Ueda, Ryo



School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery (Shinanomachi)


Associate Professor

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • [Molecular Mechanisms of Pituitary Tumorigenesis].

    Ueda R, Toda M

    No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery (株式会社医学書院)  51 ( 4 ) 615 - 623 2023.07

    ISSN  0301-2603

  • A simple combined approach using anterior transpetrosal and retrosigmoid approach: A case report.

    Tamura R, Ueda R, Karatsu K, Sayanagi T, Takahara K, Hino U, Iwama T, Nogawa H, Nakaya M, Horiguchi T, Toda M

    Frontiers in surgery 10   1094387 2023

    ISSN  2296-875X

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    Background: A combined transpetrosal approach (CTP) is often used for large lesions in the posterior cranial fossa (PCF). Although CTP provides a wide surgical corridor, it has complex and time-consuming bony work of mastoidectomy and cosmetic issues. Here, we describe a simple combined surgical technique to approach the supratentorial region, anterolateral surface of the brainstem, petroclival region, and foramen magnum by drilling only the petrous apex with a combination of retrosigmoid approach (RA). Clinical presentation: A 27-year-old female was referred with extra-axial left cerebellopontine angle space-occupying epidermoid cyst extending to the prepontine cistern, anterior to the basilar artery, superior to the chiasma, and caudally to the foramen magnum. A one-stage surgical procedure using the anterior transpetrosal approach (ATP) and RA was performed after one-piece temporal-suboccipital craniotomy. These two approaches complemented each other well. Near-total removal was achieved. Conclusion: A one-stage surgical procedure using ATP and RA provides the wider viewing and better visualization of the PCF with minimal technical difficulty.

  • Endoscopic Endonasal Reconstruction Using a Pedicled Middle Turbinate Flap for Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea.

    Takahara K, Ueda R, Toda M

    The Journal of craniofacial surgery (Journal of Craniofacial Surgery)  33 ( 3 ) e318 - e320 2022.05

    ISSN  1049-2275

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    AbstractAlthough endoscopic skull-base reconstruction protocols to reduce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage are reported, the most effective management strategies have not been determined. We describe the successful repair of a spontaneous CSF leak using a vascularized middle turbinate flap (MTF) via an endonasal endoscopic approach and also discuss the effective reconstruction with other available pedicled flaps. An 11-year-old girl had a 5-month history of intermittent CSF rhinorrhea. Endoscopic endonasal skull base reconstruction was performed using the pedicled MTF technique, which sufficiently covered the unilateral cribriform plate and ethmoidal fovea including suspicious leakage site. Middle turbinate flaps may be good for repairing spontaneous CSF leaks, which commonly have small, low-flow CSF fistulas around a cribriform plate. As spontaneous CSF leaks are known to have a higher recurrence rate, MTF may be advantageous because more of the normal structures are retained.

  • Long-Term Outcomes of Endoscopic Cyst Fenestration for Rathke Cleft Cyst.

    Yamada H, Ueda R, Ozawa H, Toda M

    World neurosurgery (World Neurosurgery)   2022.02

    ISSN  1878-8750

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    Objective: We sought to elucidate the long-term surgical outcomes and incidence of recurrence and reoperation of endoscopic endonasal cyst fenestration for Rathke cleft cyst (RCC). Methods: A retrospective review of the chart and operation record of RCC surgical cases between January 2008 and August 2021 at our institution was conducted. Patient characteristics, intraoperative findings, and postoperative follow-up outcomes were evaluated. Results: A total of 27 patients were analyzed, with a median postoperative follow-up period of 52 months (range, 1–150 months). Preoperative symptoms were visual dysfunction (59%), headache (41%), and pituitary dysfunction (22%). Endoscopic cyst fenestration was performed in all patients. Ten (37%) patients had intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage. Among them, the only patient in whom sellar floor reconstruction was not performed experienced a repair operation due to postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage. No patients experienced postoperative hypopituitarism. Preoperative headache, visual dysfunction, and pituitary hormone disorder improved in 73%, 75%, and 67% of patients, respectively. Although postoperative cyst regrowth was observed in 8 patients (30%), no patient experienced worsening or novel symptoms and none required reoperation. Conclusions: Patients with a symptomatic RCC can be effectively treated with endoscopic endonasal cyst fenestration. Reversal of the presenting symptoms resulted, including headache, visual dysfunction, and pituitary hormone dysfunction, in the majority of patients. In our series, appropriate reconstruction of the sellar floor reduced the risk of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage without impacting cyst regrowth. This simple technique appears to effectively disrupt cyst progression in most cases, even after a relatively long-term follow-up period.

