Faculty of Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Science (Human Relations) (Mita)
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Morikawa, Takemitsu
Takemitsu Morikawa studied Economics, Economic History and the History of Social-scientific Thought at Keio University in Tokyo, where he was the recipient of a full scholarship. In 1997 he embarked upon a doctoral degree at the University of Kassel in Germany, supported by a PhD scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). After successfully completing his doctorate in sociology (magna cum laude) in 2001, he worked as a research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the Department for Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies of the University of Tokyo until 2004. In 2002, his PhD thesis "Handeln, Welt und Wissenschaft. Zur Logik, Erkenntniskritik und Wissenschaftstheorie für Kulturwissenschaften bei Friedrich Gottl und Max Weber" ("Action, World and Science. On Logics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science in Friedrich Gottl and Max Weber") won the Nihon shakaigakushi gakkai (Japanese Society for the History of Sociology) young scholar award. Between 2005 and 2007, he led the project "Interkulturelle Vermittlung. Zur Bedeutung und Wirkung von Mori Ôgai im Prozess der kulturellen Modernisierung Japans" ("Intercultural Mediation. On Mori Ôgai's Significance for and Influence on the Process of Japanese Cultural Modernisation") in the Interdisciplinary Workgroup for Cultural Research at the University of Kassel, which was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). From 2009 to 2013, he then led the project "Transformation der Liebessemantik in Japan. Von der Frühen Neuzeit in die Neuzeit" ("The Transformation of the Semantics of Love in Japan. From the Early Modern to the Modern Era") at the Department of Sociology of the University of Lucerne. This project was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). In January 2012, he completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Lucerne. Since 1998, Takemitsu Morikawa has taught Sociology, Japanese Studies and Philosophy at the Universities of Kassel, Heidelberg, Lucerne, Zurich, Basel, Vienna, Freiburg (i.Br.), Fribourg (i.Ue), Duisburg-Essen as well as at Osaka University, Toyo University and University of Tokyo. Since 2018, he works as (full-)Professor for Sociology, with focus on sociological theories, history of sociology, sociology of culture and sociology of knowledge at Keio University in Tokyo.
Graduate School of Human Relations, Major: Sociology, committee
University of Lucerne, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Senior Lecturer
University of Bonn, Center for Reconcilliation Studies, associate member
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, Permanent Visiting Fellow
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Franz Oppenheimer Center for the History of Economy and Society, Associated Researcher
University Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology, Institute for East-Asian Studies, Acting Professor
学士(経済学), Keio University, Coursework, 1993.03
修士(経済学), Keio University, Coursework, 1995.03
PhD in Economic and Social Sciences (Dr.rer.pol.), Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany, Dissertation, 2001.07
Zusammenhang der Welt und des Menschen. Oder: Werthaftigkeit und Weltlichkeit. Zur Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie für Kulturwissenschaften bei Friedrich Gottl und Max Weber.
Habilitation (Venia legendi for sociology of culture), University of Lucerne, Switzerland, 2012.01
Verortung Japans. SChriftsteller Mori Ôgai, interkulturelle Vermittlung und Romantik.
