上蓑 義典 (ウワミノ ヨシフミ)

Uwamino, Yoshifumi



医学部 臨床検査医学教室 (信濃町)



経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2007年04月

    東京都済生会中央病院, 初期臨床研修医

  • 2009年04月

    東京都済生会中央病院, 一般内科, 専修医

  • 2011年04月

    鉄蕉会亀田総合病院, 総合診療・感染症科, 感染症フェロー

  • 2014年04月

    慶應義塾大学医学部, 感染制御センター, 助教

  • 2016年04月

    慶應義塾大学医学部, 臨床検査医学, 助教

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学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2001年04月

    慶應義塾大学, 医学部

    大学, 卒業

学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(医学), 慶應義塾大学, 論文, 2020年07月

免許・資格 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 医師免許, 2007年

  • 日本内科学会内科認定医, 2009年

  • 国際旅行医学会旅行医学認定, 2012年

  • 日本感染症学会推薦インフェクションコントロールドクター, 2014年

  • 臨床研修指導医講習会修了, 2014年

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論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Nationwide surveillance of bacterial respiratory pathogens conducted by the surveillance committee of the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, and the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology in 2019–2020: General view of the pathogens' antibacterial susceptibility

    Tokimatsu I., Matsumoto T., Tsukada H., Fujikura Y., Miki M., Morinaga Y., Sato J., Wakamura T., Kiyota H., Tateda K., Yanagisawa H., Sasaki T., Ikeda H., Horikawa H., Takahashi H., Seki M., Mori Y., Takeda H., Kurai D., Hasegawa N., Uwamino Y., Kudo M., Yamamoto M., Nagano Y., Nomura S., Tetsuka T., Hosokai M., Aoki N., Yamamoto Y., Iinuma Y., Mikamo H., Suematsu H., Maruyama T., Kawabata A., Sugaki Y., Nakamura A., Fujikawa Y., Fukumori T., Ukimura A., Kakeya H., Niki M., Yoshida K., Kobashi Y., Tokuyasu H., Yatera K., Ikegami H., Fujita M., Matsumoto T., Yanagihara K., Matsuda J., Hiramatsu K., Shinzato T.

    Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy (Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy)  29 ( 8 ) 731 - 743 2023年08月

    ISSN  1341321X


    The trends and prevalence of antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogens vary by country, region, and time. Long-term regular surveillance is required to investigate trends in the antimicrobial resistance of various isolated bacterial pathogens. We report the results of a nationwide surveillance on the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial respiratory pathogens in Japan conducted by the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, and the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology. The isolates were collected from clinical specimens obtained from adult patients who visited a collaborating medical facility between June 2019 and December 2020 and were diagnosed with respiratory tract infections by a physician. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed in a centralized laboratory according to the methods recommended by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Susceptibility testing was performed for 932 strains (201 Staphylococcus aureus, 158 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 6 S. pyogenes, 136 Haemophilus influenzae, 127 Moraxella catarrhalis, 141 Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 163 Pseudomonas aeruginosa) collected from 32 facilities in Japan. The proportions of methicillin-resistant S. aureus and penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae were 35.3% and 0%, respectively. In H. influenzae, 16.2% and 16.9% were β-lactamase-producing ampicillin resistant and β-lactamase-negative ampicillin resistant, respectively. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing K. pneumoniae accounted for 5.0% of all K. pneumoniae infections. Carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae and multi-drug-resistant P. aeruginosa with metallo-β-lactamase were not detected in this study. This surveillance will be a useful reference for treating respiratory infections in Japan and will provide evidence to enhance the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents.

  • Differences among epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination

    Yamamoto S., Yamayoshi S., Ito M., Sakai-Tagawa Y., Nakachi I., Baba R., Kamimoto S., Ogura T., Hagiwara S., Kato H., Nakajima H., Uwamino Y., Yagi K., Sugaya N., Nagai H., Saito M., Adachi E., Koga M., Tsutsumi T., Duong C., Okuda M., Murakami J., Furusawa Y., Ujie M., Iwatsuki-Horimoto K., Yotsuyanagi H., Kawaoka Y.

    iScience (iScience)  26 ( 7 ) 107208 2023年07月


    SARS-CoV-2 has gradually acquired amino acid substitutions in its S protein that reduce the potency of neutralizing antibodies, leading to decreased vaccine efficacy. Here, we attempted to obtain mutant viruses by passaging SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of plasma samples from convalescent patients or vaccinees to determine which amino acid substitutions affect the antigenicity of SARS-CoV-2. Several amino acid substitutions in the S2 region, as well as the N-terminal domain (NTD) and receptor-binding domain (RBD), affected the neutralization potency of plasma samples collected from vaccinees, indicating that amino acid substitutions in the S2 region as well as those in the NTD and RBD affect neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies. Furthermore, the neutralizing potency of vaccinee plasma samples against mutant viruses we obtained or circulating viruses differed among individuals. These findings suggest that genetic backgrounds of vaccinees influence the recognition of neutralizing epitopes.

