岡田 有策 (オカダ ユウサク)

Okada, Yusaku



理工学部 管理工学科 (矢上)





経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2007年04月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学部, 教授

  • 2021年10月

    慶應義塾大学, 研究連携推進本部, 副本部長

  • 2015年04月

    内閣府, 政策統括官(科学技術・イノベーション担当)付, 上席科学技術政策フェロー

  • 2011年04月

    横浜国立大学, 理工学部 化学・生命系学科, 非常勤講師

  • 2004年04月

    法政大学, 国際情報学部, 非常勤講師

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学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1986年03月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学部, 管理工学科

    大学, 卒業

  • 1988年03月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学研究科, 管理工学専攻

    大学院, 修了, 修士

  • 1992年03月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学研究科, 管理工学専攻

    大学院, 修了, 博士

学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 工学 , 慶應義塾大学, 1992年03月


研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 社会システム工学 (Social System Engineering/Safety System)

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 安全工学 (Social System Engineering/Safety System)

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 社会システム工学 (Social System Engineering/Safety System)

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 安全工学 (Social System Engineering/Safety System)

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 安全マネジメント

  • 技術経営

  • ヒューマンファクターズ/人間工学

  • サービスマネジメント

  • サービスマネジメント

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共同研究希望テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 安全マネジメント活動の活性化

    産学連携、民間を含む他機関等との共同研究等を希望する,  希望形態: 受託研究, 共同研究

  • 組織デザインとマネジメント

    産学連携、民間を含む他機関等との共同研究等を希望する,  希望形態: 受託研究, 共同研究


著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ヒューマンエラーと経営戦略 : ヒューマンファクター・マネジメントによる未来価値創造

    岡田有策, 日科技連出版, 2023年03月,  ページ数: 180



  • 「ヒューマンファクターズ概論」

    岡田 有策, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2005年05月

  • ヒューマンエラーの発生要因と削減・再発防止策

    技術情報協会, 2019年08月,  ページ数: 668

    担当範囲: 4.7 レピュテーションを考慮した安全・安心活動

  • 安全工学便覧 (第4版)

    安全工学会 編, コロナ社, 2019年07月,  ページ数: 1192

    担当範囲: 7.2 不安全性と人的要因

  • SIPの総括と今後の方向

    SIPインフラ連携委員会, 土木学会, 2019年03月

    担当範囲: 6.責任とリスク管理

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論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Expansion of the System for Collecting Information on Hospital Incidents - Aiming to revitalizing on-site management

    Yuriko Imura, Yusaku Okada

    Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors (AHFE Open Access)  2023年

    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 共著, 最終著者, 責任著者, 査読有り


    In medical facilities and general hospitals, a variety of information regarding incidents in patient care is collected and analysed. However, due to the large differences in knowledge and experience of on-site risk managers, previous studies have shown several problems with the data collected. Underlying these problems is the analyst's limited knowledge of human factors, IT, and management. However, it is very difficult to give more time and cost for safety training to on-site risk managers. Therefore, in this study, we decided to organize the results of past research on human error factor analysis from the perspective of on-site management. As a result, we were able to obtain a set of elements [elements for activation of on-site activities] for improving the ability of on-site risk managers to recognize, the willingness of on-site risk managers to participate in medical safety activities, and the management level of on-site risk managers. Based on the "Elements for Activation of On-Site Activities", we developed a prototype of an incident reporting support system.

  • Method for Enhancing Evaluation of the Human Error Probability in Disaster Risk Assessment for Industrial Plants

