Kawamoto, Tetsuya



Faculty of Letters, Department of Humanities and Social Science (Human Relations) (Mita)


Research Associate/Assistant Professor/Instructor


Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Development and validation of a Japanese translation of the K-SF-42.

    Tetsuya Kawamoto, Satoru Kiire, Rachel Zambrano, Mateo Peñaherrera-Aguirre, and Aurelio José Figueredo

    PLoS ONE (PLOS)  17 ( 9 ) e0274217 2022.09

    Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted

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    In this study, we conducted the translation and validation of the K-SF-42 in Japan (Figueredo, 2017). The K-SF-42 is a new short form of the Arizona Life History Battery. We obtained empirical evidence that the original seven-factor structure could be applied to the Japanese translated version of K-SF-42 (K-SF-42-J). We also observed good internal consistency of the seven scales of K-SF-42-J. The multi-group confirmatory factor analysis findings suggest that the K-SF-42-J can be used in both sexes and diverse age groups. The K-SF-42-J scales showed similar correlates as the English original, with higher scores of other life history strategy measurement, trait emotional intelligence, well-being, and cultural and social resources in childhood. Use of the K-SF-42-J will allow researchers with Japanese speaking samples to integrate their findings with the existing life history strategy research literature. The brevity of the K-SF-42-J will be appealing to researchers who are concerned about taxing the time and motivation of their participants.

  • Genetic and environmental correlations between the General Factor of Personality (GFP) and working memory

    Tetsuya Kawamoto, Dimitri Van der Linden, Curtis S. Dunkel, Juko Ando

    Personality and Individual Differences (Elsevier)  183   111125 2021.12

    Lead author, Accepted,  ISSN  01918869

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    The present study examines the association between the General Factor of Personality (GFP) and working memory and its etiology with a behavioral genetic approach. The GFP, which explains the common variance among lower-order personality traits, is considered to reflect social effectiveness. Meanwhile, working memory also plays a significant role in social competence. Hence, we expected a substantial association between the GFP and working memory. A total of 253 Japanese twin pairs (124 monozygotic female; 52 monozygotic male; 28 dizygotic female; 17 dizygotic male; and 32 opposite sex twins) were included in the analyses. Phenotypic analyses confirmed a significant positive correlation between the GFP and working memory. Biometric analysis with a bivariate Cholesky decomposition model showed that the phenotypic correlation derived from additive genetic and non-shared environmental correlations. The present findings are in line with social effectiveness account of the GFP.

  • The General Factor of Personality as Ego-Resiliency

    Curtis S. Dunkel, Dimitri Van Der Linden, Tetsuya Kawamoto, Atsushi Oshio

    Frontiers in Psychology (Frontiers)  12 2021.10

    Lead author, Accepted

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    It was originally hypothesized by Block that what has come to be known as the General Factor of Personality (GFP) reflects ego-resiliency. We test Block’s hypothesis in two studies. In Study 1 a meta-analysis (N = 15,609) examining the relationship between the GFP and ego-resiliency/resilience was conducted. In Study 2 (N = 157) archival data from Block and Block was used to examine the association between rater judged ego-resiliency across childhood, adolescence, and into early adulthood and the GFP based on self-report in early adulthood. Using structural equation modeling for the meta-analytic data, the correlation between the GFP and ego-resiliency/resilience was estimated at r = 0.93. Using a trait-state occasion model to test the hypothesis in Study 2, the correlation between the GFP and rated ego-resiliency was estimated at r = 0.85. The results of the two studies offer substantial support for Block’s original hypothesis. Given the strength of the associations between the GFP and ego-resiliency/resilience one may conclude that the two constructs largely reflect the same underlying phenomenon.

  • Genetic and environmental structure of altruism characterized by recipients in relation to personality

    Juko Ando, Tetsuya Kawamoto

    Medicina (MDPI)  57 ( 6 ) 593 2021.06

    Lead author, Accepted,  ISSN  1010660X

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    Background and Objectives: Altruism is a form of prosocial behavior with the goal of increasing the fitness of another individual as a recipient while reducing the fitness of the actor. Although there are many studies on its heterogeneity, only a few behavioral genetic studies have been conducted to examine different recipient types: family members favored by kin selection, the dynamic network of friends and acquaintances as direct reciprocity, and strangers as indirect reciprocity. Materials and Methods: This study investigated the genetic and environmental structure of altruism with reference to recipient types measured by the self-report altruism scale distinguished by the recipient (the SRAS-DR) and examine the relationship to personality dimensions measured by the NEO-FFI with a sample of 461 adult Japanese twin pairs. Results: The present study shows that there is a single common factor of altruism: additive genetic effects explain 51% of altruism without a shared environmental contribution. The genetic contribution of this single common factor is explained by the genetic factors of neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), openness to experience (O), and conscientiousness (C), as well as a common genetic factor specific to altruism. Only altruism toward strangers is affected by shared environmental factors. Conclusions: Different types of altruistic personality are constructed by specific combinational profiles of general personality traits such as the Big Five as well as a genetic factor specific to altruism in each specific way.

  • Online self-presentation and identity development: The moderating effect of neuroticism.

    Tetsuya Kawamoto

    PsyCh Journal (Wiley)  10 ( 5 ) 816 - 833 2021.06

    Lead author, Accepted

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    Using social media, which provides ways to socialize and present oneself, has become normal for young people. Although previous research shows that self-presentation via social media is associated with a sense of identity, little attention has been given to the association with identity-development processes. Therefore, the present study examined these associations while controlling for offline self-presentation and tested the potential moderating effect of neuroticism. A sample of 647 Japanese young adults (401 women; Mean age = 22.70; SD age = 3.25) were recruited to complete an online questionnaire, including measures of identity-development processes, online and offline self-presentation, and neuroticism. A correlation analysis revealed that identity-development processes were associated with online surface-level self-presentation (SSP) but not online inner-level self-presentation (ISP). Further, a moderated regression analysis indicated that the negative associations between online ISP and identity processes were only found among those high in neuroticism. The results of this study suggest that neuroticism may produce variations in young people's identity development.

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  • 被影響性に着目した児童期・青年期のパーソナリティ変化の規定因:家族調査による検討


    若手研究, Principal investigator


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  • 2022.06

    国家公務員採用総合職試験(人間科学)試験専門委員, 人事院