華 金玲 (ハナ キンレイ)

Hua, Jinling



総合政策学部 (湘南藤沢)





著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 「中国の5G政策とデジタル社会の持続的発展」菅谷実・山田徳彦編『情報通信産業の構造変容―次世代移動ネットワークがもたらすイノベーション―』

    華金玲, 白桃書房, 2022年09月


    5G時代を迎えた情報通信ネットワーク。この新しいネットワーク技術の発展にともない、大きく変容を遂げた情報通信産業構造はさらなる変革を求められている。モバイル利用は人対人のコミュニケーションだけでなく、人対モノ、モノ対モノすなわちIoT(Internet of Things)分野で、AI とも連携し、自動運転、遠隔医療、工場の無人化、遠隔農業など社会全体に大きなイノベーションをおこす可能性を内包している。



  • Considerations for a Post COVID-19 Technology and Innovation Ecosystem in China

    Jinling Hua, Bismark Aby Gyamfi and Rajib Shaw eds., springer, 2022年01月


    COVID-19 has made differential impacts on countries and communities around the world. China, where COVID-19 started, has developed and utilized different types of technologies, including both traditional and disruptive technologies, to address the pandemic risks. Also, there have been many innovations in applying technologies in different contexts during the pandemic as well as in the post-pandemic recovery and preparedness aspects. This book covers some of these technological developments as well as the governance mechanisms for developing a technology and innovation ecosystem in a post-COVID-19 context in China. The book also explores the experiences and lessons learned from different types of technologies and their implementation in the post-COVID-19 period and highlights how they can be useful to prepare for future calamities.

  • Reflections on pandemic governance in China and its implications to future 5G strategy

    He Z., Hua J., Zhang Y., Deng J., Adu-Gyamfi B., Shaw R., Pandemic Risk, Response, and Resilience: COVID-19 Responses in Cities around the World, 2022年01月


    COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions came as a surprise to nations including China. However, the unique central governance system of the country enhanced its ability to promulgate laws and guidelines which caused rapid changes across all aspects of its development. The result from this was a swift implementation of initiatives that ensured strict safety protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19, generated advanced analytical technological systems to control the virus, and created new markets for some new technologies. Hence, the enormous growth of 5G contributed a lot to the economic recovery of China. Given its potential shown during the pandemic, the 5G strategy was considered as the most important attempt to face the challenges in post-COVID-19 by the Chinese government. This chapter outlines some of the structures, policy outcomes, and results during the pandemic and makes recommendations for curtailing future challenges.

  • Technology Landscape in Post COVID-19 Era: Example from China

    Jinling Hua, Rajib Shaw. Society 5.0, Digital Transformation and Disasters Past, Present and Future, springer, 2022年08月


    COVID-19 has deep impacts on the already pressed world, where the existing vulnerabilities due to human and climate induced risks were prominent. However, the pandemic also provided ample opportunities for innovation and technology development. It is often said that the last 12 years of innovation is done in the last 2 years. China is no exception to that. With an already high investment in technology development, COVID-19 also urged China to reshape its new and emerging technology regimes through appropriate governance mechanisms, and innovation in technology development. This chapter will cover some of these technology developments as well as its governance mechanism to develop a technology and innovation ecosystem in post COVID-19 context in China.

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日中韓における生成AI「ChatGPT」の社会的関心ーソーシャルメディアとマスメディアのタイムラインからー


    情報文化学会誌 30 ( 第1 ) 19 - 26 2023年10月

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 共著, 筆頭著者, 査読有り

  • 中国の5G市場における政府介入と事業者戦略


    Nextcom (KDDI総合研究所)  Vol.54 2023年06月

    研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要), 単著, 筆頭著者

  • 「新型コロナウィルス感染症対策の「中国方式」と情報技術」


    『日中社会学研究』 第29号特集高度情報化と社会統制―中国の場合― 2022年02月

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 単著, 筆頭著者, 査読有り

  • Research on Japan’s Digital Transformation Policy in the Post COVID-19 Era

    Jinling Hua

    Information and Communications -Technology and Policy- 2021年02月

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 単著, 筆頭著者, 査読有り


    This paper reviews Japanese government's digital transformation policies and systems after 2000, including 20-years digital government implementation plan. Problems faced by the unique identification card and living allowance payment during the COVID-19 have exposed the shortcomings and challenges of Japan's past digital policies. Lessons from this constitute the starting point for the new Japanese government to promote its digital transformation policy in the post COVID-19 era. This article also clarifies three major directions of Japan's digital transformation policy in the post COVID-19 era: reducing mobile communication tariffs, implementing 5G promotion plans, and setting up an independent digital agency. Based on the findings of a series of mobile communication industry's reform measures introduced by the Japanese government in the post COVID-19 era, this article further considers the necessity and significance of Japan's digital transformation policy and addresses the structural problems of the Japanese mobile phone industry hidden behind the system.

  • Corona virus (Covid-19) “infodemic” and emerging issues through a data lens: The case of china

    Hua J., Shaw R.

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)  17 ( 7 )  2020年04月

    ISSN  16617827


    Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a humanitarian emergency, which started in Wuhan in China in early December 2019, brought into the notice of the authorities in late December, early January 2020, and, after investigation, was declared as an emergency in the third week of January 2020. The WHO declared this as Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 31th of January 2020, and finally a pandemic on 11th March 2020. As of March 24th, 2020, the virus has caused a casualty of over 16,600 people worldwide with more than 380,000 people confirmed as infected by it, of which more than 10,000 cases are serious. Mainly based on Chinese newspapers, social media and other digital platform data, this paper analyzes the timeline of the key actions taken by the government and people over three months in five different phases. It found that although there was an initial delay in responding, a unique combination of strong governance, strict regulation, strong community vigilance and citizen participation, and wise use of big data and digital technologies, were some of the key factors in China’s efforts to combat this virus. Being inviable and non-measurable (unlike radioactive exposure), appropriate and timely information is very important to form the basic foundation of mitigation and curative measures. Infodemic, as it is termed by WHO, is a key word, where different stakeholder’s participation, along with stricter regulation, is required to reduce the impact of fake news in this information age and social media. Although different countries will need different approaches, focusing on its humanitarian nature and addressing infodemic issues are the two critical factors for future global mitigation efforts.

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研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ソーシャルリスニングの日中韓言語展開における課題





  • エンドユーザーから見る生成AIの社会的受容ー日中韓SNS投稿の比較分析ー





  • 対話型AIに対する社会的反響の日中韓比較―ソーシャルメディアへのChatGPTに関する投稿から―





  • 中国電気通信のユニバーサル・サービス政策とその展開





  • バーチャル空間における直接法の発展―中国語教育を事例として―





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担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 研究会B


  • 卒業プロジェクト2


  • 卒業プロジェクト1


  • 中国語スキル


  • 中国語インテンシブ3


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