  • Healthcare costs for hospitalized COVID-19 patients in a Japanese university hospital: a cross-sectional study.

    Uno S, Goto R, Honda K, Tokuda M, Kamata H, Chubachi S, Yamamoto R, Sato Y, Homma K, Uchida S, Namkoong H, Uwamino Y, Sasaki J, Fukunaga K, Hasegawa N

    Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E 21 ( 1 ) 43 2023年07月

    ISSN  1478-7547

  • Single-cell analyses and host genetics highlight the role of innate immune cells in COVID-19 severity

    Edahiro R., Shirai Y., Takeshima Y., Sakakibara S., Yamaguchi Y., Murakami T., Morita T., Kato Y., Liu Y.C., Motooka D., Naito Y., Takuwa A., Sugihara F., Tanaka K., Wing J.B., Sonehara K., Tomofuji Y., Wang Q.S., Hasegawa T., Saiki R., Hyugaji T., Shimizu E., Katayama K., Kanai M., Naito T., Sasa N., Yamamoto K., Takahashi K., Harada N., Naito T., Hiki M., Matsushita Y., Takagi H., Ichikawa M., Nakamura A., Harada S., Sandhu Y., Kabata H., Masaki K., Kamata H., Ikemura S., Chubachi S., Okamori S., Terai H., Morita A., Asakura T., Sasaki J., Morisaki H., Uwamino Y., Nanki K., Uchida S., Uno S., Nishimura T., Ishiguro T., Isono T., Shibata S., Matsui Y., Hosoda C., Takano K., Nishida T., Kobayashi Y., Takaku Y., Takayanagi N., Ueda S., Tada A., Miyawaki M., Yamamoto M., Yoshida E., Hayashi R., Nagasaka T., Arai S., Kaneko Y., Sasaki K., Tagaya E., Kawana M., Arimura K., Takahashi K., Anzai T., Ito S., Endo A., Uchimura Y., Miyazaki Y., Honda T., Tateishi T., Tohda S., Ichimura N., Sonobe K., Sassa C.T., Nakajima J., Nakano Y., Nakajima Y., Anan R., Arai R., Kurihara Y., Harada Y., Nishio K., Ueda T., Azuma M., Saito R., Sado T.

    Nature Genetics (Nature Genetics)  55 ( 5 ) 753 - 767 2023年05月

    ISSN  10614036


    Mechanisms underpinning the dysfunctional immune response in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection are elusive. We analyzed single-cell transcriptomes and T and B cell receptors (BCR) of >895,000 peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 73 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients and 75 healthy controls of Japanese ancestry with host genetic data. COVID-19 patients showed a low fraction of nonclassical monocytes (ncMono). We report downregulated cell transitions from classical monocytes to ncMono in COVID-19 with reduced CXCL10 expression in ncMono in severe disease. Cell–cell communication analysis inferred decreased cellular interactions involving ncMono in severe COVID-19. Clonal expansions of BCR were evident in the plasmablasts of patients. Putative disease genes identified by COVID-19 genome-wide association study showed cell type-specific expressions in monocytes and dendritic cells. A COVID-19-associated risk variant at the IFNAR2 locus (rs13050728) had context-specific and monocyte-specific expression quantitative trait loci effects. Our study highlights biological and host genetic involvement of innate immune cells in COVID-19 severity.

  • Diagnostic Utility of a Mycobacterium Multiplex PCR Detection Panel for Tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections

    Uwamino Y., Aono A., Tomita Y., Morimoto K., Kawashima M., Kamata H., Sasaki Y., Nagai H., Hasegawa N., Mitarai S.

