Susato, Ryu



Faculty of Economics (Mita)



External Links

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1999.01

    Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (Doctoral Course Students)

  • 2001.04

    Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • 2003.04

    Kansai University, Faculty of Economics, Lecturer

  • 2005.04

    Kansai University, Faculty of Economics, Assistant Professor

  • 2006.04

    Kansai University, Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1991.04

    Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics, Department of Economics

    University, Graduated, Other

  • 1995.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Economics

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1997.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Economics

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 博士(経済学), Keio University, 2004.05



Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic doctrines and economic thought

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Scottish Enlightenment

  • David Hume

  • Bernard Mandeville

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  • Enlightenment


Books 【 Display / hide

  • Japanese Translation of Christopher J. Berry, The Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment (Edinburgh University Press, 1997)

    Tatsuya Sakamoto, Ryu Susato, Chisen-shokan, 2023.11,  Page: 508

    Scope: Preface to the Japanese translation Original author: Christopher J. Berry

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  • バーナード・マンデヴィル『名誉の起源:他三篇』

    壽里 竜, 法政大学出版局, 2022.04,  Page: 428

    Original author: バーナード・マンデヴィル

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  • Hume's Sceptical Enlightenment (Paperback edition)

    SUSATO Ryu, Edinburgh University Press, 2020.06

  • Hume's Sceptical Enlightenment

    SUSATO Ryu, Edinburgh University Press, 2015.10

Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Opinion, Contagion, and Enthusiasm in Hume’s “Historical Essay on Chivalry and Modern Honour” and The History of England

    Ryu Susato

    Cosmos+Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization (Cosmos+Taxis (University of British Columbia))  12 ( 1+2 ) 5 - 18 2024.01

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author,  ISSN  2291-5079

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    Recent research on David Hume has highlight- ed the significance of opinion in his political philosophy. In Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary and The History of England, Hume emphasizes the significance of established customs and opinion as guides for appropriate governance, supported by an underlying claim that enthusiasm cannot subsist for a long time. This study revisits these two views with a focus on Hume’s unfinished manuscript “Historical Essay on Chivalry and Modern Honour” and his descrip- tions of puritan enthusiasm as contagion and various con- spiracies in the History. The study demonstrates that Hume fully appreciated three points. First, some extraordinary customs have persisted longer than the dominant interpretation of Hume may suggest. Second, such customs cannot be justified by either their longevity or spontaneity. Third, it is difficult, if not impossible, for those living in extraor- dinary circumstances to evaluate them appropriately. Examining these three points primarily through the lens of political epistemology, Hume argues that both extraordinary and salutary institutions can arise from the operations and principles of the same human nature and persist for a long time.

  • ‘Voilà un siècle de lumières!’: Horace Walpole and the Hume-Rousseau affair

    Ryu Susato

    History of European Ideas (Taylor & Francis)  49 ( 2 ) 224 - 242 2023.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Accepted,  ISSN  01916599

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    In the biographies of David Hume, Horace Walpole’s name has been memorialised as the author of a forged letter assuming the identity of the King of Prussia. However, in the letter, Walpole’s scorn was directed against not only Rousseau, but also other French philosophes and, possibly, even Hume. Walpole drew a line between himself and the ‘pedants and pretended philosophers’, although he sometimes blurred the distinction between the two by considering an author or ‘man of letters’ synonymous with a ‘philosopher’. Walpole broached his lifelong stricture on modern pretentious philosophers to Hume in one of his letters, just after the Concise Account was published. Walpole’s thorough contempt for French philosophers appeared to Hume as a Rousseauian, anti-philosophical stance. In his reply, Hume attempted to advocate his thesis of intellectual improvement and moral cultivation. Meanwhile, in another letter written around the same time, Hume kept away from Turgot’s sanguine view of human progress. The distance that Walpole maintains between himself and the philosophers—through the Hume-Rousseau affair—casts a long shadow on his evaluations of Hume and his historical works, and leads to their differing assessments of the standpoint of philosophers in the age of lumières.

  • An "Ingenious Moralist": Bernard Mandeville as a Precursor of Bentham

    Ryu Susato

    Utilitas (Cambrdige University Press)  32 ( 3 ) 335 - 349 2020.09

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted,  ISSN  09538208

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    This article argues that Bernard Mandeville's ideas were more likely to have influenced Jeremy Bentham’s writings than previously believed. The conventional interpretation of Mandeville as a forerunner of the Hayekian "theory of spontaneous order" has obscured Mandeville and Bentham's shared emphasis on legal and interventionist solutions for the issues of prostitution and prisoners. This influence is evinced by focusing on some of Mandeville's minor works, which anticipated some of Bentham’s arguments. It is unlikely that Bentham directly knew of Mandeville's minor works, but his reformist and interventionist bent was consistent and discernible in the Fable, which Jeremy Bentham read in his youth.


