetary terms.
    (3) Case study
    We performed a case study of the effect on resilience of introducing a community energy network under the assumption of a large-scale earthquake. In the evaluation, the Tamachi Station district was taken as an example of urban areas and the Hamamidaira housing complex district was taken as an example of areas around existing housing complexes We found that by introduction of the community energy system, the Tamachi Station district would accrue NEBs of 140 million yen per year and the Hamamidaira housing complex district would accrue NEBs of 5.11 million yen per year.


    Kanoko NISHIKAWA Toshiharu IKAGA and Satoko OMI

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) (Architectural Institute of Japan)  82 ( 734 ) 317 - 325 2017.04

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1348-0685

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    The reduced ability to exercise and the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in students have recently become serious health concerns. Decreased physical activity in students is cited as a factor in these problems. Governmental agencies have promoted improvement of the regional environment in order to encourage physical activity in students. However, there is insufficient quantitative verification of the regional environmental factors that affect the physical activity of students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the regional environment and physical activity in students, using a questionnaire survey and actual measurements of physical activity.

    A questionnaire survey was conducted for more than 300 teachers across 13 elementary schools to evaluate the satisfaction with the natural environment, the public security, the facilities for communication and the public facilities of each school district. Also, a measurement survey was conducted in the same public schools in Kawasaki city and data were obtained from 702 students aged 10-11 years old across 13 school districts. During a week of September to November 2014, the number of walking steps of each student was measured by a pedometer, HJ326F and HJA-350IT (OMRON).

    1) Impact of the regional environment on physical activity
    Using the results of a questionnaire survey and actual measurements of physical activity, we conducted the multi-level model analysis in order to clarify the impact of the regional environment on physical activity of students in taking account of individual attributes. As a result, for school regions where the satisfaction with the natural environment and the public security were high, the number of walking steps on weekdays exceeded those where the satisfaction was lower. According to the multi-level model analysis, the regional average number of steps increased by about 300 for every 1pt increase in the satisfaction score of the natural environment and the public security.

    2) Relation between satisfaction with neighborhood environments and land use
    Although we examined the relationship between the satisfaction with neighborhood environment and physical activity in students, a concrete factor which increases such satisfaction with regional environment was unclear. Therefore, we carried out a correlation analysis between the satisfaction score of neighborhood environments and the land use and the zoning of the regions. The satisfaction score of the natural environment of a region was correlated with the proportion of a forested region. We also examined the negative correlation between the satisfaction with natural environment and the proportion of a dense low storied building area.

    In conclusion, the result of this study confirmed a relationship between regional environment and physical activity in students and showed the significance value of the natural environment, the public security and the facilities for communication to encourage physical activity in students.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • すまいと熱中症

    IKAGA Toshiharu

    公衆衛生 (株式会社医学書院)  79 ( 6 ) 397 - 400 2015.06

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work,  ISSN  491-0-03745-0650-4

  • 高齢者が熱中症になりやすい住環境と注意点

    IKAGA Toshiharu

    保健の科学 56 ( 7 ) 474 - 479 2014.07

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work

  • 健康長寿を実現する住まいとコミュニティの創造

    IKAGA Toshiharu

    福祉介護テクノプラス (日本工業出版株式会社)  7 ( 7 ) 8 - 11 2014.07

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work,  ISSN  2187-1698

  • 健康長寿に資する住まいとまちづくり

    IKAGA Toshiharu

    Geriatric Medicine (株式会社ライフサイエンス)  52 ( 1 ) 21 - 28 2014.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work

  • ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF WORKPLACE PRODUCTIVITY Report of research activity for workplace productivity party supported by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

    IKAGA Toshiharu

    日本オフィス学会誌 (日本オフィス学会)  5 ( 2 ) 16-20 2013.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • 秋季の寝室環境が居住者の睡眠の質に及ぼす影響に関する実測調査

    石井智大, 伊香賀俊治, 満倉靖恵, 満倉靖恵, 安藤真太朗



    Poster presentation, 日本睡眠学会・日本時間生物学会

  • 実態調査に基づく寝室の温熱環境・空気質と春季・秋季の睡眠の関連の横断分析

    海塩渉, 鍵直樹, 椎名幹太, 椎名幹太, 川久保俊, 伊香賀俊治



    Oral presentation (general), 日本睡眠学会・日本時間生物学会

  • 客観的な睡眠状態と感覚処理感受性との関連

    辻口博聖, 宮城栄重, 鈴木啓太, 原章規, 清水由加里, 佐藤丈寛, 柴田亜樹, 神林康弘, 鈴木史彦, 坪井宏仁, 田嶋敦, 伊香賀俊治, 池田裕也, 中村裕之



    Oral presentation (general), 日本睡眠学会・日本時間生物学会

  • 全館冷暖房による均一な温熱環境が居住者の睡眠指標へ及ぼす影響

    梅本大輔, 関谷佳子, 中川浩, 伊香賀俊治



    Oral presentation (general)

  • Accelerometer-assessed physical activity of elementary schoolers in Kawasaki city

    Baba Akiko, Ikaga Toshiharu, Oguma Yuko, Ito Maki, Kaneko Masashi

    Research in Exercise Epidemiology, 


    Oral presentation (general), Japanese Association of Exercise Epidemiology

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 森林浴と木材の健康効果の医学的エビデンスの創出:大規模疫学調査による検証


    Forest Research and Management Organization, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Research grant, No Setting

