平井 靖史 (ヒライ ヤスシ)

Hirai, Yasushi



文学部 人文社会学科(哲学系) (三田)




著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Bergson’s Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today

    Hirai Y., Bergson’s Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today, 2023年01月


    This volume brings Bergson’s key ideas from Matter and Memory into dialogue with contemporary themes on memory and time in science, across analytic and continental philosophy. Focusing specifically on the application of Bergson’s ideas to cognitive science, the circuit between perception and memory receives full explication in 15 different essays. By re-reading Bergson through a cognitive lens, the essays provide a series of alternative analytic interpretations to the standard continental approach to Bergson’s oeuvre, without fully discounting either approach. The relevance of philosophies of mind and memory sit alongside the role of a metaphysics of time in exploring connections to psychology, biology, and physics. This eclecticism includes an exciting focus on numerous topics that are not given sufficient attention in extant studies of Bergson, including the precise nature of his ideas on dualism, memory, and ecological theories of perception, especially in relation to his contemporaries. Led by leading Bergson scholars from France and Japan, this book maps the rich terrain of Bergson’s contemporary relevance alongside the historical context of his ideas.

  • What is the ‘Thickness’ of the Present? Bergson’s Dual Perception System and the Ontology of Time

    Hirai Y., Bergson’s Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today, 2023年01月

  • Introduction

    Hirai Y., Bergson’s Scientific Metaphysics: Matter and Memory Today, 2023年01月

KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ベルクソンにおける時間思想の多元的展開


    平井 靖史, 基盤研究(B), 補助金,  研究代表者


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 哲学特殊研究Ⅰ


  • 哲学倫理学原典講読Ⅱ


  • 哲学倫理学原典講読Ⅰ


  • 哲学特殊講義演習Ⅳ


  • 哲学特殊講義演習Ⅲ


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