Faculty of Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Science (History) Japanese History (Mita)
Associate Professor
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MAEDA, Kiyotaka
The market, which is based on various institutions and systems such as exchanges and legal regulations, forms prices and allocates goods and services. This study conducts a qualitative examination of historical materials pertaining to fundamental institutions and systems. Additionally, it employs quantitative analysis on high-frequency trade data to capture historical changes in the function and operating conditions of the market in the Japanese Empire during the modern period. By dynamically investigating the role of the market from a historical perspective, this study aims to acquire knowledge that can enhance our understanding of market function and contribute to its improvement.
Yonsei University, Underwood International College, Lecturer
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Lecturer
University of Milan, Faculty of Political, Economic, and Social Sciences, Lecturer
Fukushima University, Graduate School of Economics, Adjunct Lecturer
Waseda University, School of Commerce, Adjunct Lecturer
Keio University, Graduate School of Economics, Major in Economics
Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Keio University, Graduate School of Economics, Major in Economics
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Keio University, Graduate School of Economics, Major in Economics
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, Faculty of Economics
University, Graduated
Ph.D., Economics, Keio University, Coursework, 2015.07
The Government Monopoly Policy and Its Market Foundation in Modern Japan: The Case of the Salt Monopoly System and Salt Market in the Meiji and Taisho Periods
M.A., Economics, Keio University, Coursework, 2010.03
B.A., Economics, Keio University, Coursework, 2008.03
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Asia and Africa
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic history
Humanities & Social Sciences / Money and finance
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration
Commodity Exchange
Rice Market
Stock Exchange
Economic Policy
Economic history,
Business history,
Financial history,
Modern history of Japan and the Japanese colonies,
Historical economics,
Shigehiko Ioku, Satoru Nakanishi, Keio University Press, 2023.09
Scope: The expansion of product portfolio and low-end market in an indigenous industry: The selling of knockoff brands to rural areas by the Takanashi family, a soy sauce manufacturer, from the 1890s to the 1910s, Contact page: 207-242
Salt and Empire: Market, Monopoly System, and Colony in Modern Japan
Kiyotaka MAEDA, Nagoya University Press, 2022.02
Dissolution of the Japanese Empire: The Migration and Upheaval of Regional Society
Asobu Yanagisawa, Aiko Kurasawa, Keio University Press, 2017.06
Scope: Academic investigation of the Japanese occupied area during the Second Sino-Japanese War: Focusing on the Shanxi Gakujutsu Chosa Kenkyu-dan in 1942, Contact page: 129-159
Soy Sauce Brewing Industry and Regional Industrialization: A Study of the Takanashi Hyozaemon Family
Shigehiko Ioku, Satoru Nakanishi, Keio University Press, 2016.06
Scope: The procurement of raw materials in the modern period: The development of transportation infrastructure and change in the origins of raw materials, Contact page: 255-297
Kiyotaka MAEDA
KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) ( 175 ) 1 - 53 2023.04
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Corresponding author
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Business History (Taylor & Francis) 65 ( 3 ) 502 - 524 2023.04
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, Accepted
Colonial impact on Japan’s economy: Dynamics of the rice market during the interwar period
Kiyotaka MAEDA
KEO Discussion Paper (Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University) ( 170 ) 1 - 33 2022.06
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Corresponding author
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Keizaishi Kenkyu (Study of Economic History) (Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan, Osaka University of Economics) ( 25 ) 59 - 87 2022.01
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Shigaku (The Historical Science) 89 ( 4 ) 1 - 39 2021.02
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Corresponding author
Maeda, Kiyotaka
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 179 ) 2024.04
Maeda, Kiyotaka
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 175 ) 2023.04
Colonial impact on Japan's economy : dynamics of the rice market during the interwar period
Maeda, Kiyotaka
KEO discussion paper (Keio Economic Observatory Sangyo Kenkyujo) ( 170 ) 2022.06
Maeda, Kiyotaka
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Maeda, Kiyotaka
The historical science (三田史学会) 89 ( 4 ) 1(315) - 39(353) 2021.02
ISSN 03869334
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 76 ( 4 ) 238 - 241 2022.12
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 0369-4550
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 76 ( 3 ) 183 - 186 2022.09
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 0369-4550
The era of financial monopoly: Policy for the salt industry and the Salt Monopoly System of Taiwan
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 76 ( 1 ) 65 - 68 2022.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 0369-4550
