田中 伸之 (タナカ ノブユキ)

Tanaka, Nobuyuki



医学部 泌尿器科学教室 (信濃町)




学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1996年04月

    慶應義塾大学, 医学部


学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 医学博士, 慶應義塾大学, 2015年02月


論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Prediction of pathological up-staging after radical nephroureterectomy in patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma

    Shojo K., Takeda T., Akita H., Suzuki T., Mikami S., Shigeta K., Yasumizu Y., Tanaka N., Matsumoto K., Morita S., Kosaka T., Mizuno R., Asanuma H., Jinzaki M., Oya M.

    World Journal of Urology (World Journal of Urology)  42 ( 1 ) 192 2024年12月

    ISSN  07244983


    Purpose: The diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography urography for upper tract urothelial carcinoma is high; however, difficulties are associated with precisely assessing the T stage. Preoperative tumor staging has an impact on treatment options for upper tract urothelial carcinoma. We herein attempted to identify preoperative factors that predict pathological tumor up-staging, which will facilitate the selection of treatment strategies. Materials and methods: We retrospectively identified 148 patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma who underwent computed tomography urography preoperatively followed by radical nephroureterectomy without preoperative chemotherapy at our institution between 2000 and 2021. Preoperative factors associated with cT2 or lower to pT3 up-staging were examined using a multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: Ninety out of 148 patients were diagnosed with cT2 or lower, and 22 (24%) were up-staged to pT3. A multivariate analysis identified a positive voided urine cytology (HR 4.69, p = 0.023) and tumor length ≥ 3 cm (HR 6.33, p = 0.003) as independent predictors of pathological tumor up-staging. Conclusions: Patients diagnosed with cT2 or lower, but with preoperative positive voided urine cytology and/or tumor diameter ≥ 3 cm need to be considered for treatment as cT3.

  • Prediction of undetectable circulating tumor DNA by comprehensive genomic profiling assay in metastatic prostate cancer: the SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR SCREEN project

    Shiota M., Matsubara N., Kato T., Eto M., Osawa T., Abe T., Shinohara N., Nishimoto K., Yasumizu Y., Tanaka N., Oya M., Fujisawa T., Horasawa S., Nakamura Y., Yoshino T., Nonomura N.

    World Journal of Urology 42 ( 1 ) 526 2024年12月

    ISSN  07244983


    Background: Undetectable circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is an obstacle to performing comprehensive genomic profiling in daily practice to identify genomic alterations. We investigated the associations between clinicopathological factors and undetectable ctDNA using a commercially available comprehensive genomic profiling assay in metastatic prostate cancer. Patients and methods: Patients treated with systemic treatment for metastatic prostate cancer were included. ctDNA was analyzed by FoundationOne®Liquid CDx at enrollment. The associations between clinicopathological characteristics and ctDNA detection were analyzed. Results: The number of bone metastasis was associated with ctDNA detection (odds ratio [95% confidence interval], 13.6 [1.71–108], P = 0.014). An algorithm predicting ctDNA detection using clinicopathological parameters was created. If ≥ 4 bone metastases were observed, ctDNA detection was estimated to be 98.9%. Among the patients with < 4 bone metastases, if two or three features among ISUP grade group 5, PSA level ≥ 10 ng/ml, and castration resistance were present, the ctDNA detection rate was 96.7% while the ctDNA detection rate was 86.3% if no or only one feature was present. Conclusions: An algorithm created in this study is helpful in determining when to undertake comprehensive genomic profiling assay using blood.

  • Tumor immune microenvironment dynamics and outcomes of prognosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

    Kamitani R, Tanaka N, Anno T, Murakami T, Masuda T, Yasumizu Y, Takeda T, Morita S, Kosaka T, Mikami S, Matsumoto K, Oya M

