Faculty of Science and Technology (Mita)
Professor Emeritus
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Iida, Norimasa
Prof. Iida has been an innovative leader in the field of high thermal efficiency, low emission combustion engines for over 30 years. His work has been based on experimental combustion diagnostics using both optical and conventional techniques, detailed numerical simulations, and on-board emissions measurement. Through this work he has made significant contributions to the science and techniques used for engine research, to our understanding of the operation of advanced engine combustion technologies, and to policies and practices that can reduce urban air pollution. Prof. Iida joined Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) in 1988, where as a project leader he developed a low heat rejection ceramic two-stoke methanol engine. His novel prototype engine used the ATAC (Active Thermo Atmosphere Combustion) combustion concept, which was the forerunner of more recent HCCI combustion concepts. This work was foundational to both Prof. Iida's future research as well as to the massive effort in HCCI combustion expended by the research and development community during the last two decades. Based on this experience in KAST, he became deeply involved in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine research, and performed a number of groundbreaking studies analyzing HCCI combustion. In this work, Prof. Iida combined experiments using new measurement techniques with simulation and analysis using detailed chemical kinetics – leading to significant advances in our understanding of fuel effects on HCCI combustion and to the development of new control techniques. This work led to numerous publications in SAE, JSAE, and JSME journals which have significantly impacted the work of other researchers. The quality and influence of this work is demonstrated by hundreds of citations and by the many awards (10) these papers have received, including the High Quality Paper Award of the Small Engine Technology Conference in 2005 and the Outstanding Technical Paper Award of the JSAE in 2008. Apart from these combustion studies, Prof. Iida has made significant contributions in other technical areas. He has performed considerable work in life-cycle energy use assessment for next generation vehicles and in on-board emission measurements. In the latter area, he has evaluated the real-world emissions of nitrogen oxide and particulate matter exhausted from diesel freight vehicles and proposed a solution to improve local air pollution. In addition to these technical contributions, Prof. Iida also has a prolonged record of supporting professional societies and the mobility community.
慶應義塾中等部, 講師
北里大学薬学部, 非常勤講師
東京都 東京身体障害者職業訓練校, 工業彫刻科, 講師
慶應義塾高等学校, 非常勤講師
慶應義塾大学工学部, 機械工学科, 助手
Keio University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Ph.D. in engineering, Keio University, 1983.09
Premixed Flame Propagation into a Narrow Channel at High Speed
工学 , Keio University, Coursework, 1983.09
DME Handbook English edition
Norimasa Iida, Ohmsha, 2007.10
Scope: 73-81, 259-262
HCCI and CAI engines for the automotive industry
H. Zhao, P. Duret, J. Yang, A. Furhapter, P. Tunestal and B. Johansson, N. Milovanovic, G. T. Kalghatgi, J. V. Pastor and J. M. Lujan and S. Molina and J. M. Garcia, Y. Aoyagi, B. Gatellier, S. Kimura, T. W. Tyan III, N. Iida, C. K. Westbrook and W. J. Pitz, S. M. Aceves and D. L. Flowers and R. W. Dibble and A. Babajimopoulos, M. Richter, Woodhead Publishing Ltd / CRC Press LLC, 2007
Scope: 365-430
IIDA NORIMASA, オーム社, 2006.04
Scope: 66-74, 244-247
飯田訓正, フジ・テクノシステム, 1999.12
Scope: 434-450
山川新二ほか国内のエンジン研究者24名による共著, (社)自動車技術会, 1997.04
A Potentiality of Dedicated EGR System for Improving Thermal Efficiency in Natural Gas SI Engines
Sejun Lee, Kyohei Ozaki, Takahiro Sako, Norimasa Iida
International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) 6 ( 1 ) 15 - 22 2015.03
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 2185-0984
A study on the spray and engine combustion characteristics of diesel–dimethyl ether fuel blends
Ock Taeck Lim and Norimasa Iida
Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering (IMechE) 229 ( 6 ) 782 - 792 2015.03
Closed-loop control of HCCI combustion for DME using external EGR and rebreathed EGR to reduce pressure-rise rate with combustion-phasing retard
Dongwon Jung, Norimasa Iida
Applied Energy (Elsevier Inc.) 138 ( issue C ) 315 - 330 2015.02
Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted, ISSN 0306-2619
Nguyen Ba Hung, Ocktaeck Lim, Norimasa Iida
Applied Energy (Elsevier Ltd.) 137 ( issue C ) 385 - 401 2015.01
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 0306-2619
A Potentiality of Dedicated EGR in SI Engines Fueled by Natural Gas for Improving Thermal Efficiency and Reducing NOx Emission
Sejun Lee, Kyohei Ozaki, Norimasa Iida, Takakiro Sako
SAE Int. J. Engines (SAE International) SAE 2014-32-0108 /JSAE 2014901 ( 8(1) ) 230 - 237 2014.11
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 1946-3936
Potential for the High Efficiency of Natural Gas SI Engine by “Dedicated EGR”
Kenji Sugata, Sejun Lee, Takahiro Sako, Mina Nishi, Norimasa Iida
自動車技術会関東支部2014年度学術研究講演会 (千葉大学 西千葉キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (general), 公益社団法人 自動車技術会
Effects of EGR Dilution on Pressure Rise Rate in HCCI Engines
Takahide Matsui, Hiroki Ikeda, Mina Nishi, Norimasa Iida
自動車技術会関東支部2015年度学術研究講演会 (千葉大学 西千葉キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (general), 公益社団法人 自動車技術会
Investigation of Fuel and Temperature Distribution Effect on Auto-ignition Timing in SI Engine.
