Kamihara, Yoichi



Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics (Yagami)



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Profile Summary 【 Display / hide

  • Our primary purpose is discovery of new superconductors (e. g. MgB2, iron-based oxypnictide, cuparate). An approach to the purpose is improvements of sample synthesis procedures using solid state reaction & characterization of inorganic materials. We focus on a relation between crystallographic “local” structures (a factor of hyperfine structures) and electronic and/or magnetic structures of homogeneous crystals. This approach is the most reliable way to demonstrate new electronic materials.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2005.04

    Japan Science and Technology Agency, HOSONO Transparent ElectroActive Materials, ERATO-SORST, Researcher

  • 2008.10

    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Tech Postdoctoral Fellow

  • 2008.10

    Japan Science and Technology Agency, Transformative Research-project on Iron pnictides (TRIP), Researcher (PRESTO-type)

  • 2010.04

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学部物理情報工学科, 2年J組担任

  • 2010.04

    Keio University, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1995.03

    東京都立町田高校, 全日制, 普通科

    Other, Graduated

  • 2000.03

    Keio University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics

    University, Graduated

  • 2005.03

    Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, School of Fundamental Science and Technology

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Ph. D. in Engineering, Keio University, Coursework, 2005.03

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • 教育職員免許状(中学校・高等学校, 理科, 一種), 2000.03

  • 教育職員免許状(中学校・高等学校, 理科, 専修), 2002.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems (Physical Properties II)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Solid state physics

  • Inorganic materials

  • phase transition

  • magnetism

  • superconductivity

Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Basic Research Programs, Transformative Research-project Iron Pnictides, "Study of Electronic Phase Diagram for Iron Pnictide Superconductors", 


     View Summary

    鉄系高温超電導体のうち, もっとも高いTcをゆうするSmFeAsO1-xFxの電子状態磁気状態相図を完成させた. また,SmFeAsO1-xFx (Sm-1111)を使用した超伝導線材をPowder in tube (PIT)法により作製し, Sm-1111を使用した内では世界最高の臨界電流密度(Jc)を実現した.


Books 【 Display / hide

  • "Superconductivity in Iron Oxypnictide Induced by F-Doping" in "Photonic and Electronic Properties of Fluoride Materials" edited by Alain Tressaud and Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, Chapter 19, Section 1-4, pp. 423-446.

    Y. Kamihara, H. Hosono, Elsevier, 2016.03

    Scope: Chapter 19, Section 1-4, Superconductivity in Iron Oxypnictide Induced by F-Doping, pp. 423-446.

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    フッ化物をドーパントとして利用した鉄系超伝導体の合成方法、線材作製方法、化学分析方法, 及び電子状態の測定と計算手法について概説した。 これまでに報告された鉄系超伝導体を用いた超伝導線材の作製には正確な電子磁気状態相図の理解が重要である。X線回折、メウバウワ分光、及び電子プローブマイクロアナライザ(EPMA)を使用した結果としての電子磁気状態相図、及び試料の化学組成を紹介する。

  • エネルギー材料としての混合アニオン化合物

    KAMIHARA Yoichi, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 研究開発戦略センター, 2016.03

    Scope: 俯瞰ワークショップ報告書 平成27年度エネルギー科学技術分野 最新研究開発動向 pp.34-42

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    鉄系高温超伝導体を含む層状混合アニオン化合物の結晶学的な性質を紹介し, 化学組成の評価方法, 電子磁気状態相図を複数示した。鉄系高温超伝導体の応用には、その目的を明らかにする必要があり、また幾つかの技術的な課題のあることを説明した。

  • "鉄系超伝導材料", 鉄の事典 第19章 19.1 pp. 754-756

    KAMIHARA Yoichi, 朝倉書店, 2014.12

    Scope: 第19章 19.1 鉄系超伝導材料 pp. 754-756

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    鉄系高温超伝導体の転移温度(Tc)は55 Kに上る。この値は液体窒素の沸点よりは低いが液体水素の沸点20.28 Kの2倍以上の値である。現在、Nb-TiやNb3Snなどの合金や金属間化合物を利用した超伝導線材が普及しているが、既存の超伝導材料は安定動作に高価な液体ヘリウムを冷媒として必要とする。しかし, 鉄系高温超伝導体はヘリウムを使用せずに安定動作する超伝導線材候補として有望である。

