Ikeya, Nozomi



Faculty of Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Science (Library and Information Science) (Mita)



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Other Affiliation 【 Display / hide

  • Keio Museum Commons, Director

  • Faculty of Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 1997.04

    Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Toyo University

  • 2000.04

    Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Toyo University

  • 2005.04

    Senior Research Scientist, Computing Science Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center

  • 2011.04

    Professor, Keio University

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1990.03

    Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Library and Information Science

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1997.03

    Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Library and Information Science

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course

  • 1997.06

    University of Manchester, School of Social Sciences, Sociology

    United Kingdom, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Master in Letters, Keio University, Coursework, 1990.03

  • Ph.D in Sociology, University of Manchester, Coursework, 1997.06

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • 専門社会調査士


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics (Information Library Science/Humanistic Social Informatics)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • ethnography of work

  • ethnomethodology

  • workplace studies

  • sociology of medicine

  • information service

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Research Themes 【 Display / hide

  • Ethnomethodological study of health consultation services, 


  • Business information service in public libraries, 



Books 【 Display / hide

  • Medical and Healthcare Interactions Members' Competence and Socialization

    Keel, Sara, Routledge, 2023.12,  Page: 280

    Contact page: 47-72 Original author: Nozomi Ikeya, Shintaro Matsunaga, Tatsuya Akutsu, Seiichi Takahashi, Hiroko Nakazawa , Accepted

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    As part of emergency medicine, prehospital care is provided to seriously sick or injured patients who need treatment before they are transferred to a hospital. A flight doctor and a flight nurse normally administer prehospital care to these patients by flying to a rendezvous point to which an ambulance crew brings the patient. Flight doctors and flight nurses must work within various constraints differing from those they face in their usual work in a hospital Emergency Medical Unit in terms of staff numbers, devices for testing, and types of medicine. However, it is not easy for them to learn the competences involved in the practical management of prehospital care through socialization as only a limited number of individuals can fly in a helicopter. Our study aims at presenting the competences of flight nurses that are involved in the practical management of prehospital care activities through examining moment-by-moment interaction among a flight doctor, a flight nurse, and emergency crew members. By examining what is known to the members at each moment, including what is taken for granted by the members and thus not explicitly expressed in words but nevertheless known to them, we intend to present another way of approaching issues of interprofessional collaboration in health care settings.

  • 図書館情報学事典

    日本図書館情報学会編, 丸善, 2023.07,  Page: 754

    Scope: ネットニュース、ウィキペディア、エスノメソドロジーと情報行動

  • エスノメソドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック

    山崎敬一, 浜日出夫, 小宮友根, 田中博子, 川島理恵, 池田佳子, 山崎晶子, 池谷のぞみ, 新曜社, 2023.04,  Page: 492

    Scope: 第7部 ワークのエスノメソドロジー

  • Working out interprofessional collaboration: Flight nurses’ practical management of prehospital emergency care

    Ikeya N., Matsunaga S., Akutsu T., Takahashi S., Nakazawa H., Medical and Healthcare Interactions: Members’ Competence and Socialization, 2023.01

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    As part of emergency medicine, prehospital care is provided to seriously sick or injured patients who need treatment before they are transferred to a hospital. A flight doctor and a flight nurse normally administer prehospital care to these patients by flying to a rendezvous point to which an ambulance crew brings the patient. Flight doctors and flight nurses must work within various constraints differing from those they face in their usual work in a hospital Emergency Medical Unit in terms of staff numbers, devices for testing, and types of medicine. However, it is not easy for them to learn the competences involved in the practical management of prehospital care through socialization as only a limited number of individuals can fly in a helicopter. Our study aims at presenting the competences of flight nurses that are involved in the practical management of prehospital care activities through examining moment-by-moment interaction among a flight doctor, a flight nurse, and emergency crew members. By examining what is known to the members at each moment, including what is taken for granted by the members and thus not explicitly expressed in words but nevertheless known to them, we intend to present another way of approaching issues of interprofessional collaboration in health care settings.