    Microbiology spectrum (Microbiology spectrum)  11 ( 3 ) e0516222 2023年04月


    The prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases is increasing worldwide, and tuberculosis remains highly prevalent. Rapid and accurate microbial diagnoses of both tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial infections are required. A novel PCR-reverse sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (PCR-rSSO) method-based mycobacterial detection panel (Myco-Panel) test was developed for the rapid identification of 30 mycobacterial species and subspecies. Clinical respiratory samples were collected from patients with suspected or confirmed tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease and those with other respiratory diseases. Myco-Panel tests were performed on the samples, and liquid mycobacterial culture and identification were performed for reference according to housekeeping gene sequences of mycobacteria in positive culture tubes. Furthermore, to assess the detection performance for several mycobacterial species rarely recovered in Japan, the accuracy of the Myco-Panel test was investigated using stock mycobacterial type strains and clinical isolates. A total of 178 clinical respiratory samples were analyzed. The Myco-Panel and sequence-based identification results for mycobacterial cultures were 83.1% concordant (kappa coefficient, 0.785 [95% confidence interval, 0.716 to 0.854]). The Myco-Panel correctly identified 281 of the 283 type strains and clinical isolates tested. The Myco-Panel test could accurately detect several mycobacterial species from clinical respiratory samples and mycobacterial suspensions. Rapid and accurate identification of pathogens using respiratory samples is possible using the Myco-Panel. IMPORTANCE Species identification is important for the diagnosis of mycobacterial infections and decisions on treatment regimens. The Myco-Panel test accurately detects clinically common mycobacterial species that cause respiratory infections from clinical respiratory samples and mycobacterial suspensions. The rapid identification of multiple mycobacterial species will provide clinically useful information for the management of patients. Although we understand that the current diagnostic criteria require mycobacterial culture results in general for the diagnosis of nontuberculous mycobacterial infection, mycobacterial culture examination is a time-consuming process. The detection of potentially causative agents directly from clinical samples will aid in practical diagnosis and decision-making for rapid treatment initiation. This is a new laboratory method for species identification, and evaluating its performance is important.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

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総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ASTを担当する薬剤師の具体的な活動を共有し,発展させよう! 大学病院におけるAST活動の軌跡を振りカエル(KAERU)

    瀬山 翔史, 池谷 修, 上蓑 義典, 宇野 俊介, 内田 翔, 南宮 湖, 木村 元範, 福田 正悟, 荒 美幸, 尾原 秀明, 新庄 正宜, 高野 八百子, 長谷川 直樹

    日本感染症学会総会・学術講演会・日本化学療法学会学術集会合同学会プログラム・抄録集 (日本感染症学会・日本化学療法学会)  97回・71回   シンポジウム16 - シンポジウム16 2023年03月

  • Enterococcus faecalis菌血症において質量分析器における血液培養陽性ボトルからの直接同定法が抗菌薬選択に及ぼす影響

    木村 陽菜, 上蓑 義典, 猪狩 嘉孝, 鮫島 朱里, 加藤 藍, 青木 渉, 石原 治, 永田 美香, 猪瀬 里夏, 宇野 俊介, 南宮 湖, 長谷川 直樹, 松下 弘道

    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 ((一社)日本臨床微生物学会)  33 ( Suppl.1 ) 266 - 266 2022年12月

    ISSN  2434-866X

  • 全自動釣菌装置BDキエストラidentifAを用いた前処理の臨床使用における性能の検討

    猪狩 嘉孝, 上蓑 義典, 木村 陽菜, 鮫島 朱里, 滝本 理絵, 加藤 藍, 青木 渉, 石原 治, 永田 美香, 猪瀬 里夏, 松下 弘道

    日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 ((一社)日本臨床微生物学会)  33 ( Suppl.1 ) 224 - 224 2022年12月

    ISSN  2434-866X

  • 【新型コロナとインフルエンザ 同時流行に備えるために再確認しておきたいこと】検査(PART.4) インフルエンザと新型コロナの検査でおさえておきたいこと

    上蓑 義典

    Expert Nurse ((株)照林社)  38 ( 13 ) 26 - 29 2022年10月

    ISSN  0911-0194

  • 一般細菌培養検査での肺外検体における抗酸菌検出に関する後方視的調査

    石原 治, 上蓑 義典, 猪瀬 里夏, 荒井 智子, 横田 浩充, 長谷川 直樹, 松下 弘道

    日本臨床検査医学会誌 ((一社)日本臨床検査医学会)  70 ( 補冊 ) 132 - 132 2022年10月

    ISSN  2436-2727

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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 抗酸菌症バイオマーカーとしての性ホルモン測定の有用性


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 上蓑 義典, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究代表者

  • インターフェロンγ遊離試験を用いた結核感染診断における性周期の影響


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 上蓑 義典, 若手研究, 補助金,  研究代表者

  • 性ステロイドホルモンによる非結核性抗酸菌症治療の可能性


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 上蓑 義典, 若手研究(B), 補助金,  研究代表者


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • プライマリーヘルスケアと国際保健Ⅱ(海外研修)


  • 急性期病態学各論


  • 臨床検査学講義


  • 感染症学


  • プライマリーヘルスケアと国際保健Ⅱ(海外研修)


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