  • Transparent Oxides as Active Electronic Materials and Their Applications

    HIRAMATSU Hidenori,KAMIHARA Yoichi, シーエムシー出版, 2006.11

    Scope: 第3章, 3節, 層状化合物, pp. 71-93

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    代表的な2種類の層状混合アニオン化合物(オキシカルコゲナイド、オキシプニクタイド)の電子材料としての機能をまとめた。オキシカルコゲナイドに関しては、エピタキシャル膜の作製と、p型縮退伝導の達成を紹介した。オキシプニクタイドに関しては、そのうちの1つであるLaFeOP (= LaFePO)は“磁気秩序の消失した常磁性金属”であり、超伝導を示すことを紹介し、高温超伝導体発見の可能性に言及した。この予言は2008年に自ら実証した。

  • CrスピネルおよびMnペロブスカイト関連硫化物の異常磁気物性と相間電子状態

    KAMIHARA Yoichi, 2005.03

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    スピネル型カルコゲン化物および層状Mn酸化硫化物に対しバンドフィリング制御を行い、 Tcの制御を実現した。 スピネル型Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4は350 Kではp型がn型よりも2倍の磁気抵抗を示すことが明らかになった。層状Mn酸化硫化物Sr2CuMnS O3及びSr4Cu2Mn3S2 O7.5を対象にバンドフィリング制御によるオキシ硫化物半導体の設計指針を得た。磁気ポーラロン濃度および有効質量の変化により磁気抵抗性能の向上を証明した。

Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Thermal transport properties of a mixed anion layered compound, polycrystalline LaCu1-δS0.5Se0.5O (δ = 0.01)

    N. Azuma, H. Sawada, H. Ito, R. Sakagami, Y. Tanaka, T. Fujioka, M. Matoba, Y. Kamihara

    Korean Journal of Materials Research (Materials Research Society of Korea)  34 ( 10 ) 464 - 474 2024.10

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted

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    Electrical and thermal transport properties of a polycrystalline carrier-doped wide-gap semiconductor LaCu1-δS0.5Se0.5O (δ = 0.01), in which the CuCh (Ch = S, Se) layer works as conducting layer, were measured at temperatures 473~673 K. The presence of δ = 0.01 copper defects dramatically reduces the electrical resistivity (ρ) to approximately one part per million compared to that of δ = 0 at room temperature. The polycrystalline δ = 0.01 sample exhibited ρ of 1.3 × 10-3 Ωm, thermal conductivity of 6.0 Wm-1 K-1, and Seebeck coefficient (S) of 87 µVK-1 at 673 K. The maximum value of the dimensionless figure of merit (ZT) of the δ = 0.01 sample was calculated to be 6.4 × 10-4 at T = 673 K. The ZT value is far smaller than a ZT ~ 0.01 measured for a nominal LaCuSeO sample. The smaller ZT is mainly due to the small S measured for LaCu1-δS0.5Se0.5O (δ = 0.01). According to the Debye model, above 300 K phonon thermal conductivity in a pure lattice is inversely proportional to T, while thermal conductivity of the δ = 0.01 sample increases with increasing T.

  • Crystallographic phase of Y0.77Gd0.23Ba2Cu3O7-delta thin films after heat treatment under hydrogen atmosphere and hydride doping

    H. Namita, H. Sato, M. Matoba, S. Iwasaki, M. Fujioka, Y. Hara, T. Harada, M. Miura, and Y. Kamihara

    Mater. Sci. Tech. Jpn. 61   113 - 118 2024.06

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author, Corresponding author, Accepted

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    Metal organic deposited Y0.77Gd0.23Ba2Cu3O7-delta ((Y,Gd)BCO) thin films on SrTiO3 substrate were heat-treated in hydrogen (H2) atmosphere below 300 deg.C with or without hydride bias irradiation. Two kinds of (Y,Gd)BCO thin films prepared as over-doped (delta~0.05) and under-doped (delta~0.35) were used for the heat treatment. The (Y,Gd)BCO crystallographic phase disappears in both of over-doped and under-doped thin films heated at heat treatment temperature (T) = 300 deg. C. The (Y,Gd)BCO crystallographic phase sustains at the higher T = 250 deg. C in the under-doped samples. Heat treatment at T ≤ 200 deg. C increased lattice constant (c) at a room temperature for both thin films. As for samples heated at T = 210 deg. C, the c of hydride (H-) irradiated one decreases; however, the c of H- unirradiated one increases.

