

Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacotherapeutics (Shiba-Kyoritsu)


Associate Professor

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Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 博士(医学), Keio University, Coursework, 2013


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics

  • Life Science / Gastroenterology

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • cancer

  • microRNA

  • extracellular RNA


Books 【 Display / hide

  • テクノロジーロードマップ2023-2032 医療・健康・食農編

    松﨑潤太郎, 落谷孝広, 日経BP, 2023.03

    Scope: 多がん早期検出

  • 疾患バイオマーカーとしてのマイクロRNAと診断応用

    松﨑潤太郎, 落谷孝広, シーエムシー出版, 2022.06

  • 消化器系疾患(2). Principal Pharmacotherapy (改訂3版)

    松﨑潤太郎, ネオメディカル, 2022.04

  • 胃・十二指腸潰瘍. 看護基礎教育テキスト ナーシング・グラフィカ「疾患と看護シリーズ」『3 消化器疾患と看護』

    松﨑潤太郎, 鈴木秀和, メディカ出版, 2019.12

  • テクノロジーロードマップ2019-2028 医療・健康・食農編

    松﨑潤太郎, 落谷孝広, 日経BP, 2019.03

    Scope: がん早期診断

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Potential utility of pretreatment serum miRNAs for optimal treatment selection in advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer.

    Uehara T, Matsuzaki J, Yoshida H, Ogawa Y, Miura J, Fujimiya H, Yamamoto Y, Kawauchi J, Takizawa S, Yonemori K, Sakamoto H, Kato K, Ishikawa M, Ochiya T

    Japanese journal of clinical oncology  2024.04

    Joint Work,  ISSN  0368-2811

  • Profile of miRNAs in small extracellular vesicles released from glioblastoma cells treated by boron neutron capture therapy.

    Kondo N, Kinouchi T, Natsumeda M, Matsuzaki J, Hirata E, Sakurai Y, Okada M, Suzuki M

    Journal of neuro-oncology  2024.04

    Joint Work,  ISSN  0167-594X

  • A comparative study on dietary diversity and gut microbial diversity in children with autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, their neurotypical siblings, and non-related neurotypical volunteers: a cross-sectional study.

    Kurokawa S, Nomura K, Sanada K, Miyaho K, Ishii C, Fukuda S, Iwamoto C, Naraoka M, Yoneda S, Imafuku M, Matsuzaki J, Saito Y, Mimura M, Kishimoto T

    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines  2024.04

    Joint Work,  ISSN  0021-9630

  • Plasma extracellular vesicle microRNAs reflecting the therapeutic effect of the CBP/β-catenin inhibitor PRI-724 in patients with liver cirrhosis

    Yoshida M, Matsuzaki J, Fujita K, Kimura M, Umezu T, Tokuda N, Yamaguchi T, Kuroda M, Ochiya T, Saito Y, Kimura K

    Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 6266 2024.03

    Joint Work

  • Intestinal metabolites predict treatment resistance of patients with depression and anxiety.

    Matsuzaki J, Kurokawa S, Iwamoto C, Miyaho K, Takamiya A, Ishii C, Hirayama A, Sanada K, Fukuda S, Mimura M, Kishimoto T, Saito Y

    Gut pathogens 16 ( 1 ) 8 2024.02

    Joint Work,  ISSN  1757-4749

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 便通異常ガイドラインの検証 便秘症QOL調査から読み解く疾患背景による適切な治療薬選択の検討

    森 英毅, 正岡 建洋, 松崎 潤太郎, 水上 健, 金井 隆典

    日本消化管学会雑誌 ((一社)日本消化管学会)  8 ( Suppl. ) 206 - 206 2024.01

    ISSN  2433-3840

  • 医薬連携 薬剤師の質問に何でも答えます!Helicobacter pylori感染症(第3回) 医師からの処方で一次除菌,二次除菌時の酸分泌抑制薬がボノプラザン以外のPPIの場合は,薬剤師はどのようにすべきでしょうか?