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  • Field survey on Impact of living environments on brain, cardiovascular, respiratory and locomotive system, and co-benefit evaluation of disease and long-term care prevention


    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Toshiharu IKAGA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Research grant, Principal investigator

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    <Purpose and Background of the Research>
    The influence on health by housing is summarized in many papers including WHO report, such as influence on overall health and mental health by cold, respiratory illness due to air quality or dampness. Housing and health studies are particularly advanced in United Kingdom and New Zealand. Besides, The chapter 9: Building of IPCC/AR5/WG3 report suggested visualization of co-benefits of residents’ health and workplace productivity are effective for promoting low carbon buildings.
    <Research Methods>
    STEP1 Baseline study
    The research team has conducted a baseline survey
    on the influence of various living environments on health indicators of residents of a wide range of age ranges from infants to the elderly, with good relationships with the national government, local governments, companies and residents carry out.
    STEP2 Cohort / Intervention study
    Cohort studies several years after STEP 1 and intervention studies before and after new construction and renovation will be conducted.
    STEP3 Co-benefits of disease/care prevention
    Combining the research results of STEP 2 with official statistical data, co-benefits of diseases/ care prevention for each household and future forecasts for each national and local governments.
    <Expected Research Achievements and Scientific Significance>
    In this research, architectural studies and medical experts cooperate with national government, local governments, companies and residents to measure living environment in daily life and health data. Results of this research are useful not only for individuals but also for policy makers.

  • Brain Information Cloud (Chief: Prof. Toshiharu IKAGA)


    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST), Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), Toshiharu IKAGA, Commissioned research, Principal investigator

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    1. 研究開発の目的および内容
    2. 2017年度の研究実施内容
    3. 2017年度の達成目標

  • 住環境が睡眠・血圧・活動量に与える影響に関する大規模実測調査(文科省科研費基盤A、課題番号26249083、研究代表者)


    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Principal investigator

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  • 健康長寿を実現する住まいとコミュニティの創造(科学技術振興機構JST、戦略的創造研究推進事業、研究代表者)


    科学技術振興機構, 戦略的創造研究推進事業(社会技術研究開発), Commissioned research, Principal investigator

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Intellectual Property Rights, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 加圧空間に於ける排水・通気設備

    Date applied: 昭60-289700  1985.12 

    Date announced: 昭62-148779  1987.07 

    Date issued: 1874465  1994.09

    Patent, Joint

  • 互いに隣接する高圧の内圧系統と低圧の外圧系統の排水槽の構造

    Date applied: 昭60-197786  1985.12 

    Date announced: 昭62-103873  1987.07 

    Date issued: 1912388  1992.06

    Utility model, Joint

Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Outstanding Paper Award by Japanese Society of Exercise Epidemiology in 2024

    Maki Ito, Toshiharu Ikaga, Yuko Oguma, Yoshinobu Saito, Yoshihisa Fujino, Shintaro Ando, Shuzo Murakami and the Smart Wellness Housing Survey group, 2024.06, Japanese Association of Exercise Epidemiology (JAEE) , Eff ect of insulation retrofi tting on sedentary behavior and physical activity at home among adults in winter: a quasi-experimental study of the Nationwide Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan; Research in Exercise Epidemiology; 2023; 25(1): 50-63

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 井上宇市記念賞井上宇市賞

    2022.05, 公益社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 空気調和・衛生工学会振興賞 技術振興賞

    清水建設株式会社(計画設計施工),新日本空調(衛生空調設備施工),伊香賀 俊治(検証), 2020.05, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 秋葉原哀マークビル デザインとエンジニアリングを融合したテナントオフィスビルの取り組み

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 空気調和・衛生工学会 技術賞

    IKAGA Toshiharu, 2018.05, 公益社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 竹中工務店東関東支店改修の環境・設備計画と実施

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 公共建築賞 国土交通大臣賞

    梼原町(事業者), 慶應義塾大学理工学部システムデザイン工学科+隈研吾建築都市設計事務所(設計者),飛島・ミタニ建設工事 JV(施工者), 2014.11, 一般社団法人公共建築協会, 梼原町総合庁舎

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 理工学基礎実験

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Laboratory work/practical work/exercise, Within own faculty, 2h, 120people

  • 居住環境デザイン工学

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty, 1h, 20people

  • システムデザイン工学演習

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Laboratory work/practical work/exercise, Outside own faculty (within Keio), 2h, 16people

  • 居住設備デザイン工学

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio), 1h, 40people

  • 空間・環境デザイン工学特別講義第1

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture, Outside own faculty (within Keio), 1h, 70people

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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • 経済産業省: 総合資源エネルギー調査会

  • 環境省:中央環境審議会地球環境部会「低炭素建築物に関する専門委員会」

  • 経済産業省: 総合資源エネルギー調査会

  • 国土交通省: 社会資本整備審議会住宅宅地分科会

  • 国土交通省: 住宅・建築物の省エネ基準の適合義務化に関する検討会


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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • Science Council of JAPAN, 

  • the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), 

  • The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), 

  • The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, 

  • The Japanese Society of Hypertension, 


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2023.11

    臨時委員, 経済産業省:総合資源エネルギー調査会

  • 2023.06

    委員, 国土交通省:国立研究開発法人審議会

  • 2023.03

    臨時委員, 環境省:「中央環境審議会」

  • 2023.03

    臨時委員, 環境省:「中央環境審議会」地球環境部会

  • 2023.03

    専門委員, 文部科学省:科学技術・学術審議会

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