  • Relevance and Irrelevance: Theories, Factors and Challenges

    De Gruyter, 2018.09

    Scope: Social Distribution Of Knowledge In Action: The Practical Management Of Classification.,  Contact page: 161–186

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • In Search of Hybridity of Research: An Ethnomethodological Analysis of Flight Nurses’ Practices in Interprofessional Collaboration in Prehospital Care

    Ikeya, Nozomi

    保健医療社会学会論集 (日本保健医療社会学会)  34 ( 2 ) 20 - 27 2024.03

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author

  • How Board Games Are Made Accessible to Users in Public Libraries

    Omura, Hiyori, Ikeya, Nozomi

    カレントアウェアネス (National Diet Library)   ( 358 ) 8 - 10 2023.12

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Last author

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    近年、公共図書館でのボードゲーム活用の動きが広 がりつつある。始まりは、2010 年度にほんごう子ど も図書館(広島県)が開催した「おはなし会&ボード ゲーム会」というイベントであると考えられている(1)。 日本の公共図書館におけるボードゲームサービスは、 2015 年の山中湖情報創造館(山梨県)による館内利用 開始(2)後、拡大を続けた。本稿では、2022 年 7 月時点 でボードゲームを所有していた図書館全 19 館(うち 館外貸出を行っていたのが 14 館、館内利用のみの図 書館は 5 館)に対して行ったインタビュー調査の結果(3) を基に、現在の公共図書館におけるボードゲームの提 供実態を検討する。

  • 現象学にインスピレーションを受けたエスノメソドロジーの方向性:三人称現象学を中心に

    Nozomi Ikeya

    Japanese Society for Phenomenology and Social Sciences  ( 4 ) 25 - 42 2021.08

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Hybridity of hybrid studies of work: Examination of informing practitioners in practice

    Nozomi Ikeya

    Ethnographic Studies  ( 17 ) 22 - 40 2020.09

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted

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    The achievement of topical relevance to the parties of the research is a common aim in qualitative approaches in the social sciences, and ethnomethodology is no exception. Har- old Garfinkel sought to realise this aim by introducing the notion of hybridity, with which he attempted to merge the topic of ethnomethodological studies with the investigative topic treated by members in the field. While he is known to have set a high standard for researchers, particularly in terms of the unique adequacy requirement, there are cases of hybridisation of studies that provided practical value to the practitioners, indicating that they were of topical relevance to them. Thus, while ethnomethodological principles have been mostly discussed in methodological arguments for producing adequate descriptions, this paper explores the principles in the context of hybridisation of studies in practice. First, the paper examines Garfinkel’s arguments on hybrid studies of work as a radical restatement of principles of ethnomethodological studies; second, it examines a case of hybridisation of a hybrid study of emergency control to show the distinctiveness of his solution to the issue of topical relevance to the parties. The examination demonstrates how hybridisation of studies with the specific audience/reader’s corpus of knowledge is carried out within the constraints of the study, within which the presentation is embedded. It also demonstrates how the hybridity of hybrid studies achieved through collaboration between ethnomethodology and emergency control is treated as the basis of its hybridisation with management, including both demonstrations of descriptions of work and suggestions made by the researcher. These demonstrations will reveal how policies of ethnomethodo- logical studies are critical to the hybridisation of hybrid studies.

  • Better supporting workers in ML workplaces

    Clarke M.F., Gonzales J., Randall D., Ludwig T., Harper R., Ikeya N.

    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW (Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW)     443 - 448 2019.11

    Corresponding author

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    © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. All rights reserved. This workshop is aimed at bringing together a multidisciplinary group to discuss Machine Learning and its application in the workplace as a practical, everyday work matter. It's our hope this is a step toward helping us design better technology and user experiences to support the accomplishment of that work, while paying attention to workplace context. Despite advancement and investment in Machine Learning (ML) business applications, understanding workers in these work contexts have received little attention. As this category experiences dramatic growth, it's important to better understand the role that workers play, both individually and collaboratively, in a workplace where the output of prediction and machine learning is becoming pervasive. There is a closing window of opportunity to investigate this topic as it proceeds toward ubiquity. CSCW and HCI offer concepts, tools and methodologies to better understand and build for this future.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Garfinkel’s Careful Examination of Parsons’ Theory of Social Action as a Solution for the Problem of Social Order

