Imai, Yoshiaki



Faculty of Letters Department of Human Sciences (Mita)


Professor Emeritus

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  •  新しい学問の授業(例えば、心理学)を聞くと、最初のうちはなかなか理解しづらいことでしょう。それは、皆さんの頭の中に心理学とはどのような学問であるかという枠組み(スキーマ)ができていないからであると考えられます。その枠組みが次第にできてくると、心理学で使われている概念、研究方法、知見などが理解しやすくなってきます。そうした枠組みを頭の中に作るには、心理学の入門書(まずは、おもしろそうな、易しいもので結構です)を1冊読んでみてください。その上で、今度はもう少し教科書風の入門書を読んでみてください。それを読み終える頃には、大雑把ではあるでしょうけれども、心理学とはどのような学問であるか、その全体像、つまり心理学というスキーマが出来上がっているはずです。その段階になれば、心理学という学問の面白みもわかってくると共に、疑問点も見えてくるはずです。  いろいろなジャンルの本を読むことを通して、読書を楽しむと同時に、知識、情報を獲得し、さらに、自分の日本語表現力(文章力)、思考力、コミュニケーション力を磨いてください。大学生の時代にいかに多くの知識を吸収して自分なりに考え、同時に、いかに種々の体験をするかが、その後の人生にとって大事なことであると考えられます。

Other Disclosed Information 【 Display / hide

  •  後南朝にも関心をもっています。例えば、「もう一つの『太平記』-南朝最後の天皇『自天皇』のナゾ-」 月刊『現代』1991年2月号 pp. 292-307  講談社」をご覧ください。(

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1987.04


  • 1988.04


  • 1992.04


  • 1998.04


  • 2005.04


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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1981.03

    Gakushuin University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Psychology

    University, Graduated

  • 1981.04

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Sociology, 社会心理学専門課程

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1984.04

    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Sociology, 社会心理学専門課程

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Master of Sociology, The University of Tokyo, Coursework, 1984.03

  • Doctor of Sociology, The University of Tokyo, Dissertation, 1992.03

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • 専門社会調査士, 2007.10


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology (Social Psychology)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • interpersonal influence

  • influence tactics

  • social power

  • persuasion

  • order effect

Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Typology of interpersonal situations and their functions from the perspective of social psychology, 


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  • A study of interactive property and automatic responses of the target person in persuasion, 


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Books 【 Display / hide

  • Psychology for teams and leadership

    Imai, Yoshiaki, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2023.11,  Page: 104

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    This book focused on teams from the viewpoint of social psychology and group dynamics and overviewed the differences between teams and groups, cognition of in-teams and out-teams, leadership, and communication in teams. The task goals and membership of teams are more evident than that of groups, and teams tend to dissolve after achieving their goals. To increase team identity and cohesion, it needs to perceive the existence of out-teams and heighten the attractiveness of the tasks and objectives of teams and interpersonal relationships in teams. Leadership in teams requires consideration of achieving task goals and smoothing interpersonal relations. Recently, transformational leadership and servant leadership have been proposed, and they emphasize intellectual stimulation and individual consideration for each member. To manage communication in teams, after understanding human characteristics such as trying to understand the meaning of stimulus, seeking rewards and avoiding punishments, and having perceived control, one needs to secure psychological safety that means no need to worry about evaluation from others and to make effective use of active listening, I-message, and nonverbal communication.

  • Influencing others

    Imai, Yoshiaki, ナカニシヤ出版, 2023.04

    Scope: 第2章 第2節,  Contact page: 83-104

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    In this chapter, I overviewed communication in influencing others. Influencing others refers to invoking changes in the recipients' attitudes and behavior by influencing the sender's attempts. Among others, I focused on persuasive communication and explained the indication of the results, one-sided and two-sided presentation of arguments, order effects, gain-framed and loss-framed messages, fear appeal, and humor. It was argued about story persuasion, attitude strength of the recipients, and interpersonal relationships between the sender and the recipients. Furthermore, I described captology which is the persuasive technology using electronic devices and the application of smartphones, ethical issues of persuasion, and risk communication and social constructivism for solving practical matters in conflicts.

