Kurata, Keiko



Faculty of Letters Department of Library and Information Science (Mita)


Professor Emeritus

Contact Address


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Profile 【 Display / hide

  • My research subject is scholarly communication in the construction of scientific knowledge through the role of information media. I am especially interested in the transformation of scholarly communication in the digital age, open access movements of research achievement, and the placement of research platforms in the era of open science.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1988.04


  • 1993.04


  • 1999.10


  • 2001.04


  • 2004.04


Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1981.03

    Keio University, Faculty of Laws, 政治学科

    University, Graduated

  • 1984.03

    Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1987.03

    Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Letters

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics (Library and information science)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Scholarly Communication

  • Open Science

  • open access

  • scholarly communication

  • genre

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Books 【 Display / hide

  • 学術情報流通とオープンアクセス

    倉田敬子, 東京、勁草書房, 2007.08

  • 図書館情報学第二版

    上田修一,倉田敬子編著, 東京,勁草書房, 2017.03

    Scope: 全体編集/2.1/2.6/4.3/4.4

  • 図書館情報学

    上田修一,倉田敬子, 東京,勁草書房, 2013.02

  • 電子メディアは研究を変えるのか

    倉田敬子,上田修一,村主朋英,高島寧,松林麻実子,森岡倫子,酒井由紀子,角家永, 東京,勁草書房, 2000.11

  • 情報の発生と伝達

    上田修一,倉田敬子, 東京,勁草書房, 1992

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Initial insight into three modes of data sharing: Prevalence of primary reuse, data integration and dataset release in research articles

    Y Sakai, Y Miyata, K Yokoi, Y Wang, K Kurata

    Learned Publishing 36 (3), 417-425 (Learned Publishing)  36 ( 3 ) 417 - 425 2023

    ISSN  09531513

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    While data sharing has received research interest in recent times, its real status remains unclear, owing to its ambiguous concept. To understand the current status of data sharing, this study examined primary reuse, data integration, and dataset release as the actual practices of data sharing. A total of 963 articles, chosen from those published in 2018 and registered in the Web of Science global citation database, were manually checked. Existing data were reused in the mode of data integration (13.3%) as frequently as they were for the mode of primary reuse (12.1%). Dataset release was the least common mode (9.0%). The results show the variation in data sharing and indicate the need for standardization of data description in articles based on thorough registration and expansion in public data archives to close the loop that results in the virtuous cycle of research data.

  • Advantages of Data Reuse Based on Disciplinary Diversity and Citation Count

    E Ishita, Y Miyata, K Kurata

    International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, 162-169  2023

  • オープンサイエンス時代の大学の研究支援プラットフォーム


    科学 92 (8), 713-717  2022

  • Monitoring the transition to open access through its mode of implementation: A principal component analysis of two surveys

    K Kurata, K Yokoi, T Morioka, Y Minami, M Kawai

    PloS one 17 (7), e0271215 (PLoS ONE)  17 ( 7 July )  2022

    ISSN  19326203

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    Open access (OA) is transforming scholarly communication. Various modes of OA implementation have emerged, which reflect the complexity surrounding OA development. This study aimed to examine this development from the perspective of how OA is implemented. The sample comprised 2,368 randomly selected articles published in 2013 and 2,999 published in 2018 indexed in the Web of Science. We also conducted searches in Google and Google Scholar in 2015 for articles published in 2013 and in 2020 for articles published in 2018. Selected articles were categorized as either an “OA article,” “electronic subscription journal article,” or “not available online.” OA articles were classified into 10 implementation modes: Gold, Hybrid, Delayed, Bronze, Subject Repositories, Institutional Repositories, Personal/Institutional Websites, Academic Social Networks (ASNs), Others, and Web Aggregator. Overall, 56.5% of all sampled articles in 2013 were available for free on at least one website in 2015, while 61.7% of all sampled articles in 2018 were freely available on at least one website in 2020. Concerning implementation mode, ASNs had the highest frequency (44.4% in 2015 and 56.0% in 2020), followed by Subject Repositories (35.0% in 2015 and 39.6% in 2020) and Gold (24.1% in 2015 and 37.4% in 2020). To obtain an overview of OA implementation, we conducted principal component analysis with OA implementation mode as the variable for both 2015 and 2020. The first principal component was the axis indicating the number of overlapping OA implementations for each article in 2015 and 2020, while the second principal component was the axis orthogonal to the first, which was difficult to interpret. We identified three groups of OA implementation in each plot of the principal component scores for articles in 2015 and 2020; however, the OA implementation of each group differed in 2015 and 2020. This diversity reflects the respective positions of various stakeholders regarding OA.

