Tsubota, Kazuo



School of Medicine (Mita)


Professor Emeritus

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Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1998.04

    東京歯科大学市川総合病院, 眼科, 教授

  • 2004.04

    Keio University, Department of Ophthalmology, Professor

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1974.04

    Keio University, School of Medicine, Ophthalmology

    University, Graduated


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Ophthalmology


Books 【 Display / hide

  • ごきげんナースとごきげんドクター ギスバート・ヴァンサッテン先生、勉強部屋を作る

    坪田 一男, 眼科ケア, 2005.01

    Scope: 64-65

  • ごきげんナースとごきげんドクター 夏休みモードと夏休みの宿題

    坪田 一男, 眼科ケア, 2004.12

    Scope: 70-71

  • 眼科医にすすめる100冊の本‐11月の推薦図書‐「Healing the Eye (Edward C. Kondrot, MD著)」

    坪田 一男, あたらしい眼科, 2004.11

    Scope: 1509-1510

  • ドライアイ研究の基礎と臨床

    坪田 一男, 日本眼科学会雑誌, 2004.09

    Scope: 547-548

  • 眼科医にすすめる100冊の本‐9月の推薦図書‐「代替療法の医学的証拠-民間療法を正しく判断する手引き-(米国医師会編,田村康二訳)」

    坪田 一男, あたらしい眼科, 2004.09

    Scope: 1221-1222

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Motor function benefits of visual restoration measured in age-related cataract and simulated patients

    Ayaki Masahiko, Nagura Takeo, Toyama Yoshiaki, Negishi Kazuno, Tsubota Kazuo

    Scientific Reports 5 2015.09

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    <p>The aim of the present study was to measure gait velocity in cataract and simulated patients. The study was performed on 239 cataract patients, 115 age-matched subjects, and 11 simulated patients. We measured gait velocity and analyzed gait using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. Mean gait velocity before and 2 and 7 months after cataract surgery was 0.91 ± 0.19, 1.04 ± 0.21, and 1.06 ± 0.21 m/s, respectively, for males and 0.84 ± 0.22, 0.91 ± 0.24, and 0.92 ± 0.25 m/s, respectively, for females. The increase after surgery was significant in both groups at 7 months (P &lt; 0.05). Gait velocity was significantly slower in cataract patients compared with controls before surgery, but no longer different after surgery. In simulated patients, mean velocity was 87.0 ± 11.4% of normal vision with a 3° visual field and 92.4 ± 12.3% of normal when counting fingers. Initial velocity was 89.1 ± 14.6% of normal vision with a 3° visual field and 92.7 ± 11.6% of normal when counting fingers. There was a significant difference between normal and impaired visual function (P &lt; 0.05). The results demonstrate the close relationship between visual function and gait in cataract patients and simulated patients.</p>

  • Possible involvement of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in fibrosis associated with IgG4-related Mikulicz's disease

    Fukui Masaki, Ogawa Yoko, Shimmura Shigeto, Hatou Shin, Ichihashi Yoshiyuki, Yaguchi Saori, Hirayama Masatoshi, Kawakita Tetsuya, Tsubota Kazuo

    Modern Rheumatology 25 ( 5 ) 737 - 743 2015.09

    ISSN  1439-7595

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    <p>Objective. Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related Mikulicz's disease (MD) is a fibrosis-associated inflammatory disease, often accompanied by lacrimal gland swelling. Although much attention has been paid to the inflammatory aspects of this disease, the mechanisms of the fibrotic processes are still unclear. We focused on the fibrotic changes occurring in the lacrimal glands of IgG4-related MD patients, by examining molecules involved in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Methods. Lacrimal gland tissue specimens were obtained from 3 IgG4-related MD patients and 3 control patients with Sjögren's syndrome (SS). The glands were examined by immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. Results. Storiform fibrosis, a characteristic of IgG4-related MD, was observed in the lacrimal glands of IgG4-related MD, but rarely in those of SS. Reduced E-cadherin expression, increased phalloidin-stained filamentous actin, and increased α-smooth muscle actin, snail, and heat-shock protein 47 levels were observed in the lacrimal glands of IgG4-related MD compared with those of SS. Transmission electron microscopy revealed an abnormal periodicity of collagen bundles, and basal membrane thickening in the IgG4-related MD compared with that in the SS tissues. Conclusion. EMT-like changes were frequently observed in the lacrimal gland epithelia from patients with IgG4-related MD. Thus, EMT may be involved in the pathology of IgG4-related MD fibrosis.</p>

  • Wide-Angle Viewing System versus Conventional Indirect Ophthalmoscopy for Scleral Buckling

    Tomita Yohei, Kurihara Toshihide, Uchida Atsuro, Nagai Norihiro, Shinoda Hajime, Tsubota Kazuo, Ozawa Yoko

