Faculty of Law (Mita)
Professor Emeritus (Keio University)
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Oyama, Kosuke
University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science, 助手
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Law, Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science
University, Graduated
Graduate School, keio University, Graduate School of Law, Department of Political Science
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Graduate School, keio University, Graduate School of Law, Department of Political Science
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Keio University
Graduate School, Other, Doctoral course
Doctor of Law, Keio University, Dissertation, 1994.10
public governance
policy studies
Public Administration
Classification and Visualization of Multilevel Governance,
The scientific research fund project about the impact of New Public Management on contemporary Japan from comparative perspective,
public administration of contemporary Japanese burearucracy,
the analysis of the causal relations about public policy performance,
Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Japanese Public Administration: Trust, Environment and Governance
Kosuke Oyama, Keio University Press, 2024.08, Page: 293
History of Minato City, Contemporary period
石上 泰州,大山 耕輔, 港区, 2023.03
地方自治体の行財政改革の現状と今後の課題Ⅰー首長および市民意識調査の結果の概要とその分析ー 科研費「行政改革のインパクトとポストNPMへの展開に関する総合的研究」成果報告
OYAMA KOSUKE, マイ・ブック出版, 2016.03
Scope: Ⅲ分析 論文2 日本における行政信頼に対するNPMとポストNPMの効果 (pp.37-44)
The history and theory of public policy
OYAMA KOSUKE, The Minerva Shobo, 2013.04
Scope: 313
Comparative governance
OYAMA KOSUKE, Ohfu, 2011.09
Scope: 373
Structure of Trust in Government and Public Administration in Japan
Kosuke Oyama
Public Administration in Japan (Palgrave, Open Access) 369 - 386 2024.09
Part of collection (book), Single Work, Corresponding author, Accepted, ISSN 2524-728X
The Challenge of Multi-level Network Governance in Biodiversity: Beyond Ideocratic Governance & Responsive Governance in Municipalities
ODA, Yuki, MOGAKI, Masahiro, OYAMA, Kosuke
Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology (Keio University Press) 94 ( 3 ) 1 - 34 2021.03
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0389-0538
Kosuke Oyama
Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology (Keio University Press) 93 ( 10 ) 1 - 20 2020.10
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, ISSN 0389-0538
IPBES and Biodiversity Policy: From the Perspective of Multi-level Governance
OYAMA, Kosuke
Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology (Keio University Press) 93 ( 1 ) 21 - 45 2020.01
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 03890538
The Analysis on the Factors to Set Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans: The Validation of Policy Diffusion Model in Municipalities
Oda, Yuki and Kosuke Oyama
Journal of Public Policy Studies (よしみ工産株式会社) ( 18 ) 90 - 102 2019.05
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 2186-5868
生物多様性保全政策におけるネットワーク型重層的ガバナンスの挑戦 : 理念啓発型自治体と要望応答型自治体を超えて
Ōyama, Kōsuke
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 94 ( 3 ) 1 - 34 2021.03
ISSN 03890538
Ōyama, Kōsuke
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 93 ( 10 ) 1 - 20 2020.10
ISSN 03890538
IPBES and biodiversity policy : from the perspective of multi-level governance
Ōyama, Kōsuke
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 93 ( 1 ) 530(45) - 554(21) 2020.01
ISSN 03890538
The concept of governance in social-ecological system theory : IPBES, Ostrom, and public governance
Oyama, Kosuke
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 90 ( 3 ) 1 - 31 2017.03
ISSN 03890538
Oyama, Kosuke
Journal of law, politics, and sociology (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) 89 ( 10 ) 75(20) - 94(1) 2016.10
ISSN 03890538
大山 耕輔
Journal of Public Policy Studies ( 23 ) 2 - 3 2023.12
