Miyamoto, Kazunori



Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Shiba-Kyoritsu)




Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Room-temperature synthesis of m-benzyne

    Kenta Koyamada, Kazunori Miyamoto, Masanobu Uchiyama

    Nature Synthesis 3 ( 9 ) 1083 - 1090 2024.09

    Research paper (scientific journal), Corresponding author, Accepted

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    For over a century, scientists have been fascinated by the unique electronic, structural and bonding properties of the three isomers of benzyne, a highly reactive organic intermediate derived from benzene by removing two hydrogen atoms. Although o- and p-benzynes have been extensively studied following the establishment of reliable synthetic methods to prepare them, m-benzyne in the ground state has remained experimentally inaccessible. We report herein the room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure synthesis of m-benzyne in solution. Experimental and theoretical investigations revealed that owing to the inner bond inside the benzene ring between C1 and C3 atoms, m-benzyne behaves as a potent electrophile with a Mayr’s electrophilicity parameter E of around −2 but shows weak free-radical character. The bonding appears similar to the inverted σ-bond, the so-called charge-shift bond, in [1.1.1]propellane. By utilizing the unique bonding character of m-benzyne, we established halogenations and C–N and C–C coupling reactions, as well as a successive m-benzyne generation and trapping sequence that provides access to 1,3,5-trisubstituted benzenes. (Figure presented.)

  • Transition-Metal-Free Thioboration of Terminal Alkynes

    Taro Matsuyama, Hiroshi Ishida, Chao Wang, Kazunori Miyamoto, Masaya Nakajima, Naoyuki Toriumi, Yuki Nagashima, Masanobu Uchiyama

    JACS Au (American Chemical Society (ACS))  4 ( 12 ) 4927 - 4933 2024

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  2691-3704

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    We present a new type of elementoboration reaction, the thioboration of terminal alkynes. This method enables highly controllable regio-/stereo-/chemoselective cis- and trans-thioboration on demand, affording synthetically versatile and densely functionalized vinyl boron/vinyl sulfide derivatives in a straightforward manner without the need for a transition-metal catalyst.

  • Dearomative triple elementalization of quinolines driven by visible light

    Shiho Ishigaki, Yuki Nagashima, Daiki Yukimori, Jin Tanaka, Takashi Matsumoto, Kazunori Miyamoto, Masanobu Uchiyama, Ken Tanaka

    Nature Communications 14 ( 1 )  2023.12

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted

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    Organoboron and organosilicon compounds are used not only as synthetic building blocks but also as functional materials and pharmaceuticals, and compounds with multiple boryl and silyl groups are beginning to be used for these purposes. Especially in drug discovery, methodology providing easy stereoselective access to aliphatic nitrogen heterocycles bearing multiple boryl or silyl groups from readily available aromatic nitrogen heterocycles would be attractive. However, such transformations remain challenging, and available reactions have been mostly limited to dearomative hydroboration or hydrosilylation reactions. Here, we report the dearomative triple elementalization (carbo-sila-boration) of quinolines via the addition of organolithium followed by photo-boosted silaboration, affording the desired products with complete chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivity. The reaction proceeds via the formation of silyl radicals instead of silyl anions. We also present preliminary studies to illustrate the potential of silaboration products as synthetic platforms.

  • Mechanistic Analysis of Stereodivergent Nitroalkane Cyclopropanation Catalyzed by Nonheme Iron Enzymes

    Richiro Ushimaru, Lide Cha, Shotaro Shimo, Xiaojun Li, Jared C. Paris, Takahiro Mori, Kazunori Miyamoto, Lindsay Coffer, Masanobu Uchiyama, Yisong Guo, Wei-chen Chang, Ikuro Abe

    Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 ( 44 ) 24210 - 24217 2023.11

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  00027863

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    BelL and HrmJ are α-ketoglutarate-dependent nonheme iron enzymes that catalyze the oxidative cyclization of 6-nitronorleucine, resulting in the formation of two diastereomeric 3-(2-nitrocyclopropyl)alanine (Ncpa) products containing trans-cyclopropane rings with (1′R,2′R) and (1′S,2′S) configurations, respectively. Herein, we investigate the catalytic mechanism and stereodivergency of the cyclopropanases. The results suggest that the nitroalkane moiety of the substrate is first deprotonated to produce the nitronate form. Spectroscopic analyses and biochemical assays with substrates and analogues indicate that an iron(IV)-oxo species abstracts proS-H from C4 to initiate intramolecular C-C bond formation. A hydroxylation intermediate is unlikely to be involved in the cyclopropanation reaction. Additionally, a genome mining approach is employed to discover new homologues that perform the cyclopropanation of 6-nitronorleucine to generate cis-configured Ncpa products with (1′R,2′S) or (1′S,2′R) stereochemistries. Sequence and structure comparisons of these cyclopropanases enable us to determine the amino acid residues critical for controlling the stereoselectivity of cyclopropanation.

