一上 響 (イチウエ ヒビキ)

Ichiue, Hibiki



経済学部 (三田)





論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Changes in the global investor base and the stability of portfolio flows to emerging markets

    Brandao-Marques L., Gelos G., Ichiue H., Oura H.

    Journal of Banking and Finance (Journal of Banking and Finance)  144 2022年11月

    ISSN  03784266


    The role of mutual funds in intermediating capital flows to emerging markets has grown, and the composition of types of funds has changed. Based on insights from the literature, we hypothesize that due to behavior of end investors, mutual fund flows are more sensitive to push- and pull factors when the assets held by funds are less liquid and the end investors are smaller, and when end investors can purchase or redeem funds more easily. Our empirical results based on fund-level asset allocation data across emerging markets are largely consistent with the hypotheses. Particularly, we find robust evidence that bond fund flows are more sensitive to pull- and push factors than equity fund flows. Since the share of fund types with higher sensitivities has tended to rise, the sensitivity of overall fund flows has likely increased. Our result also suggests that bond fund managers amplify selling pressure from end investors.

  • Assessing the Impact of Basel III: Evidence from Structural Macroeconomic Models

    JG Sahuc, O de Bandt, H Ichiue, B Durdu, J Mohimont, K Nikolov, ...

    EconomiX Working Papers 2022年

  • Too-big-to-fail Reforms and Systemic Risk

    K Furukawa, H Ichiue, Y Kimura, N Shiraki

    Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 2021年

  • How Does Climate Change Interact with the Financial System? A Survey

    K Furukawa, H Ichiue, N Shiraki

    Bank of Japan Working Paper Series 2020年

  • Consumers' Price Beliefs, Central Bank Communication, and Inflation Dynamics

    K Aoki, H Ichiue, T Okuda

    Bank of Japan 2019年

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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 気候変動の経済的コストの推計


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 一上 響, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究代表者


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 金融論演習


  • 国際経済論演習


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