Search Results
Hasobe, Taku(Hasobe, Taku / Hasobe, Taku) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry
Hayase, Junko(Hayase, Junko / Hayase, Junko) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics
Physical Properties I, Nano Structural Science, Micro/Nanodevice, Applied Optics/Quantum Optical Engineering
Hibiki, Norio(Hibiki, Norio / Hibiki, Norio) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Hoshino, Kazuo(Hoshino, Kazuo / Hoshino, Kazuo) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics
Energy Engineering / Fundamental plasma, Energy Engineering / Nuclear fusion
Hotta, Atsushi(Hotta, Atsushi / Hotta, Atsushi) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Machine Material/Material Mechanics, Polymer/Textile Materials, Nanotechnology/Materials / Composite materials and interfaces, Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics, Life Science / Biomedical engineering, Life Science / Biomaterials, Structural/Functional Materials, Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials, Energy Engineering / Fundamental plasma, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental materials and recycle technology
Iguchi, Tatsuo(Iguchi, Tatsuo / Iguchi, Tatsuo) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Mathematics
Basic Analysis, Global Analysis
Ikehara, Masaaki(Ikehara, Masaaki / Ikehara, Masaaki) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Digital Signal Processing
Imai, Hiroaki(Imai, Hiroaki / Imai, Hiroaki) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Applied Chemistry
Imai, Junichi(Imai, Junichi / Imai, Junichi) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Social System Engineering/Safety System, Social System Engineering/Safety System
Imai, Michita(Imai, Michita / Imai, Michita) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Information and Computer Science
Informatics / Intelligent robotics, Informatics / Intelligent informatics, Humanities & Social Sciences / Cognitive science