School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Shinanomachi)
Associate Professor
Details of a Researcher
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Ishii, Tomohiro
Keio University School of Medicine,, Department of Pediatrics, Resident (Pediatrics)
Ota General Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Residenct (Pediatrics)
Keio University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Instructor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of internal medicine, Postdoctoral research fellow
Keio University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Instructor
Keio University, School of Medicine
University, Graduated
Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein欠損マウスの表現型における高密度リポ蛋白と性腺刺激ホルモンの関与, Keio University, Dissertation
Medical licence
Certified Pediatrician, 1996.04
Certified Expert Clinical Geneticist, 2005.12
Board-certified Endocrinologist, 2006.04
Life Science / Metabolism and endocrinology
Life Science / Embryonic medicine and pediatrics
steroid hormone
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal insufficiency
Disorders of sex development
Mechanism of cholesterol transfer by steroidogenic acute regulatory protein,
Transcriptome Analysis of Adrenocortical Cells in Health and Disease
Ishii T., Cellular Endocrinology in Health and Disease, Second Edition, 2021.01
Cellular endocrinology in health and disease
ISHII TOMOHIRO, Academic Press, 2014.03
Scope: Transcriptome analysis of adrenocortical cells in health and disease
Nabeshima Y., Sato T., Zukeran H., Komatsu R., Nakano S., Ichihashi Y., Tominaga T., Miwa M., Amano N., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism) 36 ( 8 ) 786 - 790 2023.08
ISSN 0334018X
Kuranari Y., Miwa T., Kono M., Shibata H., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Child's Nervous System (Child's Nervous System) 39 ( 4 ) 1065 - 1069 2023.04
ISSN 02567040
Sato T., Inokuchi M., Nakano S., Iwabuchi Y., Hayashida T., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Radiology Case Reports (Radiology Case Reports) 18 ( 1 ) 91 - 93 2023.01
A case of 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis with a novel missense variant in SRY
Narita C., Takubo N., Sammori M., Matsumura Y., Shimura K., Ozaki R., Haruna H., Narumi S., Ishii T., Hasegawa T., Shimizu T.
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology (Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology) 32 ( 4 ) 235 - 238 2023
ISSN 09185739
Potential benefit of rapid genetic testing for Pallister–Hall syndrome
Maeda-Usui A., Sato T., Nakano S., Kusakawa M., Kin T., Takahashi N., Motojima Y., Asanuma H., Hida M., Ishii T., Kuroda T., Hasegawa T.
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology (Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology) 32 ( 2 ) 119 - 122 2023
ISSN 09185739
Ishii, Tomohiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
The pathogenesis of MIRAGE syndrome revealed by model mice using genome editing
Ishii, Tomohiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2020
Ishii, Tomohiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2013
Tsuura K., Sato T., Nakano S., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Pediatric Blood and Cancer (Pediatric Blood and Cancer) 70 ( 6 ) 2023.06
ISSN 15455009
Potential usefulness of assessing serum betamethasone levels during betamethasone therapy
Yano M., Sato T., Nakano S., Shimozato S., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism) 2023
ISSN 0334018X
A novel missense variant of FGFR1 in a Japanese girl with Kallmann syndrome and holoprosencephaly
Uchida N., Mizuno Y., Seno S., Koyama Y., Takahashi T., Shibata H., Narumi S., Hasegawa T., Ishii T.
Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology (Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology) 32 ( 1 ) 79 - 81 2023
ISSN 09185739
Yoshikawa H., Sato T., Ishikawa T., Ito J., Yamazaki F., Shima H., Honda M., Shibata H., Ishii T., Asanuma H., Shimada H., Hasegawa T.
Pediatric Blood and Cancer (Pediatric Blood and Cancer) 69 ( 2 ) 2022.02
ISSN 15455009
Sato T., Nakano S., Asanuma H., Ishii T., Hasegawa T.
Pediatrics International (Pediatrics International) 64 ( 1 ) 2022.01
ISSN 13288067
The role of ZNRF3/Znrf3 exon2 deletion on zonation and maintenance of the adrenal cortex
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 基盤研究(C), Principal investigator
Identification of adrenogonadal progenitor cells in the gonads which can be reprogrammed into adrenal steroidogenic cells
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
リポイド副腎過形成症モデルマウスと細胞株によるステロイドホルモン生合成機構の 解明
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Principal investigator
公益財団法人 川野小児医学奨学財団, 川野正登記念研究助成, Research grant, Principal investigator
内因性ステロイドホルモン産生制御機構下におけるsteroidogenic acute regulatory proteinの機能解析と先天性リポイド副腎過形成症の副腎・性腺リモデリングの病態解析
公益財団法人小児医学研究振興財団, 研究助成金, Research grant, Principal investigator
Young Investigator’s Award in 2nd Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research
Travel Award in The Endocrine Society’s 88th annual meeting
Clinical Research Award
2022.11, Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
日本小児科学会 学術研究賞
2016.05, Japan Pediatric Society
Science Award
2014.09, Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
Growth, development, and maturation
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Neonatal mass screening
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Neonatal mass screening
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Neonatal mass screening
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Neonatal mass screening
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
The Japan Pediatric Society
The Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
The Japan Endocrine Society
The Endocrine Society
The Japan Society of Human Genetics
理事, 日本小児内分泌学会
評議員, 日本生殖内分泌学会
評議員, 日本人類遺伝学会
成長ホルモン治療研究専門委員, 成長科学協会
東京都地区委員, 成長科学協会