  • Transport Properties of 143-Zintl Phase Compound RbZn4(As,Ge)3

    K. Ono, K. Kihou, Y. Kamihara, C.-H. Lee

    Mater. Sci. Tech. Jpn. 61   94 - 97 2024.06

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author, Accepted

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    143-Zintl 相化合物 Rb(Zn,Cu)4As4 が比較的高い無次元性能指数 ZT = 0.53 (797 K)を示すことを報告した.本研究では RbZn4As3のAsをGeで置換した材料RbZn4As2.8Ge0.2を合成した.その高温輸送特性を測定した結果,non-doped 試料と比べて電気抵抗率及びゼーベック係数の低下が確認され,正孔の濃度増加に成功したことが明らかとなった.

  • In-gap-states of a mixed anion layered compound, polycrystalline LaCu1−δS0.5Se0.5O (δ ~ 0.01) as a degenerate semiconductor

    Nobuhiko AZUMA, Hiroki SAWADA, Hirotaka ITO, Ryosuke SAKAGAMI, Masanori MATOBA, Hidetomo USUI, and Yoichi KAMIHARA

    Materials Science and Technology of Japan 58 ( 2 ) 22 - 26 2021.04

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted

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    Semiconducting mixed anion layered compounds (MALC) LaCu1-delta S0.5Se0.5O are synthesized via solid state reaction. We synthesized several nominal LaCu1-deltaS0.5Se0.5O (delta = 0, delta~ 0.01, and delta~ 0.02). A degenerated semiconducting bulk LaCu1-deltaS0.5Se0.5O appears at delta~ 0.01. p-type carriers are doped due to Cu deficient Cu1-deltaS0.5Se0.5 layers in LaCu1-deltaS0.5Se0.5O. In-gap states, which dominate electrical conduction, are observed at energy ~0.5 eV higher than that of the valence band in an energy band diagram for delta~ 0.01.

  • Thermoelectric transport properties of the van der Waals-type layered rhombohedral SnAs-based compound, EuSn2As2

    R. Sakagami, Y. Goto, H. Karimata, N. Azuma, M. Yamaguchi, S. Iwasaki, M. Nakanishi, I. Kitawaki, Y. Mizuguchi, M. Matoba, and Y. Kamihara

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60 ( 3 ) 035511_1 - 035511_7 2021.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted

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    The thermoelectric transport properties of the van der Waals-type layered rhombohedral SnAs-based compound, EuSn2As2, have been investigated. A densified polycrystalline sample of EuSn2As2 with porosity (phgr) of 2.4(9) vol.% exhibited
    a weak orientation to the c-axis for hexagonal coordination system; the weak orientation is parallel (P∥) to the pressing direction of hot pressing. Measurements of electrical resistivity (ρ), Seebeck coefficient (S),
    and thermal conductivity (κ) were conducted perpendicular (P⊥) to the pressing direction. The experimental values of ρ and S exhibit metallic temperature dependence and p-type carrier polarity. The power factor (P) was 0.51(8) mW m−1 K−2 at 673(4) K. Using the Wiedemann–Franz–Lorenz law, the phonon thermal conductivity (κph) was estimated to be 0.4(6) W m−1 K−1 at 673(6) K. The dimensionless figure of merit, ZT, was 0.092(17) at 673(3) K.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 特集 シン・遷移金属超伝導体 企画の意図


    日本磁気学会 会報 まぐね 18 ( 3 ) 111 - 111 2023.06

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Lead author

  • 書評「楽しい金属化合物の単結晶育成と物性」


    Magnetics Japan 17 ( 3 ) 165 - 165 2022.06

    Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, Lead author

  • 新著紹介, 佐藤憲昭, 三宅和正, 磁性と超伝導の物理: 重い電子系の理解のために


    日本物理学会誌 74 ( 11 ) 798 - 799 2019.11

    Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work

  • Electronic properties of 1111 superconducting materials and superconducting wires made from 1111 via powder-in-tube process

