University (Mita)
Professor (Non-tenured) (Keio University)
Details of a Researcher
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Tsuya, Noriko
Distinguished Professor, Keio University
Keio University Global Research Institute, Senior Institute Member
Professor, Department of Economics, Keio University
Member, Graduate School of Economics, Keio University
Visiting Professor, California Institute of Technolocy
The University of Chicago, Graduate School, Division of Sociology
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Nanzan University, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of British and American Studies
University, Graduated, Other
Ph.D., The University of Chicago, USA, Coursework, 1986.03
Proximate Determinants of Fertility Decline in Japan after World War II
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic statistics (Demography)
Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology (Social Demography)
Population Changes and Their Structural Factors in a Long-Term Perspective: Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Japan,
Development of a Theory of Market Quality and Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data,
Population and Life Course in Early Modern Japan,
International Comparative Study on Fertility Decline and Population Aging from the Perspective of Generations and Gender,
Demographic Changes and Family Dynamics: Japan and East Asia
Tsuya, Noriko, Keita Suga, Masato Shikata, and Chizu Yoshida, Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2020.09, Page: 369+v
Demographic Changes and Family Dynamics: Japan and East AsiaDemographic Changes and Family (edited by Tsuya, Noriko, Keita Suga, Masato Shikata, and Chizu Yoshida)
Tsuya, Noriko, Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2020.09, Page: 369+v
Scope: Demographic Changes and Family Dynamics in Japan and East Asia, Contact page: 1-24
Convergence to Very Low Fertility in East Asia: Processes, Causes, and Implications
Tsuya, Noriko O., Minja Kim Choe, and Feng Wang, Tokyo: Springer, 2019, Page: 66+xi
Jinkogaku Jiten (Encyclopedia of Demography, edited by Population Association of Japan)
Tsuya, Noriko, Tokyo: Maruzen Shuppan, 2018.11, Page: 800+xix
Scope: Sengo Nihon no Shusshouritu Teika (Fertility Decline in Postwar Japan), Contact page: 128-131
Jinkogaku Jiten (Encyclopedia of Demography, edited by Population Association of Japan)
Tsuya, Noriko, Tokyo: Maruzen Shuppan, 2018.11, Page: 800+xix
Scope: Shusshouryoku no Kinsetsu Youin (Proximate Determinants of Fertility), Contact page: 506-507
Educational Attainment, First Employment, and First Marriage in Japan
Tsuya N.O.
Journal of Family Issues (Journal of Family Issues) 2023
ISSN 0192513X
Employment and the Domestic Division of Labor among Japanese Couples: Patterns and Implications t o Marriage
Tsuya, Noriko
Journal of Population Studies (Population Association of Japan) ( 56 ) 1 - 7 2020.09
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work
Nihon no Shoushi-Koureika to Jinko Gensho (Low Fertility, Population Aging, and Population Decline in Japan)
Tsuya, Noriko
Shushin ( 762 ) 10 - 13 2020.01
Research paper (other academic), Single Work
Shusshouritsu to Kekkon no Doukou (Trends of Fertility and Marriage)
Tsuya, Noriko
Finance 54 ( 2 ) 50 - 58 2018
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
Mikonka to Shoushika (Declining Marriage and Low Fertility in Japan)
Tsuya, Noriko
Toukei 68 ( 3 ) 8 - 13 2017.03
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
Demographic change and economy in early modern Japan : a multidimensional approach
Tsuya, Noriko
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2015
稲垣誠一著『日本の将来社会・人口構造分析 : マイクロ・シミュレーションモデル(INAHSIM)による推計』
Tsuya, Noriko
Keio journal of economics (慶應義塾経済学会) 100 ( 4 ) 1061(177) - 1064(180) 2008.01
ISSN 00266760
TSUYA, Noriko O.
Keio economic studies (Keio Economic Society, Keio University) 36 ( 1 ) 13 - 38 1999
ISSN 00229709
Tsuya, Noriko
厚生労働統計通信 ( 106 ) 2 - 3 2018
Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference(IUSSP 2013 Busan)
Tsuya, Noriko
Jinkogaku Kenkyu (Journal of Population Studies) ( 50 ) 91 - 94 2014
Meeting report, Single Work
Shusshou Iyoku to Shusshou Koudou (Fertility Intentions and Fertility Behavior)
Tsuya, Noriko
Kosei Roudo Toukei Tsushin ( 78 ) 2 - 3 2013
Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
Shourai-Jinkosuikei kara mita Nihon no Katachi (Prospects of Japan Based on Population Projections)
Tsuya, Noriko
Mizuho Nenkin Report ( 103 ) 2 - 3 2012
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
Tsuya, Noriko
厚生労働統計通信 ( 52 ) 2 - 3 2009
Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work
Household Socioeconomic Status and Mortality at Different Stages of Life: Evidence from Three Northeastern Villages, 1708-1870
Noriko Tsuya, Satomi Kurosu
The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan (埼玉県越谷市、埼玉県立大学) ,
Oral presentation (general), Population Association of Japan
Low Fertility in Japan: Patterns, Factors, and Policy Developments
Tsuya, Noriko O.
The 2019 Global Symposium on Ageing and Low Fertility (Seoul, South Korea) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), Hanyang University, United Nations Population Fund, and Statistics Korea
Employment and the Domestic Division of Labor among Japanese Couples: Patterns and Implications to Marriage
Tsuya, Noriko
The 71st Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan (Kagawa University, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, Japan) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), Population Association of Japan
Patterns and Factors of Family Formation in Preindustrial Northeastern Japan
Tsuya, Noriko and Satomi Kurosu
The 70th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan (Meikai University, Urayasu-shi, Chiba, Japan) ,
Oral presentation (general), Population Association of Japan
Lowest Low Fertility and Future Demographic Challenges in Japan
Tsuya, Noriko O.
The 1st Seoul Population Symposium (Seoul, South Korea) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), Financial News Korea
Changing Life Course in Long-term Perspective
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator
Other, Single
現代人口学-少子高齢社会の基礎知識- 阿藤 誠著(2000年日本評論社より出版)
Other, Single
One Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities by James Z. Lee and Wang Feng (published in 1999 by Harvard University Press)
Other, Single
Family Formation, Childbearing, and Population Aging in Japan
Other, Single
日本人口論 岡崎陽一著(1999年古今書院より出版)
Other, Single
The 2014 Keio Gijuku Award
Tsuya, Noriko, 2014.11, Educatioal Corporation of Keio Gijuku, Prudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, published by MIT Press, 2010
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
The 14th Population Association of Japan Award
Atoh, Makoto, Hachiro Nishioka, Noriko Tsuya, and Nobutaka Fukuda, 2014.06, Population Association of Japan, Shoushika Jidai no Kazoku-henyo: Paatona-shippu to Shusshou Kodo (Family Change in Japan in the Era of Low Fertility: Partnership Formation and Childbearing)
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
The 13th Population Association of Japan Award
Tsuya, Noriko O., Wang Feng, George Alter, and James Z. Lee, 2012.06, Population Association of Japan, Prudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, published by MIT Press, 2010
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
メンバー, 「少子化社会を考える懇談会」(厚生労働省)
臨時委員(人口部会委員), 社会保障審議会
臨時委員(統計分科会員), 社会保障審議会
理事, 日本人口学会
委員, 米国社会科学審議会(SSRC)アベ・フェローシップ・プログラム委員会