    荒谷 優希, 松崎 潤太郎, 齋藤 義正

    Helicobacter Research ((株)先端医学社)  27 ( 2 ) 242 - 244 2023.12

    ISSN  1342-4319

     View Summary


  • 高脂肪食の摂取がマウス褐色脂肪の組織形態学的変化と各種遺伝子発現に及ぼす影響

    木村 真規, 石塚 菜那帆, 金子 祐稀, 是枝 泰介, 松崎 潤太郎, 齋藤 義正

    肥満研究 ((一社)日本肥満学会)  29 ( 合同学術集会抄録集 ) 317 - 317 2023.11

    ISSN  1343-229X

  • 高異型度漿液性卵巣癌特異的エクソソーム膜タンパク質同定を目指した包括的プロテオーム解析(Identifying high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma-specific membrane proteins on small extracellular vesicles)

    横井 暁, 鵜飼 真由, 安井 隆雄, 北川 雅美, 吉田 康将, 稲見 恵理, 石川 光也, 加藤 友康, 松崎 潤太郎, 山本 雄介, 梶山 広明

    日本癌学会総会記事 ((一社)日本癌学会)  82回   789 - 789 2023.09

    ISSN  0546-0476

  • 血中における細菌由来RNAの検出と肝がん診断への応用(Bacteria-derived RNAs can be detected in the blood and altered in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma)

    大嶋 一輝, 松崎 潤太郎, 中山 淳, 津川 仁, 山本 雄介, 加藤 健, 落谷 孝広, 齋藤 義正

    日本癌学会総会記事 ((一社)日本癌学会)  82回   1913 - 1913 2023.09

    ISSN  0546-0476

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • ヒト肝細胞由来肝前駆細胞(hCLiP)由来sEVの肝線維化改善効果の検討

    山口智子, 松崎潤太郎, 勝田毅, 徳田乃唯, 檀裕治, 木村真規, 落谷孝広, 齋藤義正



    Poster presentation

  • 肺上皮細胞におけるCOPB2の細胞外小胞への分泌機構の解明

    檀裕治, 松崎潤太郎,山口智子, 及川千尋, 木村真規, 藤田雄, 落谷孝広, 齋藤義正



    Poster presentation

  • 胆管がんにおける19番染色体マイクロRNAクラスター発現の重要性

    松﨑潤太郎, 葉子祥, 村松俊英, 齋藤義正

    第82回日本癌学会学術総会. 横浜, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • 加齢による腸内細菌-宿主応答の変化に注目した新規発がんリスクバイオマーカーの探索

    松﨑潤太郎, 津川仁, 中山淳, 山本雄介, 加藤健, 大田信行, 大嶋一輝, 勝田菜友, 吉岡祐亮, 落谷孝広, 齋藤義正



    Oral presentation (general)

  • 細胞外小胞で創薬はできそうなのか

    松﨑 潤太郎



    Oral presentation (general)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Comprehensive elucidation of the mechanisms of circulating microRNA variability during pancreatic carcinogenesis


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

     View Summary

    膵がんのように早期診断技術開発が待望される腫瘍において、血中マイクロRNA (miRNA)診断の実用化が期待されている。多くの臨床検体の解析から、そのコンセプトの正しさは実証されているが、血中miRNAによってなぜ膵がんが診断できるのか証明しきれていない。特に膵腫瘍の発生によって周辺の細胞や免疫細胞などが反応し、分泌するmiRNAが変化することも、血中miRNAに大きく影響している可能性がある。本研究はこれらの点を考慮し、マウスで膵発がん過程での血中miRNA変化を追跡し、その生理学的意義を明らかにすることで、実臨床における血中miRNA診断実用化に必須となる基盤的知見を提供する。

  • CRISPR-Cas9 based screening for essential tumor suppressors in liver carcinogenesis


    National Cancer Center Japan, Yamamoto Yusuke, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), No Setting