  • Total Biosynthesis of Melleolides from Basidiomycota Fungi: Mechanistic Analysis of the Multifunctional GMC Oxidase Mld7

    Fukaya M., Nagamine S., Ozaki T., Liu Y., Ozeki M., Matsuyama T., Miyamoto K., Kawagishi H., Uchiyama M., Oikawa H., Minami A.

    Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 62 ( 44 )  2023.10

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  14337851

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    Mushroom terpenoids are biologically and chemically diverse fungal metabolites. Among them, melleolides are representative sesquiterpenoids with a characteristic protoilludane skeleton. In this study, we applied a recently established hot spot knock-in method to elucidate the biosynthetic pathway leading to 1α-hydroxymelleolide. The biosynthesis of the sesquiterpene core involves the cytochrome P450 catalyzing stepwise hydroxylation of the Δ6-protoilludene framework and a stereochemical inversion process at the C5 position catalyzed by short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family proteins. The highlight of the biosynthesis is that the flavoprotein Mld7 catalyzes an oxidation-triggered double-bond shift accompanying dehydration and acyl-group-assisted substitution with two different nucleophiles at the C6 position to afford the Δ7-protoilludene derivatives, such as melleolide and armillarivin. The complex reaction mechanism was proposed by DFT calculations. Of particular importance is that product distribution is regulated by interaction with the cell membrane.

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 電荷シフト結合:発生・物性・理論・合成化学的利用


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting

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    分子・原子レベルで物性を制御し、生命科学・物質科学に資する『化学』の最も大切な概念は、「結合」である。なぜなら、分子は構成する「 結合」の特性により、特有の幾何(立体)構造と電子構造が生じ、機能や物性が現れるからである。有機化学における結合としては、古くより「 共有結合」と「イオン結合」が有名であるが、本研究では、1990年代に提唱されはじめた<電荷シフト結合>に着目し、その合成法や活性化法・ 利用法を開発し、この『準安定結合』に関する構造化学・物理化学・理論化学・合成化学を展開したい。具体的には、「プロペラン」「二原子炭素(C2)」「かご型分子・クラスター分子」「ナノカーボン」の合成化学に革新をもたらし、<電荷シフト結合>の本質を探る基礎学理と物質科学・生命科学に新たな三次元立体電子空間を提供するための有機化学・合成化学・理論化 学を創出することを目指し研究を行っている。本年度は、「『C2 の常温・常圧化学合成』を基盤として、水や酸素や窒素といった小分子との反応」「『新たなケミカルスペースを切り拓く』三次元ビシクロ化合物として、籠型アルカンの一種であるキュバンの化学に取り組んだ。さらに、世界初の常温常圧におけるメタベンザインの発生(ベンゼン環内での電荷シフト結合の生成:成果の一部を Natute Synthesis に報告)」を実現した。
    <電荷シフト結合>に関するプロジェクトでは、これまで利用されてこなかった各種プロペラン・電荷シフト結合の合成化学を拓くことで、三次元に拡がるケミカルスペースを開拓し、創薬科学・物質科学の新たな可能性に挑戦する。中でも<C2 分子> の研究課題では、最近我々が開発した「C2 の常温常圧における化学合成を基軸として、この C2 分子から様々なナノカーボン(炭素同素体)のボトムアップ合成手法を確立し、新たな三次元化学空間の開拓に挑む。<超原子価結合> のプロジェクトでは、<超原子価ハロゲン結合>に焦点を当て、その異常に高い反応性を利活用し『準安定結合』の合成化学を切り拓き、三次元化学空間の構築に挑む予定である。

Awards 【 Display / hide

  • The MEXT Young Scientists' Prize.


  • Chemist Award BCA 2018


  • The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award


  • 平成21年度有機合成化学協会研究企画賞



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