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of thought
Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology
Niklas Luhmann
Max Weber
media studies
world society studies
history of ideas
The emergence (and differentiation) of sociology from political economy in German speaking countries in the fin de siècle between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
Studies on a post-poietic paradigm,
Transformation of love semantics in Japan. From the early modern ages to the modern times.,
Versöhnung. Theorie und Empirie
Hans-Georg Soeffner, Michael Schulz, Esther Gardei, Uni Bonn Pres, 2023.06, Page: 334
Scope: Vergeben und Verzeihen. Sozialtheoretische Bestimmungen und gesellschaftsstrukturelle Bedingungen, Contact page: 239-268 , Accepted
Unterwegs zu einem postpoietischen Paradigma in der Sozialtheorie
Christian Dries, Takemitsu Morikawa, Duncker & Humblot, 2022.04, Page: 173
, Accepted
Verzeihen, Versöhnen, Vergessen. Soziologische Perspektiven (Kulturen der Gesellschaft, Bd. 24)
MORIKAWA Takemitsu, transcript-Verlag, 2018.09
MORIKAWA Takemitsu, Kassel University Press, 2017.09
Scope: all
MORIKAWA Takemitsu, transcript-Verlag, 2015.01
Scope: all
Takemitsu Morikawa
FIW Working Paper 19 2023
Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Single Work, Accepted
Takemitsu Morikawa
Soziale Systeme (Walter de Gruyter) 23 ( 1-2 ) 191 - 214 2021.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted, ISSN 0948-423X
The End of Sociology as Multiple Paradigm Science?: Influence of the Globalization on the German Sociology from the Viewpoint of the Separation of the Academy for Sociology from the German Sociological Association
Takemitsu MORIKAWA
Studies on the History of Sociology (Seiunsha) ( 42 ) 7 - 29 2020.07
Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Single Work
Takemitsu MORIKAWA
soziologie heute ( 69 ) 6 - 9 2020.02
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, ISSN 2070-4674
MORIKAWA Takemitsu
Em Tese 15 ( 2 ) 137 - 162 2018.12
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted, ISSN 1806-5023
Morikawa, Takemitsu
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2022
Foreword : past, present, and future of phenomenological, interpretative, and hermeneutic sociology
Morikawa, Takemitsu
Studies in sociology, psychology and education : inquiries into humans and societies (慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科) ( 92 ) (39) - 44 2021
ISSN 0912456X
Morikawa, Takemitsu
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2020
Morikawa, Takemitsu
Studies in sociology, psychology and education : inquiries into humans and societies (慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科) ( 89 ) 97 - 100 2020
ISSN 0912456X
Revision on Max Weber's theory of science and action
Morikawa, Takemitsu
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2019
My Memories of Konstanz and the Social Scientific Archive
Takemitsu Morikawa
Schutzian Research: A Yearbook of Lifeworldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science (Zeta Books) 16 217 - 220 2024.11
Other, Lead author, ISSN 2067-0621
Rezension: Fücker, Sonja: Vergebung: Zu einer Soziologie der Nachsicht
Takemitsu Morikawa
Sociologia Internationalis (Duncker& Humblot) 57 ( 1+2 ) 123 - 127 2022.04
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work
Limited Fundamental Rights and the Suspended Functional Differentiation in the Ongoing Corona Crisis
Takemitsu MORIKAWA
Inquiries into Humans and Societies (Kokusai bunken sha) 89 ( 1 ) 97 - 100 2020
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, ISSN 0912-456X
Takemitsu Morikawa, Shingo Torigoe
soziologieblog 2019.06
Meeting report, Joint Work
Takemitsu Morikawa
Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione (StudienVerlag) 27 ( 2 ) 230 - 235 2019
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, ISSN 1121-0303
Takemitsu Morikawa
XXXI IVR World Congress: The Ruele of Law, Justice and the Future of Democracy (Seoul) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Compromise from social theoretical perspective
Takemitsu Morikawa
Compromise in Plural Worlds: Comparing Japan and Europe (Essen) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), The interdisciplinary research project “Cultures of Compromise” and the “Agonistic Plurality” project at the Universities of Duisburg- Essen and Münster.
Century of the forgiveness. Evolutinary ability of modern social systems and forgiveness
Takemitsu Morikawa
Achievements and Perspectives of Cultural and Social Memory Research (Berlin) ,
Oral presentation (general)
The Crisis of Classical Modernity in Japan and Otaka's Grundlegung
Takemitsu Morikawa
Social Theory and Internationalism. Book Launch and Workshop (London) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), University of East London
Typen der Erinnerungskultur und Sakralität des Opfers
Takemitsu Morikawa
Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen von Ambiguitätstoleranz (Bonn) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen von Ambiguitätstoleranz
Young Researcher’s Award
Takemitsu Morikawa, 2002.06, Japan Society for the History of Sociology, "Action, World and Science"
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie,
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie,
The Japan Sociological Society,
The Kantoh Sociological Society,
The Japan Association for the Study on the History of Sociology,
board member, AK Historische Soziologie der DGS-Sektion Kultursoziologie
Editor/ Herausgeber, Sociologia Internationalis
Board member, Section History of Sociology, German Association for Sociology
Board member, DAAD tomonokai