Keisuke Shimizu,Keito Negoro,Seki Yuich, Katuya Matuura, Yoshihisa Sato,Norimasa Iida,Mina Nishi
自動車技術会関東支部2015年度学術研究講演会 (千葉大学 西千葉キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (general), 公益社団法人 自動車技術会
Investigation into influence that the non-homogeneity of local fuel levels in the HCCI engine gives for combustion- Fuel levels distribution measurement using the LIF method -
Shuichi Konno, Hiroshi Mizokami, Norimasa Iida, Mina Nishi
自動車技術会関東支部2014年度学術研究講演会 (千葉大学 西千葉キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (general), 公益社団法人 自動車技術会
Numerical simulation about the carbon deposition of the internal steam reforming of solid oxide fuel cell
Kenshi Nishikawa, Mina Nishi, Iida Norimasa
自動車技術会関東支部2014年度学術研究講演会 (千葉大学 西千葉キャンパス) ,
Oral presentation (general), 公益社団法人 自動車技術会
SIP Research and Development on Super Lean Burn Concept for Gasoline Engines with High Thermal Efficiency
内閣府「総合科学技術・イノベーション会議(CSTI)」, Cross-ministrerial Strategic Inovation Promotion Program, Commissioned research, Principal investigator
Other, Joint
Other, Single
デザインリテラシー演習 資料
Other, Joint
連載/私の留学生活記 エスケープ・トゥ・ウィスコンシン
Other, Joint
Date applied: 特願2003-57095 2003.03
Date announced: 特開2004-263665
Date applied: 特願2003-57093 2003.03
Date announced: 特開2004-263663 2004
Date issued: 特許第4225805 2008.12
Date applied: 特願2003-57096 2003.03
Date announced: 特開2004-263666 2004
Date applied: 特願2003-000103 2003.01
Date applied: 特願2000-171464 2000.06
Date announced: 特開2001-349221 2001
Date issued: 特許第4190135 2008.09
2014 SAE Fellows
Norimasa Iida, 2015.04, SAE International, 2014 SAE Fellows
Type of Award: Other, Country: United States
The Scientific Contribution Award, 64th JSAE Awards
Norimasa Iida, 2014.05, Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Contribution for High Efficiency Combustion of Internal Combustion Engine and Reduction of Emissions
SETC 2013: The Best Paper Award, High Quality Paper Awards
Yusuke Nakamura, Dong-Won Jung, Norimasa Iida (Keio University), 2013.10, Yutaka Nitta Chair JSAE Technical Committee, Dr. Robert Kee Chair SAE Technical Committee, 19th Small Engine Technology Conference 8-10 October, 2013 Taipei, Taiwan, “Closed-Loop Combustion Control of a HCCI Engine with Re-breathing EGR System”, SAE Paper 2013-32-9069 / JSAE Paper 20139069, Small Engine Technology Conference 2013 (October, 2013)
Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas), Country: Taiwan, Province of China
(社)自動車技術会 技術部門貢献賞
IIDA NORIMASA, 2010.08, (社)自動車技術会技術会議議長 岸本喜久雄, ディーゼル部門委員会での活動
IIDA NORIMASA, 2010.02, (社)自動車技術会, 専門領域:エンジン燃焼,熱工学/研究,教育
独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 技術開発推進部長 久木田正次「分野横断的公的事業に係る事前書面審査(ピアレビュー)」
環境省 中央環境審議会専門委員
環境省/(株)数理計画「平成25年度 温室効果ガス排出量算定方法検討会-運輸分科会-」
環境省/(株)数理計画「平成25年度 環境対応車普及方策検討調査業務」に係る検討会
環境省/(株)数理計画「平成24年度 自動車排出ガス原単位及び総量算定検討調査」
自動車技術会 編集会議,
公益社団法人 自動車技術会関東支部,
自動車技術会 技術会議,
自動車技術会 技術会議,
自動車技術会 技術会議,
神奈川県自動車排出窒素酸化物及び粒子状物質総量削減計画策定協議会/専門委員, 神奈川県知事 黒岩 祐治
審査委員, スズキ財団 鈴木 修
東京都粒子状物質減少装置指定審査会/委員, 東京都知事 舛添要一
九都県市低公害車指定委員会/委員, 九都県市首脳会議環境問題対策委員会 大気保全専門部会長 高橋 良彦 (千葉県環境生活部大気保全課長)
自動車排出ガス総合対策小委員会委員長, 環境省 中央環境審議会 大気・騒音振動部会 部会長 坂本和彦