Faculty of Law Keio University (Hiyoshi)
Associate Professor
Details of a Researcher
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ONO Masumi
Keio University, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Law, Lecturer
Waseda University, Global Education Center, Assistant Professor
Waseda University, Open Education Center, Research Associate
筑波大学, 第二学群 比較文化学類, 地域主専攻 文化地理学
University, Graduated
筑波大学大学院, 教育研究科, 教科教育専攻 英語教育コース 修士
Graduate School, Completed
エセックス大学大学院, 言語言語学研究科, 応用言語学と異文化コミュニケーション 修士
United Kingdom, Graduate School, Completed
エセックス大学大学院, 言語言語学研究科, 応用言語学 博士
United Kingdom, Graduate School, Completed
学士(比較文化), 筑波大学, Coursework, 2005.03
修士(教育学), 筑波大学大学院, Coursework, 2007.03
修士(応用言語学と異文化コミュニケーション), エセックス大学大学院, Coursework, 2008.10
博士(応用言語学), エセックス大学大学院, Coursework, 2012.10
Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education (Applied Linguistics, English Language Education)
Integrated language tasks
English for Academic Purposes
Academic Writing
Genre Analysis
Second Language Writing
"Approach to writing from readers’ perspectives: Incorporating self-evaluation, peer feedback, and self-reflection into academic writing" In L. Waller & S. Waller (Eds.), Higher education: New approaches to accreditation, digitalization, and globalization in the age of Covid
Ono, M., IntechOpen, 2021
Scope: Chapter 18 (pp. 277-295) , Accepted
新・教職課程演習 第18巻 中等英語科教育
卯城祐司・樫葉みつ子(編著), 協同出版, 2021, Page: 215
Scope: 第3章「英語科の内容と指導」Q24, Q27(pp. 82-83, 92-95)
卯城祐司(監修), 星野由子, 上野真悠子, 大野真澄, 小木曽智子, 神村幸蔵, 木村雪乃, 佐々木大和, 佐藤彩香, 清水遥, 鈴木はる代, 鈴木健太郎, 髙木修一, 田中菜採, 田山享子, 中川知佳子, 名畑目真吾, 濱田彰, 土方裕子, 細田雅也, 森好伸(分担執筆), くもん出版, 2019, Page: 575
大野真澄, 金星堂, 2017
Scope: 第5章(pp. 62-77)
「要約指導を補助するツールとしてのルーブリックの活用」 水本篤(編著)『ICTを活用した英語アカデミック・ライティング指導―支援ツールの開発と実践―』
山西博之・大野真澄, 金星堂, 2017
Scope: 第8章(pp. 92-106)
Direct quotations in the rhetorical structure of literature PhD thesis introductions
Ono, Masumi, & Petrić, Bojana
English Text Construction (John Benjamins Publishing Company) 15 ( 1 ) 30 - 67 2022
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Lead author, Accepted, ISSN 18748767
Is originality necessary in academic writing?: Suggestions for teaching and assessing writing
Ono, M
Kyoyo Ronso (Keio University Press) ( 143 ) 75 - 103 2022
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Lead author
Japanese university students’ integrated writing skills in listening-to-write tasks
Ono, M
Kyoyo Ronso (Keio University Press) ( 142 ) 89 - 110 2021
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
Yamanishi, H., Ono, M., & Hijikata, Y.
Language Testing in Asia (SpringerOpen) 9 ( 13 ) 1 - 22 2019
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Holistic and analytic assessments of the TOEFL iBT® integrated writing task
Ono, M., Yamanishi, H., & Hijikata, Y.
Japan Language Testing Association Journal (The Japan Language Testing Association) ( 22 ) 65 - 88 2019
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Is originality necessary in academic writing? : suggestions for teaching and assessing writing
Ono, Masumi
Kyoyo-ronso (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) ( 143 ) 75 - 103 2022.02
ISSN 04516087
Japanese university students' integrated writing skills in listening-to-write tasks
Ōno, Masumi
Kyoyo-ronso (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) ( 142 ) 89 - 110 2021.02
ISSN 04516087
Ono, Masumi
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2019
An exploratory study on peer feedback comments in the L2 writing of Japanese university students
Ono, Masumi
Kyoyo-ronso (慶應義塾大学法学研究会) ( 138 ) 69 - 86 2017.02
ISSN 04516087
Ono, Masumi
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2017
英語教育 (大修館書店) 72 ( 13 ) 30 - 30 2024
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Joint Work
「学びの連携」プロジェクト公開セミナー 効果的な論文指導を目指して―日本語論文編/英語論文編―
Ono Masumi
CLAアーカイブズ (慶應義塾大学教養研究センター) 35 1 - 45 2018
Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.), Single Work
初年次教育学会誌 (初年次教育学会) 9 ( 1 ) 2 2017
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Joint Work
特集:2016年度春季研修大会報告 春季研修大会に参加して
Masumi Ono
KATE Newsletter (関東甲信越英語教育学会) 106 6 - 7 2017
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Single Work
Ono Masumi
英語教育 (大修館書店) 65 ( 5 ) 90 2016
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work
日本人大学生を対象と した技能統合型ライ ティングの実践と 課題―「読んで書く」 と「聞いて書く」要約 タスクの比較―
大野 真澄
全国英語教育学会第49回福岡研究大会 (福岡工業大学) ,
Oral presentation (general), 全国英語教育学会
Triangulating self, peer, and teacher assessment of L2 summary writing in Japanese universities
Yamanishi, H., Ono, M., & Hijikata, Y.
43rd Language Testing Research Colloquium (Online),
Symposium, workshop panel (public)
Paraphrasing in L2 summaries: Comparing reading-to-write and listening-to-write tasks
Ono, M
The Writing Research Across Borders Conference (Online) ,
Oral presentation (general)
Linguistic challenges of inductive discourse: Analysis of L2 writers’ historical discussion essays
Ono, M., & Myskow, G.
12th Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia (Osaka University) ,
Oral presentation (general), Writing Centers Association of Japan
慶應義塾大学法学部大阪模擬講義 (慶應義塾大学大阪シティキャンパス) ,
Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 慶應義塾大学
Written Genres in CLIL-based University Level History Courses: A Study of Their Language and Instruction
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
慶應義塾大学, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds, Research grant, Principal investigator
早稲田大学, 早稲田大学特定課題研究助成費, Research grant, Principal investigator
日本学術振興会, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
日本学術振興会, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
The Japan Association for Developmental Education Best Paper Award
Sadoshima, S., Sakamoto, M., Uto, N., Watari, H., Ono, M., Sotomura, E., & Nakashima, K., 2019.08, The Japan Association for Developmental Education, Exploring the structure of academic writing ability by factor analysis
Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal
University of Tsukuba Master's Program in Education Student Excellence Award
2007.03, University of Tsukuba
Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship 2007
2007, Rotary International