    Cancer science 115 ( 12 ) 3963 - 3972 2024年10月

    ISSN  1347-9032


    Agents that target PD-1 and PD-L1 have been developed in the treatment of bladder cancer (BC). However, the diversity of immune cell infiltration in non-muscle-invasive BC (NMIBC) and the dynamics of the microenvironment as it progresses to muscle-invasive/metastatic disease remains unknown. To assess tumor immune activity, hierarchical clustering was applied to 159 BC samples based on cellular positivity for the defined immune cellular markers (CD3/CD4/CD8/FOXP3/CD20/PD-1/PD-L1/LAG3/TIGIT), divided into two clusters. There was a “hot cluster” (25%) consisting of patients with a high expression of these markers and a “cold cluster” (75%) comprising those without. The expression of CD39, CD44, CD68, CD163, IDO1, and Ki67 was significantly higher in tumors in the hot cluster. Immunologically, high-grade T1 tumors were significantly hotter, whereas tumors that had progressed to muscle invasion turned cold. However, a certain number of high-grade NMIBC patients were in the cold cluster, and these patients had a significantly higher risk of disease progression. Using an externally available TCGA dataset, RB1 and TP53 alterations were more frequently observed in TCGA hot cluster; rather FGFR3, KDM6A, and KMT2A alterations were common in TCGA cold/intermediate cluster. Analyses of recurrent tumors after BCG therapy revealed that tumor immune activity was widely maintained before and after treatment, and high FGFR3 expression was detected after recurrence in tumors initially classified into the cold cluster. Collectively, we revealed the dynamics of the tumor microenvironment in BC as a whole and identified candidate molecules as therapeutic targets for recurrent NMIBC, e.g., after BCG therapy.

  • Multiplexed Spatial Imaging at the Single-Cell Level Reveals Mutually Exclusive Expression of B7 Family Proteins

    Shojo K., Tanaka N., Murakami T., Anno T., Teranishi Y., Takamatsu K., Mikami S., Imamura T., Matsumoto K., Oya M.

    Laboratory Investigation 104 ( 10 ) 102131 2024年10月

    ISSN  00236837


    Targeting novel inhibitory ligands beyond anti-PD-1 and PD-L1 and CTLA-4 therapies is essential for the next decade of the immunotherapy era. Agents for the B7 family molecules B7-H3, B7-H4, and B7-H5 are emerging in clinical trial phases; therefore, further accumulation of evidence from both clinical and basic aspects is vital. Here, we applied a 7-color multiplexed imaging technique to analyze the profile of B7 family B7-H3/B7-H4/B7-H5 expression, in addition to PD-L1, and the spatial characteristics of immune cell infiltrates in urothelial carcinoma (UC). The results revealed that B7-H3 and B7-H4 were mainly expressed on tumor cells and B7-H5 on immune cells in UC, and most of the B7-H3/B7-H4/B7-H5-positive cells were mutually exclusive with PD-L1-positive cells. Also, the expression of B7-H4 was elevated in patients with advanced pathologic stages, and high B7-H4 expression was a significant factor affecting overall mortality following surgery in UC. Furthermore, spatial analysis revealed that the distance from the B7-H4+ cells to the nearest CD8+ cells was markedly far compared with other B7 family-positive tumor cells. Interestingly, the distance from B7-H4+ cells to the nearest CD8+ cells was significantly farther in patients dying from cancer after surgery or immune checkpoint inhibitors compared with cancer survivors; thus, high B7-H4 expression in tumor cells may inhibit CD8 infiltration into the tumor space and that B7-H4-positive cells form a specific spatial niche. In summary, we performed a comprehensive evaluation of B7 family member expression and found that the spatial distribution of B7-H4 suggests the potentially useful role of combination blockade with both B7-H4 and the current anti-PD-1/PD-L1 axis in the treatment of UC.

  • 多発病変の中の小さな最高grade病変は,MRIで検出できるのか

    松本 一宏, 秋田 大宇, 橋口 明典, 武田 利和, 小坂 威雄, 福本 桂資郎, 安水 洋太, 田中 伸之, 森田 伸也, 水野 隆一, 浅沼 宏, 大家 基嗣, 陣崎 雅弘

    泌尿器外科 (医学図書出版(株))  37 ( 8 ) 942 - 944 2024年08月

    ISSN  0914-6180


    前立腺癌の病変において,最大sizeと最高gradeが一致する場合が多いが,一致しないdiscordant caseもある。本研究では,discordant caseにおける最高grade病変のMRI検出能を検討した。結果,discordant caseでは最高grade病変のMRI検出が劣ることが示され,特に腹側に最大size病変がある場合,同側の背側に最高grade病変が隠れている可能性が高いことが示唆された。(著者抄録)

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

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総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 【薬の使い方がすぐわかる 泌尿器科処方ガイド】腫瘍 抗がん薬の副作用対策 急性過敏性反応

    水野 隆一, 田中 伸之, 大家 基嗣

    臨床泌尿器科 ((株)医学書院)  78 ( 4 ) 208 - 211 2024年04月

    ISSN  0385-2393


    <文献概要>処方のポイント ●アナフィラキシー治療の要はアドレナリンである.●アドレナリン投与時に注意すべき症例がある.●注入時反応(IRR)予防目的に前投薬が用いられる.