  • Society from the perspective of Psychology

    Ando Kiyoshi, Ohshima Takashi, Seishin Shobo, 2020.09,  Page: 180

    Scope: Chaper 2 Cognitive patterns of the power-holders,  Contact page: 20-40

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    In Chapter Two, I have focused on social power by explaining its definition, the findings of previous research, followed by three theories and recent research on cognition caused by exercising power. Social power refers to the power-holders’ ability to change as per their wants, the target persons’ attitudes and behaviors. Social power research is categorized into five types: typology of social power and its measurement, influence tactics for exerting social power, power motives, cognition of the power-holders, and social power used in everyday situations. After Kipnis (1972) advocated the metamorphic effects of power, other theories on power-holders’ cognition were propounded such as the approach/inhibition theory of power by Anderson & Berdahl (2002), situated focus theory of power by Guinote (2007), and social distance theory of power by Magee & Smith (2013). Every theory proposes that individuals who exert rewards and coercive powers tend to focus on their rewards, are aroused by positive emotions, perceive others stereotypically, understand matters abstractly, and take risky options. I have discussed these theories and future research tasks.

  • Anatomy of social power

    IMAI Yoshiaki, Fukumura Shuppan, 2020.02,  Page: 212

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    This book is a revised edition of “Dissecting social power” published by Fukumura Shuppan in 1996. I have changed its composition of chapters and have begun rewriting it by drawing from the six bases of social power advocated by French & Raven (1959) and Raven (1965). I have explained the eighteen influence tactics, including social power tactics, followed by sequential influence strategies, such as the foot-in-the-door and the door-in-the-face techniques. I have also focused on psychological factors related to the influencing agents (e.g., perceived control and cognitive changes by exerting power) and the influence targets (e.g., non-conscious information processing and psychological reactance). Furthermore, I have included recent case examples and references related to social power and interpersonal influences.
    I have proposed categorizing the six social powers into the following three powers related to: (1) resources (rewards and coercive power), (2) ideas (expertise and informational power), and (3) interpersonal relationships (legitimate and referent power). Of the three, the first—power of resources—is fundamental since the other two powers—ideas and interpersonal relationships—are indirectly related to rewards and coercive power. I have also explained about social powers in educational situations (power wielded by teachers, bullying, and caste discriminations in schools); industrial and organizational situations (conflict resolution and power play between departments); and family situations (marital power dynamics).

  • 新・社会心理学

    Imai, Y., Keio University Press, 2019.04,  Page: 207

    Scope: Chapter 2 Interpersonal influence,  Contact page: 16-31

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     個人が自分の望むように他者に働きかける行為は対人的影響(interpersonal influence)と呼ばれ、意図性、明示性、言語性などの観点から分類可能である。意図的で明示的なものには、依頼、説得のほかに、指示・命令、交渉などがある。他方、隠蔽的な対人的影響は、言語的なものと環境操作的なものに分類できる。前者には、フット・イン・ザ・ドア法、ドア・イン・ザ・ファイス法などの連続的依頼法、情報操作などがあり、後者には、背景音楽、香り、部屋のレイアウトなどを利用した方法がある。さらに、無意図的な対人的影響には、社会的促進、漏れ聞き効果、行動感染、社会的手抜き、傍観者効果などがある。また、説得は、受け手から見た応諾コストが大きく、受け手の拒否が事前に予期される場合であり、受け手の自由意思を尊重しながら、受け手の態度と行動を与え手の望む方向に変えようとする社会的影響である。その際の受け手の反応をモデル化したものとしてPetty & Cacioppo (1986)の精査可能性モデルがあり、また、個人の意図的な行動に影響を与える3要因(態度、主観的規範、コントロール感)を挙げたモデルとしてAjzen(1991)の計画的行動理論がある。

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Effects of recalling episodes of influencing attempts on cognition in Japan

    Imai, Y.

    Current Psychology (Springer Nature)   2023.11

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Accepted,  ISSN  1936-4733

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    This study examined the power-cognition relationships in Japan, considering the differences related to interpersonal influence from Western cultures. Participants were instructed to recall episodes of influencing others (high-power condition) or being influenced by others (low-power condition), think about managing a group as a leader, or recall the summary of a drama or movie as a control condition. In Study 1, participants in the high-power condition reported a higher sense of power than those in the low-power condition. Participants in the control condition of Study 2 rated their sense of power the least among the four experimental conditions. However, there were no differences in innovativeness, positive affection, and the Behavioral Approach System between the high-power and control conditions. Many of the results of Bayesian factors sup-ported the null hypotheses. These results did not support the power-cognition relationships. Considering that the Japanese are globally considered to be less assertive, these results suggest a low susceptibility to the activation of a sense of power and the possibility of a weakness in the frame of power in Japanese interpersonal relationships.

  • Coping with debtors in civil execution from the viewpoint from social psychology

    Imai, Y.