    KAMIHARA Yoichi

    J. Cryo. Super. Soc. Jpn. 52 ( 6 ) 415 - 421 2017.11

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work

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    In a history of superconductors 1911-2017, Fe-based superconductor ReFePnO1-xFx (Re: rare earth, Pn: Pnictogen) exhibits relative high superconducting transition temperatures (Tc)  58 K under ambient pressure. Electron doping by substitution of O2- with F- was required for appearance of a superconducting phase with high Tc. The Tc and upper critical field of ReFePnO1-xFx are very attractive for applications as superconducting wires and tapes under high magnetic fields, although demonstration of practical superconducting wires is a tough challenge due to the difficulty in controlling the F contents during a processing for ex-situ powder in tube method. In 2017, Zhang et al reported that iron-based superconducting tapes with Cu sheath showed superconducting electrical current (Jc) ~ 18 kAcm2. It is noteworthy that the tapes are sintered at 300 deg. C.

  • A private story, discovery of iron-based high Tc superconductors II

    KAMIHARA Yoichi

    J. Cryo. Super. Soc. Jpn. 52 ( 6 ) 383 - 388 2017.11

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)

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    After obtaining my doctorate in engineering from Keio University, I spent five years as a researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Suzukakedai Campus in Yokohama. During that time, I made the first report on a material system called iron-based high-temperature superconductors (Fe-SCs). Research on Fe-SCs is still hot topic in condensed matter physics. Now, I am continuing my research mainly on the fabrication of superconducting wire using Fe-SCs, while being distracted by some traditional affairs as a member of the faculty. Research on Fe-SCs has encouraged young researchers towards the further discovery of novel layered superconductors. This article was prepared by updating the content of “A Private Story, Discovery of Iron-based High Tc Superconductors” previously published in the membership journal of the Physical Society of Japan.

Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Nominal SmFeAsO0.77H0.12の磁気光学イメージング

    浪田秀郎, 末村智紀, 坂上良介, 為ケ井強, 神原陽一

    第48回 日本磁気学会学術講演会, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • 鉄系高温超伝導体Sr2Mg0.3Ti0.7FeAsO3-δの多結晶合成

    上野友貴,東 伸彦,神原陽一,的場正憲

    第48回 日本磁気学会学術講演会, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • Synthesis Co doped YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) and evaluation of catalytic ability in oxygen evolution reaction (OER) of YBCO

    R. Kuramochi, T. Kaizuka, M. Matoba, and Y. Kamihara

    The 5 th international symposium on advanced magnetic materials and applications (ISAMMA2024) (Quang Binh) , 


    Poster presentation

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    水の電気分解には、過電圧が生じるが、その過電圧を下げる効果のある電気化学触媒として、Co-doped YBa2Cu3O7-δを選択肢、触媒性能を報告する。複数の熱処理温度で得た試料の性能に対して報告する。

  • The Catalytic Activity of Co-doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ for Oxygen Evolution Reaction

    H. Tahara, R. Kuramochi, M. Matoba, and Y. Kamihara

    The 5 th international symposium on advanced magnetic materials and applications (ISAMMA2024) (Quang Binh) , 


    Poster presentation

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    酸素発生反応(OER)電気化学触媒としての、Co-doped YBa2Cu3O7-δの性能について報告する。

  • Review on Functional Mixed Anion Layered Compounds (MALC) and Computational Chemical Analysis on a Representative MALC, Sr2VFeAsO3-δ