  • 慶應義塾大学における図書館専門職養成 (特集 図書館員養成 100 周年)


    図書館雑誌= The Library journal 115 (5), 276-278  2021

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • 画面遷移と利用者特性からみた大学生におけるOPACの閲覧


    2007年度三田図書館・情報学会研究大会発表論文集 (慶應義塾大学) , 


    Oral presentation (general), 三田図書館・情報学会

  • 日本の医学研究者の電子メディア利用とオープンアクセスへの対応


    2007年度三田図書館・情報学会研究大会発表論文集 (慶應義塾大学) , 


    Oral presentation (general), 三田図書館・情報学会

  • 大学生はOPACをどのように見ているのか


    第55回日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表要綱 (鶴見大学) , 


    Oral presentation (general), 日本図書館情報学会

  • The current status of Open Access in biomedical field: the comparison of countries relating to the impact of national policies

    Matsubayashi,M.;Kurata,Keiko;Sakai,Y; Morioka, T.; Kato, S.; Mine,S. ; Ueda, S.

    American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2006 Annual Meeting (ASIS&T 2006) (Austin, Texas) , 


    Oral presentation (general), American Society for Information Science and Technology

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  • 「情報特性」と「情報源の選択基準」:大学生の日常生活におけるインターネットの位置づけ


    第54回日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表要綱 (九州女子大学) , 


    Oral presentation (general), 日本図書館情報学会

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Transformation of scholarly communication in the era of open science


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kurata Keiko, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator

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    Currently, the research process has become digitalized, and there is not only an open access movement to make research results open, but also an open science movement that aims to share research data. Based on this background, this study took the following three approaches: (1) analysis of policies related to open science, (2) understanding of macro trends related to open access to articles and research data, and (3) micro analysis of the role and position of research data in individual research projects. We focused particularly on understanding macro trends and conducted a number of surveys. As a representative result, we characterized the open access situation in 2015 and 2020 from the viewpoint of OA implementation. We also analyzed three types of data sharing in journal articles from the perspective of reuse and dataset release.

  • Knowledge construction and scholarly communication in an era of digital and open science


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, kurata keiko, KUNIMOTO Chihiro, HAYASHI Kazuhiro, ISHITA Emi, MIYATA Yosuke, MAEDA Chikako, MORIOKA Tomoko, YOKOI Keiko, KATO Shinya, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal investigator

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    Recently academic research has been based on digital environments. This research project was designed to find out how the “openness” and “sharing” in academic research have progressed. The ratio of open access of research articles in the entire fields has reached more half. The new style of articles in electronic journals which are feasible for digital reading gradually became popular. Although in the advanced initiative case the research data sharing have improved, researchers in many fields have complex feeling or attitude for data sharing. Because researchers cannot separate data sharing from research practices, it make more difficult to achieve data sharing widely. The issues or problem of data sharing should be examined from all angles.

  • Scholarly Information Utilization in Digital Era.


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, SATO YOSHINORI, TAKEUCHI HIROYA, KURATA KEIKO, KOYAMA KENJI, MINE SHINJI, ITSUMURA HIROSHI, SATO SHO, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Coinvestigator(s)

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    An online questionnaire survey was conducted from November to December 2014, in cooperation with 45 institutions in Japan. As a result, 3,933 valid responses from researchers (faculty and doctoral students) across various fields were collected. Through the analyses from the multiple viewpoints, the survey results showed significant progress in researchers’ use of online resources and obvious changes in their reading-behavior, such as rapid increase in the percentage of reading articles online via PC or mobile devices.

  • Comprehensive studies of scholarly communication under e-research and open access enviroments


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, KURATA Keiko, UEDA Syuichi, MATSUBAYASHI Mamiko, MINE Shinji, SAKAI Yukiko, KATO Shinya, MORIOKA Tomoko, HAYASHI Hayashi, KUNIMOTO Chihiro, YOKOI Keiko, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Research grant, Principal investigator

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    The aim of this research is to clarify the characteristics of e-research, and the current status of digitization and openness of scholarly communication. Methods differ by the research plan: interview; questionnaire survey; information search and data acquisition through websites. Main results are following: the development of model about researchers practices and awareness for data; situation on digitization of academic journals; status of open access in biomedical fields; general public information needs and information-seeking behavior on health information and/or specific information.