  • 【前立腺肥大症:近年の治療の進歩】接触式レーザー蒸散術(Contact laser Vaporization of the Prostate:CVP)の現状と展望

    田中 伸之, 大家 基嗣

    Prostate Journal (医学図書出版(株))  10 ( 2 ) 145 - 150 2023年10月

    ISSN  2188-4978



  • 【どこまで変わるの? 腎細胞癌診療の進歩】診断 腎細胞癌の免疫微小環境

    田中 伸之, 大家 基嗣

    臨床泌尿器科 ((株)医学書院)  77 ( 5 ) 322 - 326 2023年04月

    ISSN  0385-2393


    <文献概要>ポイント ・「複合がん免疫療法」の成功に免疫微小環境の理解は欠かせない.・腎細胞癌の免疫微小環境は,ほかの免疫感受性腫瘍と異なり,「腫瘍内のCD8+T細胞密度の高いほうが予後が悪い」という点で異質性が際立つ.・腎細胞癌の遺伝子変異は挿入・欠失が多いため,ネオアンチゲン増加と関連するTMBが,通常は低く推定される.

  • 【腫瘍免疫-免疫ネットワークから考える基礎と臨床】免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の成功から続く展望 腫瘍別の免疫作動薬の現状と展望(単剤→併用・新規) 泌尿器科がん(腎細胞がん・尿路上皮がん)への免疫療法 特殊性と類似性

    田中 伸之

    医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版(株))  281 ( 5 ) 469 - 475 2022年04月

    ISSN  0039-2359



  • MONSTAR-SCREEN試験におけるリキッドバイオプシー研究

    加藤 大悟, 松原 伸晃, 塩田 真己, 江藤 正俊, 大澤 崇宏, 安部 崇重, 篠原 信雄, 安水 洋太, 田中 伸之, 大家 基嗣, 西本 紘嗣郎, 林 拓自, 中山 雅志, 吉野 孝之, 野々村 祝夫

    泌尿器科 ((有)科学評論社)  15 ( 1 ) 77 - 82 2022年01月

    ISSN  2435-192X

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研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Novel Diagnostic of Prostate Cancer Using Urine-Derived Exosomes: Prospective Pilot Study

    田中 伸之

    The 13rd European Congress of Andrology, 


  • 組織透明化:がんの可視化、基礎と実践

    田中 伸之



  • Whole-body analysis of clonal trajectories and spatial transcriptomics reveals inter- and intra-organ heterogeneity in urothelial carcinoma under immunotherapy

    田中 伸之



  • 尿由来エクソソームを用いた尿路上皮癌の新しい体外診断

    田中 伸之



    シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)

  • Novel Imaging Techniques to Visualize Tumor Immune Microenvironment and Clinical Applications

    田中 伸之



    シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)

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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • がん免疫治療下における間質軌跡地図の空間解析と新しい間質リプログラミング法の確立


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 補助金,  研究代表者

  • 泌尿器がんのクローン進化と腫瘍間質の空間解析による免疫治療耐性メカニズムの解明


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(A) , 補助金,  研究分担者

  • 透析患者に発生する腎細胞癌のOmics解析と腫瘍免疫微小環境の統合的理解


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究分担者

  • 膀胱癌における次世代免疫チェックポイント分子B7ファミリーの機能解明


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究分担者

  • 新規3次元イメージングによる腎がんの微小脈管および3次リンパ様構造(TLS)の解析


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究分担者

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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 慶應医学賞 ライジング・スター賞


  • 第111回日本泌尿器科学会総会総会総会賞(尿路上皮腫瘍:基礎)


  • 公益財団法人安田記念医学財団癌研究助成


  • 公益財団法人がん研究振興財団がん研究助成金


  • 慶應義塾学事振興資金(個人研究, 特A)


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担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 泌尿器科学講義


  • 泌尿器科学講義


  • 泌尿器科学講義


  • 泌尿器科学講義


  • 泌尿器科学講義


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委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2023年12月

    日本癌治療学会, 幹事

  • 2023年08月

    日本癌治療学会, 学術枠代議員