    新民事執行実務 (民事法研究会)  17   26 - 40 2019.03

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work,  ISSN  1346-5422

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    The purpose of this article was to investigate civil execution from the viewpoint of social psychology. Enforcement officers of civil execution in Japan answered a questionnaire about successful cases with debtors’ compliance and difficult cases. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Japan Civil Execution Association. First, an explanation about the importance of compensation attainment and perceived control as fundamental human characteristics was offered. Furthermore, the officers’ answers were analyzed within three main categories: treatment aptitude (applying different coping strategies to debtors of different demographic characteristics), social identity (perceiving differently members of the in- and out-group), and persuasion (presenting effective persuasive messages in order to attain cooperative responses from debtors). Finally, we discuss the importance of accumulation of social psychological knowledge concerning effective coping with debtors.

  • Improving large-magnitude earthquake relief on university campuses: Managing temporary evacuation centers and considering psychological consequences

    IMAI Yoshiaki, HARA Yushiro, HAYASHIBARA Akihito, IIDA Kotaro, NAKAJIMA Hiroaki, & TAKANO Yusuke

    Inquiries into Humans and Societies: Studies in Sociology, Psychology, and Education (The Division of Human Relations, Graduate School of Keio University)  81   81 - 107 2016.06

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Joint Work,  ISSN  0912-456X

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     The purpose of the present study was to create a comprehensive list of earthquake evacuation procedures for university campuses. We also created materials designed to increase awareness of the psychological effects experienced by those on campus following an earthquake. Our first step was to create list of procedures for campus evacuation centers to take over a 7-day period following an earthquake as shown in Figure 1. Our next goal was to enhance the efficiency of evacuation center management through training in psychology. An inventory was created focusing on 4 areas of psychology: clinical, social and disaster, memory and learning, and perceptual and cognitive psychology. Interactive risk communication during normal conditions among university authorities, faculty members and students can greatly improve how rapidly and efficiently we handle large magnitude earthquakes. In the present article, we urge university members to consider campus evacuation management from the point of view of risk communication, risk management, and knowledge of psychology.

  • Consumer Behavior and Deceptive Persuasion

    SUZUKI Atsuko, ANDO Kiyoshi, IMAI Yoshiaki, & MINAMI Takao

    Japanese Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychology Journal (Japanese Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychology)  26 ( 2 ) 187-193 2013.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted

  • 社会心理学における対人的影響研究の動向と今後の課題

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    哲学 (慶應義塾大学三田哲学会)  125   33-74 2011.03

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Effects of abstraction of Likert-type items on responses

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    The 84th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association (Toyo University) , 


    Poster presentation, Japanese Psychological Association

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    The present study’s purpose was to reveal the effects of abstraction of words used in a psychological scale on responses. The data were collected using the perceived social power scale developed by Imai (1993), which measures six social powers (four items each) of the target person, who is the most influential person for the respondents. Its original version was set up as a high-abstraction condition, while its more concrete words version was used for the low condition. The questionnaires were answered online by 1,182 respondents whose mean age was 39.41 (SD=11.82). The data of 604 respondents who answered that their power-holders were either their father, mother, or marital partner were analyzed using a 2 (abstraction) x 3 (target persons) x 6 (kinds of powers) factorial analysis of variance, based on which an abstraction x target persons’ interaction effect was found. This implies that respondents who answered the abstract rather than the concrete items, perceived their fathers to have more referent power. Although, as a whole, there were slight differences between both types of items, a higher perception of power using abstract items was found when respondents found it hard to recall concrete case examples while answering questionnaires.

  • 対面的説得状況における情報の提示順序とミラーリングによる効果

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    日本社会心理学会第52回大会 (名古屋大学) , 


    Poster presentation, 日本社会心理学会

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  • 3段階の論拠の提示順序が説得メッセージへの応諾度に及ぼす影響

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology (広島大学) , 


    Poster presentation, The Japanese Society of Social Psychology

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  • Relationship between the agent's likability and comliance with requests as a function of interpersonal relationships

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Assocciation (東京国際大学) , 


    Poster presentation, The Japanese Group Dynamics Association

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  • 論拠の提示順序・提示段階数、受け手の自我関与度・認知欲求度が説得メッセージへの応諾度に及ぼす影響

    IMAI Yoshiaki

    日本社会心理学会第50回大会 (大阪大学) , 


    Poster presentation, 日本社会心理学会

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Effects of exertion of power on the powerholders' cognition and persuasibility


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

  • Effects of holding of social power on cognition and decision making of the powerholders


    Keio University, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds, Yoshiaki Imai, Research grant, Principal investigator