    Ikeya, Nozomi

    Symbolic Interaction (Malden, US: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd)  45 ( 2 ) 322 - 324 2022

    Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work, Corresponding author,  ISSN  0195-6086

  • 公にされた知識への案内:協働的編集活動から見たウィキペディア


    書物と知の組織化(2019年度極東証券寄附講座 文献学の世界) (慶應義塾大学文学部)   2020.03

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work

  • Trends in Health Information Services in Japanese Public Libraries

    IKEYA Nozomi

    カレントアウェアネス (国立国会図書館)   ( 337 ) 20 - 26 2018.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other), Single Work,  ISSN  1348-7469

  • 患者支援機能から見た患者図書室の多様性

    桂 まに子須賀 千絵池谷 のぞみ 田村 俊作三輪 眞木子八巻 知香子松本 直樹

    日本図書館情報学会春季研究集会発表論文集 (日本図書館情報学会)     43 - 46 2018

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference), Joint Work

  • 公立図書館における医学薬学分野の選書分析


    日本図書館情報学会春季研究集会発表論文集 (日本図書館情報学会)     9 - 12 2017.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference), Joint Work

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    公立図書館において課題解決支援サービスの一環として医療健康情報サービスが 実施されるようになっている。医療健康情報サービスでは,さまざまなサービスが 提供されているが,コレクション構築,特に図書の収集提供は基本的なサービスの 一つである。本研究では,全国の公立図書館における医学薬学分野に関する図書の 選書に影響を与える要因を調査した。その結果,市区町村立図書館は利用の多い図書を選定する傾向にある一方,専門的な図書はあまり購入しない傾向が見られた。

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • 一県内の健康医療分野に関わる図書の所蔵状況:県立図書館の役割に注目して.

    松本直樹; 須賀千絵; 江藤正己; 池谷のぞみ

    第71回日本図書館情報学会研究大会 (愛知淑徳大学星が丘 キャンパス) , 


    Poster presentation, 日本図書館情報学会

  • 「時間と空間を超える 秩序」の実践的マネジメント


    2021年度 日本法社会学会学術大会 ミニシンポジウム Parsons社会学の再発見 (Web開催) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 日本法社会学会

  • 現象学にインスピレーションを受けたエスノメソドロジーの方向性:三人称の現象学をとおして見えること


    シンポジウム「現象学とエスノメソドロジーの現在」 (大阪大学(オンライン)) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 日本現象学・社会科学会

  • Flight nurse’s practical management of prehospital care

    Shintaro Matsunaga, Nozomi Ikeya, Tatsuya Akutsu, Seiichi Takahashi, Morikatsu Tsuchiya, Takayuki Sakagami

    International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis (IIEMCA2019) (University of Mannheim, Germany) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

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    In air medical services, prehospital care is provided within a short period of time by the air medical team, which consists of a small number of people, i.e., a doctor and a nurse who fly to the site and a few ambulance crews who drive to the site. Under circumstances that are different from hospitals and with limited resources and expertise, the flight nurse is normally expected to take the initiative to manage the entire process of providing care to the patient eventually transported to a hospital, which involves decision-making coordinated mainly with the doctor and ambulance crews. While a number of studies have attempted to identify what is required of a flight nurse to effectively work on site, the approaches taken in those studies mostly rely on interview methods and questionnaire (Stohler 1998; Pugh et al. 2002) rather than examining actual practices.

    In this paper, we examine the actual practices of the flight nurse who works as part of the air medical team by examining video data of prehospital care provided as part of air medical services in Japan (the so-called “Doctor-Helicopter”). In the data, the flight nurse’s view via a small portable camera in the breast pocket is available. We also conducted interviews with flight nurses to analyze the data.

