Nishino, Junya



Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science (Mita)



Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2002.07


  • 2005.09


  • 2006.03


  • 2006.04


  • 2007.04

    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Keio University

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1996.03

    Keio University, -

    University, Graduated

  • 1998.03

    Graduate School, Keio University, -, 政治学

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 2003.03

    Graduate School, Keio University, -, 政治学

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

  • 2005.08

    Graduate School, Yonsei University, Political Science, Political Science

    Korea, Republic of, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • PH. D. in Political Science, Yonsei University, Coursework, 2005.08

  • M.A. in Political Science, Keio University, Coursework, 1998.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics (Contemporary Korean Politics)

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations (International Relations of East Asia)


Books 【 Display / hide

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Strategic Japan-South Korea Cooperation: Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro and Korean Peninsula Diplomacy

    Junya N.

    Asia-Pacific Review (Asia-Pacific Review)  27 ( 1 ) 113 - 132 2020.01

    ISSN  13439006

     View Summary

    The Nakasone administration placed a high priority on relations with South Korea in diplomatic efforts for stability and peace in Northeast Asia. He was the first Japanese Prime Minister to make an official visit, displaying a powerful leadership style in regard to Japan-South Korea relations that led to success in establishing a relationship of strategic cooperation between the two countries.

  • Assessment of the Second US-North Korea Summit and the Future Course of North Korea’s Denuclearization

    J Nishino

    Asia-Pacific Review 26 (1), 146-161 (Asia-Pacific Review)  26 ( 1 ) 146 - 161 2019.01

    ISSN  13439006

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    The second US-North Korea Summit, held on February 27-28, 2019, concluded without an agreement, contrary to most expectations. This article discusses the difference in the positions of the US and North Korea regarding negotiations for denuclearization and identifies the movements of the US, North Korea, and South Korea since the Hanoi summit. It concludes with recommendations for the course of action Japan should take toward promoting peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia.

  • Japan's South Korea predicament

    A Sakaki, J Nishino

    International Affairs 94 (4), 735-754 (International Affairs)  94 ( 4 ) 735 - 754 2018.07

    ISSN  00205850

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    Although historical disputes have periodically upset Japan-South Korea relations for decades, the deterioration of ties after 2011 was unprecedented. Focusing on the string of events that led to the rapid bilateral downturn, this article analyses Japan's changing strategic thinking on South Korea. It finds that Japanese policy-makers perceive a strong overlap in strategic interests with Seoul on two issues, namely the North Korean threat and the United States' presence in Asia. However, both structural changes in the region-including China's rise and shifts in the relative power between Japan and South Korea-and domestic developments are undermining Tokyo-Seoul relations. We identify three fault-lines that have opened up in the relationship and are compounding existing sources of friction: strategic, historical- psychological and economic fault-lines. The strategic fault-line in particular weighs heavily on ties, with Tokyo and Seoul diverging in their approaches to China. Trends in all three fault-lines have combined to foster mutual suspicion about intentions and strategic orientation. Overall, Japanese policy-makers feel that their capability to bring about a reset in relations with Seoul is limited. This creates a predicament for Tokyo, as it recognizes South Korea as a strategically important country, especially in facing North Korea.

  • Japan’s Security Relationship with the Republic of Korea Opportunities and Challenges

    J Nishino

    CSIS Report. URL: https://www. google. ru/url  2017

  • MICHISHITA Narushige, <i>The History of North Korea's </i><i>Brinkmanship Diplomacy, 1966-2012</i>

    NISHINO Junya

    International Relations (JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS)  2016 ( 183 ) 183_148 - 183_150 2016

    ISSN  0454-2215

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Japan-Korea Relations

    NISHINO Junya

    Kakehashi Project: Japanese Security and Foreign Policies The Japan Institute of International Affairs  2014

    Other, Single Work

  • Japan-Korea Relations

    西野 純也

    Kakehashi Project: Japanese Security and Foreign Policies The Japan Institute of International Affairs  2014

    Other, Single Work

  • アメリカを通して見た日韓関係の現状

    西野 純也

    東亜 霞山会  ( 558 ) 86 - 95 2013

    Other, Single Work

  • ターゲットは「2040世代」

    西野 純也

    外交  ( 11 ) 81 - 87 2012

    Other, Single Work

  • 李明博政権の対北朝鮮政策――3年半の評価と展望

    西野 純也

    東亜 霞山会  ( 531 ) 104 - 112 2011

    Other, Single Work

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • 第1セッション司会

    NISHINO Junya

    公開シンポジウム「日韓50年の歩みと次へのステップ」(慶應義塾大学法学部・延世大学校政治外交学科共催、慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス、2015年12月19日) (東京、慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス) , 


    Other, 慶應義塾大学法学部・延世大学校政治外交学科共催

  • 朴槿恵政権の対日政策

    NISHINO Junya

    防衛大学校講演会(防衛大学校主催、2015年12月16日) (横須賀、防衛大学校) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special), 防衛大学校