    Scientific Reports 5 2015.09

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    <p>Wide-angle viewing systems (WAVSs) were originally established for pars plana vitrectomy. However, their application to scleral buckling surgery was recently reported. In this study, we compared the outcomes of scleral buckling using a noncontact WAVS with that of scleral buckling using conventional indirect ophthalmoscopy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. The clinical records of 39 eyes (39 patients) with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment primarily treated between November 2012 and June 2014 at the Vitreo-Retina Surgical Division Clinic at the Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Scleral bucking was performed using WAVS with surgical placement of an endoilluminator in 16 eyes and indirect ophthalmoscopy in 23 eyes. The patients in these groups were consecutive over different intervals. The preoperative demographics, success rate of retinal reattachment, intraoperative findings, and postoperative complications were evaluated. There were no significant differences in pre- or postoperative conditions between groups, and similar surgical outcomes were achieved with the WAVS and conventional procedures. However, compared with the conventional procedure, the WAVS procedure resulted in fewer intraoperative corneal epithelial disorders (p = 0.049) and decreased the surgical duration of segmental buckling (p = 0.02); therefore, it may be suggested as an effective alternative procedure.</p>

  • Vision loss by central retinal vein occlusion after kaatsu training

    Ozawa Yoko, Koto Takashi, Shinoda Hajime, Tsubota Kazuo

    Medicine (United States) 94 ( 36 )  2015.09

    ISSN  0025-7974

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    <p>Kaatsu training is an exercise method involving the application of pressure to the target muscle, and is being increasingly used in rehabilitation programs for heart disease patients in some hospitals. This method restricts blood flow to the muscles during exercise, and the resultant hypoxia effectively causes muscle hypertrophy and strengthening. However, no medical guidelines or risk factors for its use have been established. We report a case involving a 45-year-old man who suffered from 2 episodes of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), both occurring on the day following a Kaatsu training session. As a characteristic of the CRVO and its subsequent complications, the affected eye lost vision despite treatment. The patient had a history of hypertension and diabetes, and thus was at an increased risk of CRVO. Kaatsu training, which changes the heart rate and serum growth hormone levels, may have triggered the onset of CRVO. This case highlights that underlying medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and the consequent inflammation, could be risk factors for vascular side effects resulting from Kaatsu training. Further studies are required before the medical and recreational use of Kaatsu training become widespread.</p>

  • Diquafosol sodium ophthalmic solution for the treatment of dry eye

    Shigeyasu Chika, Yamada Masakazu, Akune Yoko, Tsubota Kazuo

    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology  2015.08

    ISSN  0021-5155

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    <p>Purpose: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of 3 % diquafosol sodium ophthalmic solution for dry eye, and to analyze the concentration of tear proteins and mucin-like substances after the treatment. Methods: Fifty eyes of 25 patients with dry eye syndrome were prospectively enrolled. The patients were treated with diquafosol solution at a dose of 1 drop in each eye 6 times daily for 4 weeks. The parameters of clinical efficacy were tear osmolarity, tear breakup time (BUT), fluorescein staining scores for the cornea and conjunctiva, Schirmer test values, and subjective symptoms evaluated using the ocular surface disease index (OSDI). Tears collected with Schirmer test strips were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the concentrations of the total protein and the 4 major tear proteins, namely, secretory IgA, lactoferrin, lipocalin-1, lysozyme, and N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), were measured. Neu5Ac is a major sialic acid, a marker of secretory mucins. Results: The BUT, keratoconjunctival staining scores, and Schirmer test values were improved with statistical significance after the treatment with diquafosol solution, while changes in the other parameters, including tear osmolarity, corneal staining scores, and OSDI scores were not significant. The Neu5Ac concentration was significantly increased, which was not accompanied by changes in tear proteins. Conclusions: Topical application of diquafosol significantly improved the clinical parameters of the BUT, keratoconjunctival staining scores, and Schirmer test values and was accompanied by increased sialic acid content in the tears of patients with dry eye.</p>

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • シェーグレン症候群PBLからのIg G 産生におけるサイトカインの関与.

    小笠原未恵, 吉本桂子, 勝島麻衣, 小川葉子, 津坂憲政, 足立達, 坪田一男, 竹内勤.

    第34回日本免疫学会総会学術集会 (札幌) , 



  • アンタイエージング

    坪田 一男

    第58回日本臨床眼科学会 (東京) , 



  • 難治性ドライアイに対する確実な涙点閉鎖術


    第58回日本臨床眼科学会 (東京) , 


  • 新しい涙点プラグ(Smart PlugTM)の臨床評価


    第58回日本臨床眼科学会 (東京) , 


  • アレルギー性結膜炎の涙液動態の評価


    第58回日本臨床眼科学会 (東京) , 


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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Investigating mechanisms of axial elongation control by non-visual opsin


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator

  • Sirtuinを標的とした眼疾患の新しい予防、治療方法の開発


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator

Works 【 Display / hide

  • 学務委員会委員




Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • Ophthalmology

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture, Within own faculty