School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Radiation Oncology) (Shinanomachi)
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Toyama, Hirofumi
慶應義塾大学, 大学院, GCOE-RA(リサーチアシスタント)
慶應義塾大学, 医学部 発生・分化生物学教室, 特任助教
慶應義塾大学病院, 初期臨床研修医
慶應義塾大学, 医学部 放射線科学教室, 助教(専修医)
東京医療センター, 放射線科, 医員
Keio University, 医学部
University, Graduated, Other
Keio University, 大学院, 医学研究科
Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
医師免許, 2010.04
放射線治療専門医, 2021.09
日本医学放射線学会研修指導者, 2021.12
がん治療認定医, 2024.04
渡邊 佳恵, 外山 弘文, 荒井 学, 先端医学社, 2008.11, Page: 144
Sawada M., Shiraishi Y., Toyama H., Tanaka T., Kota R., Shigematsu N.
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy (Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy) 15 ( 4 ) 269 - 274 2023
ISSN 1689832X
Folliculin Regulates Osteoclastogenesis Through Metabolic Regulation
Baba M., Endoh M., Ma W., Toyama H., Hirayama A., Nishikawa K., Takubo K., Hano H., Hasumi H., Umemoto T., Hashimoto M., Irie N., Esumi C., Kataoka M., Nakagata N., Soga T., Yao M., Kamba T., Minami T., Ishii M., Suda T.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (Journal of Bone and Mineral Research) 33 ( 10 ) 1785 - 1798 2018.10
ISSN 08840431
Loss of Folliculin Disrupts Hematopoietic Stem Cell Quiescence and Homeostasis Resulting in Bone Marrow Failure.
Stem Cells 2016.04
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Lead author, Accepted
N-cadherin+ HSCs in fetal liver exhibit higher long-term bone marrow reconstitution activity than N-cadherin– HSCs.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2012.11
Doctoral thesis, Joint Work, Lead author, Accepted
外山 弘文, 須田 年生
日本再生医療学会雑誌 (メディカルレビュー社) 2011.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, Lead author
Hydrogel spacer within the perirectal space in radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Anatomical distribution, rectal/urethral dose and influence of experience.
Hirofumi Toyama, Atsunori Yorozu, Shinya Sutani, Nana Natsume, Takashi Soyano, Yutaka Shiraishi, Kazuhito Toya, Toshio Ohashi, Naoyuki Shigematsu
AOS2023, The 3rd International Congress of the Asian Oncology Society,
Oral presentation (general)
外山 弘文、大橋 俊夫、酒寄 正範、竹中 浩二、箱崎 恭平、大門 達明、金井 邦光、茂松 直之
日本放射線腫瘍学会 第34回学術大会,
Oral presentation (general)
外山 弘文、酢谷 真也、戸矢 和仁、白石 悠、夏目 奈奈、征矢野 崇、萬 篤憲
Oral presentation (general)
外山弘文, 深田淳一, 隈部篤寛, 公田龍一, 小池直義, 白石悠, 北川雄光, 茂松直之
日本放射線腫瘍学会 第30回学術大会,
Oral presentation (general)
Role of N-cadherin in the Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Fetal Liver and Bone Marrow.
Toyama H, Hosokawa K, Ikushima YM, Suda T, Arai F
54th ASH (American Society of Hematology) Annual Meeting (Atlanta) ,
Poster presentation
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, Principal investigator