  • Research infrastructure formation for advancement of library and information science education


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, NEMOTO Akira, KAGEURA Kyo, AOTAGI Eiji, UMINO Bin, ODA Mitsuhiro, KASAI Yumiko, KISHIDA Kazuaki, KURATA Keiko, KOGA Takashi, SUZUKI Takafumi, TAKEUCHI Hiroya, TANIGUCHI Shoichi, TOGIYA Norio, NAKAMURA Yuriko, NOZUE Toshihiko, MATSUMOTO Naoki, MIURA Taro, MIWA Makiko, YOSHIKANE Fuyuki, YOSHIDA Yuko, IMAI Fukuji, KAWAMURA Shuntaro, ASAISHI Takuma, TSUNEKAWA Mao, MINAMI Ryoichi, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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    This LIPER3 project over five years after the past two phases of LIPER research project has been carried out as the following three types of research, in order to give a change to the structural condition of Japanese library and information science(LIS) education system.
    First, in order to review and share the educational content of LIS, we wrote the new LIS standard textbook series and published them by an academic press. Second, the LIS examination has been carried out once a year, in order that each educational institution can evaluate its own educational content and educational outcomes through the self-evaluation process. Third, in order to grasp the situation of foreign LIS education and to exchange them each other we published a translation of the American LIS standard textbook, made the research communication at international conferences, and visited and carried out interviews at the educational institutions in Europe and the United States.

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • 科学技術への顕著な貢献 2010(ナイスステップな研究者)

    KURATA KEIKO, 2010.12, 文部科学省科学技術政策研究所, 研究活動の情報基盤構築に向けて対応の遅れを警告するフロントランナー

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    インターネットによる情報流通変革によって、論文誌などのメディアの電子化が急速に進展しました。最近では、研究者がデータや成果をオープンにし、その共有から新たな知見を生み出していくe-Science と呼ばれる新しい研究スタイルも進展しつつあります。倉田氏は図書館情報学の研究者として、電子化が急激に進んだ論文誌の変化や自然科学系の研究者自身による論文のオープンアクセス化の進展に注目してきました。研究者の研究活動そのものが今後はより大きく変化をしていく可能性があり、倉田氏は研究者集団に対してその変化と影響を説明すると同時に,大学図書館や論文誌出版など研究を支援する関係者に対しても、早急に根本的変革が必要になることを多くの機会を通じて説いています。このような変化への対応には、人文系の研究者と自然科学系の科学者との議論が必須で、倉田氏はこの領域における日本全体の対応の遅れを警告するフロントランナーです。

  • 第37回日本図書館情報学会賞

    KURATA KEIKO, 2008.11, 日本図書館情報学会, 『学術情報流通とオープンアクセス』(勁草書房)の顕著な業績

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 1986年度三田図書館・情報学会賞

    KURATA KEIKO, 2008.11, 三田図書館・情報学会, 「日本の物理学者の生産性に影響を及ぼす要因」Library and Information Science. No.23, p.115-123(1985)に対して

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 科学研究費助成事業審査員の表彰

    KURATA KEIKO, 2011.09, 日本学術振興会

    Type of Award: Other

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  • 科学研究費助成事業審査員の表彰

    KURATA KEIKO, 2014.09, 日本学術振興会

    Type of Award: Other

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Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会学術情報委員会

  • 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会研究環境基盤部会学術情報基盤作業部会

  • 文部科学省大学設置・学校法人審議会(大学設置分科会)

  • 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会

  • 国立国会図書館科学技術関係資料整備審議会


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • Association for Information Science and Technology, 

  • 日本図書館情報学会, 

  • 三田図書館情報学会, 

  • 科学技術社会論学会, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2014.04

    member of board of direction, 日本図書館情報学会

  • 2019.04

    委員, 学術情報流通推進委員会

  • 2002.04

    member of board of direction, 日本図書館情報学会

  • 2013

    専門委員, 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会学術情報委員会

  • 2009.03

    専門委員, 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会研究環境基盤部会学術情報基盤作業部会

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