  • 日韓首脳会談後の両国関係―現状と展望

    NISHINO Junya

    安全保障懇話会講演会(安全保障懇話会主催、ホテルグランドヒル市ヶ谷、2015年12月15日) (東京、ホテルグランドヒル市ヶ谷) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special), 安全保障懇話会

  • Japanese Security Policy and the Korean Peninsula

    NISHINO Junya

    Goyang City Academic Conference for Sustainable Peace and Development of East Asia "Peace in Northeast Asia and the Role of the UN," hosted by Goyang City and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, KINTEX, December 14, 2015., 


    Oral presentation (invited, special)

  • 第2部 専門家セッション討論

    NISHINO Junya

    公開シンポジウム「北朝鮮とどう向き合うか」(慶應現代韓国研究センター主催、慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス、2015年12月9日) (東京、慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス) , 


    Other, 慶應義塾大学東アジア研究所現代韓国研究センター

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Comprehensive Study of the relationship between China and North Korea


    Kyushu University, OKONOGI MASAO, HIRAIWA Shunji, MASUO Chisako, ISOZAKI Atsuhito, NISHINO Junya, INOOKA Hiroshi, WAKAMIYA Yoshibumi, TAKAHASHI Nobuo, KAMO Tomoki, KOZIMA Kazuko, CHOI Kyungwon, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No Setting

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    In the past several years, China has emerged as a geopolitical challenger and regional order in East Asia has been undergoing a restructuring period. In this study, we clarified how China and North Korean diplomacy underwent changes and, how these changes influenced their relationship. We analyzed the changes in relations among China-North Korea, China-South Korea, Japan-South Korea, Japan-North Korea and the whereabouts of North Korean politics, economy and military system, centering on U.S-China relation.
    For this research, we put a priority on historical approach and collected new historical materials through multiple overseas investigations. We have also conducted exchanges of views with Chinese, American and South Korean experts to fill the blank area that historical materials could not tell us. Our research network will be helpful to overcome these difficulties and will also be a foundation for subsequent research.

  • Transformation of the post-war East Asian Regional Order centering upon Korean peninsula


    Chukyo University, ASANO Toyomi, KIMIYA Tadashi, LEE Jongwon, OTA Osamu, YOSHIZAWA Fumitoshi, NISHINO Junya, IKEDA Shintarou, ISOZAKI Noriyo, MATSUDA Haruka, TONOMURA Dai, YAMANOUCHI Yasuhide, NAGASAWA Yuko, PARK Chongjin, HARUKI Ikumi, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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    This project's main issue is to argue the framework for the East Asian regional history around 1970's, by which we can recognize this region as a region. Official Documents have been researched, while big symposiums were held almost every year, which have been formalized as a shuttle academic conference of East Asia by the contemporary Korean Studies center in Tokyo University, Asiatic Research center in Korea university and the Department of International Relations in Tsinghua University, China.
    A set of seven plus 5 volumes of reprinting official documents on Korea- Japan relations in 1960's was published, which was followed by another set of 5 volumes repringting. Through these events 1970's history with governments and civil asociations intertwined came to be argued internationally in East Asian framework with transnational academic networks constructed and appealed to general.

  • Joint Research with multi-archival documents for the Treaty of Normalization between Japan and ROK (Republic of Korea) : Decolonization and Cold War in Asia.


    Chukyo University, ASANO Toyomi, IKEDA Shintaro, KIM Kyungmook, LEE Jongwno, KIMIYA Tadashi, ISOZAKI Noriyo, YAMANOUCHI Yasuhide, OTA Osamu, HAYASHI Natsuo, YOSHIZAWA Fumitoshi, NISHINO Junya, KOBAYASHI Reiko, FUJII Kenji, NAGASAWA Yuko, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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    I have published a series of documents related with the normalization between Japan and Korea from the publishing company of GendaiShiryo Shuppan. This series will be continued even after the project ended, following the schedule of the publishing company. Also two of the project members and I edited two volumes of the monograph, entitled 'The normalization between Japan and Korea as a history,' to be soon published by Hosei University Press with assistance of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Then, in January 2010, I organized a public symposium entitled "Modern Historical Meanings of the Normalization between Japan and Korea," with generous assistance of the Asahi and Toa Ilbo newspaper companies. Its aim was to propagate the accomplishments of our project in the context of contemporary public concerns, including the process of normalization between North Korea and Japan in 2010. Finally, I organized two panels at the annual conventions of academic associations : Japan International Studies' Association in Tsukuba in 2008 and Association for Asian Studies in Chicago in 2009 (together with Korean project members), with an aim to receive feedback from other scholars in the related academic fields.

Works 【 Display / hide


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 研究会



  • 現代韓国朝鮮論特殊研究



  • 現代韓国朝鮮論



  • 国際政治論特殊演習(大学院)



  • 国際政治論特殊研究(大学院)



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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本国際政治学会

  • 日本政治学会

  • 日本比較政治学会

  • 現代韓国朝鮮学会