    As a result, we found that the concept of “projection” developed in the study of ordinary conversation seems to be relevant for characterizing the flight nurse’s work (Sacks et al. 1974; Streeck 1995). The nurse attempts to provide other team members with projectability of the situation at each stage by providing a candidate item that needs consideration or a candidate task which needs to be carried out. This allows individual team members to see what to do next, and how to coordinate with each other in actually deciding what to do, and how to do the task. Thus, we will demonstrate that the nurse’s taking the initiative to effectively coordinate activities with other members can be described in terms of making the situation projectable in the course of providing care to the patient.

  • Revisiting the EMCA way of studying organizational culture and practices

    Ikeya, Nozomi

    International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis (IIEMCA 2019) (University of Mannheim, Germany) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (public)

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    EMCA studies conducted in organizational settings have sought to provide for how members conduct their work under the auspices of ‘organizationally located corpuses’ (Sudnow 1965; Zimmerman 1969; Sacks 1997). Organizationally located corpuses include both systematized as well as unsystematized bodies of information, understandings, organizationally certified knowledges and their associated practices of use. While conducted under their auspices, activities are not carried out solely with regards to these organizationally located corpuses. Rather, these occasioned corpuses (Zimmerman and Pollner 1970) – available to participants in particular situations and assembled in and through the courses of activities which characterize them – are mutually constituted as specific both to their “here and now” but also to what is known to the participants before they enter any particular working situation. The latter may include corpuses not necessarily located in, provided for or produced as part of the specific organizational setting, e.g., knowledge of how to proceed with a conversation or send an email, but made relevant to it.

    By looking at how members proceed with their work in this way, EMCA studies can be regarded as providing descriptions of organizational cultures and their constitutive practices. This position is not always understood. For instance, EMCA studies have been cast as overly preoccupied with contingency and with defending a ‘libertarian’, ‘anything goes’ view of cultural structures (Alexander et al 2012). However, EMCA studies should be understood as attempts to show how ‘structures’ are exhibited in particular working situations and how they are interwoven with the ways in which members organize their own activities. In other words, EMCA studies can be regarded as examinations of “structures” in action, rather than “structures” on their own. This orientation makes it possible to show how “structures” are reproducibly related to particular actions. Further, by closely looking into how order is organized in and as part of activities, the studies allow readers to learn what and how “cultural colleagues” (Garfinkel 1967: 11) find “structures” in and as part of particular settings.

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Practical Foundation of Low and Medical Care: Ethnomethodology of Embodiment and Social Norm


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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  • Exploration of ethical requirements for social distribution of knowledge: Collection management for health information in libraries


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

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  • 多職種協働活動のなかの知識と能力の解明:ドクターヘリでの活動を中心に


    日本救急医療財団研究助成金, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • 市民に向けた健康医療情報提供のための組織を超えた協働のデザイン:選書を中心として


    慶應義塾, 慶應義塾大学学事振興資金, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • エスノグラフィ知見活用の高度化


    株式会社日立製作所, Joint research, Principal investigator

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Mita Society for Library and Information Science

    池谷のぞみ, 1991, 三田図書館・情報学会, The Reference Librarians' Use of Knowledge and Decision Making: The Analysis of User/Librarian Interaction

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Social Activities 【 Display / hide

  • Library of the Year 2019

    IRI知的資源イニシアティブ, Library of the Year 2019 (図書館総合展のフォーラム パシフィコ横浜)


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    「Library of the Year」(LoY)は、これからの図書館のあり方を示唆するような先進的な活動を行っている機関に対して、NPO法人 知的資源イニシアティブ(IRI)が毎年授与する賞で、図書館総合展のフォーラムとして開催されている。

  • 東京医科大学病院 監査委員会 委員

  • 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 教育連携客員教授

  • 救急医療学会 臨床研究倫理・審査委員会 委員

  • 東京医科大学病院  外部提案者委員会 委員


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2024.06


  • 2024.04

    三田図書館・情報学会会長, 三田図書館・情報学会

  • 2021.04

    三田図書館・情報学会プログラム委員会, 三田図書館・情報学会

  • 2020.10

    Editorial member, Ethnographic Studies

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  • 2019.05

    Program Committee member for ISIC 2020, The Information Behavior Conference (ISIC)

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