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    A large number of research projects identified genetic mutations in the process of carcinogenesis, and there have been some useful findings of studies using cancer cell lines. With next generation sequencing, genetic variants in a variety of cancers have been identified and shown to have an impact on carcinogenesis; however, it is still unclear how the mutations essentially influenced the carcinogenesis and their metastatic potential. In this research project, we introduced and quantitatively analyzed the contribution of genetic mutations involved in the carcinogenic process by CRISPR-Cas9, in order to knockout the tumor suppressor genes in primary epithelial cells, and examined the effect of each gene on carcinogenesis. Also, we tried to recapitulate the multi-step carcinogenesis in vitro. This study enables us to accurately reflect and reproduce genomic aberrations in normal cells, and to achieve validation of the actual function of driver gene mutations.

  • Identification of circulating microRNAs for the detection of early stage pancreatic cancer


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Matsuzaki Juntaro, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    We established the culturing method of pancreatic progenitor cells by chemical direct reprogramming of pancreatic exocrine cells isolated from mouse pancreas. We then investigated the alteration in intracellular and extracellular miRNAs during the exposure to bile acid, which is a potential cause of pancreatic carcinogenesis. As a result, several miRNAs including miR-296-5p and miR-135a-3p were identified as miRNAs whose secretion into the cell culture supernatant was enhanced. These miRNAs are expected to be biomarkers for the early-stage pancreatic cancer.

  • Generation of hepatic progenitor cells from human hepatocytes using small molecules


    National Cancer Center Japan, KATSUDA Takeshi, OCHIYA Takahiro, MATSUZAKI Juntaro, SAITO Yoshimasa, TAKEUCHI Atsuko, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), No Setting

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    Using small molecule inhibitors, we recently reported that rodent mature hepatocytes can be reprogrammed into progenitor-like phenotype with repopulative capacity. In this study, using the same strategy, we demonstrated that hepatic progenitor cells can be induced from human infant hepatocytes. These cells, named human chemically induced progenitors (hCLiPs), exhibited significant repopulative capacity in injured mouse livers following transplantation, and contributed to reconstruction of the normal liver architecture. We also found that hCLiPs can be redifferentiated into mature hepatocytes in vitro with hepatic inducible factors. These redifferentiated cells can be induced to exhibit cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymatic activities in response to the CYP inducing molecules with the efficiency comparable with that of primary hepatocytes. Thus, this study contributes to progress in the field of liver cell transplantation therapy and pharmacological research field.

  • Interaction of miR-221/222 and adipocytokine signaling in esophageal adenocarcinoma


    Keio University, Matsuzaki Juntaro, TSUGAWA Hitoshi, SUZUKI Hidekazu, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), No Setting

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma, which is rapidly increasing in Western countries, is one of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Bile reflux and central obesity are major risk factors for esophageal adenocarcinoma. In general, plasma adiponectin levels are decreased through the progression of central obesity. We had reported that bile acids contribute to carcinogenesis through the activation of nuclear bile acid receptor (FXR) and the enhancement of miR-221/222. Herein, we identified that miR-221/222 enhance the expression of COX-2 in esophageal epithelial cells. On the other hand, COX-2 expression was suppressed during exposure to adiponectin receptor agonist. These results suggest adiponectin receptor agonist might work as a chemopreventive agent for esophageal adenocarcinoma among high-risk individuals with central obesity.

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • 日本癌学会奨励賞


    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • the 15th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Helicobacter infection Young Investigator Award


    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) 2016 Poster of Excellence


    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 第18回日本神経消化器病学会・第6回IBS研究会・第84回消化器心身医学研究会・第10回機能性ディスペプシア研究会合同学術集会 並木賞


    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 4th Biennial Congress of Asian Neurogastroenterology & Motility Association (ANMA) Best Poster Presentation Award


    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本内科学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2024.04

    日本細胞外小胞学会 理事

  • 2024.01

    日本消化器病学会 関東支部 評議員

  • 2023.01

    日本癌学会 評議員

  • 2019

    日本微小循環学会 評議員

  • 2018

    日本ヘリコバクター学会 代議員