    Y. Kamihara

    The 2024 TechConnect World Innovation (メリーランド州) , 


    Poster presentation

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    Mixed anion layered compounds (MALCs), which contain several different anions in crystallographic sites, are novel functional materials. Indeed, high-Tc superconductors [1], high-efficient thermoelectric conversion materials [2], transparent semiconductor [3], and electrical catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction [4] have been found in MALCs. In the conference, we demonstrate a review on the MALCs and magnetic properties of a representative MALC, Sr2VFeAsO3-δ. Sr2VFeAsO3-δ is a mixed anion layered compound with a thick-blocking layer composed by a perovskite-related vanadium oxide layer. In 2019, an electric and magnetic phase diagram as a function of oxygen deficiency (δ) on superconducting Sr2VFeAsO3-δ was experimentally demonstrated. In this study, the magnetic stability of V and Fe in Sr2VFeAsO3-δ (δ = 0, 0.25, 0.50) was theoretically verified based on the density functional theory. Stable magnetic phases of the V are antiferromagnetic ordered phase between two ferromagnetic V magnetic layers (so-called A-AFM) for δ = 0. And the stable magnetic phases of V are ferrimagnetic ordered phase (Ferri.) for δ = 0.25, 0.50. Magnetic phases of Fe are a stripe-type antiferromagnetic ordered phase (s-AFM) in δ = 0, 0.25, 0.50, although the magnetic phases of the Fe with δ = 0.25 shows almost the same formation energy between s-AFM and paramagnetic (PM) ordered phases. Theoretical magnetic ordered phases are qualitatively consistent with the experimental electronic and magnetic phase diagrams for Sr2VFeAsO3-δ, although quantitative differences appear between measured for amounts of element specific magnetic moments and theoretical ones. I wiil talk on "Mixed anion compound iron-based superconducting wire and its manufacturing method" in the conference.[5] [1] Y. Kamihara, et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3296-3297 (2008). Iron-based layered superconductor La[O1-xFx]FeAs (x = 0.05-0.12) with Tc = 26 K [2] M. Ishizawa, et al, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 245104 (2018). [3] K. Ueda, et al, Phys. Rev. B 69, 155305_1-4 (2004). Single-atomic-layered quantum wells built in wide-gap semiconductors LnCuOCh (Ln=lanthanide, Ch=chalcogen). [4] S. Hirai, et al, J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 15102-15109 (2018). Oxygen vacancy-originated highly active electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction [5] Y. Tojo, S. Iwasaki, M. Matoba, and Y. Kamihara, Japanese Patent No. 6814007 (2020). Mixed anion compound iron-based superconducting wire and its manufacturing method (in Japanese)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 反強磁性-強磁性境界トポロジカル磁性擬二次元導体における相転移制御のための研究


    慶應義塾大学, 学事振興資金, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • 水素ドープを施された鉄系高温超伝導体SmFeAsOのスピン電子状態の研究


    京都大学複合原子力科学研究所, 令和4年度共同利用研究, Joint research, Principal investigator

  • 反強磁性-強磁性境界トポロジカル磁性擬二次元導体における相転移制御のための研究


    慶應義塾大学, 学事振興資金, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • 新規近藤格子系の磁気秩序に関する研究


    京都大学複合原子力化学研究所共同利用支援システム, 2021年度共同利用, Joint research, No Setting

  • 新規近藤格子系の磁気秩序に関する研究


    京都大学複合原子力化学研究所共同利用支援システム, 2019年度共同利用, Joint research, No Setting

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Works 【 Display / hide

Intellectual Property Rights, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Synthesis and characterization for iron-based superconducting power cable made from mixed anion compounds

    Date applied: 特願2016-191311(P2016-191311)  2016.09 

    Date announced: 特開2018-55975(P2018-55975A)  2018.04 

    Date published:   2020.12 

    Date issued: 特許第6814007号(P6814007)  2021.01

    Date registered: 2020.12

    Patent, Joint

  • 層状ビスマスカルコゲナイド系熱電材料及びその製造方法

    Date applied: 2015-168193 (P2015-168193)  2015.08 

    Date announced: 2016-58725 (P2016-58725A)  2016.04 

    Date published: 6619180  2019.11 

    Date issued: 特許第6619180号(P6619180)  2019.12

    Date registered: 2019.11

    Patent, Joint

  • 層状化合物及び超伝導体並びにそれらの製造方法

    Date applied: 特願2010-520839(P2010-520839)、【優先権主張番号】特願2008-184843(P2008-184843)  2009.07 