  • How Rousseau read Hume's Political Discourses hints of unexpected agreement in their views of money and luxury

    Ryu Susato

    The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))  26 ( 1 ) 23 - 50 2019.05

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted,  ISSN  09672567

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    Despite mounting scholarship on the Rousseau–Smith connection, the possibility of overlap between the Humean and Rousseauian views of commercial society has not been explored. This is due to opposing views held by these two thinkers on this issue. However, Rousseau in the Confessions recorded a brief, but shrewd impressions on Hume’s Political Discourses, which he held before meeting Hume. In these comments, Rousseau, unlike his other French contemporaries, noted some republican aspects lurking in Hume’s political and economic essays. Moreover, after his two Discourses, Rousseau composed several other important works in which he revealed his more ‘mature’ economic arguments. Careful readings of these textual clues indicate that, in striking parallel with Hume, Rousseau conducts a thought experiment on the drastic change in the quantity of money and elaborates on the significance of industry and a certain type of luxury. Our purpose here is not to prove that Hume’s Political Discourses directly influenced Rousseau’s later writings, but to measure the extent to which Rousseau could share the Scot’s economic ideas by considering that the former may well have read the latter.

  • Hume as an "ami de la liberté": The Reception of his "Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth"

    SUSATO Ryu

    Modern Intellectual History (Cambridge University Press)  13 ( 3 ) 569 - 596 2016

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted

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    Despite the recent boom in research on the reception and influence of Hume’s
    writings, most scholars have overlooked the fact that his enigmatic essay “Idea of
    a Perfect Commonwealth,” published in the Political Discourses in 1752, not only
    attracted the attention of some French intellectuals before and after the Revolution, but was also taken seriously by a significant number of radicals—such as Paine, Price, Godwin, Wollstonecraft—and other reform-minded Whigs—such as James Mackintosh. Although the influence ofHume’s plan on The Federalist, No 10, has been much discussed, what is more important is that these British reformers often associated his plan with the National Assembly after the Revolution in France. This essay demonstrates that Hume’s plan of a large republic with a bicameral system through a two-tier election was an important intellectual resource for his contemporaries and for later generations.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • (Review) Aaron Alexander Zubia: The Political Thought of David Hume: The Origins of Liberalism and theModern Political Imagination

    Ryu Susato

    Review of Politics (Cambridge University Press (on behalf of University of Notre Dame))   2025.01

    Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, Lead author

  • (Review) A Philosopher’s Economist: Hume and the Rise of Capitalism by Margaret Schabas and Carl Wennerlind

    Ryu Susato

    Journal of the History of Philosophy (Johns Hopkins University Press)  60 ( 3 ) 513 - 515 2022.07

    Book review, literature introduction, etc., Lead author

  • 想像力・意見・熱狂:ヒューム騎士道論と『イングランド史』

    壽里 竜

    関西大学経済論集 (関西大学経済学会)  71 ( 4 ) 339 - 361 2022.03

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)

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    デイヴィッド・ヒュームが『道徳・政治・文学論集』の諸論説と『イングランド史』において「確立したもの what is established」を重視したことは、研究者の間ではよく知られている。他方、ヒュームは論説「迷信と熱狂について」では突発的な熱狂の蔓延が短期間で収まるという楽観的な見解を示している。本論の目的は、しばしばヒューム研究者の間で強調されてきた上記二点を再検討するために、「騎士道と近代的名誉に関する歴史的論説」と『イングランド史』におけるいくつかのトピック(十字軍・騎士道・ピューリタンの性格描写・カトリック陰謀など)に関する記述を分析することで、以下の三点をヒューム自身が認識・理解していたことを明らかにすることにある。第一に、自然から乖離して生じた特異な文化や生活習慣がつねに短期間で収束するとは限らないこと。第二に(第一の点が正しければ)、諸制度や慣習は、その起源の自生性や持続期間によって正当化されないということ。第三に、その慣習や制度の内部にいる人間には、当該の慣習や制度のもたらす利益や正しさを判断することが極めて難しい、ということである。以上の三点を主に政治的認識論という観点から考察することで、異常な行動様式と尊重すべき社会制度のいずれもが同一の心理メカニズムから生じ、長期的に持続しうるとヒュームが考えていたことを明らかにする。


  • 生越利昭『啓蒙と勤労 ジョン・ロックからアダム・スミスへ』(2020年3月、昭和堂)

    壽里 竜

    日本18世紀学会年報 (日本18世紀学会)   ( 36 )  2021.06

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.