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    本研究の目的は、社会的影響力の保持がそれを保持しないことに比べて、どのような認知スタイルをもたらし、意思決定にどのような差異をもたらすかを明らかにすることであった。Keltner, et al. (2003), Anderson & Galinsky (2006), Smith & Trope (2006)などの研究によれば、他者に対して影響力をもつことは、自分の行動を抽象的に捉えやすく、自分にはコントロール感があると認識し、行動抑制的よりは行動賦活的な認知をし、さらに、リスク追求的な判断をすることが明らかにされている。
    大学生159人(男性50人、女性109人、平均年齢=19.26歳, SD=1.17)を対象にしてデータを収集し、分析したところ、以下のような結果が認められた。組織や集団のリーダーに求められる要件を考えた人たちは、今までに人から影響を受けたことを想起した人たちに比べて、(a) より小さい成功率でも手術や大学院進学をするよう勧めること(t (62)=3.45, p < .01; t (62)=2.45, p < .05)、そして、(b)困っている他者を援助しようと回答すること(t (63)=2.28, p < .05)である。これらの結果は、必ずしも従来の結果が再現されておらず、社会的影響力保持の操作方法と併せて、さらなる検討の必要なことを示していると考えられる。

  • Classification of interpersonal situations from the viewpoint of social psychology


    Keio University, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds, Yoshiaki Imai, Research grant, Principal investigator

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    本研究の目的は、種々の対人関係において、個人(行為主体)がある目標を達成するために、他者と相互作用する対人場面(interpersonal situation)を機能的に分類することである。従来、社会心理学においては、対人魅力、援助行動、集団行動などに関する種々のデータが収集されてきたが、それらのテーマを横断的に捉え、対人場面を整理し分類する作業は、Eckes(1995), Kelley (1997), Reis (2007)などを除き、あまり行われてこなかった。本研究は、それを補完しようとするものである。

  • Interaction between the source and the recipient and the recipient’s automatic responses in persuasion


    日本学術振興会, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Yoshiaki Imai, Research grant, Principal investigator

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    Two individuals facing each other pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of a persuasive topic and the source tried to influence the recipient from a specific viewpoint. Four experiments revealed that the source could influence the recipient when the source mirrored the recipient’s bodily movements and facial expressions while the advantages were presented in their interaction, that the persuasive effectiveness was high when the source made a point of the benefits of an entire society rather than his or her benefits, and that the persuasive effectiveness was low when the recipient perceived that he or she had persuasive ability.

  • A study of order effects in interpersonal influence


    日本学術振興会, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Yoshiaki Imai, Research grant, Principal investigator

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    Order effects have been studied in areas such as impression formation, decision making, questionnaire survey, and persuasion in social psychology. The purpose of the present study was to reveal order effects of persuasive messages on the responses of the target persons. Message chunking, the targets’ personal relevance to persuasive topics and need for cognition were set up as moderators. Data were collected using questionnaires and personal computers installed “Inquisit.” Respondents were undergraduate students.
    The results were as follows: (a) intentions of donating and approval of graduation examinations in university of high need for cognition participants were higher than low need for cognition participants, when positive information was presented first; (b) the interaction effect for message order and message chunking was not found; (c) approval of persuasive messages were higher for the case of graduation examinations than the case of donation, when positive information was presented first; and (d) the low personal relevance to graduation examinations tended to produce more approval of conducting the examinations than the high personal relevance. There were no significant main effects nor interaction effects for orders of persuasive messages in the experiments using “Inquisit.” Thought listing after reading persuasive messages may reduce order effects. This point should be revealed in the following research.
    Order effects in persuasion do not seem to be robust. Following to the results of the present study, presenting positive information first seem to produce more approval of the target persons than presenting negative information first. Furthermore, high need for cognition participants tend to approve of persuasive messages more than low need for cognition participants when the persuasive messages have enough amounts of strong arguments.

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • 日本心理学会優秀論文賞

    IMAI Yoshiaki, 1999.09, 日本心理学会, College students and religious groups in Japan: How are they influenced and how do they perceive the group members? Japanese Psychological Research, 1998, 40, 206-220.

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 人間科学特殊(依頼と説得の心理学)



  • 人間科学特殊(集団過程論)



  • 人間科学演習(ワークショップ)



  • 社会科学特論



  • 原典講読



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Educational Activities and Special Notes 【 Display / hide

  • 心理学から見る日常生活


    , Development of Textbook and Teaching Material


Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Japan Universities Association for Computer Education

  • Japan Universities Association for Computer Education

  • Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • American Psychological Association, 

  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, 

  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, 

  • 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会, 

  • 日本心理学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2011.04

    常任理事, 日本社会心理学会

  • 2011.04

    事務局長, 日本社会心理学会

  • 2005.04

    「社会心理学研究」編集委員, 日本社会心理学会

  • 2004.06

    心理学教育FD/IT活用研究委員会副委員長, 私立大学情報教育協会

  • 2002.07

    心理学情報教育委員会副委員長, 私立大学情報教育協会

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