The era of financial monopoly: Import and trade of colonial salt
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 75 ( 4 ) 204 - 208 2021.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 0369-4550
The era of financial monopoly: Salt market at the turn of the twentieth century
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 75 ( 3 ) 158 - 161 2021.08
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work, Corresponding author, ISSN 0369-4550
The government interventions and the commodity futures and spot markets’pricing after the Great Depression: Analysis of daily rice prices in Osaka
Kiyotaka Maeda
Mita Historical Society,
Oral presentation (general)
The futures and spot pricings under the government’s rice price control in the 1920s and 1930s: Analysis of daily rice trade data in Osaka
Kiyotaka Maeda
Socio-Economic History Society 93rd Annual Conference (Minami-Osawa Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan University) ,
Oral presentation (general), Socio-Economic History Society
Price adjustment policies of agricultural products and futures and spot markets: Analysis on the rice market in Osaka during the 1920s and 1930s
Kiyotaka Maeda
The Institute of Asian Studies Seminar in 2023 (TKP Sapporo Conference Center) ,
Oral presentation (general), Institute of East Asian Studies, Keio University
Kiyotaka Maeda
The East Asian Studies Center Seminar “Food distribution and consumption in modern East Asia and the Japanese Empire” (Ohio State University) ,
Oral presentation (general), East Asian Studies Center, Ohio State University
Kiyotaka Maeda
East Asian Economic History Workshop (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) ,
Oral presentation (general), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Keiichi NAKAJIMA, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering), Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance, Research grant, Principal investigator
Fundamental research to build the empirical estimation model of macroeconomy in the medieval period
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Keiichi NAKAJIMA, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
Distribution and consumption of food in modern East Asia and Empire Japan
Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation, Research Grant of the Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation, Kiyotaka MAEDA, Research grant, Principal investigator
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Yu Yamamoto, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
The lure of salt, Mita Hyoron, 1273, pp. 46-57
Other, Joint
Self-Introduction, Sanshokuki, 837, pp. 31-32
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Other, Single
Painstakingly collecting historical materials, Mita Hyoron, 1224, p. 9
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Other, Single
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Other, Single
Kiyotaka MAEDA
Other, Single
Izutsu Toshihiko Academic Award
2023.06, Faculty of Letters, Keio University
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
Research Award
Akihiko NODA, 2017.02, Osaka Banker's Association
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
President's Award
2016.01, Seinan Gakuin University
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
President's Award
2014.03, Seinan Gakuin University
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
Young Researcher Award
2013.10, Business History Society of Japan
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
History 1: Japanese Economy during Meiji Era
Keio University
Spring Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Advanced Studies in Japanese History (Correspondence Course): Japanese Economic History during Meiji Era
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Lecture, Within own faculty
Seminar: Lecture of Japanese History 4: Method and Significance of Cliometrics 2
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Seminar, Within own faculty
Intensive Seminar IV (A)
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Seminar, Within own faculty
Intensive Seminar II (A)
Keio University
Autumn Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Seminar, Within own faculty
The Brink Between Japanese History and World History: Content and Problem of Colonial History Education
Ibaraki Teacher Training Center, Training Course for the Improvement of the Leadership Ability to Enhance Cogitation, Acumen, and Expressiveness (Ibaraki Teacher Training Center)
,Economic History of Japanese Colonies as Modern Japanese History: Research Trend and Actual Example of University Education
Ibaraki Teacher Training Center, Training Course for the Improvement of the Leadership Ability to Enhance Cogitation, Acumen, and Expressiveness (Ibaraki Teacher Training Center)
,Appearance on the Documentary Program “Family History: Egawa, Suguru”
Shizuoka Station, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), NHK Documentary Program “Family History: Egawa, Suguru”, 2020.09
Supervising Editor of the Morning Drama Serials “Manpuku”
Osaka Station, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Morning Drama Serials “Manpuku”, 2018.09
Management accountant, Mita Historical Society
Manager of Kanto Region, Business History Society of Japan
55th Annual Meeting Executive Committee, Business History Society of Japan
Conference Committee, Business History Society of Japan
Member of Editorial Board, International Studies Research Institute, Keimyung University