  • ヒューム

    壽里 竜

    よくわかる政治思想 (ミネルヴァ書房)     42 - 43 2021.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Diverging Pathways, Shared Insights: Exploring Hume and Rousseau’s Views of Human Nature

    Ryu Susato

    the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Society for the History of Political Thought (Central European University, Vienna) , 


    Oral presentation (general), European Society for the History of Political Thought

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    This study elucidates the congruence between David Hume’s and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s perspectives on human nature. Rousseau, credited with introducing the notion of 'perfectibility’, challenges the fixed conception of human nature, emphasising history and culture’s role in shaping society. This aspect, coupled with Rousseau’s paradoxical assertions in Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men, contrasts with Hume’s focus on universal principles and his endorsement of commercial society. However, significant convergence emerges when examining Hume’s references to humans as an ‘inventive species’ and his characterisation of justice as an artificial virtue in A Treatise of Human Nature. Both thinkers, though influenced by Bernard Mandeville, extend beyond his ideas by acknowledging humanity’s inherent potential and the role of cultural diversity. At the same time, they consider human institutions as artificial constructs. Although in their early works they were unlikely to have influenced each other, this convergence led to their assessment as Epicureans, prompting Scottish thinkers to view their theories as subversive.

  • Ramsay’s Portrait of Rousseau in Hume’s Parlour: A Humeana in George Chalmers’s Notes

    The 50th International Hume Conference (Oxford) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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    E. C. Mossner, Hume’s biographer, asserts that the portraits of Hume and Rousseau painted by Allan Ramsay were hung in Hume’s parlour until the philosopher’s death. Regrettably, Mossner did not provide specific source citations, and many subsequent scholarly works have uncritically echoed Mossner’s claims without conducting independent verification. This study aims to trace the origin of Mossner’s assertion to George Chalmers’s unpublished notes, presently archived in the David Laing Collection at the Edinburgh University Library. Notably, Chalmers documented a brief account regarding Hume’s parlour witnessed by David Callander, who was a nephew of Michael Ramsay of Mungale, an intimate friend of Hume. This affiliation lends considerable credence to Callander’s testimony, notwithstanding potential inaccuracies in other facets of his knowledge about Hume’s works. Furthermore, this study investigates the other two portraits mentioned by Callander as adorning Hume’s parlour and explores early-nineteenth-century commentaries on Hume and Rousseau’s portraits, which were eventually bequeathed and displayed in a room belonging to Baron Hume, the nephew of the Scottish philosopher and historian.

  • "An 'Ingenious Moralist': Bernard Mandeville as a Precursor of Bentham," Revisited

    Ryu Susato

    第6回日本功利主義研究会 (オンライン) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • Two Epicureans on Happiness: How Hume read Rousseau’s Julie

    The 47th Annual International Hume Society Conference (Columbia (Online)) , 


    Oral presentation (general), Hume Society

  • 報告3:社会思想史から『対話』を読む

    壽里 竜

    ヒューム『自然宗教をめぐる対話』(1779)新訳刊行記念WS「18世紀の対話篇を読む/論じる/翻訳する」 (オンライン) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 東京大学東アジア藝文書院(企画・運営担当者:若澤佑典)


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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • A Historical Study of the Quarrel between Hume and Rousseau and their Contemporary Evaluations


    Research grant, Principal investigator

  • A Comparative Intellectual History of Hume and Rousseau: An Approach from synchronic perspective analysis


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Projects Funded by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ryu Susato, Grants-in-Aid (C), Research grant, Principal investigator

  • Comparative Intellectual History on Hume and Rousseau as Enlightenment Thinkers


    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ryu Susato, Research grant, No Setting

  • Hume's Sceptical Enlightenment


    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ryu Susato, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • The Idea of Manners in Hume and the Eighteenth-century Enlightenment


    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ryu Susato, Research grant, Principal investigator

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • The first JSBP Prize

    2018.03, Japanese Society for British Philosophy

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

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Other 【 Display / hide

  • 2019年09月

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    Liberty Fund Conference, “Adam Smith on Ethics and Economics”

  • 国際学会へ行こう ーMaking the most out of conferencesー


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    Historians' Workshop(東京大学本郷キャンパス 小島ホール2階 第3セミナー室)
    スピーカー: 岡崎哲二 (近現代日本経済史・東京大学)、壽里 竜 (社会思想史・慶應義塾大学)、豊山亜希 (インド美術史・近畿大学)


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • History of Economic Thought 1

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty

  • History of Social Thought a

    Keio University


    Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • Society for the History of Social Thought

  • Japanese Society for British Philosophy

  • Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought

  • Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought

  • Hume Society


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2025.04

    Council member, Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought

  • 2024.04

    Editorial Board, Secretary of the Kanto Regional Division, Japanese Society for British Philosophy

  • 2021.04

    Executive board, Japaense Society for the History of Economic Thought

  • 2020.04

    Director, Japanese Society for British Philosophy

  • 2019.04

    Executive board, Society for the History of Social Thought

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