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 2186-5868
巻頭言 暦年と年度の開始時期について
大山 耕輔
三色旗 (慶應気塾大学出版会) ( 864 ) 1 - 1 2023.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Single Work, Corresponding author
聞き手 オーラルヒストリー 日本の行政学
縣公一郎, 稲継裕昭 他
オーラルヒストリー 日本の行政学 (勁草書房) 2020.11
Other, Joint Work
追想 根岸毅先生を悼むー国家論で公共ガバナンス論に影響
大山 耕輔
三田評論 (慶應義塾大学出版会) ( 1238 ) 110 - 110 2019.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Single Work, Corresponding author
Book Review: Kengo SOGA, Contemporary Japanese Bureaucracy, University of Tokyo Press, 2016
Journal of Public Policy Studies (Public Policy Studies Association JAPAN) ( 17 ) 121 - 121 2017.11
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, ISSN 2186-5868
Resilience and adaptation in response to biodiversity challenges in Japan: from ideocratic/responsive to multi-level network governance
MOGAKI, Masahiro, ODA, Yuki, OYAMA, Kosuke
Panel 413 (Policy Entrepreneurship, Adaption and Learning) in the 2021 Poltitical Studies Association Conference (online (Zoom)) ,
Oral presentation (general), the Political Studies Association (PSA)
The Challenge of Multi-level Network Governance in Biodiversity Conservation: Beyond Ideocratic Governance & Responsive Governance in Municipalities
ODA, Yuki, MOGAKI, Masahiro, OYAMA, Kosuke
2020年度日本政治学会総会-研究大会B8【自由論題企画】自治体における事務権限と連携の拡がり (オンライン(Zoomウェビナー)) ,
Oral presentation (general), 日本政治学会
The Relation of Process and Outcomes toward the Trust in Civil Servants: Focusing on Japan, Korea and the Phillipines
OYAMA, Kosuke
2020年度日本行政学会総会-研究会共通論題Ⅰ「比較の中のアジアの行政」 (オンライン(Web大会)) ,
Oral presentation (general), 日本行政学会
IPBES and Biodiversity Policy: From the Perspective of Multi-level Governance
OYAMA, Kosuke
4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4) in Montreal, Panel T02-P02 Session 1 Public Policy Challenges and Multi-level Governance in Japan: Sharing Japan’s Experiences as a Forerunner of Emerging Issues (Montreal, CANADA) ,
Oral presentation (general), International Public Policy Association
Determinants of the Budget Levels in Incorporated Administrative Agencies: Verification of the Results of the Reorganization and Rationalization Plan for Special Public Corporations
OYAMA, Kosuke, ODA, Yuki
The International Symposium on Security Management and Public Enterprise Reform (East Building 6F, Mita Campus, Keio University) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), The Seoul Association for Public Administration (SAPA) & the Keio Program for Security Initiative Research Projects
国立大学法人京都大学, 環境省環境研究総合推進費S15, Commissioned research, Principal investigator
Predicting and Assessing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services (PANCES)
Kyoto University, S-15, the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund by the Ministry of Environment, Commissioned research, Principal investigator
Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
国立大学法人京都大学, 環境省環境研究総合推進費S15, Commissioned research, Principal investigator
慶應義塾大学, スーパーグローバル事業, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
環境省、国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所, SDGsから考える、活力ある地域づくりとパートナーシップ (SDGsパートナーシップシンポジウム) (国連大学エリザベス・ローズ国際会議場)
,Rapporteur of ST3: Building public service human and financial resources capacity
International Institute of Administrative Sciences & International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, the IIAS-IASIA Joint Congress in 2016 (Century City International Convention Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)
,Public Policy Sudies Association, Japan),
American Political Science Association,
Japanese Political Science Association,
Japanese Society for Pubic Administration(JSPA),
基準委員会委員, Japan University Accreditation Association
advisor, the Japanese Society for Public Administration
平成30年度「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の実現に向けたパートナーシップ民間参画推進調査業務」有識者検討会委員, いであ株式会社
vice president, Public Policy Studies Association, Japan
会員, 日本学術会議