    Date announced: 【国際公開番号】WO2010/007929  2010.01 

    Date issued: 特許第5440879号(P5440879)  2014.03

    Date registered: 2013.12

    Patent, Joint

  • 超伝導化合物及びその製造方法

    Date applied: 特願2009-554329  2009.02 

    Date announced: 【国際公開番号】WO2009/104611  2009.08 

    Date issued: 特許第5558115号(P5558115)  2014.07

    Date registered: 2014.06

    Patent, Joint

  • 超伝導化合物及びその製造方法

    Date applied: 特願2006-155255(P2006-155255)  2006.06 

    Date announced: 特開2007-320829(P2007-320829A)  2007.12 

    Date issued: 特許第5196339号(P5196339)  2013.05

    Date registered: 2013.02

    Patent, Joint

Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Best presentation award

    Yutaro Yamada, Ryosuke Sakagami, Masanori Matoba, Yoichi Kamihara, 2022.11, MRS-Korea, Thin film preparation and Raman spectroscopy of EuSn2As2

    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 学会活動貢献賞

    2019.09, 日本磁気学会, 「企画委員会活動を通した学会活動の活性化への貢献」

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • Best Presentation Awards (Poster)

    M. Nakanishi, M. Matoba, and Y. Kamihara, 2018.11, The Materials Research Society of Korea, Electrical structure and thermal properties of ZrCuSiAs type mixed anion layered compounds

    Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas)

  • Best Poster Awards

    Tatsuki KATO, Kunihiro KIHOU, Chul-Ho LEE, Yoichi KAMIHARA, 2017.08, The Materials Science Society of Japan, Transport properties of high sintered density layered oxychalcogenide, LaCuSeO

    Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas)

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    ポスター発表者の内, 約15-20%の方が受賞

  • 18th Award for Academic Papers on Physics (The Physical Society of Japan)

    Yusuke NAKAI; Kenji ISHIDA; Yoichi KAMIHARA, Masahiro, HIRANO, Hideo HOSONO, 2013.03, Evolution from Itinerant Antiferromagnet to Unconventional Superconductor with Fluorine Doping in LaFeAs(O1-xFx) Revealed by 75As and 139La Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 物理情報工学セミナー



  • 物理情報工学特別講義



  • 物理情報工学演習

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Seminar, Lecturer outside of Keio, 1h, 130people

  • 物理情報工学実験CD

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Laboratory work/practical work/exercise, Within own faculty, 3h, 70people

  • 熱物理

    Keio University


    Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty, 3h, 70people

    ジュールの原理, エルビンの原理, ランフォードの実験(熱素論の否定), エントロピー

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Educational Activities and Special Notes 【 Display / hide

  • 鈴木隆起君の博士学位請求論文"金属薄膜系におけるスピン流・軌道流の生成現象と電流誘起トルクに関する研究"の副査


    , Special Affairs

  • 張宇傑君の博士学位請求論文"Theoretical Study on Transport and Kondo effect in Quantum Dot Interferometer"の副査


    , Special Affairs

  • 河村泰良君の博士学位請求論文"駆動散逸冷却Fermi原子気体における非平衡BCS-BECクロスオーバー"の副査


    , Special Affairs

  • 坂上良介君の博士学位請求論文"Synthesis and transport properties of van der Waals-type quasi-two-dimensional pnictide, EuSn2As2"の主査


    , Special Affairs

  • 鏡原大地君の博士学位請求論文"極低温Fermi原子気体におけるずり粘性率の理論研究"の副査


    , Special Affairs

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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本メスバウワ分光研究会, 

  • Thermoelectric society of Japan, 

  • Materials Science Society of Japan, 

  • Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan, 

  • American Physical Society, 


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2024.05

    Iron-based Superconductors: Advances towards applications 2025 (IBS2app 2025)

  • 2022.08

    MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023, D-2 Symposium organizer, 日本MRS

  • 2022.01

    公益社団法人日本磁気学会顧問, 公益社団法人日本磁気学会

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    職務: 理事会への意見の答申、顧問会への出席
    期間中の会議開催回数  2回程度
    開催時間数(1回)   約2時間

  • 2021.05

    理事 (庶務), 一般社団法人 日本材料科学会

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    執行役員, 学術講演大会, 国際交流, マテリアルズ・インフォマティクス基礎研, 若手研究者討論会, GCIM2023, GCIM2024 (韓国、済州)のInternational advisory board

  • 2020.04

    日本磁気学会 編集論文委員会, 日本磁気学会

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