理工学部 化学科 (矢上)
名古屋大学, 理学部, 化学科
名古屋大学, 大学院理学研究科, 物質理学専攻(化学系)
関西学院大学, 理工学部, 化学科
Photoinduced dehydrogenation of protected piperazines
Kokoro Nowaki, Bumpei Maeda, Kei Murakami
Chemistry Letters (Oxford University Press (OUP)) 53 ( 3 ) 2024年03月
ISSN 0366-7022
Functionalized Polyamine Synthesis with Photoredox Catalysis
Yuta Makihara, Bumpei Maeda, Ryohei Akiyoshi, Daisuke Tanaka, Kei Murakami
Chemistry – A European Journal (Wiley) 30 ( 15 ) 2024年02月
ISSN 0947-6539
Recent advancement in the synthesis of isothiocyanates
Bumpei Maeda, Kei Murakami
Chemical Communications (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)) 60 ( 21 ) 2839 - 2864 2024年
ISSN 1359-7345
Bumpei Maeda, Ryohei Akiyoshi, Daisuke Tanaka, Kohei Sato, Kei Murakami
Chemical Communications (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)) 2024年
ISSN 1359-7345
Yusuke Aihara, Bumpei Maeda, Kanna Goto, Koji Takahashi, Mika Nomoto, Shigeo Toh, Wenxiu Ye, Yosuke Toda, Mami Uchida, Eri Asai, Yasuomi Tada, Kenichiro Itami, Ayato Sato, Kei Murakami, Toshinori Kinoshita
Nature Communications (Springer Science and Business Media LLC) 14 ( 1 ) 2023年05月