Faculty of Law (Hiyoshi)
Details of a Researcher
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My interests include the transnational diffusions of literary and cultural capital (multi-directional flows that traverse Africa, Asia and North America since the dawn of modernity), critical race theory, gender studies, ethnic studies, postcolonialism, comparative histories of the Asian and African diaspora, and the politics and poetics of translation. My PhD dissertation, "Black Notes on Asia: Composite Figurations of Asia in the African American Transcultural Imagination, 1923-2013," sheds new light on the hitherto neglected engagements of African American writers and thinkers with various literary, cultural, and artistic traditions of Asia in general and on African American poets adaptations of haiku in particular.
Keio University, Department of Law and Political Science, Full Professor
Keio University, Department of Law and Political Science, Associate Professor
Columbia University, Institute for Research in Af-Am Studies, Visiting scholar
Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand), Department of Dramatic Arts, Visiting Researcher
Keio University, Department of Law and Political Science, Lecturer
Harvard, African & African American Studies, Literature(s) in English
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Harvard, English
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, English Language and Literature, English and American Literature
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
U of British Columbia, English, English/American literature
Canada, University, Other
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Faculty of Foreign Language, English
University, Graduated
PhD, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Coursework, 2014.03
Black Notes on Asia: Composite Figurations of Asia in the African American Transcultural Imagination, 1923-2013.
MA, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Coursework, 2010.06
Keio University, Keio University, Coursework, 2005.03
“The Weight of Complex Physicality: Pleasure, Pain, and Pugilism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.”
Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language
Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies
Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies (Area Studies)
Cultural Cold War
Critical Race Theory
Comparative Literature
American Presidents as Men of Letters
Michio Arimitsu, Nanundo, 2023.07, Page: 537
Scope: "Beyond Camelot: JFK and American Literature during the Cold War", Contact page: 385-402
Extraterritorial, Deconstructive, Trans-hemispheric : Humanities Unbound in the 21st Century
巽孝之監修、下河辺美知子、越智博美、後藤和彦、原田範行編著, 小鳥遊書房, 2021.10, Page: 545
Scope: 15) 「Werner Sollors ヴァーナー・ソラーズ(1943〜 ):人種・エスニシティ・言語的多様性に注目したキャノンの再構築」, Contact page: 492-95
Global Ralph Ellison Aesthetics and Politics Beyond US Borders
Michio Arimitsu and Raphaël Lambert, Peter Lang, 2021.09, Page: 316
Scope: Ralph Ellison and African American Literature in Post-World War II Japan: Making Blackness Visible, Contact page: 259−92
Harlem Renaissance: Cultural and Social Critiques by the New Negroes
Yukiko Fukase, Nahoko Tsuneyama, Kotaro Nakagaki, eds., Akashi Shoten, 2021.08, Page: 610
Scope: "Renaissance, Both Imaginary and Real: Towards a Reevaluation of the New Negroes' Cultural, Artistic, and Social Movements, Contact page: 29−48
Contemporary Thought: Special Issue on Black Lives Matter
酒井直樹、西谷修、新田啓子 他, 青土社, 2020.09, Page: 326
Scope: The Fire This Time: The Diversification of Blackness and African American Literature in the Age of the Black Lives Matter Movement, Contact page: 218−28
African American Literature as "World Literature": Continentalism and the Future of Archipelagic African American Literary Studies
Michio Arimitsu
American Literature: A Journal of the Tokyo American Literature Society (The Tokyo American Literature Society) ( 80 ) 1 - 9 2022.06
Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted, ISSN 09100652
The Japanese Journal of American Studies 29 (2018): 45-65. Print. 2018
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Exhibitions: Trajal Harrell: In One Step are a Thousand Animals. (The Museum of Modern Art, New York) 2015.10
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Black Notes on Asia: Composite Figurations of Asia in the African American Transcultural Imagination, 1923-2013
PhD dissertation 2014.03
Doctoral thesis, Accepted
“Re-Reading African American Literature Beside Blackness.”
American Literature (American Literature Society of Japan, Tokyo Branch) ( 75 ) 24 - 34 2014
Research paper (scientific journal)
African American literature and culture in the post-Obama era : futures of diversifying "blackness"
Arimitsu, Michio
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2019
African American literature in the post-Obama age : a future of diversifying "blackness"
Arimitsu, Michio
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2018
Michio Arimitsu
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work
『現代思想2020年10月臨時増刊号 総特集=ブラック・ライヴズ・マター』 (青土社) 317 - 325 2020.09
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Joint Work
『サイゾー』 (サイゾー) 2020.09
Joint Work
別府ブルーバード劇場チャンネル (YouTube) 2020.08
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
共同通信,『中国新聞』、『山形新聞』 (共同通信) 2020.07
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Joint Work
Echoes and Variations: Teju Cole's Rhetorical Engagements with Jame Baldwin's Legacy
The American Literature Society of Japan (Chukyo University) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 日本アメリカ文学会
“‘Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?’ ― Ralph Ellison’s Visit to Japan and the Emergence of Alternative Classics of African American Literature in Cold War Japan
Michio Arimitsu
Print Culture and Cultural Diplomacy (Senshu University) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 科研費基盤研究(B)グローバル冷戦下の米文学・文化研究―文化の相互変容プロセスの実証/理論的国際研究 (代表:越智博美)
International Committee Talkshop. "Worlding of Blackness: A Global Dialogue.”
Michio Arimitsu (Keio), Selina Lai-Henderson (Duke Kunshan), J. Lorand Matory (Duke), Yunxiang Gao (Ryerson), jackï job (U of Cape Town), Raphaël Lambert (Kansai), Jang Wook (U of Washington),
American Studies Association, Annual Meeting (New Orleans, US) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), International Committee of the ASA
Translating Blackness―A Brief History of African American Literature in Post-WWII Japan
Michio Arimitsu
Oral presentation (invited, special), Freedom Lab at Duke Kunshan University
The Tokyo American Literature Society (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 日本アメリカ文学会東京支部
Creating Writing Programs, Literature, and Popular Culture in East Asia in the Cold War Era
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金) 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), Joint research, Coinvestigator(s)
American Literature and Culture during the Global Cold War
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金), Joint research, Coinvestigator(s)
Black Notes on Asia: Composite Figurations of Asia in the African American Transcultural Imagination, 1923-2013
Harvard−Reischauer Institute, Harvard−Reischauer Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Michio Arimitsu, Other, Principal investigator
Harvard-Yenching Fellowship
Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard-Yenching Fellowship , Michio Arimitsu, Other, Principal investigator
The Saito Makoto Prize
有光道生, 2020.06, The Japanese Association for American Studies
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
American Studies Seminar
Keio University
Full academic year, Other, Seminar, Within own faculty
Introduction to American Studies
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Introduction to American American Studies
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Lecturer outside of Keio
英語 インテンシブ 1年
Keio University
Full academic year, Lecture, Within own faculty
English I
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture
American Studies Association,
The Japanese Association for American Studies,
The American Literature Society of Japan,
Vice-chair of the International Committee, American Studies Association
Editorial staff, The American Literature Society of Japan