    Mamiko Murahashi, Yusaku Okada

    Human Error, Reliability, Resilience, and Performance (AHFE Open Access)  2023年

    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 共著, 最終著者, 責任著者, 査読有り


    An important part of considering countermeasures for disasters in industrial plants is to conduct an accurate risk assessment. In general, we assess risk based on two indicators: the harm severity and the probability. We first select candidate countermeasures based on the harm severity. Next, the specifications of countermeasures such as the scope of application, expected lifetime and cost are determined, taking into account of the probability. As a result, we introduce appropriate countermeasures in the field that can control risks within acceptable limits.Various countermeasures for disasters caused by human error are considered similarly and introduced in the field. It is necessary to analyze the factors related to human error, which are called performance shaping factors, in order to evaluate the human error probability. For this purpose, workers with appropriate knowledge and ability of human factors must be assigned to the risk assessment team. However, it is difficult for many industrial plants to secure the required number of workers who can accurately analyze and evaluate the effects of human factors. At the accident level, it is possible to invite human factor experts to the analysis team because the budget for the analysis is large. On the other hand, the budget for an incident analysis is limited because of the large number of incidents. The purpose of this study is to support the enhancement of incident-level disaster risk assessment. We examine the assessment method of the human error probability that can be conducted by those with limited knowledge of human factors.We attempted to evaluate on a scale of six (5: Certain, 4: Likely, 3: Possible, 2: Unlikely, 1: Rare, and 0: Eliminated), which are commonly used in risk assessments, rather than to calculate detailed values such as the human error probability.First, we organized and classified factors related to the occurrence of human error by text mining of disaster incident cases over the past 20 years. Second, we referred to a number of past studies on performance shaping factors and constructed [the database of factors influencing on human error risk]. Finally, we developed a system to evaluate the human error probability by extracting keywords and sentences from incident reports of industrial plants and matching them with [the database of factors influencing on human error risk]. The system consists of the following functions.(1)Extract keywords w_i and sentence data S_j=(w_1,w_2,…,w_k) that keywords are concatenated from an incident report.(2)Check S_j against [the database of factors influencing on human error risk] to estimate the influence on the human error probability. The estimated impact for S_j is x_i.(3)Comprehensively evaluated x_i. This overall impact evaluation value is denoted as Y.(4)Indicate the human error probability by a 6-level value based on Y.(5)Adapt the estimated human error probability and the harm severity entered separately to a commonly used risk matrix.We proposed a method that can be adapted to the risk matrix used in general disaster risk assessment. This method was validated by several safety administrator in an industrial plant and its validity and feasibility were confirmed. However, it is a problem for practical application to link with the incident report design because it is sometimes difficult to adapt to this method depending on the incident report design.
    Keywords: Human Reliability, Risk Assessment, Accident Report Analysis

  • A Failure Event Virtual Learning Method that Replaces Field Experience and Its Effectiveness Measurement

    Yusaku Okada, Takafumi Aoyagi

    Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors (AHFE Open Access)  2023年

    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 共著, 筆頭著者, 責任著者, 査読有り


    Its known that 95 % of occupational accidents are caused by unsafe human behavior. Therefore, in order to prevent occupational accidents, various human resource education is implemented in each company, but due to the rut that accompanies continuation, many of them are only aimed at preventing serious accidents in steady state. Furthermore, since it takes time and manpower to conduct education, there is also a problem that these educational methods are not effectively utilized in the field. For example, in recent years, a method of supporting risk prediction using VR in high-place work has been considered, but it costs a lot of money to introduce it, and people who have little experience in the first place have the problem that it feels like a game. Merely continuing such a stereotyped education will not improve learning through experience, and it will be difficult to develop outstanding human resources with awareness. Furthermore, for those who have little experience in the field, even if they acquire knowledge through classroom lectures and group work, it is difficult to use it in the field and predict danger. Developing experienced and excellent human resources who can notice on-site is an urgent issue for the future of the company. Therefore, in this research, by investigating various conventional educational methods and sorting out their strengths and weaknesses, we will clarify the reasons why these educational methods are not being used in the field, improve the weaknesses, and improve the actual field. We propose a failure event virtual experience-based l learning method that replaces the field experience.In this study, we decided to measure the effect of the proposed learning method from the degree of awareness in the accident prevention activities carried out in Japanese companies. The reason for this is that in order to further improve the effectiveness of current safety education, it is most practical to measure awareness during activities that are actually carried out in the field, and it is not possible to measure with paper tests or questionnaires. Therefore, based on the characteristics of on-site workers, we decided to examine methods to improve their awareness and willingness to participate in safety activities. Furthermore, we decided to conduct an analysis based on an evaluation experiment to see if the subject's awareness improved by receiving the proposed educational method prior to the safety activities.

  • Evaluation Method of Employee's Motivation to Participate in Safety Activities Using Daily Work Report

    Nanako Yokozawa, Yusaku Okada

    Social and Occupational Ergonomics (AHFE Open Access)  2023年

    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), 共著, 最終著者, 責任著者, 査読有り


    To improve the quality of safety activities, many companies are aiming to increase employees' understanding of safety activities and motivate them to participate in them. The main method to measure the willingness to participate is through questionnaires, but it takes time and effort. Therefore, we focused on information on "Awareness" events reported by on-site employees in daily work report. We call this information "Information on Preparing for the Unexpected”. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to evaluate employees' understanding of and willingness to participate in safety activities using "Information on Preparing for the Unexpected”. Through experiments, trouble-related data were collected at several workplaces, and text mining was conducted. We worked on the construction and validation of the system.

