Search Results
Shimomura, Yutaka(Shimomura, Yutaka / Shimomura, Yutaka) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Law
Physics in General
Shinohara, Shungo(Shinohara, Shungo / Shinohara, Shungo) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Law
Shirahata, Masaru(Shirahata, Masaru / Shirahata, Masaru) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Business and Commerce
Shirasaka, Seiko(Shirasaka, Seiko / Shirasaka, Seiko) [ Professor ]
Graduate School of System Design and Management
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Control and system engineering, Frontier Technology (Aerospace Engineering, Marine and Maritime Engineering) / Aerospace engineering, Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering, Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Safety engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences / Design
Short, John randall(Short, John randall / Short, John randall) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Business and Commerce
Suda, Yoshimasa(Suda, Yoshimasa / Suda, Yoshimasa) [ Professor ]
Research Centers and Institutes Institute of Physical Education
Sugimoto, Norihiko(Sugimoto, Norihiko / Sugimoto, Norihiko) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Law
Weather/Oceanic Physics/Hydrology, Computational Sciences, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Sugiura, Kazunori(Sugiura, Kazunori / Sugiura, Kazunori) [ Professor ]
Graduate School of Media Design
Sunahara, Hideki(Sunahara, Hideki / Sunahara, Hideki) [ Professor ]
Graduate School of Media Design
Suzuki, Ryoko(Suzuki, Ryoko / Suzuki, Ryoko) [ Professor ]
Faculty of Economics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics, Japanese Studies