  • 巨大下垂体腫瘍に対する経頭蓋・経鼻同時手術の意義と適応の再考

    植田 良, 小澤 宏之, 戸田 正博

    Folia Endocrinologica Japonica (The Japan Endocrine Society)  97 ( 0 ) 75 - 77 2021

    ISSN  0029-0661

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 【脳神経外科医のための疾患・症状別当直マニュアル】知っておきたい外来対応(疾患・症状編) めまい・ふらつきを訴える患者

    植田 良, 戸田 正博

    脳神経外科速報 ((株)メディカ出版)  32 ( 2 ) 234 - 238 2022.03

    ISSN  0917-1495

  • Pipeline留置後に脳内多発性造影病変を認めた1例

    山田 浩貴, 秋山 武紀, 中屋 雅人, 富岡 あず菜, 植田 良, 戸田 正博

    脳血管内治療 ((NPO)日本脳神経血管内治療学会)  6 ( Suppl. ) S279 - S279 2021.11

    ISSN  2423-9119

  • 脳・頭頸部腫瘍塞栓術における難易度のgradingの試み

    秋山 武紀, 水谷 克洋, 高橋 里史, 植田 良, 戸田 正博

    脳血管内治療 ((NPO)日本脳神経血管内治療学会)  6 ( Suppl. ) S21 - S21 2021.11

    ISSN  2423-9119

  • 【頭蓋底腫瘍の治療オプション-開頭手術・内視鏡手術・放射線治療】傍鞍部〜蝶形骨縁(髄膜腫)部位による症状と手術適応

    植田 良, 戸田 正博

    Clinical Neuroscience ((株)中外医学社)  39 ( 4 ) 441 - 443 2021.04

    ISSN  0289-0585

  • 経鼻内視鏡下頭蓋底手術における鼻中隔粘膜弁の再挙上

    小澤 宏之, 関水 真理子, 中村 伸太郎, 御子柴 卓弥, 永井 遼斗, 渡部 佳弘, 植田 良, 戸田 正博, 小川 郁

    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 ((一社)日本耳鼻咽喉科学会)  124 ( 4 ) 641 - 641 2021.04

    ISSN  0030-6622

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • グリオーマ患者血清IgG抗体に認識される精巣組織由来グリオーマ抗原の単離と解析




    Oral presentation (general)

  • SEREX法を用いた精巣組織由来グリオーマ抗原の単離とその解析

    Ueda Ryou, Toda Masahiro, Yoshida Kazunari, Kawase Takeshi, Kawakami Yutaka



    Oral presentation (general)

  • Serological identification of SOX D group proteins as highly immunogenic cancer-testis antigen in glioma

    Ueda Ryo, Toda Masahiro, Kawase Takeshi, Kawakami Yutaka

    American Association for Cancer Research. Annual Meeting, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • 精巣組織由来のグリオーマ抗原遺伝子の単離


    第6回Waterfront Neurosurgical Conference, 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • 精巣組織由来の新規グリオーマ抗原の単離




    Oral presentation (general)

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 難治性脳腫瘍血管を標的としたペプチドワクチン療法の新規治療効果予測因子の検証


    基盤研究(C), Principal investigator

  • 難治性脳腫瘍新生血管を標的としたペプチドワクチン療法の臨床効果予測因子の検証


    Keio University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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  • 悪性脳腫瘍に対するウイルス搭載iPS細胞を用いた新規治療の開発


    Keio University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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    幹細胞を、自殺遺伝子搭載複製型ウイルスの”producing cell” かつ“delivery vehicle”として用いる革新的な新規治療法を開発する。

  • 悪性脳腫瘍新生血管を治療標的としたペプチドワクチン療法の有効性予測因子の解明


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

  • Biomarkers for evaluation of clinical activity of VEGFR-targeted vaccines against malignant glioma patients


    Keio University, UEDA RYO, TODA MASAHIRO, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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    Evaluation of immunological biomarkers may lead to better understanding of the critical immune response indicators that may help to predict clinical responses of cancer immunotherapy. We characterized status of immune cells, cytokines, chemokines, and other immunosuppressive molecules in malignant glioma patients who received vaccinations of VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-derived peptides. Peripheral blood samples from patients who demonstrated positive radiologic response or stable disease revealed superior VEGFR-specific CTL reactivity and lower level of serum VEGF compared to samples from other patients with progressing malignant glioma. Plasma IL-8 level was negatively correlated with overall survival. These data indicate that these parameters may be potential immune-biomarkers for evaluation of clinical activity of VEGFR-targeted vaccines.

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