  • An antibacterial coated polymer prevents biofilm formation and implant-associated infection

    Ishihama, H; Ishii, K; Nagai, S; Kakinuma, H; Sasaki, A; Yoshioka, K; Kuramoto, T; Shiono, Y; Funao, H; Isogai, N; Tsuji, T; Okada, Y; Koyasu, S; Toyama, Y; Nakamura, M; Aizawa, M; Matsumoto, M

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 ( 1 ) 3602 2021年02月

    ISSN  2045-2322

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総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ステークホルダー視点に立った 安全マネジメント ~社会・利用者からのレピュテーションを向上させる活動~ その①


    ヒューマンファクターズ (日本プラントヒューマンファクター学会)  26 ( 1 ) 3 - 8 2021年08月

    記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌), 単著

  • 医療機関におけるリスクマネージャー育成支援に関する検討

    こう 希悦, 山崎 春奈, 岡田 有策

    日本医療安全学会学術総会抄録集 ((一社)日本医療安全学会)  7回   146 - 146 2021年05月

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • A Study on Human Error Recovery Effect by Strengthening Follow-up System among Workers in Team Work

    Risako Shiraishi, Yusaku Okada

    8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and Affiliated Conferences, 



  • A proposal of field-oriented system to support medical risk management. Support of Risk Management in small and medium sized hospital

    Akifumi Hiranuma, Yusaku Okada

    8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and Affiliated Conferences, 



  • A study of evaluation method for safety activity at railroad station service in consideration of user's security feeling.

    Kazuki KIYOTA, Yuya TANABE, Yusaku OKADA

    7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and Affiliated Conferences, 



  • A study on activation of on-site management in railway enterprise -Focusing on occupation responsible for user's safety-

    Minami WAKATA, Kumiko TAKAHASHI, Yusaku OKADA

    7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and Affiliated Conferences, 



  • Study on expanding the scope of the use of near-miss data in the work safety activities -Based on the pattern analysis of the characteristics of the methods and field activities related to work safety

    Kota TAKAHASHI, Yusaku OKADA

    7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and Affiliated Conferences, 



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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 社会インフラの価値評価に関する調査研究


    大崎総合研究所, 受託研究,  研究代表者

  • 安全に関する指導・教育


    東京地下鉄, 受託研究,  研究代表者

  • 安全マネジメント講習


    京阪電鉄, 受託研究,  研究代表者

  • ヒューマンエラー防止活動に関する研究


    西部石油, 受託研究,  研究代表者

  • 医療事故防止対策の研究


    医療法人社団明芳会, 受託研究,  研究代表者

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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ペイシェントセーフティーファースト賞

    小林尚人, 平沼明史, 岡田有策, 2019年03月, 日本医療安全学会, 投薬業務に関わる 投薬業務に関わる PSF 分析

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞

  • 安全工学論文賞

    赤坂俊哉、田沼正蔵、岡田有策, 2014年05月, 安全工学会, ヒヤリハットを活用した安全活動における気付きの育成

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞

  • 安全工学論文賞

    赤坂俊哉, 田沼正蔵, 岡田有策, 2014年05月, 安全工学会, ヒヤリハットを活用した安全活動における気付きの育成

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞

  • 日本人間工学会 大島賞

    岡田 有策, 2001年08月, 日本人間工学会, 構造的快適性評価手法の提案 -事例(自動車の乗降における快適さの評価)-

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞

  • 日本人間工学会 大島賞

    岡田 有策, 2001年08月, 日本人間工学会, 構造的快適性評価手法の提案 -事例(自動車の乗降における快適さの評価)-

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞

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担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 人間工学Ⅴ


  • 人間工学Ⅲ


  • 人間工学Ⅰ


  • 開放環境科学特別研究第2


  • 開放環境科学特別研究第1


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社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本学術会議第25期連携会員

  • 日本学術会議第24期連携会員

  • SIP(戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム) 『インフラ維持管理・更新・マネジメント技術』 サブ・プログラム・ディレクター

  • 宇宙航空研究開発機構

  • 日本学術会議21期、第三部「総合工学」「安全・安心・リスク分化委員会」


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所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本人間工学会, 

  • 日本プラントヒューマンファクター学会, 

  • 土木学会, 

  • 安全工学会, 

  • 日本医療安全学会, 


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委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年04月

    会長, 適応ファイナンスコンソーシアム


    第2条 本コンソーシアムは、政府の「適応ファイナンス」 のこれまでの検討内容を踏まえ、地球温暖化に伴う気候変動による、人命や経済損失、社会インフラの機能不全などの市民生活を脅かす災害の物理リスクや財務影響を軽減・回避し、生活の安定、社会もしくは経済の健全な発展又は自然環境の保全を図ることに資する取り組みを推進する。具体的には「気候リスク」、「物理的リスク」、「財務への影響」を軽減するための方法の原則、枠組み、マネジメントプロセスの体系化を推進するとともに、ビジネス機会の獲得のために、投融資、保険などの金融スキームと、適応価値を最大化するための科学的かつ定量的な評価分析、効果測定および適応対策方法を活用した社会実装を推進することを目的にする。

  • 2023年10月

    委員, デジタル関係制度改革検討会 テクノロジーベースの規制改革推進委員会



  • 2023年08月

    Physical Ergonomics & Safety Scientific Advisory Board, 15th International Conference on Applied Ergonomics 2024

  • 2023年06月

    委員, デジタル技術を活用した建築物環境衛生管理のあり方に関する検討会



  • 2022年10月

    委員, デジタル臨時行政調査会作業部会テクノロジーベースの規制改革推進委員会



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